April 23rd & 24th.
Ciudad Juárez Chihuahua
Welcome to Packing & Supplies Expo 2015, the most important event for manufacturers and suppliers of the packaging
industry that will take place April 23rd and 24th at the Cuatro Siglos Convention Center in Ciudad Juarez.
It is a great pleasure for us that you have decided to be part of this Expo that we are sure will create opportunities for the
growth of your company.
This manual offers key information to make your participation a success so please pay special attention to dates, times
and requirements. Please make sure you distribute this manual to all your personnel that will be involved in your
participation in the expo.
Cuatro Siglos Convention Center welcomes you again and wishes you the most successsful participation.
Name of the event: 2nd. Packing & Supplies Expo
Location: Cuatro Siglos Boulevard, Juarez, Mexico
Dates: April 23rd & 24th 2015
Exhibition times: From 10 am to 6 pm
Parking: 700 spaces
Security: Local Enforcement Officers along with Private Guards will be present
Volunteers: They will be easily identified and will provide both exhibitors and visitors with general information
Hostesses: The event will have hostesses greeting the visitors, exhibitors can assign their own hostesses at thei r expense
Advertising during the event: Every exhibitor can use and distribute leaflets, prizes and souvenirs during the event
Exterior advetising: All exhibitors can have their corporate logos printed on the Expo marketing materials including the main banner
located on the outside of the building
Conferences: All exhibitors and visitors can attend the conferences to be held during the two day event. through the mass media
Lodging: Official event sponsors The QUALITY INN HOTEL in Juarez and DOUBLE TREE HOTEL in El Paso TX, will have excellent
discounts for those looking for lodging sevices
Stand specifications
The stand includes:
9 feet wide by 6 feet deep by 7 feet high white melamine screens
Front ledge with the name of the company
One rectangular table 6 x 2.5 ft, tablecloth and two chairs
110 electrical outlet (no extensions are included)
Inclusion of company on printed Event Directory (before April 10th)
ID badges for attending stand personnel
♦ Rental option: 9x4 ft carpet, $ 50 US
Location of the Cuatro Siglos
Convention Center
Chamizal Park
X Plaza
San Lorenzo
Old Racetrack
Intl Bridge
Basic guidelines:
1.- The procurement of additional electric outlets will need to be done directly with the Packing & Supplies Expo coordinator.
2.- If the exhibitor needs an special electrical source , a written request must be filled and submitted 15 days prior to the start
of the event. Any incurred costs will be need to be covered by the requestor.
3.- Each booth includes : rectangular table 6 ft long by 2.5 ft wide, tableclothe and two chairs .
Basic Guidelines:
1.- The assembly and assignation of the stands will take place on Tuesday April 21st and Wednesday April 22nd from 9 am to 6 pm
2.- Any other assembly dates due to special circumstances will be need to be authorized by the Event coordinators.
3.- All pending balances need to be covered before the stand space is assigned and released for assembly to the exhibitor.
4.- Any person that attends the event to help load or assemble the stands must have an official ID that will be provided by the staff of Cuatro
Siglos Convention Center. This ID will allow him/her to enter the facilities.
5.- This ID must be visible all the time.
6.- All the materials related to the assembly of stand must enter the building through the ramp area, located at the south end of the building.
7.- 30 minutes will be allowed to each exhibitor for loading and unloading.
8.- Only double tape is pemited on the stand walls. Nails or any other damage of the stand walls is not permited.
9.- No painting is allowed in the inside or outside of the building.
10.- The promotion materials or stand advertisements cannot exceed the space asigned.
11.- The banners will be located at a height of at least 7 feet, above the roof structue of the building and must be provided to the event staff
no later than April 18th.
12.- The cleanup of the stands will be the responsibility of the exhibitor, this applies to the initial set up and dismantling of the stand as well as
during the event. If a cleaning service is hired by the exhibitor, the responsibility will remain with the exhibitor.
13.- Any stand setting or mounting company will need to have the appropriate tools. Packing & Supplies Expo will not lend or rent any tools.
14.- Every heavy equipment must be supported on rubber casters or similar material when loaded or unloaded in order to protect the
building’s floor.
15.- After 6:00 pm on Wednesday April 22nd, no more loading or stand assembly will be allowed. This is to let the event staff clean all the
areas and get them ready for the event inauguration.
16.- The dismantling of stands will be done on Friday April 24th from 6 to 8 pm and Saturday April 25th from 10 am to 6 pm.
