11~17 - Our Daily Key

Monday 11 May, 2015
Ps. 139:1-12
God knows everything concerning us
The psalmist states here that God knows everything concerning him (Ps.
139:1-12). He knows when he sits and rises (Ps. 139:2). He knows his
thoughts from afar (Ps. 139:2). He knows his going out and lying down (Ps.
139:3). He is familiar with all his ways (Ps. 139:3). Before a word is on his
tongue, God knows completely (Ps. 139:4). There is no place to which He
can flee from His presence, whether to the depths or far side of the sea (Ps.
139:8-10). Even darkness is as light to God (Ps. 139:11-12). The psalmist is
stating the truth. God indeed knows everything concerning us (1 Sam. 2:3;
Ps. 94:11). He knows all our deeds (see Rev. 2:2-6,19-20; cf. Gen 4:8-10).
None of our activities escapes His attention (see Gen. 4:8-10). We are
accountable to Him for all our actions (2 Cor.5:10; Rom. 14:10-12). He also
knows all our needs to take care of them (see Rev. 2:9). Therefore, we must
live our lives with the realization that God knows all our deeds and holds
us accountable for them all (2 Cor. 5:10; Rom. 14:10-12). Whatever our
needs may be, we must also realize that He knows them to take care of
them for us (see Matt. 9:36; Matt. 14:14; Matt. 15:32; Rev. 2:9).
PRAYER: 1. Father, please enable me to realize that you know everything
concerning me.
2. Father, please enable me to be faithful to you in everything.
Tuesday 12 May, 2015
1 Tim. 1:3-5
The task of Pastors and believers
Paul urged Timothy to remain in Ephesus for the special purpose of
confronting false teachers of the law (1 Tim. 1:3-5). Paul did the right thing
by urging Timothy to remain in Ephesus for this purpose. His pastoral
oversight would have been found wanting if he had failed to urge Timothy
to tackle these false teachers. He himself did so when occasion demanded it
(see Acts 17:1-4). This is task of all pastors and believers. False teaching of
any form is not to be tolerated or condoned. It is the task of pastors and
believers, not only to teach the truth but also to combat error. False
teachings, if not combated, can seriously undermine the truth (see 1 Tim.
1:3-4). It is not in the best interest of the truth to condone or overlook false
teachers and their teachings. A pastor or believer who does not combat
false teachings is not faithful to his calling and faith. Wherever false
teachers and false teachings thrive, it means there is negligence in
combatting them. The best way to combat false teachings is to confront
their teachers with the truth. This is an essential and indispensable work
for the Pastor and the believer.
PRAYER: 1. Father, please give me wisdom, knowledge, insight, revelation
and love of the word.
2. Father, please keep me from false teachers and teachings.
Wednesday 13 May, 2015
Ps. 144:1-2
The Lord keeps His children
The psalmist praises God for what He is to him (Ps. 144:1-2). To the him,
God is his loving God, his fortress, his stronghold, his deliverer, his shield,
his refuge, and the one who subdues peoples under him (Ps. 144:2). To put
it simply, the Lord is the one who keeps him safe. His safety comes from no
one but God (Ps. 144:2). What was true of the psalmist, is true for all
believers. The Lord is more than able to keep us completely safe (Ps. 127:12). No one else can keep us safe than or like Him (Ps. 127:1-2). He alone can
keep us safe (Prov. 18:10). We are completely safe in His hands (Prov.
18:10). Therefore, let us depend on Him completely for our own safety(see
Prov. 29:25). We will not be disappointed for doing so (Rom. 10:11; Prov.
29:25). Like the psalmist, let us also praise Him for His assurance of our
safe keeping.
PRAYER: 1. Father, thank you for your safe keeping.
2. Father, please be my fortress, my stronghold, my deliverer, my
shield, my refuge, and the one who subdues all my enemies.
Thursday 14 May, 2015
Hos. 1:6
The reason for Lo-Ruhamah
God asked prophet Hosea to name his daughter Lo-Ruhamah to signify the
end of His love for the Northern Kingdom of Israel (Hos. 1:6). But why
would God no longer love His people whereas His love is irrevocable?
