CITY COUNCIL AGENDA REPORT Subject: BYLAW - 10/2015 IDP AMENDMENT BYLAW - 11/2015 MDP AMENDMENT KING OF KINGS LUTHERAN CHURCH SITE Recommendation(s) Bylaw 10/2015 - Intermunicipal Development Plan (IDP) Amendment 1. That the Public Hearing on Bylaw 10/2015, being Amendment 6 to the Intermunicipal Development Plan Bylaw 7/2001, be adjourned until April 7, 2015. Bylaw 11/2015 - Municipal Development Plan (MDP) Amendment 1. That the Public Hearing on Bylaw 11/2015, being Amendment 15 to the Municipal Development Plan Bylaw 15/2007, be adjourned until April 7, 2015. Purpose of Report Administration is requesting that the Intermunicipal Development Plan (IDP) and Municipal Development Plan (MDP) amendments, relative to proposed future development of the King of Kings Lutheran Church site in Erin Ridge North neighbourhood, be adjourned to April 7, 2015. Council Direction On January 12, 2015, Council passed the following motions: (C06-2015) Moved by Councillor Prefontaine That Bylaw 10/2015, being Amendment 6 to the Intermunicipal Development Plan Bylaw 7/2001, be read a first time. (C07-2015) That Bylaw 11/2015, being Amendment 15 to the Municipal Development Plan Bylaw 15/2007, be read a first time. City Council Agenda March 16, 2015 / Page 1 File No.:8240-8 (C08-2015) That the Public Hearing for Bylaw 10/2015 be adjourned until March 16, 2015 to allow for a decision by the Capital Region Board. (C09-2015) That Bylaw 11/2015 be referred to the Capital Region Board for a decision. (C10-2015) Moved by Councillor Prefontaine That the Public Hearing for Bylaw 11/2015 be adjourned until March 16, 2015 to allow for a decision by the Capital Region Board. Background and Discussion Administration followed up with the staff from the Capital Region Board, and was advised that a decision, assuming there were no appeals on the Regional Evaluation Framework (REF) application, would be provided by March 30, 2015. Based on this information, the subject matter could come back to Council on April 7, 2015. Stakeholder Communications or Engagement • Not applicable for this agenda report. Implications of Recommendation(s) • Not applicable for this agenda report. a) Financial: • None at this time. b) Legal / Risk: • None at this time. c) Program or Service: • None at this time. d) Organizational: • None at this time. City Council Agenda March 16, 2015 / Page 2 File No.:8240-8 Alternatives and Implications Considered If Council does not wish to support the recommendation of the April 7, 2015 continuation of the public hearing, the following alternative could be considered: Council could consider continuing the public hearing on the IDP and MDP amendments on April 20, 2015. However, a delay in a decision on the proposed IDP and MDP amendments impacts proposed amendments to the Erin Ridge North Area Structure Plan (ASP) and the Land Use Bylaw (LUB) that the applicant is bringing to Council in the second quarter of 2015. Strategic Connections a) Council’s Strategic Outcomes and Priorities • CULTIVATE ECONOMIC PROSPERITY: A diversified, robust, and resilient economic foundation to support growth and community service delivery. • CULTIVATE EXCELLENCE IN GOVERNMENT: A responsive, accountable government that delivers value to the community. • CULTIVATE A SAFE, HEALTHY, AND INCLUSIVE COMMUNITY: A community that provides opportunities for everyone to realize their potential in a thinking, caring, and connected way. Amendment to the IDP and MDP is the first step in changing the land use on the King of Kings Lutheran Church site from institutional to commercial and residential. This then gives opportunity to amend the Erin Ridge North ASP and the Land Use Bylaw. The interest of the developer is to develop the site with a small scale commercial node, multiple family dwelling units, low density dwelling units, and a stormwater management facility to support development. b) Long Term Plans • Intermunicipal Development Plan (IDP). • Municipal Development Plan (MDP). c) Corporate Objectives (See Corporate Business Plan) • Ensure our customers are very satisfied. d) Council Policies • Not applicable. e) Other Plans or Initiatives • Not applicable. City Council Agenda March 16, 2015 / Page 3 File No.:8240-8 Attachment(s) 1. Bylaw 10/2015 IDP Amendment, Bylaw 11/2015 MDP Amendment, King of Kings Lutheran Church Site Agenda Report