GRAMS: RE}4EDY Fax: 0l.L-28521060 EPABX Tel: 011-2852L]-62, 5523, 5749 Board: 011-28525831, 852, 862 i_?arq?a_frqru_au! qdrdq, qr{d wqrd CEh{TRAL COUNCIL FOR RESEARCH II)i HOMOEOPATHY (An Autonomaus Body of Ministry of AYllSH, Gout. of lndia) q?nff{ arFT +6-s ,Trrfrq frfu-dsr gq ffihft ergwr< rcr< jawahar Lal Nehru Bhartiya Chikitsa Avum Homoeopathy Anusandba^n B^hawan 6i-65 rirsr{Tr et*, S*qro S Hrri, qr-69fr, q$ ffi-rroosa 6'1,-65, Institutional Area, Opp.D-Block, ]anakpuri, New Delhi-110058 F"No.20-35 114-15/ CaRH/Estt./APAI{s / c 7 /o -- p 2* Dated: r .,; f4,.i;; Officq Memorandum Sub: Annual Performance Appraisal Reports for the year 20'1,4-2015 As per rules, the entire process of reporting and review of APARs for the year 2014-15 is to be completed latest by 23ra May, 2015. In order to ensure that the time limit prescribed in the rules is strictly adhered to, all concemed are directed to initiate action as indicated below: a. Officers in charge of Units and Institutes/The Reporting Officers should obtain self appraisal from the officers reported up on before L5th April, 20L5. The format of the APAR forms for each category of employees used in the previous year may be used for the year 2014-15 also. b. Officers reported up on are expected to keep a copy of the Self Appraisal with them before submitting it to the Reporting Officer. C. to submit self appraisal by 15/04/2015 should be adversely reported by the Reporting Officer who should initiate suo motu action to complete the reporting portion of the APARs in such cases without seU appraisal. Officers in charge of. Units and Institutes /Reporting officers should send a list of officials who have not submitted their self appraisal by 15tr, April, 2015 to the undersigned on20/ 4/2015 in the format given in the Annexure. Failure d. Officers in charge of Institutes and Units and all the Reporting Officers, including those in the Head Quarters, should submit the APAR forms to the Reviewing Officers concerneid before 7h May,20L5. Review should be completed by 23'd May,2015. e. Self appraisals should be submitted to the officer under whom the official was working during the period of report (1-04-201,4 to 31.03.2015). If an official has worked under a different officer for a period of three months or more in the year 20L4-15, a separate Self Appraisal should be submitted to that officer for that period of service. If any clarification is required in this regard or on any other matter, the Head Quarters may be contacted sufficiently in advance to ensure that completion of APARs is not delayed for want of such clarifications. Contd,...Pl2 I 0lu -2- 2. Failure on ttre part of the officers reported up on, Reporting Officers and lteviewing Officers in compieting each acfion as Per the tirne schedutre will be viewed seriously. The APAR Cell is direeted to report all such cases to the undersigned to enable appropriate action igainst the defaulters" f/i,,*L*(Dr. R.K. Manchanda) Director General 1. Officers In charge of all the Institutes /Units 2. Dr. Anil Khurana, Deputy Director (H) $4 3. Dr. B.S. Arya, AD ($4) 4. Assistant Director (Admn.) 5. All Technical and Ministerial officers / officials in the Head Quarters. 6. Accounts Officer 7. Accountant (Accounts Section) 8. lAo (Siva)/ IAO(RHP) 9. PA to DG 10. HTC, Safdarjung Hospital l l.Homoeopathic OPD Delhi Cantt. Copy to: 1. Dr. O.P. Verma, Librarian and Information Officer. The copy of the above OM along with enclosures may please be put in the website of the Council. 2. All the officers of the Coucil posted in Department of AYUSH (S-2), Dr. Kumar Vivekanand, RO (S1), Dr. Suniti Chugh, Dr. Shaji Kumar R.T., RO Ro (s-1). DirectOr General fi),(- APARs for the year 2A74-'1.5 lteport [tegarding Ngn-Submission of Self Appraisal to be furnished Officers ( T submitted bv email on or Name and Designation of officer In charge /Reporting officer,, Name of Unit S.No (a) /Institute ------------------ Name and Designation of officials who have not submitted Self Appraisal by $/a/2015 (b) 1. 2. a J. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17 18 19 20 To Director General, CCRH, New Delhi. Reason for Non-Submission and action taken by Officer In charge officer in this regard. (c) / Reporting
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