1 Our Lady of Hope Parish Bulletin May 24, 2015 PENTECOST SUNDAY MASSES AT OUR LADY OF HOPE SITE Wednesday, May 27 — 9:00 a.m. with Devotions of Our Mother of Perpetual Help Bruno Timpano by Sara Timpano & Family Reynalda Frattini by Greta Montgomery Jim Egan by Teresa Egan Friday, May 29— 9:00 a.m. Donald Stack by Teresa Stack Rocco Cerilli by Mafalda Cerilli Joseph Zadvosky by Diane & Paul Roy Saturday, May 30 — 4:30 p.m. Vigil of The Solemnity of The Most Holy Trinity Special Intentions of Sister Mildred Muldoon by Mary and Dave Wilton Enea & Mary Ann Pividor by Kathleen Simonato Lidio Visentin by Amelia Visentin Giovanni Taglialegne by M. Nizzero Dorothy Deluco by Frances Carter c.s.j. Sunday, May 31 — 9:00 a.m. The Solemnity of The Most Holy Trinity For the Parishioners by the Pastor Dino DelBen by The Family Patricia Murphy by Our Lady of Hope CWL John Stack by Lenore Coccio James Boyd by Annette Marcon Special Intentions of the Reich Family by M. Reich Pastor: Fr. Larry Rymes Secretary: Julie Lavoie Deacon: Rev. Mr. Bruno Michel Rev. Mr. Victor Vere D.O.S.: Maria Santoro Parish Office: 591 Brennan Rd., Sudbury ON P3C 5L6 Tel: 705-673-1774 Fax: 705-673-4711 E-mail: [email protected] Office Hours: Mon—Fri 8:00 am to 12 Noon; 1:00 to 4:00 pm MASSES AT ST. ANTHONY’S SITE Thursday, May 28 — 9:00 a.m. Rev. Angelo Oliverio by Sara & Sam Schiafone Antimo Niro by Wife and Family Angelina Franco by Gisele D’Aoust Sunday, May 31 — 11:00 a.m. The Solemnity of The Most Holy Trinity Velio & Elsie Antonioni by The Family Pasquale Lavorato by Rita Bozzetto Alder Volpini by Elio & Giuliana Massimiliano SUNDAY COLLECTION REPORT May 17, 2015 OLH Sunday Offering: (266 Envelopes) $ 7,765.10 Pope’s Pastoral Works: (11 Envelopes) $ 170.00 Emergency in Nepal: (7 Envelopes) $ 920.00 St. A. Sunday Offering: (80 Envelopes) $ 1,020.00 Pope’s Pastoral Works: (14 Envelopes) $ 10.00 _____________________________________________ PRAYER LINE Please call the Prayer Line for anyone who requires prayers either for sickness and health or personal matters, job loss etc. Prayers can offer courage and strength for people in difficult times. Please call 705674-4114. _____________________________________________ FORGOT YOUR BULLETIN? Go to www.ourladyofhope.ca St. Anthony’s Worship Site: 19 Mary St. Phone: 705-674-2259 St. Anthony’s Hall Rental Call Ann Dalle Vedove: 705-674-2919 Website: ourladyofhope.ca Confessions: Before weekday Masses and Saturdays 3:30—4:00 p.m. After weekday Masses at St. Anthony’s For Information About: Offering Envelopes, Sacraments, Mass Intentions, Past Bulletins, Parish History, etc. please check the entrance bulletin board or visit our Website. Adoration Chapel Open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Hearing Assist Devices Available in the Sacristy 2 MEETINGS THIS WEEK OUR LADY OF HOPE SITE Tuesday 6:30 PM, CH May 26 First Communion—Lesson 4 Wednesday 6:30 PM, CH May 27 Divas/Divos Choir Practice Thursday 4:00 PM, CH 6:30 PM, OF 7:00 PM, CH, SA May 28 Wedding Rehearsal Liturgy Meeting CTK Prayer Community Meeting Friday 3:00 PM, CH May 29 Wedding Sunday 1:00 PM, CH May 31 Baptisms MINISTERS’ SCHEDULE FOR MAY 30/31 PLEASE NOTE: Ministers, please find a replacement if you are unable to attend. TIME LECTORS HOLY COMMUNION 4:30 P.M. M. Hancey E. Scappatura S. Trevisiol, M. Wiecha R. Roberti, M. Roberti 9:00 A.M. A. Ferri J. Winters M. Berardelli, P. Marsh J. McLaughlin, S. Quaiattini PENTECOST SUNDAY As the Father has sent me, so I send _________________________________________________ OUR LADY OF HOPE CATHOLIC WOMEN’S LEAGUE Youth of Faith and Action Award: Our Lady of