dated January 12, 2015, without Attachments (Previously Circulated) Originating Department(s): Author(s): General Manager Approval: City Manager Signature: Planning and Development Lenore Mitchell, Senior Planner Patrick Draper, Acting GM Planning and Engineering Date: City Council Agenda March 16, 2015 / Page 4 File No.:8240-8 ATTACHMENT 1 CITY COUNCIL AGENDA REPORT Subject: BYLAW - 10/2015 IDP AMENDMENT BYLAW - 11/2015 MDP AMENDMENT KING OF KINGS LUTHERAN CHURCH SITE TE D Recommendation(s) LA Bylaw 10/2015 – Intermunicipal Development Plan (IDP) Amendment C U 1. That Bylaw 10/2015, being Amendment 6 to the Intermunicipal Development Plan Bylaw 7/2001, be read a first time. C IR 2. That the Public Hearing for Bylaw 10/2015 be adjourned until March 16, 2015 to allow for a decision by the Capital Region Board. SL Y Bylaw 11/2015 – Municipal Development Plan (MDP) Amendment That Bylaw 11/2015, being Amendment 15 to the Municipal Development Plan Bylaw 15/2007, be read a first time. 2. That Bylaw 11/2015 be referred to the Capital Region Board for a decision. 3. That the Public Hearing for Bylaw 11/2015 be adjourned until March 16, 2015 to allow for a decision by the Capital Region Board. PR EV IO U 1. Purpose of Report This report discusses proposed amendments to the Intermunicipal Development Plan (IDP) and the Municipal Development Plan (MDP) for King of Kings Lutheran Church site and the Frontier Honda site. The sites are designated as institutional in the IDP and MDP, and the amendments are to change the land use designation to commercial and residential on the Church lands and commercial on the Frontier Honda lands. City Council Agenda January 12, 2015 / Page 1 File No.:8240-8 ATTACHMENT 1 Council Direction Both the IDP and MDP require a public hearing; the MDP requires referral to the Capital Region Board (CRB). Once there is a decision from the CRB, Council’s decision as per the requirements in the Municipal Government Act (MGA) can occur. Policies 17.1 and 17.3 in the Municipal Development Plan require conformance of the MDP with both the IDP and Area Structure Plans (ASPs). Background and Discussion IR C U LA TE D ISL Engineering and Land Services on behalf of Landrex submitted applications to amend the IDP and MDP for the King of Kings Lutheran Church site located at the corner of St. Albert Trail and Coal Mine Road. If approved, the applicant will need to come forward with further applications for amendments to the Erin Ridge North Area Structure Plan (ASP) and the Land Use Bylaw (LUB). The applications are being made to facilitate proposed development on the site and are required to ensure the IDP, MDP, ASP, and LUB are consistent. SL Y C The size of the overall site is 9.12 hectares± (22.54 acres±). The municipal address is 2, 54211 Range Road 253, and the legal description is Plan 942 3702, Lot C. The landowner is Lutheran Church-Canada, the Alberta-British Columbia District. They are in the process of selling the majority of their land to Landrex for development (Attachment 3, Location Map). PR EV IO U The Church proposes to keep their building in the current location with sufficient parking. Landrex would like to develop the site with commercial adjacent to St. Albert Trail and residential for the remainder of the site. Therefore, the church site would be incorporated into the overall development. The amendments are to change the land use designation from institutional to commercial and residential. A portion of the Frontier Honda site at 875 St. Albert Trail has institutional land use designation; therefore, the map changes in the IDP and MDP will also cover this area to be commercial land use designation (Attachment 4, Aerial Map). Bylaw 10/2015 – Intermunicipal Development Plan (IDP) Amendment Sturgeon County repealed the Intermunicipal Development Plan through Bylaw 1220/10; however, the City of St. Albert retained Bylaw 7/2001. Map 4 and Map 10 of the IDP designate the church and Frontier Honda as institutional. The amendment changes the designation for the church site from institutional to corridor commercial and urban residential land use designations. The Frontier Honda site will change to corridor commercial. No other changes are required to the IDP document. City Council Agenda January 12, 2015 / Page 2 File No.:8240-8 ATTACHMENT 1 Policy 2.8 of the IDP, Public