Basic Guidelines:
1.- All exhibitors must wear their official ID all during the event which will be provided by the Packing & Supplies Expo staff.
2.- Each exhibitor must have a responsible person attending their stand. This person will be asked for the names of any other persons that
need exhibitor IDs. A written format with the names of these persons need to be submitted before April 13th.
3.- From April 13th to the 22nd, the Exhibitor IDs will be availabe at the Cuatro Siglos Convention Center offices from 9 am to 6 pm.
4.- The exhibitors must show their official company ID in order to pick up the event IDs.
5.- The assembly of the stand must be supervised at all moments by the Exhibitor staff. No exceptions.
6.- It is requested that Exhibitors remain present at their stands until the event closes to the public at 6 pm.
7.- The person assigned as responsible at the stand will the exhibitor’s representative to the Packing & Supplies Expo staff before, during
and at the completion of the event.
1.- Before starting the assembly of the stand, the Exhibitor must confirm that the conditions and dimentions of the space to ocupy are up to
their expectations, Packing & Supplies Expo will not modify its facilities in order to accomodate the Exhibitor stand design.
2.- The event facilities have several areas that include conference rooms, food court, exposition area, lobby, offices and exterior areas. These
areas have different types of floors and care must be taken in order not to damage them.
3.- The Exhibitors are responsible for the suppliers hired for assembling and dismantling the stands.
4.- The stand space cannot be used as a workshop, it can only be used for the assembly of previously manufactured parts. It is prohibieted to
clean materials, tools, paint brushes, paint containers or any other equipment in the event bathrooms, cafeteria or other general areas of
the convention center.
5.- All Exhibitors must obey the delimitation of the exhibition areas as well as the height allowed, which is 18 feet high.
6.- The use of other areas besides the authorized ones is not allowed. The event staff reserves the right to remove items left on
unauthorized areas , any charges incurred will be charged to the appropriate Exhibitor.
7.- The Exhibitor will return the area in the same condition it was received, if this is not the case the Event staff will estimate the cost this will
have and pass it along to the appropriate Exhibitor.
8.- Spray painting is prohibited, in the cases when Exhibitor must paint something this must do it inside a plastic area in order to prevent
damages to other Exhibitor stands of the event facilities. If any damages are incurred the cost of repairs will be passed along to the
appropriate Exhibitor.
9.- Advertising banners are permitted to be hanged from the building rafters whenever they can light enough and can be sustained above
the Exhibitor’s stand. Gluing or permanently fixing items to the floor is not permitted.
10.- The Packing & Supplies Expo staff, will provide two 110V outlet per each stand. It is up to the Exhibitors to supply their own electrical
11.- Firearms and knives are not allowed at the event facilities. Other prohibited items include: smoking inside the building, introduce food
and beverages, introduce any toxic, flammable, explosives, and any items that can present a safety risk to the attendees and the
general instalations .
12.- The Packing & Supplies Expo staff, will pick up and store all materials left in the common or transit areas during the event. Any costs
incurred by this activity will be chaged to the appropriate Exhibitor
13.- At the completion of the allowed period for disassembly of stands, the Packing & Supplies Expo staff will pick up and store all materials
left behind. This will not represent any responsibility for the event staff and any costs incurred will be charged accordingly.
14.- No heavy machinery or equipment will be allowed in the exhibition area after the event inauguration. When the equipment is to be
showcased this will stay off and with just enough fuel to be moved. It would be up to the Packing & Supplies Expo staff to make sure
all safety regulations are followed and if complaints are received they will be taken care off as quick as possible.
15.- No painting or placing of wallpaper on floors, walls, columns or ceilings is allowed. Also no welding is allowed.
16.- Any damage caused by not following these guidelines must be quickly covered by the Exhibitors.
17.- Every Exhibitor must wear his official ID during the event. It is prohibited to sublet or partially share a stand. Any request of this type
needs to be authorized by the Packing & Supplies Expo staff.
18.- Any activity that blocks the hallways or prevents attendees from moving through them is prohibited.
19.- Any activity that borders in the illegal or inmoral is prohibited. It will be up to the Packing & Supplies Expo to review and cancel these
20.- When the Exhibitor is interested in showing his advertisements in the common areas he needs to get in touch with the Packing &
Supplies Expo staff.
21.- All Exhibitors must be present at their stands at least 30 minutes before the event starts and 30 minutes after the official closing time.
22.- All Exhibitors and their personnel must perform their promotional activities inside the stand. No promotions can be done in the
common areas.
23.- Pets or any other animals are prohibited inside the event facilities.