OFFICEoFTHEPRINCIPALCONTRoLLERoFACCoUNTS(FYS) OO1 1O-A, S. K. BOSE ROAD, KOLKATA - 7OO Dated: 18.03.2015 No. AN-l/O/l S/Vol.- XVII To I. All Controlters of Fin ance & Accounts (Fys')' Group, Bolangir, Dehradun, Kanpur &Medak, Jabalpur, Ambajhari. Kirkee, Avadi, eengut 2. The Director, RTC (ER), Kolkata' Rajgir' Nalanda - 803121' 3. The Officer in Charge, AO OF, Kolkata' 4. A.C.As / S.A.Os / A'Os in Main Office' DetailedinstructionsregardingfinalizationofAPARsandthetimeschedule to time for information and guidance of all have been issued by this office from time It is, however' seen that the time schedule is not Reportinq/Reviewins/Acceptins officers. promotion/confirmation' strictly and as a result convening of DPCs for being observed for deputation get delayed and the MACP, Review cases under FR 56 (J) and empanelment for no fault of them' affected employees are being penalized PT OM Pt.II) dated 23 of APAR-As per the schedule the due date for finalization In view of the position stated above it is ApARs has been fixed as 31't August' 2015. requestedtoensurethatallAPARsfortheyear2Ol4-15arefind.izedandsubmittedtotlris office/section by 30.09.15 positively' T h e fol torY.!4-g-Pqi4.!ry 2014-15. l. forms have been devised with a view to APARs should be written in a clear way. The ensuringmaximunrobjectivityinthepreparationofthereport.Infillineupthe Both the Reporting and the forms. tick marks and dashes should not be used' Reviewingofficersshouldindicatetheiropinionbywritingoutinfullthe the officers/officials qualities' No appropriate alternatives which best describe 2. avoided' Sometimes entries may' cryptic. vague or non-committal remarks are to be be returned to the Reporting not be sufficiently meaningful. Such reports should Officer for reconsideration, amplification or explanation' J. Annraisal officer concerned within stipulated ln case of non-receipt of APAR Forms from the Self-Appraisal and a note to this effect period. the same should be initiated without rnay be kePt in the APAR' ). 6. .[u many cases it has been found that the period under repoft shown by the Reporling Officers differs from that of written in the first page of the APAR, leaving scope fbr MTPAR or 'No MTPAR' certificate in respect of the concerned individual. Hence, it is enjoined that the Part - III & IV, Col. I should be identical initiation of u,ith that of written on the cover page & first page of the APAR 7. The qrades should be assiqned on a scale of 1-10 in whole numbers not in 8 fraction like '6.5 or 8.5' etc. which is not as per extant order. 'Integrity' Column should be specifically written as 'Beyond doubt'. 9. work for sufficient time to form a definite iudgement, the same may be recorded clearly. The word like 'may be certified' or 'can be certified' may be avoidecl. In the event of Disciplinary Case for the period under repoft the 'Integrity' column shoLrld If the left blank and a separate sheet indicating the details of the case rlay bc attached. 10. Where an officer has taken Earned Leave for a period of more than l5 days. the total period spent on leave can be deducted frorn the total period spent on arry post. fbr purposes of computing the period of 3 months which is relevant for writing of entries in the APAR. II. It is to be ensured that wherever a level is missing. the system is rendered into t,ur,o (2) tiers in place of three (3) tiers and under no circumstances it is convefted into rnulti-tier system. In general terms when a level is missing in the systenr. the irnrnediate superior officer above the official reporled upon shall initiate the APAR and next superior officer shall review and accept the APAR. 12. APAR of SAS Apprentice may be initiated in case he/she has served fora mininrun-r period of three months and SAS Apprentice may initiate APAR of his subordinate in case he has supervised them for a minimum period of three months. 