Hope CWL Council is seeking applications from interested grade 8 youth from the Parish for a “CWL Youth Of Faith and Action Award”. Applicants are asked to submit a short essay of 200 words outlining how they are putting their faith and Catholic values in action at home, at school and with their peers through volunteer activities, school social justice projects and community initiatives. Essays will be accepted until Friday June 5th at the Office, by a member of the Executive or in a sealed envelope via the collection. Presentation of the award will take place during 9 am Mass on June 14th. It is clear that many of the disciples were terrified after the death and ascension of Jesus. It took the power of the Holy Spirit for them to courageously proclaim the Good News. We need to be filled with the Spirit, so our word and example may reveal God to others. _________________________________________ FIRST COMMUNION Lesson # 4 for the candidates begins Tuesday, May 26th at 6:30 p.m. in the church. _________________________________________ ROSE SUNDAY Sunday, May 31st is the “Roses for Life Sunday”. Roses are available at the entrance of the church. If possible, a minimum donation of $1.00 would be appreciated. Money raised will help the work of Right to Life—Sudbury. Sponsored by the Knights of Columbus Fr. Brian McKee Council #1387. _________________________________________ ELGIN STREET MISSION The Mission is in need of men’s jeans sizes 30 and 32; Also, men and women’s underwear—small, medium and large. Blue Door Soup Kitchen: Dates for the summer have been set. Please sign up on the CWL bulletin board to lend a helping hand for: June 26, July 24 and/or August 21 from 10:30 am - 2:00 pm. This is organized by the Catholic Woman's League Community Life standing committee, faith in action. _________________________________________________ BAPTISMS Welcome to our parish community Sophie Maria Doyon child of Bryan & Cristina (Desanti) Doyon who was baptized Sunday, May 17th at Our Lady of Hope Site by Fr. Larry Rymes. Please remember Sophie and her family in your prayers. _________________________________________________ DIACONATE ORDINATION On Friday, June 5, 2015 at 7:00 p.m. at St. Gerard Majella Church in Sault Ste. Marie, Mr. Daniele Muscolino will be ordained to the transitional diaconate for our diocese. Daniele is from our parish and will be ordained a priest next year. Please keep him in your prayers. _________________________________________________ VOCATIONS “The Spirit of truth will guide you into all truth.” Jn 16.13 Do you allow the Holy Spirit to guide you in all truth? Are you hearing Jesus’ call to priesthood? Contact your Pastor or Fr. Pat Woods at 705-674-2727 ext. 250. Abbreviations: BR - Boardroom OF - Office CH - Church SA - St. Anne’s Room GS - Gathering Space SJ - St. Joseph’s Room _____________________________________________________________ ST. ANTHONY’S WORSHIP SITE Monday to Friday 8:30 AM, CH Rosary FOCUS: you. 3 WEDDING ANNOUNCEMENTS Congratulations to Tara Lynne Shuart daughter of Douglas & Donna (Gregoire) Shuart and Kenneth Bradley Gray son of Gary & Susanne (D’eath) Gray, who will be married at Our Lady of Hope Site Friday, May 29th at 3:00 p.m. Rehearsal Thursday, May 28th, at 4:00 p.m. _____________________________________________ IS THERE ANY ROOM AT THE INN? By popular demand the National Evangelization Team (NET) is returning to our city this fall to help our teens with a relationship with Christ. We are in need of host homes to help billet these amazing young adults while they are in the city. It is an opportunity to experience the vibrancy of our