Our Lady of Lourdes Church 173 Lourdes Street Waterloo, Ontario N2L 1N5 519519519-886886-0342 519-886886-0349 (fax) [email protected] 2015 Easter Message Dear friends in Christ: At the beginning of our 40 day Lenten journey, we were marked with ashes in the Sign of the Cross – a stark reminder that we are going to die, all of us, sooner or later. Now, at the Easter celebrations, those ashes are washed away when we are “soaked” with the same Easter water with which The Elect are baptized! Death no longer has a claim on us. We know that God has the last word – and God’s word for us is the same as His word for Jesus, who was crucified, died and laid in the tomb. LIVE! And so we do; WE LIVE – IN HIM! WE LIVE! WE LIVE IN HIM! And that is what we celebrate this Easter and every Easter! It is why we “pull out all the stops” – the Easter fire, the huge Easter candle (Christ our light!), the many Scripture readings that point us to LIFE, the Easter water (Baptism – new life), the incense, the bells, the flowers – all of our senses are inundated because this message is so very important! BECAUSE HE LIVES – WE LIVE! WE LIVE FULLY NOW, and we enjoy the blessed promise that WE WILL LIVE ETERNALLY WITH HIM THEN! This is the hope that keeps us focused every day. So, how do we choose to live? Like Him, we choose to live for others; that is the ideal toward which we strive each day, every day, one day at a time! It is what our Lenten discipline has helped us practice. It is expressed in the many small sacrifices we accepted, culminating, perhaps, in our Share Lent offering which supports the unknown poor in faraway places, waiting, longing for, our solidarity and support! Together now, united in Him, we set out on 50 days of joyous Easter celebration – celebrating LIFE and self-giving LOVE. During these days, our FAITH in Jesus Christ can deepen, our HOPE in the fullness of life with Him can become ever more convinced, and our LOVE for one another, especially those in particular need, can increase! HAPPY EASTER! Bishop of Hamilton PARISH PRIEST: PASTORAL ASSOCIATE: IN RESIDENCE: ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT: Rev. Edward (Ted) Hughes S. Barbara Meinzinger SSND Deacon Miles Schell (Chaplain, Grand Valley Inst. for Women) Bette Honsinger (Monday to Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.) SUNDAY MASSES: Saturday 7:00 p.m. Sunday 8:00 a.m., 9:30 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. Sunday 3:00 p.m. Vietnamese Martyrs Community Rev. Hanh Van Tran, O.M.I. Deacon Phong Hoang SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM: By appointment – please phone the parish office SACRAMENT OF PENANCE: Wednesday, 7:45 to 8:15 a.m. Saturday, 11:00 a.m. to noon SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE: By appointment – please phone the parish office BLESSING OF EXPECTANT PARENTS: Last Sunday of each month after all Masses ST. VINCENT DE PAUL: Church door collections – last Sunday of each month __________________________________________________________________________________ Announced Mass intentions for the week of April 5 to 11, 2015 ** Monday ................... NO MASS TODAY Tuesday ......................... 8:30 a.m. ....... Gloria Porras – Jerry & Margie Meyer Beechwood Manor.... 10:00 a.m. ....... Ellen Hilhorst – Carol Anne Schmuck Wednesday .................... 8:30 a.m. ....... John & Anna Miller – Wendy & Frank Miller Thursday ....................... 8:30 a.m. ....... Nick & Katarina Schuster – Kathy & Bill Steffler & Family Friday ............................ 8:30 a.m. ....... Robert & Bernice Bould – Marg & Carlo Perrotta & Family Offertory collection for Sunday, March 29, 2015: $9,858.50 DIOCESAN WEDDING ANNIVERSARY MASS: Are you celebrating your 25th, 40th, 50th, 60th, or 60+ wedding anniversary in the year 2015? On Sunday, June 7, at 1:30 pm., Bishop Douglas Crosby will celebrate the Diocesan Wedding Anniversary Mass at the Cathedral Basilica of Christ the King in Hamilton. (Space allows room for anniversary couples only – those married 60 years or more may bring 1 guest if assistance is required). Please register by May 1 to be sure your name is included in the program. Details are available on the poster in the lobby of the church or go to www.hamiltondiocese.com. Budget Review Cumulative financial objective – 13 weeks @ $7,500 .......................... $97,500.00 Actual weekly contributions .................................................................. 