KAS Book Order Form - Ku-Ring

Kuring-gai Art Society
Anniversary Book Pre-Order Form
The Ku-ring-gai Art Society is delighted to announce the KAS 50th Anniversary Book will be available for sale
to coincide with its official launch at the Awards Presentation Night on the evening of 24th July 2015 at our
St. Ives Gallery.
It is a magnificent hard cover book which took 3 years in the making. Proudly written by life member
Rowena Monty, and includes our history with selected photographs of the Society highlights over the past 50
The book has a limited print run, so pre-ordering is advisable to ensure you obtain your copy.
An online form will be available on our website in early May. Forms can also be available at KAS General
Meetings from 5th May 2015. Forms will be sent with our May, June and July Newsletters.
Payments can be made online or sent directly by post to the KAS Treasurer, details listed below. Payment
must accompany submission of the order form.
The Edition has been published by Philip Mathews, Sydney. Our gratitude is extended to the KAS Archive
Committee including Jann Brassil, Thomasin Graham and Louise Surmon for their assistance to Rowena
Monty. The Society is particularly grateful to donations from two generous members Mary Wood and Sandra
Cadwallader and a very special financial grant from our sponsor Ku-ring-gai Council.
Pre-Order Form Details - Cost of Book - $55.00
Telephone number
Post Code__________
COLLECTION POINTS – Please tick the place you would like to collect your pre-ordered book.
KAS Awards Evening
Friday 24th July, 2015
Turramurra Masonic Hall
Tuesday 4th August, 2015
Tuesday 1st September, 2015
(State postal address details above)
Turramurra Masonic Hall
Postal Orders
Please indicate if you would like the Author – Rowena Monty to sign your copy……………….
(Additional postage charge of $16.00 metro area. For other areas email [email protected] .
Payments can be made direct to Ku-ring-gai Art Society BSB: 062 173 Account: 00902044
Cheque or Cash payments are to be payable to the
Treasurer - Ku-ring-gai Art Society PO Box 229 Turramurra NSW 2074.
For information please contact our Secretary, Jan Harrington-Johnson Tel: 0400 119 211 Email: [email protected]
SIGNATURE ON COLLECTION OF BOOK:………………………………………………………………………