MESSENGER VOLUME 12 ISSUE 7 From the Pastor CONTENTS Brothers and Sisters in Christ, From the Pastor Vicar Dale Lunch Ministry Summer Choir Youth News - “See the Face of God” - C.H.A.O.S. Summer Choir Church Picnic and Worship in the Park Hands of Faith Scholarship Applications Pastoral Acts W/ELCA News Calendar Saturday Evening 5:00 pm Sunday Morning 8:30 am and 10:15 am Church Staff Pastor Jennifer Jelinek Pastor Erik Jelinek DeAnne Gile Kelly Erdmann Paulette Christensen Cheryl Licary Richard Larson John Smith Amy Smith Matt Sugden As you probably remember, almost a year ago, we changed our worship schedule from 3 Sunday services to 2 Sunday services. We changed for several reasons – to be good stewards of our space and the time of our worship leaders (considering attendance of the services), as well as the desire to build community in worship. Since then, so many of us have appreciated worshipping in a service with more people, getting to know new people, and having a longer fellowship time between services. Of course, change can be also difficult, which is why we invited worshippers to fill out a survey in the last month. We appreciate your input a great deal. We so appreciated hearing what’s meaningful to you in worship and your constructive criticism and ideas. Of course, one of the challenges of the new schedule was choosing worship times that would accommodate the needs of people who were used to an early, middle, or late service, not to mention deciding on worship styles. We knew we weren’t going to make everybody happy, but we did our best to settle on an early service time and a later service time while also considering the needs of our Sunday School. Sadly, we’ve lost a few worshippers for whom 8:30 isn’t early enough, as well as some who cannot be here by 10:15 a.m. It was noted that for those who had attended 9:30, the new services seem small. But for those who had attended 8:00 and 11:00 services, worship attendance is significantly larger. Rather than having 3 very small services with 1 large one, we now have 3 different services with more even attendance. JULY, 2015 The new worship schedule has required creativity, compromise, and understanding, and it’s given us lots of new opportunities to serve God and to praise God together. In Christian community, we are called to not only think of ourselves, but to consider the needs of others, which has been our goal in the last year. Our mission together continues to be, “To reflect God’s love through service to the family of God.” There are so many opportunities for us to reflect God’s love in our words and our actions, and we’re excited to see where God is leading us together, in our worship and in the rest of our shared Christian life. In Christ, Pastor Jennifer Greetings, I appreciate this opportunity to introduce myself. My name is Dale Vlastnik and I’ve been happily married to my wife, Kelly, for 29 years. Kelly is a civil engineer with the Illinois Department of Transportation. We have two wonderful sons, Alex and Kurt, who are 24 and 22 years old. We are members of St. John’s ELCA in our hometown of Peru, Illinois. Presently, I am a Masters of Divinity student at Wartburg Theological seminary in Dubuque, Iowa. I am in the “Distributed Learning Program” which is equally divided between on-campus and online classes. This has allowed me to pursue my education while still working to support my family. My brother and I are partners in our family owned and operated retail menswear store that our grandfather started in 1925. For the last three years I have also been serving as the chaplain of the Mendota Lutheran Home and preaching there on Sunday mornings. I am really looking forward to getting to meet each and every one of you. I am excited to be your next intern and to serve your congregation. Blessings and peace, Vicar Dale Messenger July, 2015 A Time to Speak, A Time to Listen In June, we had our first conversation about how we can better minister to our gay and lesbian brothers and sisters in Christ. Many people have asked, “What does the Bible really say about homosexuality? What does the ELCA believe? What does all this mean?” These questions will be the focus of an adult study on Wednesday July 22 at 6:30 p.m. in the Chapel. All are welcome to bring a Bible and join us for this study. Thank You A big thank you to Justin Stanton, who has been our drummer at our late service for the past 3 ½ years. Justin graduated from Beloit Memorial High School this year and will be attending UWLaCrosse this fall. We thank Justin for all that he’s contributed to our worship and wish him God’s blessings at college. Page 2 Coming Soon to a Worship Service Near You Join us this month for two