Lycopene is more bioavailable from fresh tomatoes13 Christine Gartner, ABSTRACT fresh with Wilhelm Lycopene tomatoes 1 5 g corn found bioavailability from fraction. The fresh tomatoes response after Helmut both in treatments. Sies a single dose ingested carotenoid of together concen- lycopene isomer pattern and tomato paste. The was not significantly of tomato paste was chylomicrons Ingestion to yield 2.5-fold higher total and all-trans-lycopene peak concentrations (P < 0.05 and P < 0.005, respectively) and 3.8fold higher area under the curve (AUC) responses (P < 0.001) than ingestion of fresh tomatoes. The same was calculated for lycopene cis-isomers, but only the AUC response for the cis- isomers was significantly higher after ingestion of tomato paste (P < 0.005). No difference was observed in the a- and 3-carotene response. Thus, in humans, the bioavailability of lycopene is greater Nutr KEY from tomato l997;66: paste from fresh Am J C/in tomatoes. 116-22. Carotenoids, WORDS cis-isomers, tomato than a//-trans-lycopene, chylomicrons, bioavailability, ences in lycopene bioavailability products might account for this centrations and The uptake processed tomato juice threefold or the predominant antioxidant carotenoid activity all dietary properties in tomatoes, was proliferation to be investigated (4). superior to a- in various and rat human progression mammary and /3-cryptoxanthin, in their study. a-carotene epithelial and aLikewise, in inhibiting cancer cell of 7,l2-dimethyl-benz[a]anthratumors were suppressed cell lines by (6). lyco- pene but not by a-carotene (7), and lycopene has been shown to protect efficiently against mammary tumorigenesis in a high-mammary-tumor strain of mice (8). Few epidemiologic data on the relation between cancer risk and dietary intake of tomatoes or tomato products are available, and these studies have shown equivocal results (9-15). However, when serum concentrations of lycopene were investigated in an oil medium serum juice. resulted from heat- Ingestion of in a two- to concentrations 1 d after but an equivalent consumption of unprocessed tocaused no rise in plasma concentrations (20). Cookare sturdy we believed to cell walls, investigated chylomicrons toes and from dietary tomato intake, a lower cancer risk was ments the enhance bioavailability thus making carotenoids uptake after a single dose tomato paste. AND subjects, Am J Clin Nutr The of lycopene of lycopene by more into human fresh toma- from METHODS three signed accord females and two males, had history volunteers and minerals, they an informed with the no had consent Helsinki in the part chronic disease, hyperlipoproteinemia, did not use any supple- or carotenoids normal took of any hypertriglyceridemia, or diabetes. They of vitamins, the study in the dietary habits. form. The Declaration 3 mo before All volunteers study was conducted of 1975 as revised in in 1983. Study design The study was conducted on 2 experimental The volunteers were instructed to consume tenoids C 3 d before From the Institut inisches the experimental days; f#{252}r Physiologische Chemie Forschungszentrum, days 2 wk apart. a diet low in carotomatoes and tomato I and Biologisch-Mediz- Heinrich-Heine-Universitat D#{252}sseldorf, Germany. 2 The tomato paste was supplied by B de Boer, Unilever Laboratory, Vlaardingen, Netherlands. 3 Address reprint requests to H Sies, Institut f#{252}r Physiologische I, Heinrich-Heine-Universitat D#{252}sseldorf, P0 Box 101007, D#{252}sseldorf, Germany. correlated with higher serum lycopene concentrations throughout (16-19). Giovannucci et al (5) discussed whether differ116 cancer. to be greater tomato in lycopene bleeding disorder, lipid malabsorption, exhibits and singlet oxygen quenching ( 1-3). Its potential cancer- carotenoids are beginning tate cancer. Other carotenoids, lutein, and a-carotene showed no correlation of cooked down Here prostate unprocessed chopping breaking accessible. study. Giovannucci et al (5) found that the dietary intake of lycopene is epidemiologically correlated with diminished risk for pros- instead from for found juice con- Subjects Lycopene, Initiation cene-induced risk was increase ingestion, mato juice ing diminished of lycopene than Five lycopene tomatoes and tomato They found consump- tion of tomato sauce and not of fresh tomatoes or tomato to be the strongest predictor for higher lycopene serum SUBJECTS tomatoes, INTRODUCTION ability of preventing from effect. lycopene fresh paste the highest paste than 1997:66:116-22. E-mail: Received October Accepted for publication Printed Research Chemie D-40001 [email protected]. 