Pine Forest United Methodist Church 400 Woods Avenue Dublin GA 31021 478.272.2441 Reaching out and sharing God’s love. March 12, 2015 “WHAT IS YOUR LIFE?” ST. PATRICK’S LEMONADE STAND Our annual Lemonade Stand Outreach will be downtown on Saturday, March 21, 2015. Volunteers are needed! If you can help, please sign up on the sheet located on the bulletin board across from the church library. FROM "IMAM" TO "ISLAM" Beginning Sunday, March 29, 10:00 AM - Fellowship Hall "ISIS", "Moderate Muslims", and “Violent Extremism" - all are in the news. You may have questions about the Muslim faith. Here are two common ones: "Why is what we hear about all this on the news so confusing?" "Should we be worried?" Why not get some answers? The introduction to the series will be Sunday, March 29 in the Fellowship Hall at 10:00. The first full presentation will be Sunday morning, April 19, at the same time and place. Sunday school classes and individuals are welcome to attend. The series will be led by Phil Lavender. Novelist Brett Lott once received two life-changing phone calls on the same day. The first call told him that one of his most promising students had died unexpectedly from a brain aneurysm. The second call came several hours later from a popular television talk show host, telling Lott that she had chosen one of his novels for her monthly on-the-air book club. It would mean instant celebrity status and financial gain and success. The first call was tragic and sobering, while the second call was exhilarating—and Lott had to try to balance the two. Brett Lott, who is a Christian, said he took a thick black marker and wrote his student’s name on a white index card and carried it with him for the next month. Lott made the comment, “I made a promise to myself. I kept the index card in my pocket. It would remind me: ‘Don’t let this (fame) go to your head.’” The Book of James reminds us that life is short, no matter who we are, or what we may accomplish, or how many years we may live. James 4:14 tells us: “What is your life? It is even a vapor that appears for a little time and then vanishes away.” What’s the lesson for us? The brevity of life? Yes! Instead of becoming enamored by our success today, and our plans for the future, we should always remember that our time is in God’s hands. Each day is a precious gift from Him. We must not be deceived into thinking that we have lots of time remaining to live for Christ, or to enjoy our loved ones, etc. In the words of Joyce Meyer, “We can choose to live for God, or we can choose to die! It’s that simple.” Bro. Wes SUNDAY SCHOOL MISSION OFFERING March 15, 2015 4th Sunday in Lent 8:45 a.m. Early Morning Worship John 15:9-17 “SERVANT, FRIEND AND SON” Joel Dent Worship Leader: Judy Persons Special Music: The Golden Notes 9:00 a.m. Contemporary Service Luke 1:5-20 "HOW TO RECEIVE AN ANSWER FROM GOD" Wes Moye Special Music: Kay Baeumel 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship Luke 1:5-20 "HOW TO RECEIVE AN ANSWER FROM GOD" Wes Moye Special Music: Kay Baeumel Our March Sunday School Offering will go to HUMBLE PLACEPROGRAM FUNDS (Lane#1). OUR VISITORS, MARCH 8: Raul, Vanene & Jason Mendoza, Joyce Smith, Paula Newman, David Snyder ANNUAL FERTILIZER SALE IN PROGRESS The Methodist Men’s annual fertilizer sale is going on now. Order forms are available on the table outside the church offices. Put the completed form in the offering plate or in the Methodist Men’s box. Your order will be delivered to your home on Saturday, April 18, 2015. This is a great opportunity to take care of your fertilizer needs and help support the Jamaica Medical Mission and the Boy Scouts. ATTENTION GRADUATES Our Graduation Sunday will be May 17th. We will list our High School graduates and we would also like to hear from any college students that have graduated in the last year. Please call or email us at the church office. LEADERSHIP FORUM MEETING MONDAY, MARCH 16 AT 6:30 P.M. PLEASE SUPPORT THE METHODIST HOME PLEASE PRAY FOR: FAIRVIEW PARK HOSPITAL: Marcia Daniel MEDICAL CENTER, MACON: Sue Long HOME: Mary Sue Brown, Jane Shoe, Dot Pierce, Dot Eck, Bill Glisson, Jill Johnson, Cheryl Braswell, Don Murkerson OTHERS: Nina McCutheon-sister of Carl Hooks, Tony Fountain-son of