interesting preaching series. July 5-19 we will be exploring some of the Wisdom Literature of the Bible – excerpts from Proverbs and Ecclesiastes. the rest of the summer, Then for we’re doing something very special. From July 25September 6, we’ll be highlighting 7 of OSLC’s ministry teams, learning about how their missions are derived right out of Scripture, and hearing about the incredibly important ministries they do. Join us for our “Mission and Ministry” series, starting July 25-26, hearing about the ministries of the Women of the ELCA and Lutheran World Relief. Hands of Faith Sunday Corn Boil Mark your calendar for the Hands of Faith Annual Fundraiser being held Sunday afternoon, August 2nd from 12:00 noon to 4:00 pm on the grounds of “The Rock” restaurant (101 Maple Avenue, Beloit). Enjoy good food, entertainment, silent auction, pontoon rides, and more. “Hands of Faith Sunday” will be fun for the whole family, and will benefit our community’s homeless families! Messenger July, 2015 Page 3 Become a Worship Leader! Lunch Ministry Have you ever thought about helping to serve communion, prepare communion, read lessons, or being an assisting minister? We’d love to teach you how! Right now, we’re in need of worship leaders in all these areas. If you think you’d like to try something new, please talk with one of the pastors or contact Kelly Erdmann in the church office. Youth Gathering Sending Five of our high school youth will be traveling to Detroit this month for the ELCA National Youth Gathering. We will send them off with our prayers at the 10:15 service on Sunday, July 12. The Youth Gathering is July 15-19. Please pray for all those attending – Sarah Erdmann, Stephanie Erdmann, Mackenzie Frisbee, Montana McMahon, Alyssa Rand, and chaperones Gina Rand and Amy Smith. Our Detroit group will share their Youth Gathering experience with us on Rally Sunday, September 12-13. Summer Choir Do you like to sing but maybe can’t commit to weeknight practices? Then join Summer Choir! Summer Choir just rehearses immediately before worship. This month Summer Choir will sing on July 26th at the 8:30 service. All are welcome to come sing. Join us in the Youth Room at 8:00 to rehearse. Breakfast Bible Study All are welcome to join us at the Beloit Family Restaurant on Prairie at 6:45 am every Wednesday as we study the Bible passage for the coming weekend. Lunch Ministry is returning in August! Throughout the school year, Our Savior’s serves a free lunch on Fridays. This year, we’re starting to serve in August. During the year, we have 4 lunch ministry teams, but if you can’t commit to a team for the whole year, why not give it a try for a week in August? This is a great opportunity for teachers and students and anyone else who wants to try this important ministry experience. Team leaders are already in place, so if you’d like to help, please sign up in the Commons for a date that works for you. Questions? Contact Kelly Erdmann – 362-0716 or [email protected] or talk with one of the pastors. Scholarship Applications Members of Our Savior’s who will be full-time college students in the 2015-2016 school year are now invited to submit their scholarship applications. Scholarship applications are available on the church website - under “Contact Us.” Applications are due by July 15. Vicar Dale is coming! This month, we’re delighted to welcome a new seminary intern here at Our Savior’s. Vicar Dale Vlastnik will be joining our staff on July 15 to start his year of internship. Join us for worship on July 18-19 as we officially welcome him. Since Vicar Dale won't be moving all his belongings to Beloit, we're looking for a few items to help make him more comfortable in the intern house. If you have any of these items you're willing to donate, please bring them to church and put them in a shopping cart in the Commons: Plates Colander Bowls Tea kettle Silverware Storage containers Knives Cooking utensils Pots spoons, spatula, ladle, Pans tongs, etc. Mixing bowls Messenger July, 2015 From Your Youth Director Summer is flying! Don't miss… Family Events: Strollin’ with Faith: New parents or stay-at-home parents with little ones, you are invited to meet at Harry Moore Pavilion on the 2nd and 4th Mondays of July and August for parent time while we push those little ones in the strollers along the river. Join us July 13th & 27th, August 10th & 24th at 10:00 am. Youth Group 7th-12th Graders New name: C.H.A.O.S. Christ.Has.All.Our.Solutions C.H.A.O.S will kick off the week after The Detroit Youth Group Trip returns home. July 22nd, July 29th, August 5th, August 10th-13th (VBS), and August 19th, We will have fun and services activities in the morning or afternoon. Watch for