Fraser Coast Regional Council 77 TAVISTOCK STREET TORQUAY HERVEY BAY Q 4655 431-433 KENT STREET MARYBOROUGH Q 4650 P O Box 1943, Hervey Bay Q 4655 Phone 1300 79 49 29 Fax 4197 4455 Development Application Decision Notice Sustainable Planning Act 2009 File No: OP-156010 Document Ref: 2927621 Date of Decision: APPLICANT DETAILS Name SIGNMANAGER PTY LTD Postal Address 6/32 PETRIE TERRACE PETRIE TERRACE QLD 4000 OWNER DETAILS Name BYRNE BROTHERS PTY LTD SITE DETAILS Property Address 28-30 BOAT HARBOUR DRIVE PIALBA QLD 4655 Property Description Lot 7 SP 103045 DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAL Operational Works - Advertising Device DECISION Approved subject to conditions The conditions of this approval are set out in Attachment 1. Deemed Approval Section 331 of the Sustainable Planning Act 2009 (SPA) is not applicable to this decision. Page 1 of 14 8 April 2015 1. DETAILS OF THE APPROVAL The following approvals are given: Sustainable Development Planning Permit Regulation 2009, schedule 3 reference Preliminary Approval Operational work assessable under the planning scheme, a temporary local planning instrument, a master plan or a preliminary approval to which section 242 applies 2. PRELIMINARY APPROVAL AFFECTING THE PLANNING SCHEME Not Applicable 3. OTHER NECESSARY DEVELOPMENT PERMITS AND/OR COMPLIANCE PERMITS Listed below are other development permits and/or compliance permits that are necessary to allow the development to be carried out: Building Work 4. All Building Work CODES FOR SELF ASSESSABLE DEVELOPMENT The following codes must be complied with for self-assessable development related to the development approved. The relevant codes identified in the: Fraser Coast Planning Scheme 2014 and Relevant Policies 5. DETAILS OF ANY COMPLIANCE ASSESSMENT REQUIRED FOR DOCUMENTS OR WORK IN RELATION TO THE DEVELOPMENT Not Applicable 6. SUBMISSIONS Not Applicable 7. CONFLICT WITH A RELEVANT INSTRUMENT AND REASONS FOR THE DECISION DESPITE THE CONFLICT The assessment manager does not consider that the assessment manager’s decision conflicts with a relevant instrument. 8. REFERRAL AGENCY Not Applicable Page 2 of 14 9. APPROVED PLANS The approved plans for this development approval are listed in the following table: Plan/Document number USG-AR-3, Rev D, Page 1 USG-AR-3, Rev D, Page 2 USG-AR-3, Rev D, Page 3 USG-AR-3, Rev D, Page 4 10. Plan/Document name Overall Block Plan Proposed – Sign 1 Triangular Pylon (3 sides) Proposed – Sign 2, Sign 6 & 7 Proposed – Sign 8, Sign 12 Date 25 February 2015 25 February 2015 25 February 2015 25 February 2015 WHEN APPROVAL LAPSES IF DEVELOPMENT NOT STARTED Pursuant to section 341 of the Sustainable Planning Act 2009, this approval will lapse two (2) years from the date that the approval takes effect unless the relevant period is extended pursuant to section 383. 11. REFUSAL DETAILS Not Applicable 12. APPEAL RIGHTS Appeal Rights are set out in Attachment 2. ASSESSMENT MANAGER Name: Jeff Brannan Signature: Date: Attachment 1—Conditions of the approval Part 1 – Conditions imposed by the assessment manager Part 2 – Plans approved by the assessment manager Attachment 2 – Appeal Rights Part 1 – Appeals to the Planning and Environment Court Part 2 – Appeals to the Building & Development Dispute Resolution Committee Part 3 – Rights of Appeal Waiver Page 3 of 14 Page 4 of 14 Attachment 1 – Conditions of Approval DEVELOPMENT PERMIT NO. OP-156010 Part 1 – FRASER COAST REGIONAL COUNCIL CONDITIONS 1. Install the Advertising devices in accordance with Council’s Planning Scheme Policy SC6.3 for development works. 2. Meet the costs of all development works including any necessary alteration, relocation of services, public utility mains or installations as costs of the development including accurately locating all existing services before any development works commence. 3. Ensure no support, fixing, suspension or other system required for the proper installation of an advertising device is exposed. 4. Ensure the signs do not flash or revolve. 