3, 1996. in USA. February 10, 1997. © 1997 American Society for Clinical Nutrition Downloaded from by guest on September 11, 2014 triacylglycerol and or tomato paste (23 mg lycopene) oil was compared by analyzing trations in the chylomicron was the same in both different Stahl, from tomato LYCOPENE products were checked by fasting to be daily overnight, matoes (day corn oil and at 0830 consumed A) or 40 g tomato 100 g bread. The it to be difficult pene, carbohydrate, trans-lycopene was tomatoes together the not same stirred into tomato meal), during the were purchased the sample span, the tomato was and and only experiment. from paste. On at black coffee Fresh tomatoes, local had been content of lyco- as tomato salad meal, the corn oil both days, 1300 the (4.5 and water were corn same h after oil, carotenoids Chemical were either obtained J3-apo-8’-carotenal and from from internal foods. were peak Z Nir, Ma- Sheva, Israel) and E Merck according other from Beer Roche (lutein, zeaxanthin; Basel, from Sigma (a-carotene; Deisen((3-carotene, ethyl-f3-apo-8’-caroteBuchs, Switzerland). All other (Darmstadt, height carotefrom Beecher (24) and HPLC system were in tomatoes, tomato concentrations from ratios and for our contents Carotenoid calculated Germany). and chylomicron was synthesized to Khachik purified by HPLC. Response factors determined used to calculate the carotenoid chylomicrons a gift (lycopene; The internal standard used for serum noid analysis, j3-apo-8’-carotenol, ated bread were Works J Bausch, Hoffmann-La Switzerland), or purchased hofen, Germany) or Fluka noate, f3-apo-8’-carotenal; paste, the allowed and Reference chemicals of fresh of total and allmeals. The fresh served paste served to- we supposed two batches and fiber. The amount the same in both tomato lunch g fresh 117 khteshim after B) together with 15 g meals were served because texture was study, 400 blood were cut into slices and with corn oil. For the tomato low-carotenoid of either used a 2-wk Compliance days a fasting was over exactly the paste (day experimental after design to find, with particular. volunteers A crossover tomatoes in On in the morning drawn. was avoided interview. BIOAVAILABILITY in serum calibration curves of carotenoid and gener- standards to the standard. distributors. Statistics Blood Results samples were drawn into out anticoagulant ingestion of the before tomato meal. To tenoids, all further evacuated containers with(0 h) and 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, and 12 h after operations avoid were isomerization performed (cmax) of caro- under dim fects light. are expressed as means ± SDs. were calculated [(AUC) 0-12 h] responses after subtraction of fasting were adjusted of treatment, fasting and under Peak and time rule concentrations concentrations treatment the curve by trapeziodal concentrations. for time, Area likewise. Ef- interactions on and carotenoid response were analyzed by After clotting, serum was prepared by centrifugation at 16 #{176}C the triacylglycerol two-factor repeated-measures analysis of variance. Differences for 10 mm at 2000 X g. An aliquot was frozen at -70 #{176}C until in baseline serum concentrations, AUC responses, and peak analyzed, and another was used directly for chylomicron prepconcentrations between the 2 experimental days were assessed aration (21). Briefly, 2 mL serum was mixed carefully with 50 by two-sided paired Student’s t test. All statistical calculations mg sucrose, 770 mg KBr, and 200 mL ethylene glycol, resultwere done by using Excel 5.0 (Microsoft Corp, Unterschleissing in a serum density of P20 1 .250 kgIL. The serum was overlaid with solution trifugation (P20 rotor 2 mL Munich, on top of the and immediately Analysis solution (P20 1.225 = kgIL), 