emails, mail, and announcements to find out what CHAOS we will be causing. To make sure you are in the loop, email Amy to get in on the email updates at [email protected]. Detroit: We leave on Wednesday morning about 8:45-9:00 am from church to embark on our ELCA gathering journey to Detroit! The 5 girls are looking forward to this experience and sharing it with you by doing a presentation September 12th and 13th with Rally Sunday. Final Call for Raffle Tickets: Page 4 “WE” VBS! VBS - Vacation Bible School “See the Face of God” Monday through Thursday, August 10th-13th from 5:15 pm to 7:30 pm: Each day, we will focus on how we see the face of God in ourselves, our families, our church, and our community. Come see the face of God with your whole family at OSLC VBS! Registration forms are ready and it is just $20 per family for VBS, in which the whole family is invited and encouraged to come ... babies, children, teens, young adults, parents, grandparents, cousin, uncles, aunts ... bring the WHOLE GANG! VBS will be intergenerational, so we need all generations represented to make this work! There will be something for everyone. Registration forms are available on Amy's office door or on the bulletin board in the Commons. Please contact Amy with any questions. If you know you and your family will attend, please let us know sooner than later so we can plan and purchase supplies accordingly. Church Picnic and Worship in the Park You will be able to buy your final chance at tickets July 5th & 12th. The quilt will be given away the weekend of August 1st & 2nd! “Second Sunday” Loose Offering for July Mark your calendars! Our Savior’s annual Church Picnic will be on Sunday, August 16 at Leeson Park. The picnic will start around 11:15 a.m. Please join us for the 10:15 service in the park that day as well. Messenger July, 2015 Page 5 God’s Work, Our Hands Sunday Lutheran World Relief Congregational Prayers July is the month that we, at Our Savior's, highlight the School Kit for Lutheran World Relief. The required bags for the kits have been purchased from OSLC Mission Funds. Now we need to fill them. Each school kit requires four 70-sheet 8 x10 1/2" notebooks (wide or college ruled); one 30 centimeter ruler (or a ruler with centimeters on one side and inches on the other); one pencil sharpener; one blunt scissors (safety scissors with embedded steel blades work well); five unsharpened #2 pencils with erasers; five ball point pens (no gel pens); one box of 16 or 24 crayons; one eraser approximately 1/2" long. The "Back to School" sales will be starting soon, which is a good time to purchase these items. Collection tubs and lists for all of the LWR kit supplies are located on/near the W/ELCA bulletin board in the Commons. It’s back! Last fall, over 60 members of Our Savior’s participated in our first “God’s Work, Our Hands Sunday,” (GWOH) a day of service to our community. GWOH will be back this fall, on Sunday, September 20. We will be doing a variety of service projects around the community, serving God and our neighbors. Part of the fun of this day is wearing the crazy-bright gold t-shirts that say, “God’s Work, Our Hands.” The t-shirts continue to be a powerful witness each time we wear them. If you’re interested in participating in GWOH Sunday, please sign up in the Commons or call the Church Office. Please indicate if you need a t-shirt. They will have to be ordered by mid-August. Throughout the month and during worship, we are privileged to pray for members of the congregation. We take this opportunity to lift up to God the people to whom we have been called to serve. OSLC’s Shut Ins: July, 2015 Prayer List This month we are praying for: Carol and Donald Hundley Dean and Jaclyn, Hannah, Hailey, Carson Jacobson Natasha and Randy, Carston, Natalie Jacobson Pastor Erik, Pastor Jennifer, Sierra, Scarlett Jelinek Dorothy Jentoft Bea Johnson The Caring Ministry is in need of volunteers to make monthly communion visits to our “Shut In” members. “Shut In” members are unable to attend church services due to their health or mobility limitations. Offering communion visits to their homes allows these members to continue to stay connected to our church family. Visits can be made at your convenience anytime during the month. Please give prayerful consideration to assist with this ministry opportunity! To volunteer or for more information, call the church office and speak with Kelly. Pastoral Acts June, 2015 Please hold these members up in prayer Funeral Lyman “Jack” Carter - June 12, 2015 Our Savior’s Lutheran Church ELCA 749 Bluff Street Beloit WI 53511 [email protected] (608) 362-0716 WWW.OURSAVIORSBELOIT.ORG
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