IMPOR,TANTCIRCULAR Office of the Controller of Defence.Accounts 618, Anna Salai, Teynampet, Chennai - 600 O18 No. A/I/1 574/ ACA/YolVl Dated: 18 Mar 2015 To The Officer I/C All Sectionsin Main Office/Allsub Offices Sub:- Annual Closinq _ofAccounts for the year 2O14-2e15. The followingdates have been fixed by HQrs office for Annual Closing of Accountsfor the year 2014-15. It may be ensuredthat these dates are strictly adhered to, It may please be noted that there will be no Manual Account and March Supplementary corrections will be treated as March Final Account. Month Date by which last batch of PM should reach EDP Centre (With reouisite Ceftificate) March(Preliminary)2015 10.04.2015 March(Supplementary)2015 (13 Accounts) 22.44.20L5 March (Supplementrary08.05.2015 (should be Corrections) 2015(MarchManual) through AccountsSection) routed 2, The accountsfor March (SupplementaryCorrections),2015 should for all intents and purposesbe regardedas the final accountsfor the 2014-15 and therefore,every endeavorshould be made to speed up adjustmentsby taking prompt and timely action to obtain wanting particularsand vouchers etc wherever necessary. It was noticed in the previous years that compilation for 3. Supplementary and correction Accounts contained errors, fictitious code heads,code headswhich are not to be operatedby the Controlleroriginating the PunchingMediumetc. It is thereforeessentialto scrutinizethe punching Mediumvery carefullyas laid down in Para7L of DefenceAccountCode(1994 e d i t i on ). 4. As a result of changein the procedurefor closingof accountsfrom the curr.entyear, interest on accumulationsin various Providentfund Accounts for the year 2014-15 may please be compiledin the March Supplementary Accounts,2015 positively.For this purpose,all fund transactionstaking place during 2OL4-LS should be booked within March Preliminary and any ,rectifications 2015 required should be carried out in March(Supplementary) Accounts. ...2... -?5. It is instructed by Hqrs Office"rttrat before finalization of March Supplementary corrections(Final)Account,the followi'ngactionsneedto be ensured: (i) Primary EducationCess @ Za/oand Secondaryand Higher EducationCess@ 1oloin respectof eligibleTax collections(including surcharge)are compiledin the prescribedratio of 2:1 correctly. (ii) No amounts remain outstandingunder "Receiptsawaiting Transactions"i.e. NPS transactionsunder code heads 016/04 and 016/05 at the close of Accountsfor the FY 2At4-L5. In case the amounts remain outstandingin these code heads,the same are transferrbdto Misc SuspenseHead-020/61in MarchSupplementary Accountspositively. (iii) Amountspertainingto chargedexpenditurehave beencorrectly accounted for and compiled, (iv) Minustransactions are genuine. (v) There are no compilationsunder Major Heads 8342.A0.LL7Definedcontributionpensionschemefor Govt.ernployees. Pleaseacknowledge Receipt. CDAhasseen. /t-'-1 Asff.Controller of DefenceAccounts Office of the Controller of Defence Accounts 618, Anna Salai, Teynampet, Chennai - 600 O18 FAX/SPEED POST No.A/II11684/ LCH/ zCI L4-L5 Dated: 18 Mar 2015 To The OfficerI/c All Sectionsin Main Office/Al]sub Offices Sub: Booking of expenditure during lrlarch 2O15: Revenue. Ref: Hqrs Office letter No. A/B/lIlLLz44lMont-XXXV D a te d 0 5 l O3 l Z O1 5. v It has been stated by the Hqrs Office,as conveyedby FP Dte, GS Branch, that the compilationof expenditureunder salaryand non-salaryheadsupto Feb 2015 showsthat there is heavy amount yet to be bookedunder Army Revenue Budget.This has becomemore significanton accountof additionalallocationat RE dur ingM ar ch2015. s t a g e .H e n cei t i s e xp e cte dh e avytr ansaction/booking In view of the above, it is instructedthat all pendingbills receivedfrom Z. variousunits/formationsare passedsubjectto the availabilityof funds and if otherwisein order, so that the target of maximum utilizationof allocatedfunds c o u l db e a ch i e ve dd u ri n gth e cur r entFYi.e' 2014- 15' '\-"-"--- Asst.6ntroller of DefenceAccounts
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