(Rom. 11:25). God withdrew His love from them because they forsook Him
(2 Chron. 7:19-22; cf Jer. 9:12-16). This is consistent with God’s nature and
justice. His irrevocable love is applicable to those who acknowledge and
obey no other than Him (2 Chron. 7:19-22; 2 Chron. 15:1-2; cf Jer. 9:12-16; 1
Kgs 6:11-13). The principle is the same for all generations. God does not
change like shifting shadows (Jam. 1:17). The Lord abandons only those
who themselves have abandoned Him (2 Chron. 5:1-2; 2 Chron. 7:19-22; 1
Kgs. 6:11-13; Jer. 9:12-16). No one can retain His love by forsaking Him.
We can only keep His love by acknowledging and obeying Him fully (see 1
Kgs 6:11-13; 2 Chron. 15:1-2).
PRAYER: 1. Father, please enable me to obey you and be faithful to you
2. Father, please keep me from ever forsaking you.
Friday 15 May, 2015
Ps. 145:1-2
The Lord deserves our praises always
The psalmist states here how he praises God (Ps. 145:1-2). According to
him, he praises him for ever and ever every day (Ps. 145:1-2). This means
that he never fails to praise God every day of his life (Ps. 145:1-2; Ps. 34:1;
Ps. 63:4). The Lord is indeed worthy of regular, consistent praise (see Rev.
4:8). This is the kind of praise His angels give Him (Rev. 4:8; Rev. 7:11-12).
This is how we ought to praise Him today. Inconsistent praise is unworthy
of Him. Only regular, consistent praise is worthy of Him. If we are not
praising Him always, it means that we are not praising Him as He deserves
(see Rev. 4:8). It is only when we praise Him always that we are praising
Him as He deserves. No circumstance whatever must be allowed to stop
our praises to Him (see 1 Thess. 5:18).
PRAYER: 1. Father, please enable me to praise you always.
2. Father, please let no circumstance of any kind ever stop me
from praising you.
Saturday16 May, 2015
Ps. 10:14
Our responsibility during trouble and grief
According to this passage, while God has the responsibility to help and
care for the afflicted, the fatherless, and the helpless, they in turn have a
responsibility to commit themselves and their cases to Him (Ps. 10:14). The
help or care of God will take effect as the victims of affliction or trouble
commit themselves and their problems to Him (Ps. 10:14). If the victim of
affliction or trouble does not commit himself and his case to God, he will
not find Him the refuge and an ever present help that He is (Ps. 46:1).
Therefore, we who are the victims of affliction or trouble must commit
ourselves and our cases to Him to receive His help and refuge. God’s help
and refuge for the victims of affliction or trouble are available if they
commit themselves and their cases to Him (see Matt. 7:7-8). Victims of
affliction or trouble who commit themselves and their cases to God will
never be disappointed (Rom. 10:11).
PRAYER: 1. Father, please enable me to commit all my troubles and
afflictions to you alone.
2. Father, please be my help always.
Sunday 17 May, 2015
Ps. 145:3
God is surpassing in His greatness
According to the psalmist, God is most worthy of praise because of His
greatness (Ps. 145:3). In fact, to the psalmist, no one can fathom God’s
greatness (Ps. 145:3). God is indeed the great God (Deut. 10:17; 1 Chron.
29:11; Ps. 95:3; Ps. 96:4). Greatness is His being and attribute (Deut. 10:17; 1
Chron. 29:11; Ps. 95:3; Ps. 96:4). His greatness is indeed surpassing and
beyond measure (Ps. 150:2; Ps. 77:13). His greatness means there is none
like Him (Ps. 18:31), that no one can stand before Him (cf. Ps. 76:7) or
before us (Jos. 1:5; Jos. 10:8), and that nothing is impossible with Him (Lk.
1:37). It also means we are serving the sovereign God (Ps. 95:3). With His
greatness, His children have no basis whatever to be afraid (Ps. 23:4; Ps.
27:1-3; Ps. 46:1-3). He will not fail to bring His greatness to bear on every
matter concerning His children. We can count on seeing and experiencing
His greatness in all our affairs if we belong to Him (Jn. 1:12-13).
PRAYER: 1. Father, please enable me to acknowledge, worship, and serve
you alone as the only great God.
2. Father, please bring your greatness to bear in every matter
concerning me.