13. APAR tbrrnats of SAOsiAOs/AAOs may be used for writing APARs of SO(A)/SAS Apprentice. 14. Supervisor (Accounts) may initiate APAR of his subordinate and reviewed by next higher authority. 15. The repofi of an individual will be written by the Repofting Officer under whorn the individual has served for three months or more during the year under repoft lrowever:- -------7 uPvr over thg worK oT tne olltulal NtrPurLvu as Reporting Review and Accept otflcer and the Accepting officer witl simultaneously Re the ln f no wrrtt d least th o h reoort which it re s be written at the rts for the earlier Pafi immediately thereafter and not deferred till ti and of transfer the end of the year' iii.)lntheeventofRetirement/TransferofReviewingofficerwhilethereisno have 3 the subsequent Reviewing officer does not change of the Reporting officer and Revieiving conduct of the official Reported upon, the months experience of the work and This can be recorded blank" with a suitable note recorded therein' portion shoutd be "left bynewReviewingofficerwhocouldnotreviewthereportbecausehedidnothaveS months exPerience. OR officer does not have 3 months supervision on officer no Reviewing officer posted the Accepting the official Reported upon or there is If in any pafticular case (s) Reviewing Accept the APAR' rnay himself simultaneously Review and .iv.)IftheAcceptingofficeralsodoesnothave3monthssupervisionoverther'l,ork officer) merely see the Report and a note to of the officer Reported upon he (Accepting under Reviewing and Accepting Officer the effect that "The individual did not serve 3 monthsasthecasemaybeandtheAPARtobefinalizedaccordingly,,. certifl' official Reportedupon, there is atendencyto 16. Regarding state of health of the Good' in spite of the fact the state of the health in general by recording'Good/Very number of post sanctioned leave on that the concerned official has availed excess have availed of post sanctioned leave on medical ground. In case, where individuals medicalground(ifitisconsideredexcess)thestateofheatthshouldhavebeen may be unless the poor state of health has reviewed as 'Average'/'Poor' as the case of the individual adversely' continued to effect the work and conduct 17. free from bias' malice The assessment should be an objective assessment prejudice. 18. the Self-Appraisal It is reiterated for the guidance of all concerned that and should be areas of the responsibility and should be precise. to the point and refer only to the and no additional sheet is allowed to be strictly within the prescribed 250 words attached. Jvvv'irr- -*--in the pen-plcturc u) w4) vr justified adequately be grade) would andsimilarly.anygradeofgorl0wouldbejustifiedwithrespecttospecitic accomplishments.Gradesofl-2or9-l0areexpectedtoberareoccurrencesand and a numerical grade, the Reporting awarding tn them. justifu to hence the need of his/her against a larger population authorities should rate the officer Reviewing peersthatmaybecurrentlyworkingunderthem.APARsgradedbetweenStol0will beratedas.outstanding,unowillbegivenascoreofgforthepurposeofcalculating averagescoresforempanelment/promotion.APARsgradedbetween6andshortofB lvillberatedas.verygood,andwillbegivenaScoreofTAPARsgadedbetween4 APARs graded below 4 and shorl of 6 willu" ,ur"o as .good' andgiven a score of 5' wiltbegivenascoreofzero.oflateitisseenthatReviewing/Acceptingofficersare ,, the sam gradation is absolutely necessary; over cop ies or ; ilffi;;,d;-; ;;;; " rDApc r^ rhe concerne. a, APAR'Y':-1,: ::l::":::" ,-nwlprloeftrent of every officers/staffmembersundertheircontrolandSeparateacKnowtcugcr.'o...",-'-.' aDArl rncv to he forwafdpL F this -^r AP with orieinal top right TPAR an o "ndorstT:::.::.