Ann Wallace, Sandra Landrum-sister of Alvin Brown, Charlene Brantley VAMC, REHAB, NURSING HOMES OR ASSISTED CARE FACILITIES: Chandler Beasley, Doris Miller, J. C. Pitts, Vi Simmons, Mary Ann Peacock, Aileen Colquitt, Angie Ward, Frances Cook-mother of Rob Cook, Mary Nell Upchurch, Nell Corry, Billy & Sunshine Key, Mary Screws-mother of Karen Carter, Sara Hutcheson, Diane Turner IN THE MILITARY: Michael Shores-son of David & Tanya Shores, Laurie Lane-daughter of Jim & Linda Lane OUR MISSIONARIES: Jason & Kristen Bowden, John & Donna Bearden, Steve & SueAnn Lloyd My dad has always said "Anything you can do for a child is worth doing." My mom and dad volunteered at The Methodist Home for Children and Youth as the leaders of the Yard Sale shop 3-5 days a week which brought in as much as $4500 a week for 16+ years. Had it not been for my dad's failing health and eventual death, they would still be there. This is why it was such a high honor to accept the position of Advocate for The Methodist Home here at PFUMC. Thank you so much for this opportunity. The home is always in need of many things - toiletries, monetary donations, volunteers, yard sale shop items, prayers, etc. Right now we are gearing up for the Celebration Day in April, so stay tuned for more info on this major annual event geared toward helping these precious children ranging in ages 6 years up. In Christ, Vicki Clark Advocate for The Methodist Home for Children and Youth 478-290-2607 SEDER MEAL Plan to join us for our annual Seder Meal on Thursday, April 2 at 6:30 p.m. This will be a covered dish meal and seating will be limited due to the table arrangement required for the Seder. Watch for reservation slips in the March 29 bulletins. PRESCHOOL NEWS… From Kay Spring Revival Rev. Mike Ricker, Revival Preacher Rev. Tony Crosby, Revival Song Leader Sunday, April 26: 9:00 a.m., 11:00 a.m. & 7:00 p.m. Covered Dish Dinner, 5:30 p.m. April 27-29: 7 p.m. nightly NOTE THESE DATES! ▪ MARCH 29 Palm Sunday; Easter Egg Hunt ▪ APRIL 1 UMW Bake Sale 2 Seder Meal (covered dish) 5 Easter Sunday 12 Chancel Choir Cantata 19 Handbell Choirs Program 26 Spring Revival (26-29) ▪ May 4 UMW Mother/Daughter Banquet 6 Last Wednesday Night Supper till Fall 12 Sr. Foresters Hot Dog Supper 17 Graduation Sunday 25 Memorial Day SENIOR FORESTERS EVENTS We express appreciation to Earl and Gloria Morgan and Buddy & Diane Bethea for an outstanding St. Patrick Luncheon with delicious Irish stew, cornbread and desserts. Thanks also to Dr. Bob Shuman for the excellent program on “Mental, Physical and Spiritual Health for Seniors.” We have a bus trip planned to “The Swanson” in Perry for lunch on Thursday, April 23rd. The dogwoods should be in full bloom and the downtown shops open. Attach $5 to your registration. Deadline: Monday, April 20th. Each person pays for what they order from this restaurant’s amazing menu. Also, pray for our Spring Revival, April 26-29. Registration for the summer and fall programs is now underway. Please contact the preschool office at 272-0554 for more information. CHILDREN’S MINISTRIES …. from Kim Children’s Church Parent Volunteers: 9:00 – Kelly Cook & Cecilia Schenck; 11:00 – Robin Middleton & Carol Everly Parents: Please remember to check in children 2nd grade and younger. We now have two computers set up for your convenience, one in the hallway outside the fellowship hall and one in the narthex. If you have any questions please see Kim. Also, if you are interested in Winshape, but can’t afford the full price of $199, please see me. There are scholarship funds available. It is time to sign up for Epworth By The Sea Summer Camp. If you are interested you can go to and go to the Camp connect tab to register online. We will be taking a bus down the week of June 29 - July 3. If your child is interested in going with others from Pine Forest, please make sure you sign up for that week and me know. MUSIC NOTES… from Mary THE NEW CHOIR ROBES HAVE ARRIVED and they look absolutely fabulous! We will be wearing them this Sunday! Thank you to the Robe Committee for their work in choosing classic yet modern colors and to those who contributed toward the robes. Many choir members paid for their own robes, and we had several donated in memory of a