4 mL KBr 1.100 kg/L), and 3 mL H2O. at 20 #{176}C for 40 mm at 155 000 X (Beckman, floating pipette KBr and gradient frozen and available GPO-PAP, Germany). Germany), was collected with at -70 #{176}C. RESULTS were colorimetric test measured kits by using (CHOD-PAP and Boehringer content and concentrations (23). Extracts in HPLC from solvent TABLE 1 Characteristics vegetable samples were A (CH3OH:CH3CN:2-propanol, diluted appropriately 54:44:2 < 5.2 on both cutoffs mmollL for were the experimental days. solvent 450 nm. extraction A with a flow The same HPLC modified gradient: and 5-15 solvent identified (model of 1 mlJmin Dry carotenoid residues from serum were redissolved in HPLC solvent analysis. slightly 100% rate 168; mm A, spectrophotometrically Beckman) and carotenoids. detection at and chylomicron A directly before system was used as above with a 0-S mm 94.5% solvent A and 5.5% a linear which and gradient was held running for by by coelution 12 diode with from mm. 94.5% Peaks to were array detection synthetic refer- were cholesterol). around the The Fasting lower higher serum nor- serum limit of re- was no signifconcentrations serum 32.2 23.3 Age (y) BMI (kg/rn2) Fasting serum in the experimental days when (< 2.3 mmol/L for triac- Fresh tomatoes (Day A) and 100% 1. Fasting concentra- of the volunteers’ by analyzed on a 5-p.m Suplex pKb 100 column (250 X 4.6 mm) from Supelco (Bellefonte, PA), by using a step gradient: 0-10 mm 97% solvent A and 3% H20 and 10-25 mm in Table concentrations ported values in all volunteers (Table 1). There icant difference in fasting serum carotenoid described ence are given cholesterol carotenoid between H2O and ylglycerol Mannheim, Mannheim, in tomatoes and tomato paste was analyzed according to Hart and Scott (22). Extraction of carotenoids from serum and chylomicrons was performed as vol) characteristics triacylglycerol mal range for all subjects applying generally accepted cholesterol respectively, The carotenoid Germany). Volunteer a Pasteur chromatography Triacylglycerol commercially After ultraceng in an SW 41 the chylomicron fraction heim, Tomato (Day paste B) ± 7.3 ± 4.0 concentrations all-trans-Lycopene (nmol/L) Total lycopene (nmolIL) a-Carotene (nmol/L) 127 282 49 ± 12 165 ± 65 ± 36 360 ± ± 34 f3-Carotene 220 ± 122 219 ± 320 ± 100 297 ± 97 Lutein (nmolIL) (nmol/L) Zeaxanthin (nmol/L) Triacylglycerol (mmolIL) Cholesterol ‘ ± SD; n 83 0.76 5.00 (mmol/L) 3 females and 2 males: day ± 42 ± ± 76 81 ± 36 0. 16 0.54 A and day 148 48 ± 31 1 . 13 ± 0.25 5.03 ± 0.78 B were 2 wk apart. Downloaded from by guest on September 11, 2014 preparation Sample GARTNER 118 of all-transand total serum concentrations tions higher on both 2). No paste content days fresh study B were due in only to TABLE 2 Caotenoid content one experimental meals was the 1, A and B, and Table the Tomatoes the tomato tomatoes. was Biological observed variation in might from somewhat higher 3-carotene content response tomato paste that observed (Figure 2C and triacylglycerol in in chylomicrons meal after Tables was not was seen and peak concentrations (cmax) (Figure of also revealed variance after consump- significantly different 22.2 21.1 ± 0.5 22.8 ± 0.2 cis- 1.16 ± 0.12 0.78 ± 0.05 a-Carotene 1.32 ± 0.08 0.50 ± 0.02 ‘i 2 h after ingestion almost ± SD; n = ± 0.6 g) 23.6 ± 0.2 3. and cis-lycopene) B, and Table 4). tomatoes AUC as assessed responses 2, A and In B, and exclusively present predominantly in for the tomatoes total and lycopene no distinct observed tomato (data paste showed meal, a slight not significant, 0-h serum and lutein, tomato both but After and of variance, concentrations of the concentrations this increase was different from consumption of the concentrations with a tendency a- experimental effect of treatment was observed lycopene (P < 0.005 and P < response concentrations al/-trans-lycopene the day of study zeaxanthin, on confirmed by analysis effect of time on serum point. 