Annexure II (HOSTEL RULES & REGULATIONS - AY 2015-16) GIRLS HOSTELS 1. Following criteria for admission to hostel will be observed: a) All interested students desirous of availing Hostel Accommodation for Delhi/ NOIDA/ Jaipur Campuses are required to submit the duly filled Hostel Application Form (Annexure-I) available at the reception / Pearl website. b) Equal opportunity has been created for each Admission cycle-the accommodation in the hostel shall be granted on the first come - first served basis as per each admission cycle and based on Hostel fee deposited with Accounts Department. c) Once all available Hostel Rooms have been allotted, all other applications received will be Wait Listed. d) Hostel accommodation is granted on Academic Year basis. e) First preference will be given to the newly admitted first year students (UG / PG / MA), residing outside Delhi / NCR each new academic year. f) Hostel accommodation will be offered to other / Waiting List applicants only in case of available vacancies. g) Allotment of rooms to other / Waiting List applicants shall be granted on the first come – first served basis as per the Hostel fee deposited with Accounts department. h) At the end of the current academic year, all residents will have to vacate their rooms latest by 31st May 2015. i) In case of any requirement for next academic year desirous students will have to make fresh application available on Pearl Website. 2. The Hostel provides accommodation of 2 beds per room (on twin sharing basis) each academic year. Hostel fee /other charges are subject to revision every year, and will be notified in advance before commencement of the next academic year. For other charges / facilities / guidelines on refund of hostel fee, please refer the Hostel Fee Structure (Annexure-V) and Hostel Fee Refund Policy (Annexure-VI). 3. Chargeable Services / Facilities: All chargeable services / facilities will be paid by the students over and above the Hostel fee as under: a) b) c) Laundry Newspaper / Magazines /Periodicals Transportation 4. Initial allotment of rooms each academic year shall be done by draw of lots by the Hostel Committee / Management in advance. Decision in this regard shall be final and binding. 5. However, Students can apply for change of room under extraordinary circumstances with sufficient reasons to the Hostel Warden. Rooms can be changed only after the written permission from the Management / Hostel Warden. 6. Residents are not allowed to bring any private furniture to their respective rooms. List of items provided by the Hostel / to be brought along by the students are enclosed at Annexure-X. 5. At the time of admission, students shall hand over two passport size photographs to the Hostel Warden’s office as well as a copy of passport size photograph of their local guardians and parents that are likely to visit them. 6. Students are allowed to be away from the hostel as per the schedule given under only. Students are required to return to their Hostel rooms after class hours but not later than than the time given. Any student returning after the stipulated time, will be faced with disciplinary action as stated in the SHB. Hostel Timings: • Summer Timings : 8:00 am to 9:00 pm • Winter Timings : 8:00 am to 8:00 pm 7. 8. Students are encouraged to keep their rooms clean. Housekeeping services will be provided for the cleaning of the rooms and disposal of waste material/garbage, however, if any student wishes for her room to be cleaned in her absence, the hostel administration shall not be responsible for any damage or loss. No responsibility will be taken by the Hostel Management for the loss of cash/valuables (laptops, jewellery, mobile phones, etc.) or of any articles belonging to a student. The residents are advised not to keep valuables and large amount of cash in their rooms. _____________________________________________________________________________________ PA HOSTEL ANNEXURE II Page 1 of 3 (HOSTEL RULES & REGULATIONS - AY 2015-16) GIRLS HOSTELS 9. Parents / local guardian (ladies / girls only) can meet their wards between 4pm to 7pm on all days in the Hostel reception area / visitor’s area only. 10. It is incumbent for a hosteller to inform the Academy for any change (addition/deletion) in LG details via prescribed format- Annexure IV- and meeting of the LG with the warden. 11. No student will be permitted to take leave from the Hostel without prior permission from the Hostel Warden. Hostellers who wish to stay overnight out of the hostel on weekends at permitted addresses authenticated by parents/guardians or want to visit their home towns for a specific period are required to obtain prior written permission for the same from their parents and submit the same (Hard copy/scanned copy/email) along with duly filled Application form for Leave (AnnexureIX) to the Director/Registrar for granting final permission. Only after this letter and duly approved Annexure-IX with the seal of Director/Registrar’s Office is deposited with the Hostel Warden, a resident can proceed on leave from hostel. 12. Requests for “Late” night or “night out pass” only to notified local guardian / parental residence will be considered through a written and signed communication from parents. E-mail / SMS application will not be considered / accepted. The Hostel Warden will telephonically verify any such requests with parents before according permission. 13. The Management shall not be held responsible for any mis-happening with a hostel-resident outside the campus of the Academy or at the hostel premises. 14. In case of an emergency, the first aid facility is available in the Hostel. Any case of illness shall be reported immediately to the Hostel Warden for taking necessary action. All expenses in this regard will be borne by the student/ parent. 