loved one, plus many other generous contributions. May God receive the honor and the glory for He made this dream a beautiful reality! What an exciting time for our church and especially for our choir! Thank you, Youth Ensemble for your beautiful singing on Sunday, especially to Kylissa Smith for her solo. I am so proud of you and love working together each Sunday afternoon! Children, your musical is coming along and this week was the cut-off to participate in our Spring Musical which will be May 6th. While that is about 2 months away, the remainder of our rehearsals will be spent in practicing choreography that Kathy Boles is so kind to create for us. The kids love it and they love Kathy! Because of this, we are happy to continue to welcome visitors but no one will be able to “start from scratch” as Kathy spends hours (probably whole days) making this work. Thank you also for making sure that your child is there each Wednesday for practice unless they are ill. There is a big HOLE when they are missing! Golden Notes, we will be singing at the 8:45 service this Sunday. Please meet me in the sanctuary at 8:20 to practice. Adult Handbells, please wear your long sleeved black shirt and meet in the sanctuary at 8AM to practice as we will ring at the 8:45 and 11:00 services this week. Youth News …. from Jared We had a great Youth Rally Wednesday night! Praying for all of our students that made decisions! Don't miss this Sunday night! We are celebrating You! 6pm in the Boiler Room. FAMILY NIGHT SUPPER March 18, 2015, 5:45-6:15 p.m. MINISTER ON CALL Joel Dent will be on call March 13-14 and can be reached at 274-9806. Menu 1: Spaghetti, Green Beans, Salads, Butter Crisp Cookies, Tea, Coffee & Lemonade Alternate: Chicken Fingers, Macaroni & Cheese, Dessert, Salad, Drink IN SERVICE THIS WEEK: Greeters: 8:45 – Ann Fennell, Ushers 9:00 – Eugene & Beth Tyler, Ken Wrighter 11:00 – Joel & Joyce Dent, Ushers Ushers: 8:45 – Jim Lane, Wayne White 11:00 – Brett Bowden, Pat Ballard, Bill Ballard, Jeff Bryan Audio: 8:45 – Ray Jones 9:00 – Wayne Clark 11:00 – Brent Newman Video: 9:00 – Joey Wilson 11:00 – Buddy Bloodworth 9:00 Refreshments: Pastries Beth Brown Fruit & Juice Lisa Dollar Altar Flowers: Dedicated to the Glory of God and given by Mrs. Brenda Darsey in loving memory of Marshal Darsey. Altar Flower Delivery: Ann Lawrence Altar Guild for March: Jewel Flanders, Lori Passmore, Debbie Wray Lay Visitation, March 16: Jane Agee, Jone Jones OUR STEWARDSHIP January 1-March 8, 2015: Finances YTD: Not available Budget $ Offering Expenses Balance $ Attendance (3/15/15): Sunday School 187 Morning Worship 277 Evangelism Profession of Faith New Members Current Membership 808 PINE FOREST STAFF Kay Baeumel, Preschool Director Kim Dixon, Director of Children’s Ministries Jared Middleton, Director of Youth Ministries Frank Newman, Pianist WEEKLY CALENDAR Sunday, March 15 8:45 a.m. Early Morning Worship 9:00 a.m. Contemporary Gathering 10:00 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship 4:30 p.m. Youth Choir 5:00 p.m. No Confirmation Class (due to Confirmation retreat) Missions & Games for kids 5:00 p.m. Adult Bible Study (ACTS 29) 5:30 p.m. Youth Fellowship 5:45 p.m. Children’s Handbells 7:00 p.m. Morning Worship on TV 35 Monday, March 16 9:00 a.m. Preschool 10:30 a.m. Staff Meeting 6:30 p.m. Leadership Forum Tuesday, March 17 8:30 a.m. Men’s Study/Golden Corral 9:00 a.m. Preschool 7:15 p.m. Adult Handbell Choir Wednesday, March 18 9:00 a.m. Preschool 12:00 noon Men’s Bible Study/Firehouse Subs 1:30 p.m. Golden Notes Choir 3:30 p.m. After School Program 5:00 p.m. Children’s Choir 6:15 p.m. Adult Bible Study (Wes Moye) Pine Forest Kids (2yrs-5th grade) The Well, Youth Worship Cherub Choir 6:30 p.m. Financial Peace class 6:45 p.m. Chancel Choir 7:20 p.m. Youth Handbell Choir 8:30 p.m. Praise Band rehearsal Thursday, March 19 9:00 a.m. Preschool 6:30 p.m. Women’s Bible Study Friday, March 20 9:00 a.m. Preschool Mary Crowson, Director of Music Ministries Susan Dyches, Administrative Assistant Betsy Moran, Organist Wallace Pullins, Custodian Joel Dent, Associate Pastor Odessa Jackson, Nursery Worker Wes Moye, Senior Pastor Nancy Stinson, Financial Secretary
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