April 2015 - pebblebeachfarms.org

April 2015
Board of Directors
The Board of Directors elected during the
last Annual Meeting, and officers selected
during the initial Board meeting are as
Anthony Vivona - President
Arthur Riegel - Vice President
Robert Abbott - Treasurer
Michael Sande - Secretary
William Austin
Keith Baker
Ida Gianukakis
The Board would like to thank those
members in attendance and those who
submitted proxy cards so that routine
business of the community could be
Annual Meeting
The meeting was held on July 26, 2014 at
the East Marion firehouse.
attendance was light, a quorum was present
at the start of the meeting.
In an unexplained move, several members
attending the meeting decided not to sign-in.
Their attendance is not recorded.
were also carrying proxies, and those
members were also not recorded as
In other words, those
members attending and the people whose
proxies they carried were not eligible to vote
on any issues presented at the meeting.
Residents of Pebble Beach Farms should be
aware that the proxy mechanism permits
your interests to be represented by another
community member, but if that member
doesn’t sign-in it defeats the purpose. If you
cannot attend the annual meeting, make sure
you give your proxy to someone who
intends to represent you.
With only one meeting each year, the
expectation is that residents will make an
effort to attend and participate in decisions
affecting our community.
The 2014-2015 operating budget was
presented and several items discussed. At
the time, the annual assessment for the fiscal
year beginning September 1st was estimated
at $542.75. It was adjusted to $546 based
on final expenditures through the end of
August. There was no special assessment
for capital projects that would have required
a vote.
Natural Gas
Members of Pebble Beach have again
expressed interest in obtaining natural gas
for both home and pool heating needs.
National Grid will run a gas main within
PBF if a sufficient number of residents
agree to convert their heating systems to
natural gas. To determine if there is
adequate interest, please contact Mike
[email protected] with your name
and local address if interested.
Our first annual clambake was organized
last August 23, 2014 for members of PBF
and their guests (paid for by attendees and
not through community assessments). The
weather cooperated and made for a
wonderful afternoon. The event was so
successful, organizers are planning a repeat
sometime this summer. Please stay tuned
for details.