2, A and consumption not significantly time total and throughout as did lycopene After increase, being at each (Figure a//-trans-lycopene time-dependent concentrations in shown). the values concentrations to decline, of changes not total fresh tomato meal, remained constant Table effect serum, were by chy(0-12 h), a combined in chylomicrons (all-trans- of treatment and time on the chylomicron lycopene response (Table 3). Because of the small number of volunteers, these data should not be overemphasized. a//-trans-Lycopene, the accounted (40 and days. revealing of all f3-carotene This was no significant carotenoids. An only for all-trans0.05, respectively). and total a) C a) 0. B A C 0 -J a) c) C a) 0. 0 0 > -j P 0 CU 0 C CU U) (U E E a) C 0 a) C a) C’, 0 a) (‘3 0 0 . -a 0 (I) >.CU ;;O L-jco IIE I5 IC,) 10-J I; la5 0. IlIC tto a C 0 C a) 0CU I I I I I I I I I 10 20 30 0 10 20 30 0 10 Time FIGURE 1. Carotenoid of tomato paste. (h) pattern Time in fresh tomatoes (A), in tomato paste (B), (h) and i 20 Time in the chylomicron fraction (C) of one volunteer 30 (h) 4 h after consumption Downloaded from by guest on September 11, 2014 consumption of fresh lycopene concentrations, paste, paste all-trans- consumption of the fresh tomato meal 4). An early peak in chylomicron than after lomicron isomer Tomato 3 and concentrations Analysis (400 g) Total the both tomato meals, and a second, higher peak again 1.5-2.5 h after lunch (6-7 h after ingestion of the experimental meals). After both experimental meals, an increase in lycopene concentrations was observed in chylomicrons but not in serum of all volunteers. This chylomicron lycopene response was significantly higher (P < 0.05) after consumption of tomato paste 4). paste per dose administered Lycopene tomatoes. of the and tomato mg fresh The triacylglycerol tion in tomatoes (Figure isomerization with for carotenoids of the of the lycopene compared account on day of these in this study’ volunteer. The lycopene same lycopene ET AL LYCOPENE BIOAVAILABILITY TABLE 3 Effect of time and treatment on the carotenoid and triacylglycerol response in chylomicrons after ingestion of fresh tomatoes and tomato paste as shown in Figure 2’ A a) C ci a. 40 - 30 - 0 0 > - 119 Effect 60) --I C 20 - 0 10 - Oo Treatment P Triacylglycerol Lycopene Total >, 0 NS cis0 3 6 9 12 a-Carotene 3-Carotene B C a. 0 0 Treatment NS <0.0001 < 0.0001 < 0.0001 NS <0.05 < 0.05 < 0.05 NS 0.05 < 40 Results of two-factor repeated-measures ment: fresh tomatoes versus tomato paste). 30 availability NS analysis I X time P < 0.005 <0.0001 < 0.0001 < 0.0001 NS NS all-trans- 0- of time P of variance (treat- >- -r C,) oE 10 0 To and 0 0 0 3 6 9 12 chylomicron fraction been to be a more have 0 a) 0 >% 0.5 --J C 00 shown of volunteers because appropriate kinetics 25-28). of carotenoids In response to single carotenoid attributed 0 liver as constituents of other lipoproteins than those of chylomicrons, thus leading >, 0 3 6 Time 9 concentrations after However, mean 0.01) from the effect of tomato of treatment chylomicrons have than are concentrations studying peak paste (data not shown). on was /3-carotene concentrations The in The days AUC for of tomato not significant, and which did f3-carotene paste (Table and not tended higher change to be 4). Neverthej3-carotene might lycopene carotenoids intes- concentrations be due (25, 27, also been to the et al (23) dose with in this this order carotenoids short 31). The reported period observed was 23 mg. of magnitude interindividual 32, doses, 33). carotenoid In studies absorption, sponders to single (23, variation or even in the that used except increase Single a doses not yield response have two in of any when derived from (29). In addition, been chylomicrons for lack of in other 6 h after might plasma nonresponse, longer of the investigated, a clear beginning study by the with half-lives to accumulation effect on carotenoid plasma concentrations vegetables and not from purified supplements 29, 3). was not absorbed in plasma which has Wingerath carotenoid in 3-carotene by analysis of variance (Table a small amount of a-carotene of all volunteers, which was on both 3). consumption difference increase values were only significantly different (P < 0-h value at 6 h after the tomato meal. No different after a slight ingestion chylomicrons was observed On both experimental days, found in the chylomicrons (Table fresh tomatoes response