1 Our Lady of Hope Parish Bulletin April 12, 2015 SECOND SUNDAY OF EASTER OF DIVINE MERCY MASSES AT OUR LADY OF HOPE SITE MASSES AT ST. ANTHONY’S SITE Wednesday, April 15 — 9:00 a.m. with Devotions of Our Mother of Perpetual Help Milena DelMissier by Don Jefkins & Family Ida Giacomin by Jenny & Joe DiPaolo Loriann Contini by Ed & Paula Macoritto Thursday, April 16 — 9:00 a.m. Agostino Pollesel by Maria Pollesel Palma Pulice by Giuseppe & Anna Marie Vocaturo Leona MacDonald by Alvina Haley Giuseppe Mastroianni by Carmella Pappano Friday, April 17 — 9:00 a.m. Special Intentions of Gloria Rosset by Lucette Langlois Tom Sheppard by The Sheppard Family Patricia Murphy by Velma & Joe Duschene Sunday, April 19 — 11:00 a.m. Third Sunday of Easter Giulio Lisi by Giovanna Lisi & Family Maria Angel Passutto by Memma Rocca Marco Principe by Teresa Principe Loriann Contini by Donald Beaton Dave Ramsay by Pauline Ramsay Saturday, April 18 — 7:30 p.m. Easter Vigil of The Third Sunday of Easter Peter Keegan by Rhea Keegan Benny Dorigo by Nerina Dorigo Manuel dePinho by Alzira dePinho, Olivia & Domenico Santina Cecchin by Antoniette & Laruetta & Families Corrado Cinotti by Nadia Faggioni & Family Sunday, April 19 — 9:00 a.m. Third Sunday of Easter Milena DelMissier by Santo & Faustina Comisso Neil Geoffrey by Estelle Scappatura Bertilla Feltracco by Antoinette Vettoretti & Family Johnny Cinel by Maria Presta John Stack by Mr. & Mrs. Santo Comisso Pastor: Fr. Larry Rymes Secretary: Julie Lavoie Deacon: Rev. Mr. Bruno Michel Rev. Mr. Victor Vere D.O.S.: Maria Santoro Parish Office: 591 Brennan Rd., Sudbury ON P3C 5L6 Tel: 705-673-1774 Fax: 705-673-4711 E-mail: [email protected] Office Hours: Mon—Fri 8:00 am to 12 Noon; 1:00 to 4:00 pm SUNDAY COLLECTION REPORT April 5, 2015 OLH Sunday Offering: (230 Envelopes) Initial Offering: (1 Envelope) Easter Offering: (218 Envelopes) Share Lent: (196 Envelopes) $ 5,731.25 $ 5.00 $ 5,865.00 $ 12,683.00 St. A. Sunday Offering: (75 Envelopes) Memorial Flowers: (1 Envelope) Initial Offering: (1 Envelope) Easter Offering: (76 Envelopes) Share Lent: (196 Envelopes) $ 1,015.00 $ 10.00 $ 5.00 $ 2,963.00 $ 998.90 St. Anthony’s Worship Site: 19 Mary St. Phone: 705-674-2259 St. Anthony’s Hall Rental Call Ann Dalle Vedove: 705-674-2919 Website: ourladyofhope.ca Confessions: Before weekday Masses and Saturdays 3:30—4:00 p.m. After weekday Masses at St. Anthony’s For Information About: Offering Envelopes, Sacraments, Mass Intentions, Past Bulletins, Parish History, etc. please check the entrance bulletin board or visit our Website. Adoration Chapel Open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Hearing Assist Devices Available in the Sacristy 2 MEETINGS THIS WEEK OUR LADY OF HOPE SITE Sunday 1:00 PM, CH April 12 Baptisms Monday 10:00 AM, BR April 13 CTK Compassion Ministry Tuesday 6:00 PM, GS April 14 Arise Pot Luck Wednesday 6:30 PM, CH April 15 Divas/Divos Choir Practice Thursday 7:00 PM, CH, SA April 16 CTK Prayer Community Meeting Friday 9:00 AM, BR April 17 CTK Service Group Meeting Saturday 9:30 AM, BR April 18 CTK Special Meeting Sunday 3:00 PM, CH April 19 Cancer Healing Mass Abbreviations: BR - Boardroom OF - Office CH - Church SA - St. Anne’s Room GS - Gathering Space SJ - St. Joseph’s Room _____________________________________________________________ ST. ANTHONY’S WORSHIP SITE Monday to Friday 8:30 AM, CH Rosary SECOND SUNDAY OF EASTER FOCUS: When we place our trust in God, His mercy conquers the world. Christ extends His victory over sin and death to us in the sacrament of reconciliation. Let us in turn show this mercy to those we