church first hand by sharing your home. Interested people can contact: Ann M. Boyer at 705674-2727 ext 251. NEWS AT ST. ANTHONY WORSHIP SITE CWL NEWS The CWL Dinner will be held on Friday, May 29th at 5:00 p.m. at the Caruso Club. Sign up sheet is at the back of the Church. _____________________________________________ ST. ANTHONY’S FESTIVAL will be held on Sunday, June 14th. Mass will be celebrated at 11:00 a.m. with the blessed bread distribution and followed by the Procession of the St. Anthony Statue through the neighbourhood. The luncheon will start at 12:30 p.m. and is sponsored by St. Anthony’s CWL. The cost this year is $15.00 for adults and $6.00 for children 8 years and under. There will be music, door prizes and activities for the children. Tickets are available before or after mass or by contacting Rosalba at 705-522-9006 or Julie at 705-5222581. We appreciate tickets being purchased prior to the festival as very limited tickets will be available at the door. Everyone is welcome to attend. COMMUNITY NEWS ► SENIORS’ LUNCHEON — Tuesday, May 26th, 12 noon, at St. Patrick’s Parish, 39 Walford Road. On the menu: salad, sandwiches and desserts. Cost: $6.00 per person. Everyone Welcome! ► FESTA DELLA REPUBBLICA -- Italian Republic Day Sunday, May 31st, 2015. Mass: 4:00 p.m. Caruso Club Dinner to follow. $20 per person. ► THE NORTHERN ECHOES SENIOR CHOIR is celebrating 20 years of musical memories in a CONCERT on Sunday, May 31st at 2 pm. at the PARKSIDE CENTRE (across from the YMCA). Tickets are $10 and available at the Parkside Centre or any Northern Echoes member or call (705-692-2122). ► OPEN HOUSE at St. Raphael School — Sunday, June 7th, 2:00 - 4:00 p.m. All present and former students, parents and staff are invited to visit St. Raphael School one last time before it closes on June 26th, 2015. Light refreshments and snacks will be served. ► WELCOME TO EXULTET HOUSE OF PRAYER — Are you looking for a peaceful place for solitude? Do you need to share with someone on your spiritual journey? Exultet House, located on Long Lake Road in Sudbury can accommodate a group up to eight people. Also, the house has two bedrooms available for women who need a quiet place for a day or two. Call Pauline at 705920-6793 or Email: [email protected] (EXULTET is a latin word meaning Shout with Joy) . ► 1st ANNUAL CHARITY GOLF TOURNAMENT — For The Pregnancy Care Centre and Infant Food Bank is at Timberwolf Golf Club, Saturday, June 13th, 2015. Put a foursome together and join us for a fun day of golf, prizes and Roast Beef Buffet Dinner. All monies raised are used to support over 800 families currently registered with Sudbury's Pregnancy Care Centre. For more information or to register please contact Dedee Fliestra at 705-673-5003 or go on line at www.facebook.com/ golf4sudburybabies The Pregnancy Care Centre and Infant Food Bank supports over 800 families in the Greater Sudbury District and is in much need of donated infant supplies. If you have gently used clothing for New Born to Size 4, infant formula, diapers size 5 and 6, Junior Foods and baby wipes, we are in low supply right now. We will also accept car seats and cribs that have not expired and any other infant/toddler toys or furniture. Charitable Donation Receipts will be given for monetary donations. Donations can be dropped off at the Centre from Monday to Thursday between 10am -3 pm at 1032 LaSalle Blvd. (watch for brick home with Canadian Flag, half block east of Smith's Market). For further information please call 705-673-5003 or visit our web site at http:// www.pccifb.ca/
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