here - Pageland Watermelon Festival

2015 Pageland Watermelon Festival
Craft/Commercial Vendor Application
Return to: Pageland Chamber of Commerce
Watermelon Festival - P.O. Box 56 - Pageland, SC 29728
Business Name: ______________________________________________________
Contact Person: ______________________________________________________
Mailing Address: _____________________________________________________
City: ________________________ State: _______ Zip: _______________
Physical Address: _____________________________________________________
City: ________________________ State: _______ Zip: _______________
Phone: (
) ________________ Cell Phone: (
South Carolina Retail License #: ____________________
(all craft/commercial vendors must have a South Carolina retail license)
E-mail: _______________________________
List specific items to be sold and prices (attach additional sheet if needed).
Have you been a Pageland Watermelon Festival vendor in the past five years?
Does your set-up include a trailer that will be on site?
If yes, would you be able to set up Thursday evening?
Please list all festivals in South Carolina and North Carolina where you were a vendor in 2014.
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Select which booth option you would like for the 2015 festival.
Handmade Craft Booth Size 10’ x 15’
$ ______________
Handmade Craft Booth Size 10’ x 15’ with 110 power
$ ______________
Handmade Craft Booth Size 10’ x 30’
$ ______________
Handmade Craft Booth Size 10’ x 30’ with 110 power
$ ______________
Commercial Booth Size 10’ x 15’
$ ______________
Commercial Booth Size 10’ x 15’ with 110 power
$ ______________
Commercial Booth Size 10’ x 30’
$ ______________
Commercial Booth Size 10’ x 30’ with 110 power
$ ______________
Total Due (make money order/cashier’s check payable
to Pageland Chamber of Commerce)
$ ______________
Fees include town permit and garbage pickup. Water and sewer are not included in fees.
**Initial beside each item below indicating that you have completed and/or understood the task listed.**
______ Read, understood, and agreed to the information presented in the commercial/craft vendor brochure
______ Included payment in the form of a cashier’s check or money order
______ Included photo of vendor set-up
______ Included a self-addressed stamped envelope
______ Understood that a vendor’s name (business and personal), photograph, and/or likeness may appear in various media related outlets including but not limited to social media, newspaper, radio,
Internet, mobile, and television
______ Understood that having any commercially produced item for sale will in turn qualify me as a
commercial vendor even if all other items are handmade
______ (Craft vendors only) - Attest that all of the products I am selling are handmade and are in no
way, shape, or form commercially produced
I agree that I have completed the above items and agree to abide by all rules and regulations
contained in the informational brochure.
Signature:___________________________ Date:_____________
Phone: 843-672-6400
Fax: 843-672-6401
[email protected]
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