Palisades Park District April 21, 2015 News From the Desk of the Superintendent Vol. I, Issue 1I Palisades Park School District Garners 97% Participation in PARCC Superintendent, Dr. Joseph Cirillo, would like to congratulate the staff and students and express how proud he is of how Palisades Park School District successfully participated in the first official round of PARCC testing in March, 2015. Dr. Cirillo stated, “I’m extremely proud of the maturity and patience of our students who did an exceptional job. Also, the technology team is to be commended for the outstanding work they did assisting students and staff at Lindbergh and the Jr/ Sr high school. The Palisades Park School District exceeded the Department of Education's federally-mandated 95 percent compliance rate on the new PARCC standardized tests. Palisades Park’s exceptional participation rate was over 97%. This is extremely significant as there have been warnings that districts who did not reach the mandated participation rate could face penalties in the form of reduced funding. Dr. Cirillo stated, “Our teachers, support staff, parents, and students pulled together to face this new challenge and to overcome any glitches to meet our goal.” Unlike the NJASK and other standardized tests that required students to be prepared with their #2 pencils, the PARCC requires students in grades 311 to complete math and English Language Arts tests on computers. Stu- dents are required to “click” to select the correct answer and to demonstrate keyboarding skills as well as they type other answers. Therefore, to prepare for PARCC, our district had to make a significant investment to upgrade our network and computers. Dr. Cirillo explained, “Our technology team has been working to ensure that we were ready for the PARCC and I am proud of how they conducted themselves to ensure our success.” Thank you, all, for your cooperation. Congratulations to the 2015 Teachers of the Year Congratulations to the Palisades Park 2015 Teachers of the Year. They include Mr. Jason Hom-Palisades Park High School; Mr. Kevin Engstrom-Lindbergh Elementary School; and Mrs. Allison Ginolfi-Charles R. Smith Early Childhood Center. According to the New Jersey Department of Education, “The Teacher of the Year Program recognizes our state’s best teachers and educational services professionals.” The honored teachers were nominated by their peers and then selected by a committee that consists of at least four people who represent a cross-section of administrators, teachers, staff, parents and local education association representatives using the following criteria: - Demonstrate strong ability to foster excellence in education as evidenced by ongoing contributions to the improvement of student learning and the learning environment - Demonstrate leadership in educational activities at the school, district, and/or state and national level that take place both within or outside the school setting - Have the respect and admiration of students, parents, and colleagues -Demonstrate poise, eloquence, and the ability to maintain a demanding schedule The selected Palisades Park teachers can now vie for the chance to compete for county, state and national recognition. -Be a licensed classroom teacher (pre-K through grade Please join Dr. Cirillo and the entire Palisades Park 12) or educational services professional (see below for community in congratulating these exceptional teachers list of eligible certification areas) in a public or charter and the many others who strive for excellence on a daily school -Inspire students of all backgrounds and abilities to learn basis. Congratulations! Portraits in Service to Education …. Mr. John Mattesich: President of the Board of Education universities and many have returned as successes in their careers, the military, or technical fields.” Mr. Mattesich sees the biggest challenge in the immediate future as determining, at a national, state and local level, the role of testing in education. He was very proud that so many students opted to participate in PARCC testing as did his own nieces and nephews. Yet, he is concerned. “While testing has a place in education, and I have always seen value in the SAT and ACT, it cannot be our top priority. There have to be other measures of a students’ success because not all students demonstrate what they know best on a standardized test. Many freeze and become too anxious and cannot demonstrate what they learned using this format. I am keeping an open mind and will follow the discussion closely in the media, but I know that the magic that happens between teachers and students in the classroom cannot be fully captured by standardized tests.” When one clearly hears his unbridled joy, enthusiasm, and ambition for students, you would never think it was from the voice of a man who has already served as a member of the Palisades As a board member for 32 years, Mr. Mattesich has witPark Board of Education for 32 years. Yet, Mr. John Mattesich, the current President of the Board of Education, has not lost one nessed a great deal of change. He noted that the biggest challenge for any board is adapting. For example, the makeup of the ounce of passion for the crucial role he plays in shaping our Palisades Park community has transformed significantly over community’s future even after 3 decades. the years and the board has worked to adapt to ensure the needs As the Board of Education President, Mr. Mattesich sees his of all residents, of many different cultures, are fully met. He role as a facilitator, working in the center of administrators, stated, “We are wholly dedicated to bringing together all segteachers, parents, and students, navigating to ensure that all ments of the population under one umbrella focused on what is stakeholders gets something of what they want and need in best for our