Perritte Memorial Messenger United Methodist Church Making Disciples of Jesus Christ for the Transformation of the World NEWS BRIEFS Spring Cleaning This Saturday, March 21st, come at 8 am to clean up around the church as we prepare for guests at Easter. There are jobs inside the church and out on the grounds. We hope to have all the work complete before noon. If we all pitch in, it will go faster and make the time together fun! Youth Garage Sale The Youth Garage Sale is April 18th and they need your gently used items to raise funds for summer activities. Donations can be made in the church office during business hours, Monday through Thursday from 9a—1p, during Wonderful Wednesday and/or during UMYF as well. Thank you in advance for all of your support! Perritte Cookbook The Pie Crust Ladies are putting together a cookbook to sell at this year’s bazaar. Please submit recipes to Joi in the Church Office. They can be dropped off, mailed in, or emailed to: [email protected] “Shoe Box” Project The U.M.W. is collecting shoes for the less-fortunate students at Nettie Marshall School. If you would like to donate a pair (or two), the “Shoe Box” is in Memorial Hall. Monetary gifts may be left in the church office and we will shop for you. Thank you in advance for your support of this special request for our neighborhood school children. March 17, 2015 Good Friday Tenebrae Service The choir is preparing for a special time of worship on Good Friday, April 3 at 7 pm. They will be performing a a Tenebrae Service called “Behold the Darkness.” There will be wonderful choral music, scripture readings and the traditional extinguishing of the candles. Tenebrae is a service of shadows and ends in almost total darkness. This approaching darkness reminds us of the flight of the disciples, the arrival of Jesus’ enemies and his ultimate suffering. As the darkness arrives we are mindful of his death and burial in the tomb. The Tenebrae will prepare our hearts for the joy of the resurrection. Spring Fling Spring Fling is almost here!!Saturday, March 28th is just over a week away! Chuck Lewis is coordinating this annual outreach event for neighborhood children. We want to share God’s love with our community during this Holy Season! We need candy donations, canopies (to borrow), people to help with games, Arts & Crafts coordinators, and filled eggs! There is a task for everyone. We need some zip lock bags of snacks suitable for toddlers 3 & under to hunt instead of candy filled eggs. Place your donations in the Easter Boxket in Memorial Hall. If you can’t get out and shop, monetary donations are welcomed. So, donate, serve & attend! Childcare is provided for all volunteers!! Let Chuck Lewis know how you can serve at 554-0297. Vibrant Church Initiative In January, our church council listened as Dr. Jesse Brannen shared about the Vibrant Church Initiative (VCI) at our January Planning Church Council Meeting. Our leaders voted to support our church entering this learning and discovery process. Ray Stoner has agreed to serve as chair of the VCI Leadership Team. As part of the program, a Prayer Team is also forming. The Leadership Team will be reading a book, taking part and facilitating a “self-study” of Perritte where they will review statistical data going back about 20 years. They will look at area demographic information. It will be quite a learning experience and one I feel will benefit our ministry here in wonderful ways. You, the church, will be asked to participate in this process and we will all have ample opportunities to share our stories. I want to thank those who have already agreed to take part on the leadership team or prayer team. I know that Perritte has a bright future ahead. If you have any questions, please feel free to call either Ray or Pastor Lani. ZOE Seder Meal I can’t wait to share my photois and videos with you. As I mentioned on a recent Sunday, the group of folks I traveled with have committed to be Hope Companions for the brand new ZOE working group that we met on our trip. We were so moved all week by the stories that were shared by the young people, and felt honored to be observers at this new group’s important second meeting. As they listened to Reegan, the program facilitator, and followed his instructions, we witnessed the beginning of changed lives and new possibilities through their body language. They sat taller and straighter, made eye contact with us and with each other. Each of them gained poise and confidence as they shared their dream sheets. Our group was grateful to be a part of the beginning process. As we dreamed and discussed later that night, we knew that for some churches with large mission budgets, $7,500 each year for three years to support a working group would be an easy accomplishment. Smaller churches could join together to raise $625 per month. And then one of our group did some even more basic math…if 20 of us could commit to $31.25 per month to ZOE for the next three years…we could sponsor our own working group! The group we met on Saturday needed a Hope Companion, so the Texas Annual Conference Traveler’s Group has taken the plunge!! We heard their dreams that day, and we know that with God’s continuing grace and their hard work, we will hear stories from successful shopkeepers, hairdressers, barbers, mechanics, farmers, electricians and more. They voted and chose a successful mentor that day. He is a young man who has graduated from the program and is wise beyond his years. We met Samson on the first day of our trip. God’s people have always found ways to share their blessings. ZOE needs 94 Hope Companions before August. The Texas Annual Conference Missions Committee has set a