lmportant Circular / FAX 1 OA. SHAHEED KHUD I RAM BOSE No. 255/AN I 700 ROAD, KOLKATA 001 ll/y oluntlOthers/Vot. XVil To -( Allerancl"\sF&A(Fys) / AO OF (P)\landa Ao OF (p)Korwa. Rrc (ER)/ ctfuyxsl, Kolkata. Subject : Reference : Transfer Estt DAD - Port Blair(Panel-2015-16) Hqrs office letter No. AN/x/l0o9zl6l2oL5/pB dated t7.o4.2o].s. Hqrs office vide above cited letter has called for the names of volunteer from SAs/Auditors/Clerks who have completed minimum 2 vears in the servins station for empanelment for Port Blair and the mandatorv stav of 3/ 2 vears of Male/ Female new recruits at the initial place of postinP may also be kept in view while forwarding the cases. The same is also available in CGDA's website. The full service particulars of the volunteers alone with APAR eradine for the last three vears and other details mav please be forwarded as per enclosed proforma (Annexure A-1) as desired bv the HQrs. Office. Individuals, who will have a residual service of at least 2 vears at the time of setection will be considered for postine to Port Blair and will be repatriated to one of their choice stations on completion of prescribed tenure. ln case. the individual has also applied for transfer to some other station in the volunteer list, an endorsement m?v be made asainst his/ her name in the list. lndividuals, who once apply for the panel, will not be attowed to withdrow during the validity unless there are compelling medical/personal reosons forworded by the Cs F A (Fys) concerned under DO with due recommendations and clearly bringing out the genuineness of the cos;e supported with relevont document/ certificote. Further, requests for cancellotion witt not be entertoined after issue of tronsfer order. of the panel ln view of above, it is requested to forward the application of alt the volunteers strictlv as per Annexure A-1 latest bv 08.05.2015 dulv filled in all respect along with the signature and seal of concerned GO (AN) [ For Cs F A (Fys) / Br. AOs ] . Reports received thereafter will not be entertained. Volunteers who do not fulfill the above criteria or part thereof, their names should not be included in the list and in no case this report should be sent direct to Hers. Office. NIL report is also required. 5d/(Vidhu Aggorwal) ASSTT. CONTROLLER OF ACCOUNTSFYS) Encl : As above. Copy to : All sections of fUO, \ Jtl-P section (Web Dev. For information and circulation of the same to the sections under their charges. -requested to forward the names of the willing candidates within the due date. For uploading the circular in the PC of A (Fys) website. Cell) P,$ kr{\ s\*$'n, w (Vidhu Algotwal) ASSTT. CO NT RO LLERA Encl : As above. - r AnCO U ruTSFyS) CIRCULAR- Porr Blair - 15/1 lt is Annexure'A-1' VOLUNTEER APPLICATION (Original copy to be forwarded to HQrs.) GENDER (Male / Female) TEGORY {GENERAVoSc/sc/srlPH) GRIqDE lMo/so{a)/s(ApP)/$PERvlsloR(^/c)/sr'auDlroR/AUDITOR/CIERK/PSlsTENo/HT/JHT/ TE OF B]RTH (DD/MMAYYY) DATE OF APPOINTMENT (in DAD) (DD/MM/YYYY) DATE OF PROMOTION (DD/MM/YYYY) Group 'C' in r/o Staff & as SO(A) in r/o officers) ROSTER No. (Mandatory in case of AAO) Whether appearing in ensuing SAS Part-ll case o, Sr. Auds,/Auditors/Clerks,/Stenos/DEos) (specific District as per Service Record & not Village or State) tfoeooffi."notavailableatHometown,neareststationtoHometown where DAD office is situated (NOT Office)where DAD offices are located and BHUTAN/ PORTBLAIR may not be oPted as a seParate Panel @ Annexure 'A-1' (contd) I t4 Whether EDP trained (Yes/No) (lf yes, specify project) 15 APAR GRADING (Upto two decimal places) 15 Brief Grounds for tranfer: Attoch lotest MedicolCertificote (NOT MEDICAL PRESCRIPTION & TEST REPORTS) in respect of medicol cases and Service ceftificote showing Stotion & Deportment from the employq in case of spouse. 17 UNDERTAKING It is to undertake that the information furnished above are correct. 18 DAIC: J-JzO- (STGNATUREOFAPPLICANT) (ALL COLUMNS ARE MANDATORY AS PER APPLICABILITY) (To be filled bv the Controller's office] 19 GROUND FOR RECOMMENDATION (Hard Tenure Completion, Age, Physically Challenged %, Medical Self, Medical Dependent, Serving Spouse - As per DoPT Guideline, Lady Seeking Repatriation, Home Town, Stay Away) 20 lf Not recommended reason thereof 21 Whether any disciplinary case is pending against the individual. 22 Date: (SIGNATURE AND SEAI OF GO(AN))
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