2015 Petersen Family Farm Weekly Farm Basket (WEEKLY FARM BASKET) Agreement We, Petersen Family Farm, wish to provide you with fresh, local, seasonal produce and you, the member, wish to receive a portion of our harvest. This agreement outlines our shared commitments to that relationship. By purchasing a share, you agree to these terms. Section 1. Introducing Petersen Family Farm's Weekly Farm Basket Program A. Becoming a Part of Petersen Family Farm's Weekly Farm Basket Program Families and households sign up to purchase a "share" of the upcoming season's harvest. Community Supported Agriculture (CSA)/Weekly Farm Basket program is a relationship between our farm and you as our customer. Rather than simply purchasing food, our customers become "members" of this Weekly Farm Basket program receive a portion of the farm's harvest and experience the miracle of agriculture with us! This commitment in advance, partners with us on the costs of running the Weekly Farm Basket, including seeds, fertilizer, labor, equipment and insurances, most of which are incurred during the spring planting season. Our Weekly Farm Basket program runs for 15 weeks, from July thru October. Members are responsible for showing up at the farm each week to pick up their share. Detailed information regarding pick-up is discussed below in Section 3. Variety and quantity may vary as described below in Section 2. The starting week will be based upon production conditions and emailed to members. B. Our Growing Practices We are proud of the significant efforts we employ to minimize our environmental footprint while balancing the need to be economically viable. We have achieved this using a sound and well-planned cropping system which we improve each year. For more about our growing practices, see “Farming Philosophy” on our website. C. The Produce We Expect to Harvest Throughout the 15 week period members will receive a variety of fresh produce from the farm. The Petersen Family Farm 2015 growing season is expected to include: Fresh Shelled Peas, Cabbage, Broccoli, Summer Squash, Onions, Garlic, Sweet Corn, Cucumber, Kale, Tomatoes, Red & Green Peppers, Hot Peppers, Beans, Potatoes, Eggplant, Leeks, Swiss Chard, Broccoli, Fresh Herbs, Watermelon, Honeydew, Cantaloupe. From farming friends: Raspberries, Peaches, Apples. Section 2. Picking-Up Shares Members are responsible for picking up their share each week on their selected day (Tuesday or Saturday). Adhering to the following rules makes for an enjoyable pick-up day each week: 1. If you are unable to pick up on your designated day notify the Market Manager, Tina Esparza at [email protected] at least one full business day before your pick up date. It is encouraged that you find someone like a family member or a neighbor to pick up your share if you are unable. If you are unable to find someone to pick up your share please notify the Market Manager and make arrangements for you to pick up a “make up share” the following week. If you fail to make arrangements in advance or forget your share pick up, you will be given one (1) FREE PASS “make up share” throughout the season. After this free pass, if you do not make arrangements with the Market Manager you will lose that week of produce. We do this to minimize wasting food. 2. Each week Weekly Farm Basket customers will pick up their weekly “Shopping List” at the Market. You will be able to pick your own produce according to the list. This gives you more choice and a “handson” experience with your food on the farm. 3. Shares are available for pick-up either Tuesday or Saturday between normal business hours, 9:00 am – 7:00 pm. 4. Always respect the farm property, your fellow members, parking lot courtesy and safety. We take the safety of our produce seriously; most of which is freshly picked for members the morning of their pick-up day. For your added protection, wash all produce before use and keep products properly refrigerated or frozen as soon as possible. Section 3. Our Shared Commitments A. Sharing in the Risk of Crop Failure By selling membership in advance of the growing season, Weekly Farm Basket’s reduce the burden of up-front costs for the farmer. Your membership fees provide a degree of cash flow to purchase seed and fertilizer, repair buildings and equipment & pay weekly labor bills before the season starts. Our goal is to provide members with a bountiful share of produce each week. Although it rarely happens, the variety of produce may vary from week-to-week due to extreme weather, insects, or other production factors despite our best efforts. By joining the Petersen Family Farm Weekly Farm Basket program and purchasing produce in advance, members agree to share some of the risk of crop failure with the farm. In the unlikely event of a crop failure we may need to supplement our program with produce purchased from our peers in the local farming industry. We expect that members will always receive the full value of their share over the course of the season. B. Sharing the fruits of agriculture We believe that a membership in a Weekly Farm Basket program is one of the best ways to capture the complete value of the farm. By investing early you sacrifice as we do and thus share with us the hope and anticipation of a fruitful harvest. When the produce is ready to eat you get it as fresh as if you had grown it yourself. You experience the farm consistently, week by week as you come to partake of the harvest. You become part of our family, getting to know us all week by week as the season progresses. You can ask questions, just visit, and enjoy the beauty of your investment growing in rows on our farm. You also share in a bounty, the abundance of agriculture by getting a great value on our local produce. We love the Weekly Farm Basket members and consider them to be part of the farm family, sharing in the holistic experience of agriculture, not just buying food like at the store. Section 4. Member Fees Full payment is required in advance to secure a share. Payment and sign-up is online only, with Payments made using debit or credit cards (AMX, Discover, MasterCard & Visa). A limited quantity of shares is available on a first come first serve basis. Once you are a Petersen Family Farm CSA member, you will have first option to purchase shares each year. The Petersen Family Farm CSA is here to serve the community, and encourages you to share its bounty with friends, family, and neighbors. We will not facilitate any transfer of the share but it is our policy that anyone can pick up a share for the registered shareholder. All payments and shares are nonrefundable. Share Types: "Full Share" - $300.00 (approximately $20/week, discounts apply for signing up early) Section 5. Communicating With Us Tina, our Marketing & Office Manager, handle all Weekly Farm Basket communication. She can be e-mailed at [email protected]. E-mails are the primary source of important information so it is important that the shareholders read them. Tina will also attend most pick-up days so you will have ample time for questions or concerns. By signing this agreement patrons agree to purchase the membership share and abide by the terms of this agreement. Members understand that, although unlikely, Petersen Family Farm may change parts of this agreement related to production and distribution from time to time. Members understand that they will be contacted via email in advance of any changes to this agreement. APPLICANT AGREEMENT Name (please print) _________________________________________________________________________ DATE Name (please sign) _________________________________________________________________________ DATE APPLICANT INFORMATION Name (please print) _________________________________________________________________________ Address ___________________________________________________________________________________ City Zip Code Email ____________________________________________________ Phone ___________________________ PAYMENT INFORMATION Credit Card #: _________________________________________ Exp. ______________ CVC: ______________ Preferred Pick Up Day: _____ Tuesday -OR- _____ Saturday
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