encounter in our personal relationships. _________________________________________ FIRST COMMUNION TEAM Preparation for First Communion begins the first week of May. The process needs adult volunteers to teach the lessons. Our team meeting will be Tuesday, April 28th in the office at 6:30 p.m. New members are welcome. Please see Fr. Larry. _________________________________________ KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS Most people say they were never asked! Consider yourself asked. Join The Knights of Columbus to better serve your church and your community. Call 705-929-1586 Grand Knight, Steve Yawney or 705 673-2854 Tony Sottile, Deputy Grand Knight for more information. MINISTERS’ SCHEDULE FOR APRIL 18/19 PLEASE NOTE: Ministers, please find a replacement if you are unable to attend. TIME LECTORS HOLY COMMUNION 4:30 P.M. M. Grimard M. Borley B. Lesk, T. Lecour D. Wilton, M. Wilton 9:00 A.M. V. Mucin V. Frankish L. Giusto, L. Giusto, P. Marsh, J. McLaughlin _________________________________________________ FROM THE OUTREACH COMMITTEE During the month of April you are asked to bring toiletry items for Daffodil Terrace Lodge residents. New underwear and sleepwear (tags attached) would be appreciated. __________________________________________________ OUR LADY OF HOPE CATHOLIC WOMEN’S LEAGUE The next CWL General Membership meeting is on April 21 at 7pm. We have much to share – we hope to see you there! We have confirmed new dates for assisting at the Blue Door soup kitchen. Please sign up on the CWL bulletin board for times if you are available May 22 or June 26. _________________________________________________ SPECIAL MASS FOR ALL WHO ARE LIVING WITH CANCER A special Mass for all those living with cancer, their caregivers and family members will be celebrated at: 3:00 p.m., Sunday April 19th, at Our Lady of Hope The Sacrament of the Sick will be administered by the priests present. Refreshments will be served following the Mass. Sponsored by the little servants of Christ the King prayer community. _________________________________________________ OUTREACH — FOOD DRIVE Thank you to all who contributed to the food drive during the Easter season for Inner City Home. Your efforts are greatly appreciated. _________________________________________________ ELGIN STREET MISSION The Mission is in need of men’s jeans sizes 30 and 32; Also, men and women’s underwear—small, medium and large. _________________________________________________ VOCATIONS “After eight days, Jesus came and stood among them.” Jn 20.19 Do you recognize Jesus standing in your midst? Is Jesus calling you to Him as a priest? Contact your Pastor or Fr. Pat Woods at 705-674-2727 ext 250. 3 NEW EVANAGELIZATION SUMMIT A world class event on the New Evangelization is scheduled in Ottawa. St. Alexander’s Parish in Chelmsford is one of the host sites for this great event . We will receive live video and audio feed on April 24-25, 2015 from the main centre in Ottawa. Top notch Catholic speakers will be presenting. All are encouraged to register for this event. We have only 200 seats available! Coffee and snacks will be provided Friday evening and Saturday as well as lunch on Saturday. Registration fee is $65.00 per person. Please see the post card insert in your bulletin for the web site to register (www. newevangelization.ca). If you would prefer to purchase tickets over the phone, please call (613) 292-5356. We really hope to see you there. NEWS AT ST. ANTHONY WORSHIP SITE CWL NEWS The Annual Infant Food Bank Baby Shower will be Thursday, May 7th, at 7:00 p.m., in the hall. Your donations are