5. The illumination of the signs must not create a nuisance to adjoining sites or to the road reserve and light from the signs must be confined on site. 6. Ensure the signs do not: a. project more than 300mm from the wall on which they are affixed; b. project beyond the property boundary; c. obscure any window or architectural feature of the building on which they are located; and d. have a maximum display area of 30m². 7. Maintain the Advertising devices to a standard satisfactory to the Executive Manager, Development and Planning. Page 5 of 14 Part 2 – FRASER COAST REGIONAL COUNCIL APPROVED PLANS See attached approved plans. Page 6 of 14 Page 7 of 14 Page 8 of 14 Page 9 of 14 Attachment 1 – Appeal Rights SUSTAINABLE PLANNING ACT 2009, IDAS DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION Part 1 – APPEALS TO THE PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENT COURT 461 Appeals by applicants. (1) (2) (3) An applicant for a development application may appeal to the court against any of the following— (a) the refusal, or the refusal in part, of the development application; (b) any condition of a development approval, another matter stated in a development approval and the identification or inclusion of a code under section 242; (c) the decision to give a preliminary approval when a development permit was applied for; (d) the length of a period mentioned in section 341; (e) a deemed refusal of the development application. An appeal under subsection (1)(a), (b), (c) or (d) must be started within 20 business days (the applicant’s appeal period) after— (a) if a decision notice or negotiated decision notice is given—the day the decision notice or negotiated decision notice is given to the applicant; or (b) otherwise—the day a decision notice was required to be given to the applicant. An appeal under subsection (1)(e) may be started at any time after the last day a decision on the matter should have been made. 462 Appeals by submitters—general. (1) (2) A submitter for a development application may appeal to the court only against— (a) the part of the approval relating to the assessment manager’s decision about any part of the application requiring impact assessment under section 314; or (b) the part of the approval relating to the assessment manager’s decision under section 327. To the extent an appeal may be made under subsection (1), the appeal may be against 1 or more of the following— (a) the giving of a development approval; (b) any provision of the approval including— (i) a condition of, or lack of condition for, the approval; or (ii) the length of a period mentioned in section 341 for the approval. Page 10 of 14 (3) (4) However, a submitter may not appeal if the submitter— (a) withdraws the submission before the application is decided; or (b) has given the assessment manager a notice under section 339(1)(b)(ii). The appeal must be started within 20 business days (the submitter’s appeal period) after the decision notice or negotiated decision notice is given to the submitter. 463 Additional and extended appeal rights for submitters for particular development applications. (1) This section applies to a development application to which chapter 9, part 7 applies. (2) A submitter of a properly made submission for the application may appeal to the court about a referral agency’s response made by a prescribed concurrence agency for the application. (3) However, the submitter may only appeal against a referral agency’s response to the extent it relates to— (4) (a) if the prescribed concurrence agency is the chief executive (environment)—development for an aquacultural ERA; or (b) if the prescribed concurrence agency is the chief executive (fisheries)—development that is— (i) a material change of use of premises for aquaculture; or (ii) operational work that is the removal, damage or destruction of a marine plant. Despite section 462(1), the submitter may appeal against the following matters for the application even if the matters relate to code assessment— (a) a decision about a matter mentioned in section 462(2) if it is a decision of the chief executive (fisheries); (b) a referral agency’s response mentioned in subsection (2). 464 Appeals by advice agency submitters. (1) Subsection (2) applies if an advice agency, in its response for an application, told the assessment manager to treat the response as a properly made submission. (2) The advice agency may, within the limits of its jurisdiction, appeal to the court about— (a) any part of the approval relating to the assessment manager’s decision about any part of the application requiring impact assessment under section 314; or (b) any part of the approval relating to the assessment manager’s decision under section 327. (3) The appeal must be started within 20 business days after the day the decision notice or negotiated decision notice is given to the advice agency as a submitter. (4) However, if the advice agency has given the assessment manager a notice under section 339(1)(b)(ii), the advice agency may not appeal the decision. Page 11 of 14 Part 2 – APPEALS TO THE BUILDING & DEVELOPMENT DISPUTE RESOLUTION COMMITTEE S 519 Appeal by applicant—particular