children. No matter where our families started, we terms of securing an outstanding education. all share the common goal of seeking a better future for our chilMr. Mattesich stated, “Our role as a Board of Education is to dren.” provide an environment that helps all students develop a sense Mr. Mattesich has lived this dream. He was born in Croatia of what they can accomplish and to show them how they can and lived in Italy for five years. He moved to the United States accomplish it. We are here to give them what they need most to in 1954 and lived for 18 years in Hoboken, where he graduated reach their goals. We do this by providing outstanding teachers, from Hoboken High. He graduated from Pace University with a updated curriculum, safe facilities, innovative technology, and degree in business and then worked for 30 years on Wall Street the best supplies.” for various firms. He was then hired by Palisades Park for his Mr. Mattesich adds, “We have to be sure our community finance skills to do pay roll and accounts payable. He lists advances and provides opportunities for every child. To do so, among his greatest blessings that his job in Palisades Park has the most important role for a board member is to guarantee our allowed him the time and proximity to dedicate his talents to the schools prepare students for what society is all about. This inPalisades Park School District. cludes teaching students what is expected of them and what is Looking ahead, Mr. Mattesich hopes the district can continue required for each next step from elementary school to high to adapt by identifying and pursuing additional grant funds and school to college and beyond. We have to instill an inner donations for technology, facilities upgrades, equipment for strength in students to be prepared to combat peer pressure and teachers, and to new curriculum to motivate students. He states, bullying so that each child knows his value and has a strategy “We have to ignite their passions, promote their projects, and and a plan to move forward. It is our job to instill this strength keep them enthusiastic about learning.” Mr. Mattesich has cerof character so that every child develops individual talents while tainly not lost one ounce of enthusiasm for education after his realizing what is expected as a citizen of our great nation.” remarkable 32 years of service to the Palisades Park School The most rewarding part of the job of a board member, acDistrict. Please join us as a community in thanking Mr. John cording to Mr. Mattesich, is every high school graduation. He Mattesich for his outstanding service to the district. explains, “It’s such a joy and thrill for all of our board members to see each group of graduates improve, with such a high percentage heading off to college and being successful in their careers. We’ve had students go to Harvard and other prestigious Giving Their Time and Talents…. Standing from Left to Right Maria Alvarez, Howie Donovan, Dr. Joseph Cirillo, Jeffrey Woo, Paul Kim Seated Left to Right John Mattesich, Angela Burns, George Beck Mrs. Mary Terranova: President of the PTA/PTSA Mrs. Mary Terranova has been the President of the Lindbergh Parent Teacher Association (PTA) and the Jr./Sr. High School Parent Teacher Student Association (PTSA) for five years. During her years of service, she has been brought to tears more than once by the gratitude expressed by students for the dedicated work of the PTA. have become close friends and are always looking to help each other. She said, “PTA members love the children and go out of their way to make sure every student has a chance to enjoy each event. From Harlem Basketball fundraisers to hiring a private yacht for Project Graduation, the PTA is all about providing experiences for Although Mrs. Terranova counts successful fundraising efforts every child that will help them develop outstanding memories of among her many accomplishments, these are not the activities that their days in school.” are nearest and dearest to her heart. Instead, she considers her The biggest challenge for the PTA is that many parents want to greatest accomplishments leading her team to offer the Holiday get involved, but most have to work. She said that this sometimes Bazaar and the upcoming Annual Book Fair. What Mrs. Termakes it difficult to coordinate schedules for volunteers. Still, she ranova loves about the bazaar is that she and her team of 6 dediadds, “So many want to help, but may only be able to pitch in on a cated members search high and low to avail inexpensive items Friday, for example, and then we really don’t have activities on (most for $1.00) so that all students, regardless of income, are able that specific day.” to come to the bazaar and buy presents for their parents and sibWhen asked what she would like parents to know about the lings. Mrs. Terranova states, “During the bazaar, it becomes so clear that the idea of being able to give and to bring a smile to the PTA, Mrs. Terranova said, “ People often comment that I am inface of another is far more important to children than receiving. volved so much in the schools and that I give a lot of my time --as “It’s so heartwarming,” she adds. “There are many times that my do my team members. However, what observer’s may not realize team and I are left crying.” is how much I receive in return. “I always do my best for all the children in ECC, Lindbergh, and the high school because it Mrs. Terranova also enjoys the upcoming book fair because touches my heart to see the children with big smiles appreciating year after year children are so excited to shop and select a book that they often love for a lifetime. While Mrs. Terranova is Presi- all the different functions that the PTA supports. Their joy and dent of the PTA, she says that it is definitely a team effort, running energy makes every second