in the for f3-cryptoxanthin plasma concentrations single dose of -cryptoxanthin. large we observed (28), although (h) of newly carotenoids in plasma, studies 12 FIGURE 2. Total lycopene (A), all-trans-lycopene (B), and triacylglycerol (C) concentrations in the chylomicron fraction before (0 h) and after consumption of fresh tomatoes (0, day A) and tomato paste (#{149}, day B). i ± SD: n = 5. In chylomicrons to resecretion absorbed response 0.0 0 time by the tool doses, 5E . significantly balanced in plasma are reached 24-48 h postdose (25-27, 29), whereas in chylomicrons they occur between 4-6 h and decline to near-basal concentrations within 12 h (23, 25-28, 30). Thus, carotenoid concentrations in chylomicrons mainly reflect absorption kinetics. A major part of the plasma response has been C significant been from lycopene tinal absorption in plasma (23, 1.0 - the might in the paste. compare lycopene bioavailability tomato paste we measured the > less, paste content DISCUSSION E higher tomato 20 C#{176} over from a-carotene (26, to single reported (26, to investigate 34), no nonre- were reported, as in the present study, and a response carotenoid doses sometimes as low as 1 mg was seen 25-28, 30). Constant study conditions on all days of the study are essential for investigating influences of different treatments on carotenoid bioavailability. Recently, van Vliet et al (28) reported differences in triacylglycerol and carotenoid responses to the same study and therefore experimental used meal between the ratio different of carotenoid days AUC of their response Downloaded from by guest on September 11, 2014 lower 120 GARTNER TABLE Area ET AL 4 under the curve (AUC) responses and peak concentrations Fresh AUC (0-12 nmol (Cmax) tomat oes (day in chylomicrons after ingestion of fresh tomatoes A) and Tomato h) AUC Cmax nmol/L . (0-12 nmol paste’ tomato paste (day B) h) Cmax nmol/L . Lycopene Total 28.4 ± 15.7 all-trans- 22.6 ± 11.1 109.3 ± 26.62 27.9 7.5 ± 2.0 79.5 ± 18.82 20.1 ± 6.l ± 2.8 29.9 ± 8.5 7.8 ± 3.4 0.4 ± 0.4 1 1.0 ± 3.6 ± 933 cis- 7.3 ± 4.9 3.4 a-Carotene 3-Carotene 0.8 7.0 0.6 0.4 ± ± 5.6 3.2 ± 3.3 10.9 ± 6.7 2.8 1.22 ± l.0l ± 1.38 ± 0.7l 0.57 Triacylglycerol , SD; n Significantly ± 2.3.4 5 mmol 6 mmol/L. 5. AUCs different = and peak concentrations from day AUC different days. response as a reproducible In the present sponse was neither necessary performed (data not shown). Triacylglycerol work, the observed 35). and to response fat-containing A high for and lomicron concentrations been reported 5 h earlier (35). has triacylglycerol found to be more kinetics reported observed in the (23, for 28). tomato mato paste and and the In the meals of 1 1 .0 nmollL, tomato paste 1 8.8 increments 3-carotene present was (25-28) mg in chy- /3-cryp- the from total lycopene fresh tomatoes consumption concentrations (Table 4). Thus, 1.9- to 2.5-fold of being higher fresh of 27.9 ingestion total of lycopene peak concentrations (P < 0.05), whereas the total lycopene AUC response was even 3.8-fold higher after ingestion of tomato paste compared with ingestion of fresh tomatoes (P < 0.001 ). The same difference is calculated when comparing all-trans-lycopene parameters. Thus, with ents, cantly imental lycopene lycopene and lycopene a constant content bioavailability cis-isomer of fat from and tomato absorption other paste higher than that from fresh tomatoes. This support to the epidemiologic observation bioavailability. As mentioned above, meal was kinetic ingredisignifi- lends experregarding tomato sauce predictor by fresh in lycopene The after to be matrix cells, of lycopene tomatoes serum (5), heating increase the juice attributable to carotenoid in two with in an oil extraction boiling from lipophilic extraction of carotenoids amounts in calves (39). been disrupted, of dietary ity. This might In vegetable juice the cell rendering any further effect fiber namely (33) explain ‘=65% of total (41, the observation Clinton et al (43), all-trans-lycopene of fat correlated not shown). who reported in tomatoes, (40). et al (5) with lycopene but This confirms that 90% of total 32% in serum, only for 45% results to that in serum Thus, it appears