15. Hostel Mess Committee shall be formed for providing quality food which will comprise of the Hostel Warden, SDS / Registrar and Student Representative(s). The Hostel Warden shall be the head of the mess committee. A fortnightly menu will be prepared by the mess committee. Any requests or suggestions regarding the menu should be put up to the Hostel Mess Committee in writing well in time before the Monthly Mess Committee meeting. However, once the menu has been decided upon by the committee and displayed on the notice board, no suggestions or objections, whatsoever, from any student shall be entertained. 16. Mess facility is available in the dining area only, Breakfast Dinner (Buffet) Lunch (Buffet–on weekends/ holidays) 17. No home delivery/ courier will be allowed in the hostel after 9 pm. 18. Residents are required to be properly dressed at all times. Students are advised to maintain a proper and decent dress code in the hostel premises and in the vicinity of the hostel. 19. Discipline: a. and mess dining timings (for all meals) must be strictly adhered to: : 07:30 am to 09:00 am : 07:30 pm to 09:00 pm : 01:00 pm to 02:30 pm Any misconduct, abusive or threatening behavior, assault & affray, causing distress or fear to others, ragging, willful damage to property etc. is strictly prohibited in the hostel as well as off it. Any offence of serious nature on the part of a resident will render her liable for expulsion from the Hostel. b. Any use of vulgar language/ racial discrimination / loud music/ partying. c. Inappropriate language/ behavior / disrespect towards staff/ hostel people. d. All hostel inmates must report any mis-happening / disciplinary matter or problems concerning them or their roommate / other hostellers coming to their notice to the Hostel Warden directly or through Director / Registrar. e. Any damage, whatsoever, done to the walls, doors, corridors, equipment, furniture, fixtures, T.V, air conditioners, side tables or Dining Hall in the hostel by any student shall be seriously dealt with under the Hostel Rules. The cost of repair/damage or replacement will be recovered in full from the student(s) concerned. ______________________________________________________________________________________ PA HOSTEL ANNEXURE II Page 2 of 3 (HOSTEL RULES & REGULATIONS - AY 2015-16) GIRLS HOSTEL f. g. h. i. j. Whenever a student is found indulging in any in-disciplinary act, the incidence will be reported to the Local Guardian/Parents & the Management. Any repetition of such act will invite serious disciplinary action. Possession / Consumption of any alcoholic drinks, smoking material, tobacco/pan masala, drugs, firearms, weapons or indecent literature in any form is strictly prohibited within the rooms/Hostel premises. If any such material is found with a student, it shall be confiscated immediately and referred to disciplinary committee. All complaints / requests shall be made in writing to the Hostel Warden in the Complaint Register / Special Request Register. The Hostel Warden herself will sort out the complaints. All requests/ Applications regarding hostel shall also be made in writing to hostel warden. Residents of the hostels are not permitted to convene meetings of any sort in the Hostel premises without the prior permission of the Warden. Disobedience of this rule will be severely dealt with. All Disciplinary cases shall be taken up as per the Student Hand Book. 20. While leaving the room occupants must take care to switch off all the fans/ lights etc. Every effort must be made by the students to economize the use of electricity. Any cost of damage arising out of misuse of the above items must be borne by the residents. The electric points provided in each room are sufficient. Installing extra / additional electrical points is not permitted. 21. Any matter, not expressly provided for in these rules, will rest at the absolute discretion of the CEO/Campus Director/ Registrar of the PEARL ACADEMY who also reserves the right to modify any of the aforementioned rules as and when necessary. 22. Students who do not join within 15 days of commencement of Hostel session, their seat will be given to the next wait listed candidate; refund of fee shall be as per Hostel Fee Refund Policy. 23. Pets (of any kind) are strictly forbidden in the Hostel premises. 24. Fire Hazards and Safety: Candles and incense are fire hazardous and are not permitted in the hostels. Combustible materials such as gasoline, paint thinner and oil lamps are not permitted in the hostels. Burning/bursting of crackers, carrying of crackers to the rooms and lighting of lamps/candles are banned strictly in and around the Hostel premises throughout the year. Immersion Water Heater/Electric Kettle/ Electric Blankets are not permitted in the rooms. Residents must switch off all lights and fans, and electrical appliances including mosquito repelling machines if any before leaving their rooms. This is necessary to avoid an inadvertent fire. 25. Insurance of Laptops/ Valuables: It is the responsibility of the student to get their laptops and valuables, if any, insured themselves. 26. Residents will make necessary entry in the IN-OUT Register available in the hostel. It is mandatory in all such absences to record departure/return date and time and place to which they are going along with the postal address and telephone/mobile number. 27. The rooms are liable to be inspected by the Hostel Warden at any time. They will also be open to inspection by the members of the Management from time to time. We have read, understood and agree to all the rules & regulations. (Candidate’s Signature) (Parent’s/Guardian’s Signature) Name : ______________________ Name : ______________________ Date : ______________________ Date : ______________________ (Warden’s Signature) In case of Guardian, Relation with the Student : _______________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ PA HOSTEL ANNEXURE II Page 3 of 3
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