*t office. Before forwarding a stamp as under' affixing by made be kindly page may "r*i.r, ="r*, @hePeriodfrom rtunitY to make anl' 21 ApAR, within fifteen ( 1 5) days snrries and final grading in representation against ths ^ -^^.ocantqti.,n representation shall be The ;fft"#;" "tr l.l.,rt of the entries in the AeAR. restrictedtothespecificctualobservationscontainedinthereportleadingto assessmentoftheofficerintermsofattributes.workoutputetc'While communicatingtheentries,itshallbemadeclearthatincasenorepresentationis receivedwithinthefifteendays,itshallbedeemedthathe/shehasnorepresentation tomake.IftheconcernedPARSectiondoesnotreceiveanyinformationfrornthe concernedofflceronorbeforefifteendaysfromthedateofdisclosure.theAPAR will be treated as final' . r--- +L^ ^..ic 22.Thecompetentauthorityforconsideringadverseremarksundertheexisting instructionsmayconsidertherepresentation,ifnecessary,inconsultationwiththe ReporlingandReviewingofficer,iftheyarestillinserviceandshalldecidethe matterobjectivelybasedonthematerialplacedbeforehimwithinaperiodofthirtl, ofthe representation' days from the date ofreceipt the APAK auuurutrrbrr-atsd accept and modify upon rvithin to the officer reported l,l.::',Hf:::ffi'f[:Hffi"]ff;;";^.authoritvbvtheconcerned APAR section' 24. 2 H:::; ompletion "', "u 5 A sch du e for c ::::::: is also pertlnsrtt it connection ltn:": r-t^-r. in their respective,e portions -_ I.l. ln this e :tffi?:"J[.il:Hffi:i I :,;;';f ::*'U:;lllff#'J,'iilJ':['**'"' manv'-::;l the nnarisation of ApAR rn ffi::l:'J1:::t,:i:TJ.:T"-.; tnu: is enjoined tt.ri. otfi.. and it SDjlcE t]-=.- "o: ino whichj ., tc teading to ini'lia'1i'n and in Authoritf ::::H:iff:ffi:::','ff1^"JlJi: ,..iou,rv bv the competent APAR har r-o roken that the concerned ^--ir-v of t Reportthe responsibititl' AsdesiredbytheCompetentAuthority,theantionedt.meschedulemal rendition of the t.^iirr,ion/ taken against the a uno any deray,, strictly be adhered * n.."rrur, "o*r"i"ttve should be pinpoin,"o action should be delinquent officer(s)' IS under vour control' seen' C ofA (FYs) has receiPt' P Iease acknowledge \ (Autu Ghosh) Accounts (t'Y s.) Addl. Controller of, V 7; Sl.No. 1. 2. 3. 4 5. 6, 7. Activity Distribution of blank APAR forms to all concerned (i.e., to officer to be reported upon where self-appraisal has be given and to Reporting Officers where selfaDoraisal is not be oiven). Submission of self-appraisal to Reporting Officer by officer to be reported upon (where applicable). Submission of report by Reporting Officer to Reviewinq Officer. Repoft to be completed by Reviewing Officer and to be sent to Administration or CR Section/Cell or Accepting authoritv, wherever orovided. Appraisal by Accepting Authority, wherever provided. (i) Disclosure to the officer reported upon where there is no accepting authority. (ii) Disclosure to the officer reported upon where there is acceptinq authoriW. Receipt of representation, if any, on APAR. 8. 9. 10. 11. Forwarding of representations to the competent authority: (i) Where there is no accepting authority for APAR. (ii) Where there is accepting authority for APAR. Disposal of representation by the competent authoritv, Communication of the decision of the competent authority on the representation by the APAR Cell. End of entire APAR process, after which the APAR will be finally taken on record. Date by which to be completed 31't March. (This may be completed even a week earlier). 15th April. 30th June. 31st July. 31't August. (i) l't September. (ii) 15th September. 15 days from the date of receipt of communication. 21't September. 06th October. Within one month from the date of receipt of representation, 15th November. 3Oth November. Authority: - DoPT OM No. 21UA1,/2005-Estt.(A) (Pt-II) dated 2g.O7.ZOO9.
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