6th May 2015 Dear Parents Budget pressures at Aldryngton Year on

6th May 2015
Dear Parents
Budget pressures at Aldryngton
Year on year , in partnership with the governors, the school has worked hard to balance its budget using
funds provided by the Local Authority, income it generates at a local level together with any unspent monies
from the previous budget year.
The majority of all schools’ funding is determined by the amount allocated from the Local Authority to the
school per pupil, known as the ‘AWPU’. Until this year, the AWPU has increased annually, which, has
enabled schools to cover inflationary pressures. Wokingham’s AWPU is significantly less than other Local
Authorities, this year we received just £2,714 per pupil for the year, whereas in Reading the figure is £3,226.
This equates to a difference of £161,280 for a school the size of Aldryngton.
The funding received has to cover all school expenditure - staff salaries, site running costs, materials,
resources and all services used. Despite many meetings and budget plans, each cutting back further on our
expenditure, we have not been able to balance the 2015-2016 school budget, ie match income to
The deficit of £25,000 for 2015/16 and pressures for future financial years is due to the combination of the
1. The reduction in the AWPU has resulted in £11,025 less basic funding for the school this year
2. Year on year the school has used previous unspent funds to support the following financial year’s
budget. The amount available each year has reduced despite spending cut backs and has now been
3. 85% of school funding is linked to staff salaries, in line with Local Authority averages. NI and
Pension changes in April 2016 alone will create an estimated additional £22,000 demand on the
school’s funds.
4. The school receives very little additional funding, particularly that linked to social deprivation, unlike
other local schools
Having discussed this position with Wokingham Borough Council, the governing body has decided to seek
their support and obtain a licensed budget deficit.
What can I do as a parent?
Your PTA has worked hard to support the school. Funds raised have purchased key items such as
whiteboards and outside play equipment. We have also been successful in obtaining external specific grants
for the long jump pit and the tyre park. The terms of these grants limits the use of these funds and does not
permit them to be used for general day to day operation of the school. The demand on the PTA will continue
and their contribution highly valued.
As parents, we ask you consider the following ways in which you can support the school to ease its financial
1. Supporting PTA events
2. Paying the voluntary contributions for off-site visits
3. Joining the PTA Pool Club
4. Paying for your child’s swimming lessons – last year only 60% chose to do so.
5. Supporting the grounds working party – the next one this Saturday
6. Exploring any funding streams available through your employer
Who can I speak to about this further?
Ian Head, chair of governors, Fran Roberts, chair of the Finance Committee and Mrs Stewart will be holding
a ‘drop-in’ session on Thursday 14th May between 6pm and 8pm in the Middle School building. They will be
available to answer questions on this matter.
Please be assured that Aldryngton remains fully committed to providing an outstanding education for all its
pupils, but the financial situation will make this incredibly challenging.
Yours sincerely
Mrs Stewart, Mr Head and Mrs Roberts