most welcome. Suggestions of items needed by the infant food bank will be listed in the play pen. Please pick up a paper with these suggestions to take shopping with you when. All are welcome to attend. Thank you for your continued support. FOOD DRIVE - the CWL would like to thank everyone who contributed to the food drive during the Easter season. All donations were brought to Inner City Home of Sudbury. _____________________________________________ 1000 ISLANDS FUN & SUN TRIP June 7—11 (5 days 4 nights. $519.00 per person. Payment due April 22, 2015. For more information contact Alvina Haley at 705-6736191. Everyone welcome! COMMUNITY NEWS ► ORGANIST OR PIANO PLAYER REQUIRED — St. Christopher’s Church in Whitefish is in need of an organist or piano player for the 9:00 a.m. Sunday Mass and also to play at other church ceremonies. Compensation is offered. Please contact Bill Jackson at 705-866 -1966. ► SPRING TEA — April 12, 11:30 a.m. – 2:00 p.m., at St. Alexander’s Church, 100 Gaudette Street, Chelmsford. Admission free. Available at $2.00 each – sandwiches, veggies/dip and desserts. Also a Penny, Bake, Craft & Gift tables, Fish Pond, Raffles and Cake Walk. ► (DEWS) The Donovan Elm West Seniors — are having a Spring Social on Thursday, April 16th at Elm West Playground, corner of White and Ethelbert Streets from 1 to 3 p.m. Cards, Coffee and Conversation will be part of the social gathering along with prizes and desserts. Everyone is welcome! If a ride is needed call Lori at 705 673-9015. ► OPEN HOUSE AT ST. ANDREW SCHOOL — All present and former students, parents and staff from St. Andrew School in New Sudbury are invited to a "Come and Go" Open House at the school on Sunday, April 19 between noon and 2:00 p.m. The school will be closing on June 30 and all present students will move to the new Holy Trinity School on Hawthorne St. ► ST. PATRICK’S CHURCH — Lorraine Lemieux, of St. Patrick’s Parish recently back from Benin Africa, where she attended the ordination of Fr. François Gnonhossou as Bishop of Dassa-Zoumé. She took a lot of photographs and will be making a presentation in the lower hall, on April 19th, 2015 after the 10 a.m. Mass. It will be hosted as a coffee house and we ask that should you choose to attend, to please bring a small dish of dessert. We will provide the coffee and tea. The presentation should begin at 11:15 a.m. ► VOLUNTEERS NEEDED — April is Daffodil Month and the Canadian Cancer Society needs Volunteers to help with street sales of Daffodil pins. If you are interested in going with a friend or family member to sell daffodil pins, you can create an account on www.myccsschedule.ca where you can see locations and times, and then you can sign up directly there. It is SIMPLE and QUICK to register! Or Call Pam at 705-6701234 ext 3706 for more details. ► VOLUNTEERS NEEDED — St. Joseph’s Health Centre invites you to join their Volunteer Community. There are a variety of Volunteer Services and Programs to suit your interest. If you are interested in Volunteer Opportunities please contact: St. Joseph's Villa/St. Joseph’s Continuing Care Center: 705-674-4447 ext. 1330. ► BLOOMIN' ARTISTS SHOW & SALE — Saturday, April 25th, 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., 26 Park St., Copper Cliff (downstairs at Copper Cliff United Church). Entry is Complementary. From collectors and curators, to crafters and artists, visitors can explore and discover the works of art from artists in Sudbury and surrounding area. A unique opportunity to meet and buy art directly from artists and crafters.
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