development application for material change of use of premises. (1) This section applies to a development application if the application is only for a material change of use of premises that involves the use of a prescribed building. (2) However, this section does not apply to the development application if any part of the application required impact assessment and any properly made submissions were received by the assessment manager for the application. (3) The applicant for the development application may appeal to a building and development committee against any of the following— (4) (5) (a) the refusal, or the refusal in part, of the application; (b) any condition of the development approval and another matter, other than the identification or inclusion of a code under section 242, stated in the development approval; (c) the decision to give a preliminary approval when a development permit was applied for; (d) the length of a period mentioned in section 341; (e) a deemed refusal of the application. An appeal under subsection (3)(a), (b), (c) or (d) must be started within 20 business days (the applicant’s appeal period) after— (a) if a decision notice or negotiated decision notice is given—the day the decision notice or negotiated decision notice is given to the applicant; or (b) otherwise—the day a decision notice was required to be given to the applicant. An appeal under subsection (3)(e) may be started at any time after the last day a decision on the matter should have been made. 522 Appeal by applicant—condition of particular development approval (1) This section applies to a development application if— (a) the application is only for a material change of use that involves the use of a building classified under the BCA as a class 2 building; and (b) the proposed development is for premises of not more than 3 storeys; and (c) the proposed development is for not more than 60 sole-occupancy units. (2) However, this section does not apply to the development application if any part of the application required impact assessment and any properly made submissions were received by the assessment manager for the application. (3) The applicant for the development application may appeal to a building and development committee against a condition of the development approval. (4) The appeal must be started within 20 business days (the applicant’s appeal period) after— (a) if a decision notice or negotiated decision notice is given—the day the decision notice or negotiated decision notice is given to the applicant; or (b) otherwise—the day a decision notice was required to be given to the applicant. Page 12 of 14 (5) In this section— sole-occupancy unit, in relation to a class 2 building, means a room or other part of the building used as a dwelling by a person to the exclusion of any other person. storey means a space within a building between 2 floor levels, or a floor level and a ceiling or roof, other than— (a) a space containing only— (i) a lift shaft, stairway or meter room; or (ii) a bathroom, shower room, laundry, water closet or other sanitary compartment; or (iii) accommodation for not more than 3 motor vehicles; or (iv) a combination of any things mentioned in subparagraph (i), (ii) or (iii); or (b) a mezzanine. Note: Attached is a Rights of Appeal Waiver form. Please complete and return this form if you are satisfied with the approval and agree to the conditions contained therein and you wish to waiver the 20 day appeal period available under the Sustainable Planning Act 2009. Page 13 of 14 Part 3 - RIGHTS OF APPEAL WAIVER Fax To: Fax Number: Attention: Fraser Coast Regional Council (07) 4197 4455 Development Assessment (tick one) □ Development Permit for Material Change of Use Property situated at ………………………………………….. Development Permit No: …………………………………… □ Preliminary Approval for Building Work Property situated at ………………………………………….. Approval Reference: ..……………………………………….. □ Development Permit for Reconfiguring a Lot Property situated at ………………………………………….. Development Permit No: …………………………………… □ Development Permit for Operational Works Property situated at ………………………………………….. Development Permit No: ..……………………………….. This advice is to confirm that I/We have received the above approval and agree to the conditions contained therein. I/We hereby waiver My/Our appeal rights available under the Sustainable Planning Act 2009. …………………………………………………. Signature …………………………… Date …………………………………………………. Signature …………………………… Date I/We have informed the relevant Building Certifier. Page 14 of 14
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