Summary of key changes to the draft Employment Services Deed 2015-2020 since the Request for Tender for Employment Services 2015-2020 was released Subject Clause location Summary Conditions of Offer 1.3(a), Annexure 1A Conditions imposed by the Department on its offer of the Deed to the Provider are incorporated into the Deed Manipulation of the Services 6.2, 37.2, 52.2 Enhanced rights and obligations to prevent and remedy manipulation of the Services for improper gain Evidence and Records 7, 15.4, 16, 37.1 Enhancements to ensure that all information provided to the Department must be true, complete and accurate Audited financial statements 25.1 Requirement of mandatory audited financial statements Sample reviews 29 The Department may conduct sample reviews of claims for payments, based on a methodology that is verified by a qualified statistician or actuary as being statistically valid and producing results with a high confidence level. If a sample review identifies a proportion of invalid claims, the Department may apply that proportion across all claims within the relevant type or class of claims for the sample period and apply remedies in relation to the deemed invalid claims. IT system requirements 32 Enhanced requirements in relation to Provider IT Systems and Third Party IT Systems, including regarding accreditation Access without notice 40.3 Broadened rights to access Provider premises without notice Enhanced remedies 52.2 Enhanced remedies for breach and poor performance Performance under past agreements 53 The Department may take action under this Deed for breach of other Commonwealth agreements in operation prior to 1 July 2015 Phases in Streams Annexure A1 and Annexure B1 Terminology and requirements around phases within Streams have been refined Outcomes 125.1, Annexure A1 Terminology and requirements for Outcomes (including Non-payable Outcomes) have been refined Joint Charter of Deed Management Annexure A2 Developed in consultation with industry and sets out how the Department and Providers will conduct themselves in relation to the Deed Pay Slip Verified Outcome Payments 11.6(a), Annexure A1, 125.3 Verification of certain Outcome Payments by pay slips and payroll summaries to replace current processes for special claims Activities 107, 109 to 111 Clarification of how Activities may be conducted Work for the Dole 108 Clarification of scope, content and processes for Work for the Dole activities Non-compliance monitoring and action 113.3, 114 to 121 Clarification of Provider roles and responsibilities under the job seeker compliance framework, particularly for Delegates Work for the Dole Fees 124 Clarification of the requirements for payment of these Fees and the role of Lead Providers in this context Transition Annexure B1 Refinements including to better reflect transition of Volunteers Service Guarantees Annexure B3 Includes the Service Guarantees for Employment Provider Services developed in consultation with industry
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