well worthwhile.” each event, including Project Graduation, because PTA members Project Based Learning Enhances Classroom Activities Students participating in the 21st Century Community Learning Centers After School Program have been benefitting from Project Based Learning. Project based learning is an interactive approach to teaching in which students explore real-world problems and challenges, simultaneously developing cross-curriculum skills while working in small collaborative groups. Since this type of learning is active and engages students by placing them in the center of activities, it is thought to enable students to attain a deeper knowledge of the subjects they're studying. It is also anticipated that students are more likely to retain what they learn through the project based learning experience more than through a traditional textbook approach to teaching and learning. This is because the students are in the center of the learning rather than a teacher standing in front of the room imparting information. According to the 21st Century Community Learning Center’s Grant Project Director, Jillian Vivanco, Project Based Learning has also allowed teachers, from different disciplines to work together on cross content area projects. Ms. Vivanco stated, “This allows the program to focus on big ideas and overarching themes to enable students to see the connection between various subject areas. For example, we are currently working on putting on a talent show and teachers and students from all after school classrooms are involved in some aspect of the project —whether building sets or writing dialogue.” In addition to content knowledge, working with peers to manage projects enables students to enhance their organizational skills and technology skills, while improving their communication skills. Palisades Park High School to Reopen the Athletic Hall of Fame Superintendent, Dr. Joseph Cirillo, asks you to join the Palisades Park High School Athletic Hall of Fame Committee in recognizing the following 2015 Inductees in to the Palisades Park High School Athletic Hall of Fame. Dr. Cirillo states, “They will remind us of our unique traditions and history while encouraging all to always wear our school colors with pride.” 2015 Athletic Hall of Fame Inductees William Maresca John Wendelken Jim Landy, posthumous Mark Cieslak Frank Donohue John Wroblewski George Cloutier Tom Martucci Check the Website: 21st Century Grant to Fund Summer Program Please check the 21st Century Community Learning CenThe 21st Century Community Learning Centers Grant Program will be offering a four-week summer program dur- ters Grant page on the district’s web site located at for the exact dates and times for reging the summer of 2015 for students in grades 4-7. istration and for forms and further information. The summer program will provide a balance of remedial, Through this grant, PPSD is dedicated to extending the enrichment, recreation, character education, and family literschool day and the school year to enhance learning opportuacy activities. nities for our students to prepare for the future by attaining The program will most likely be offered during the month short term and long term academic goals. of July and classes will meet for four hours per day for five days a week. Update on NJ Academic Achievement Coaches Grant Palisades Park School District has selected staff members and using evidence to shape instruction and guide profesto serve as coaches to implement the New Jersey Department sional learning. The training includes: of Education Academic Achievement Coaches Grant. April 30, 2015: Initial training session These staff members will now participate in intensive June 8, 2015: Second training session training offered through the New Jersey Department of EduJuly 6-10 2015: 5-day intensive Achievement Coach Incation and will be expected to begin offering coaching and stitute mentoring to peers in our own school district beginning late Summer-October 2015: Local peer training sessions summer 2015. The goal of the New Jersey Achievement Coaches proAchievement Coach cohorts will attend state-led coaching gram is to empower several of New Jersey’s outstanding sessions to receive materials and training on how to deliver educators to provide direct support to their peers through those sessions to other educators. high quality training and resources. The content of the coaching sessions will focus on comPalisades Park School District is proud to have been seponents of evaluation identified by educators as most imporlected to pilot this exciting project. tant for additional training, such as improving practice, aligning instruction to new curricula and content standards, Child Study Team Offers Solutions Does your child need assistance? The Child Study Team is committed to providing the support needed to helps students with disabilities attain their learning goals and to contribute to our community as productive citizens while preparing for life in the 21st Century. The District works to provide special services to students with the following identified educational disabilities within the least restrictive learning environment: · · · · · · Specific Learning Disability Communication Impairment Speech and Language Delay Emotional/Behavioral Disability Other Health Impairment Preschool Child with a Disability or Developmental Delay · · · · · · · · Autism Multiply Disabled Cognitive Impairment Orthopedic Impairment Traumatic Brain Injury Hearing Impairment Visual Impairment Social Maladjustment The Child Study Team members strive to partner with parents to help students attain their personal and academic goals. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to call the Supervisor of Special Services, Dr. Vazquez, at [email protected].
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