and Institutional Uses, indicates that institutional uses be easily accessible to mitigate negative impacts on adjacent land uses in terms of increased traffic and parking. Potential parking and access impacts have been raised with the Church and Landrex, and the parcel size retained for the church site needs to have sufficient parking and be easily accessible. TE D Bylaw 11/2015 – Municipal Development Plan (MDP) Amendment Map 2 of the MDP designates the church site as institutional. The proposed change is from institutional to commercial and residential land use designations. The area of commercial is approximately 3.57 hectares± (8.8 acres±) or 39% of the site, and the residential is 5.53 hectares± (13.67 acres±) or 61% of the site. These areas do not account for roads or the stormwater management facility needed to support the development (Attachment 5, Land Portions). IR C U LA Policy 14.3 of the MDP, Places of Religious Assembly, identifies that religious assembly should be located, where possible, on corner sites along collector roadways and arterial roadways. The church site, when the area is developed, will not be a corner lot. Landrex has been advised that the church site will require legal and physical access to the site from either Coal Mine Road or Ebony Way extension, and not through the parking lot of the commercial site. Y C Small church sites are not shown in the IDP or the MDP. The church site will be within the IDP’s corridor commercial land use designation and within the MDP commercial land use designation. SL Stakeholder Communications or Engagement PR EV IO U The circulation of the proposed amendments was to internal departments, external referral agencies, and residents within 100-metre radius. Comments received from the circulation have been provided to the applicant (Attachment 6, Summary of the Circulation Comments). In accordance with the MGA, the Public Hearing was advertised on December 27, 2014 and January 3, 2015, in the St. Albert Gazette. Implications of Recommendation(s) a) Financial: None at this time. b) Legal / Risk: None at this time. c) Program or Service: None at this time. City Council Agenda January 12, 2015 / Page 3 File No.:8240-8 ATTACHMENT 1 d) Organizational: None at this time. Alternatives and Implications Considered If Council does not wish to support the recommendation, then redevelopment of the majority of the church site will be limited to institutional uses. If Council wishes different land use designations or portions of land use designations, then Administration will need clarification from Council regarding what they would support for a change in land use designations. Strategic Connections C IR C U LA TE D a) Council’s Goals and Priorities • CULTIVATE ECONOMIC PROSPERITY: A diversified, robust and resilient economic foundation to support growth and community service delivery. o The application is being made to facilitate development on the site. • GOVERNANCE: Improve efficiency, plan strategically, enhance accountability, and build effective partnerships and relationships to ensure the right choices for St. Albert in both the immediate and longer term. o The IDP and MDP amendments are the first step to ensure the strategic plans and documents of the City (IDP, MDP, ASP, and LUB) are consistent. EV IO U SL Y b) Long Term Plans • Intermunicipal Development Plan (IDP) Bylaw 7/2001. • Municipal Development Plan (MDP) Bylaw15/2007. • Erin Ridge North Area Structure Plan (ASP) Bylaw 33/2009. • Land Use Bylaw 9/2005. PR c) Corporate Objectives • Ensure our customers are very satisfied. d) Policies • Not applicable. e) Other Plans or Initiatives • Not applicable. Attachment(s) 1. Bylaw 10/2015, Amendment 6 to the Intermunicipal Development Plan Bylaw 7/2001 2. Bylaw 11/2015, Amendment 15 to the Municipal Development Plan Bylaw 15/2007 3. Location Map City Council Agenda January 12, 2015 / Page 4 File No.:8240-8 ATTACHMENT 1 4. Aerial Map 5. Land Portions 6. Summary of Circulation Comments Planning and Development Lenore Mitchell, Senior Planner Patrick Draper, Acting GM Planning and Engineering Originating Department(s): Author(s): General Manager Approval: Date: PR EV IO U SL Y C IR C U LA TE D City Manager Signature: City Council Agenda January 12, 2015 / Page 5 File No.:8240-8
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