that or even lycopene higher, is absorbed mainly in the form that it is present in vivo to yield typical the eg, pattern into in foods found 60% by lycopene was and 17% in benign and malign prostate tissue. In other tissues (liver, ney, and adrenal gland) the percentage of all-trans-lycopene similar It not consumed bioavailabil- in the study tomatoes and This isomer accounted in chylomicrons, data foods of high by Giovannucci juice was not in their study. lycopene 42, coingestion juice is usually in poor lycopene About 95% of total lycopene tomato paste was a//-trans-lycopene. from by coingestion or by that tomato fat, resulting that intake of tomato plasma concentrations in serum On the other bioavailability on the cell matrix unlikely. matrix effects, carotenoid absorption might be assumed together with any be the food yielding the same Poor et al (39) from steamed than carrot juice has already factors, (29, 38). and mechanical disruption of study. Heat treatment might from matrix by other the are might from raw carrot slurries in preruminant calves. heat treatment had no effect on /3-carotene treatment sug- into vegetables from hand, of heat con- was matrixes from into a lipophilic phase (20) as was shown in the present of serum Carotenoids bioavailability ways: ingestion lycopene process. of concenshowing medium of con- intake in lycopene also affect the structure of vegetable tissue, effect as mechanical disruption. Accordingly, reported higher carotenoid bioavailability for plasma whereas concentrations observed lipophilic phase during the known to be readily absorbed Apart from is influenced As shown in Figure 2A, of 35.6 nmollL were after consumption of toafter 0-h The points reached and centrations enhanced peak major followed juice. conhighly with to be the juice was not correlated with lycopene plasma This is in line with data from our group (20) Therefore, 37). were in carotenoid doses beof 30-50 nmol/L study, 22.2 nmollL over respectively resulted tomato trations. gested to time is in accordance and 23.6 mg from the tomato paste. total lycopene peak concentrations reached in the chylomicron fraction tomatoes, found The one (36, at most toxanthin (23). In studies using single tween 10 and 20 mg, peak concentrations reported than in chylomicrons This 2-3 increase sometimes was and 6 h postdose. 5 content ± 2.4 ± 0.526 concentrations. no increase generally of the lunch breakfast concentrations lycopene rewhen peaked as has proportion high SD in chylomicron triacylglycerols might be due to this effect. were I.1 ± 0.005. < centrations, experi- the results lunch, in chylomicron meals was subjects, in triacylglycerol it change the after ingested between Peak p was measure the triacylglycerol in chylomicrons meal fat time-dependent centrations between fasting tomato triacylglycerol of variable tomato (28, chylomicron consist nor did concentrations both been 0.336 were calculated after subtracting t test): 2 p < 0.001, ‘ p < 0.05, A (Student’s were not significantly different on the two days. Therefore, a correction for triacylglycerol h after 1.3 kidis in testes (41). chylomicrons and is isomerized in serum and tissues. Downloaded from by guest on September 11, 2014 to the triacylglycerol responses mental 0.48 0.5 h/t.. . between ± LYCOPENE The biochemical or physiologic possibly tissue-specific consequences remain In conclusion, paste than lycopene from ologically fresh defined the factors mechanisms isomer pattern to be elucidated. their in light from of the properties bioavailability to this tomato epidemi- 20. of carotenoids, should be taken A We thank B de Boer and K van het Hof, Unilever Netherlands, Olga Briviba institut, for helpful discussions; for the blood drawings; D#{252}sseldorf, Germany) Research Laboratory, Clemens Fritsch and Ilka Rdmer(Diabetes for the and Forschungs- triacylglycerol and Helzlsouer 1G. Comstock cholesterol Stahl W, greater into account. Vlaardingen, 18. 121 Sies from 21. H. Uptake of lycopene heat-processed than Terpstra AHM. gradient ultracentrifugation Isolation content 23. Wingerath human REFERENCES carotenoid singlet oxygen quencher. 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