goal of 25 from our conference. How can we at Perritte make an incredible difference in the lives of friends we may never meet across the globe? I want you to continue praying about that and saving your change… let’s see what God can do. - Pastor Lani On Maundy Thursday, April 2 at 6 pm we will gather in Memorial Hall for our traditional Seder Service. We will recall the Passover Meal celebrated by Jesus and his disciples and learn about the tradition that is celebrated in Jewish homes to this day. It is a service of remembrance of God’s mighty acts of salvation. Following the formal service, we will share a meal together. Please bring a dish to share. We will not have a cover ed dish on Easter Sunday following worship, so this will be our opportunity to gather as a church family during Holy Week. Our Faithfulness Our Prayers Pray daily for our community, world, and church, including: Men & Women of our armed forces & their families; Steve Stovall, Mary Thrash, Alvena Williams, Delores Barfield, Helen Walker, Rev. Edwin & Maurine McDaniel, Ann Rector, Dot Stephens, Ashleigh Capps, Rebecca Yarbrough, Earl C. Lairson (Dawn’s Dad), Riley Marde (Rosa Davis’ granddaughter), Peggy (Susan Stoner’s sister—Cancer), John Fleming (Kaylea Fleming’s Dad), Izzy Berry, Esther Jones & Russell Pierce. We extend our Christian sympathy to and prayers for the family of Roy Watson (Carol Wilson’s Uncle.). Page 2 Please let the church office know who we need to be praying for. Our Gifts Received 3/8/2015 Choir General Donations Total Deposits 37.50 4139.60 $4,177.10 Received 3/15/2015 ZOE Lillies General Donations Total Deposits 10.00 60.00 3,239.79 $3,309.79 Our Presence Sunday Worship Sunday School 83 50 Birthdays & Anniversaries March 13 - Cindi McCarley 15 -Dylan Allensworth Zachary Allensworth Johnnie Clack 16 - William Wells 17 - Maya Jean Sienna Lathan 19 - Eris Belk 20 -Louise McDuffie 21 - Libbyrose Clark 26 - *Cody & Dawn McGee 27 - Sher Hanke 28 -Hugh Byars Reg Monzingo 31 - Lisa Fuller Yvonne Garrett April 2 - Susan Teekell Adam Greenly 3 - *David & Dawn Welch 4 - *Kenneth & Janice Beck 8 - Daniel Johnson *Jessie & Virigina Harris 9 - Judy McCarty Amelia Fleniken 10 -Sidney Hartz 13 - Jared Swenson Britney Kocman 14 - Virginia Reneau Josh Cooper 18 - Rebecca Yarbrough 20 - Andrew Kahlden 21 - Yvonne Johnson Making Disciples of Jesus Christ for the Transformation of the World Calendar Wednesday, — Friday, March 18—20 SPRING BREAK No Scheduled Events Saturday, March 21 8:00 am Spring Cleaning at Perritte Sunday, March 22 9:00 am Prayer Partners– Pastor’s Office 9:45 am Morning Fellowship—Memorial Hall 10:00 am Sunday School 11:00 am Worship 12:30 pm Missions Meeting — Youth Room 3:30 pm UMYF (Dinner host: Still Needed) Monday, March 23 8:00 am Pie Crust 6:00 pm Cub Scouts Troop 107 Tuesday, March 24 8:00 am Quilters Wednesday, March 25 2:00 pm Knotty Knitters 5:30 pm Wonderful Wed. Dinner (host: Chuck Wagon) 6:00 pm Youth, Pastor’s Study, Boy Scout Troop 107 7:00 pm Choir Practice Thursday—Friday, March 26-27 No Scheduled Events Saturday, March 28 10:00 am Spring Fling Sunday, March 29 9:00 am Prayer Partners 9:45 am Morning Fellowship—Memorial Hall 10:00 am Sunday School 11:00 am Worship 4:00 pm UMYF (Dinner host: Still Needed) Monday, March 30 Holy Week 8:00 am Pie Crust 12:00pm Holy Week Worship @ FUMC Nac 6:00 pm Cub Scouts Troop 107 Tuesday, March 31 8:00 am Quilters 12:00pm Holy Week Worship @ FUMC Nac Wednesday, April 1 12:00pm Holy Week Worship @ FUMC Nac 2:00 pm Knotty Knitters 5:30 pm Wonderful Wed. Dinner (host: UMW) 6:00 pm Youth, Pastor’s Study, Boy Scout Troop 107 7:00 pm Choir Practice Thursday, April 2 12:00pm Holy Week Worship @ FUMC Nac 6:00 pm Seder Service and Covered Dish Supper Friday, April 3 12:00pm Holy Week Worship @ FUMC Nac—Pastor Lani to preach 7:00 pm Tenebrae Good Friday Worship Making Disciples of Jesus Christ for the Transformation of the World Sunday’s Coming March 22nd: “Bearing Fruit” Scripture Psalm 51:1-12 John 12:20-33 Liturgist Chuck Lewis Acolytes Landon Anderson Braxton Anderson Counters Max McCarley Karen Swenson March 29th: Palm Sunday “The Best Choice” Scripture Mark 11:1-11 Mark 14:1-16 Liturgist Judy Allensworth Acolytes Jacey Tillis Conner Hogan Counters Max McCarley Dawn Welch March Ushers Legacy Class Order your Easter Lilies “To the Glory of God”, “In Honor of” or “In Memory of” someone special by Wednesday, March 25th. Real or Not-so-Real, only $10.00 each. Operation Christmas Child The collection this month for Operation Christmas Child will be crayons and coloring books. You may put them in the donation box located in Memorial Hall. Thank you for your contributions. Page 3 ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED 638 North University Drive #255 Nacogdoches, Texas 75961 Perritte Memorial United Methodist Church Perritte is located at 1025 Durst St. Nacogdoches, Texas 75964 and the office is open 9 am - 1 pm Monday-Thursday 936.564.8427 (voice) 936.564.8513 (fax) Our Mission is to Make Disciples of Jesus Christ for the Transformation of the World. Email the office [email protected] Email Pastor Lani [email protected] Visit us online at All members of the church are ministers of the Gospel, equipped for sharing the grace of God with the assistance of: Music Director Accompanist Youth Director Nursery Supervisor Secretary Custodian Pastor Nicole Stewart Jim Faucett Richard Locke Amanda Tillis Joi Nelson Betty White Lani Rousseau Messenger deadline is 10 am each Monday. To submit articles or if you have additions, deletions, or changes to the church calendar contact Joi Nelson at 564-8427 or [email protected]
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