91,586.50 Over (under) objective ........................................................................... (5,913.50) ** No morning Mass on Monday, April 6 ** __________________________________________________________________________________ THE RESURRECTION OF THE LORD APRIL 5, 2015 BAPTISM: During the month of March, the following children became members of God’s family in the sacrament of baptism: Evelynn Grace Read and Annika Jane Victoria Suits. FIRST COMMUNION CELEBRATIONS: Sunday, May 31, 11:00 a.m. ........... Holy Rosary School Sunday, June 7, 11:00 a.m. ............. Our Lady of Lourdes School CONFIRMATION: The sacrament of Confirmation will be celebrated on Saturday, April 25 at 4:30 p.m. Bishop Gary Gordon, Bishop of the Diocese of Victoria, will be the conferring bishop. Please pray for these young people that they will be open to the guidance of the Holy Spirit throughout their lives. MARRIAGE: We already have three weddings booked for 2016. This is an opportune time for couples considering marriage in 2016 to make an appointment with Fr. Ted. Please call the parish office. RECEPTION INTO THE CATHOLIC FAITH: An invitation is extended to anyone who has been baptized in another Christian faith or not been baptized, and considering taking a faith step toward full initiation and participation in the Roman Catholic Church, to call the parish office and arrange a meeting with Fr. Ted. 2015 CLERGY APPOINTMENTS: Bishop Douglas Crosby has announced the new clergy appointments which will be, for the most part, effective June 24. A complete list can be found at http://hamiltondiocese.com/news/2015/March/2015-clergy-appointments. SHUT-INS: If you know of anyone in the parish who is unable to come to Sunday liturgy and would like to receive Holy Communion at home, please contact S. Barbara at the parish office. An Easter Table Blessing O Lord, you are our light and salvation. You are the stronghold of our lives. The brightness of the resurrection of Christ has shattered the darkness of our world and made our faces glow with new life he has bestowed through the Holy Spirit. As we share these Easter gifts of food and drink, grant that we may dwell in your presence all the days of our lives and one day behold your beauty in heaven, where you live and reign as one God, forever and ever. Amen. From “These Thy Gifts: A Collection of Simple Meal Prayers” by Mark G. Boyer. SENIORS’ SOCIAL GROUP will resume Tuesday, April 7 at 1:30 p.m. All seniors welcome. NEW CURRICULUM: Do you have questions concerning the new directives from the Ministry of Education for family life programs in our Catholic schools? Join us at St. Francis of Assisi Parish, Kitchener, on Wednesday, April 8, when Dee Sproule, a chaplain with the Waterloo Catholic District School Board, will speak to us on the present program and how the new program will be implemented in our Catholic schools. Everyone welcome! Prayer service at 7:00 p.m., speaker at 7:30 p.m. Sponsored by St. Francis CWL. For more info, contact Barbara at 519-7448955 or [email protected] HOSPITAL VISITATION: To be assured of a visit from S. Barbara or Fr. Ted during your hospital stay, please phone the parish office and inform us that you are going to be a patient. If it is an emergency, a call from a family member or friend would be appreciated. TIME FOR TWO – GROWING IN LOVE: Do you ever wish you had more time as a couple? Are you surprised at how fast the days and months fly by? Do you wish you could take some time as a couple? Then this is the weekend for you! Rediscover the spark that was there on your wedding day! Rediscover the best friend you have had since you were married! Give yourselves a private weekend away and discover each other anew This may well be the most valuable two days you will spend together as a couple – enrich your love and knowledge of each other!! The Marriage Encounter/Enrichment weekend will be held on April 11/12 at the St. Ignatius Retreat Centre in Deemerton, Ontario. Contact the Family Ministry Office: 905-528-7988 ext. 2249 or [email protected]. Information and on line registration can be found on our website at www.hamiltondiocese.com. Easter Greetings from the Pastor Blessings on all who have come together for our celebrations of the Passion, Death and Resurrection of Our Lord! Whether you are with us each week or on special occasions, are joining us for the first time or are of other faith traditions – welcome! We recognize how the Divine Presence touches each of our lives and we strive to reflect that Presence in our celebrations. On Holy Thursday evening we celebrated Jesus as our companion (with bread). He is the one who nourishes us, sits down at table with us, speaks with us, journeys with us. He washes our feet and asks us to imitate him in being servant and companion to others. On Good Friday we met our Lord who is compassion. By his suffering he reminds us that he understands and chooses to walk with us in our struggles, fears and the times of our passion. Compassion also reflects the reality of passivity – how each of us will have times in our lives when cannot provide for ourselves, when we let others take care of us, when we are led. We join our lives to the passion of the Saviour when we venerate the holy cross and acknowledge our journey with him in our times of weakness. On Easter Day we greet the Lord who is our comfort and confidence (with strength and with faith). When we are weak, he is our strength. When we stumble in our faith, he is solid in believing in us. Easter isn’t just about our rising from the dead as did Jesus. It is about our living each day carrying God’s comfort to those in need and walking in faith beyond that which the world can provide for us. May we recognize Jesus who is with us now – our companion, the compassionate one, the one who offers us comfort and confidence each day of our lives. Easter blessings on you and your loved ones. Fr. Ted
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