today Flowers: The flowers on the altar are given to the Glory of God by Shirley Clarke in loving memory of her husband Neil Clarke. Lay Reader: Mark Brady Come as YouColin Are Acolytes: Anderson and Lenny Bobinski Ushers: Paul and Diane Selnau, Howard Stewart, and Omer Yalincak Keeping What Side: Gerry Berggren IsGreeters: Necessar Tower: Yvonne Hill y, Leaving the 01/18/2015 Worship Attendance: 8:00 – 13; 9:00 – 41; 10:30 – 70; Total = 124 R t Sc Church School Attendance: 15 Keeping What Is N Rest Behind Worship Simsbury United Methodist Church “Reflections on a Reluctant Prophet” Our Pastors – Woody Eddins and Peter Preiser Organist & Adult Music – Yves Venne Children/Youth/Contemporary Music – Dorothy Cowles A Stephen Ministry Church “True joy is not the absence of trouble, it is the presence of God.” William Vander Hoven 10:30 a.m. Jan 25, 2015 01.25.15 – 3rd Sunday after Epiphany Worship Service – 10:30 a.m. Welcome Prelude | “Recit de Nazard from Suite in D” (early French music) by Clerambault ◊Call to Worship Leader: The word of God came to Jonah, but it came at an inconvenient time. People: The word of God comes to us, interrupting our day, our plans, our lives. Leader: Go! In spite of your fears. People: Speak the truth to power in love. Leader: Live out our love of neighbor and of enemy. People: Forgive as you have been forgiven. Leader: Receive grace upon grace overflowing from God through all creation. People: The word of God has come for all. Scripture and Commentary | Reflections on a Reluctant Prophet Pastor Woody Eddins Jonah 1 Jonah 2 ◊Hymn of Celebration | It’s Me, It’s Me, O Lord #352 Jonah 3 Jonah 4 Pastoral Prayer The Lord’s Prayer | Blue hymnal #895 ◊Opening Hymn | Let All Things Now Living #2008 Offertory Music | “Prayer of Peace” by B. Harlan | Chancel Choir ◊Opening Prayer | (unison) a poem by Miriam Therese Winter God of my childhood and my call, make me a window and not a wall. So, like an icon I may be, a sign of love’s transparency. God of the future help us see, a vision of the yet-to-be. In You is freedom from our fears, a silent strength and no more tears. Creator, recreate us all, come lift us up before we fall. You are the Wisdom and the Way, the dawning of unending day. Amen. ◊Presentation of Gifts/Doxology #94 Praise God from whom all blessings flow; praise God, all creatures here below: Alleluia! Alleluia! Praise God, the source of all our gifts! Praise Jesus Christ, whose power uplifts! Praise the Spirit, Holy Spirit! Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia! Welcome New Members | Blue Hymnal page #38 ◊Prayer of Dedication ◊Closing Hymn | Jesus Calls Us #398 Chuck and Martie Kaczmarek, and Rebecca “Rose” ◊Benediction Marcie Swift ◊Benediction Response | Let There Be Peace on Earth #431 Early Anthem | “Jacobs Ladder” arr. J. Van Valey and S. Berry | Celebration Ringers ◊Postlude | “Basse de Cromorne & Duo from Suite in D” by Clerambault A Time for Children ◊ please stand as you are able First Reading | Mark 1: 14-20
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