快讯:汽车行业 Harry Chen 陈欢瑜 +86 755 23976683 [email protected] 8 May 2015 PV Retail Sales Growth Slowed Down to 6.2% in April 4月份乘用车零售增长放缓到6.2% China passenger vehicle (“PV”) sales growth slowed down to 6.2%. According to the China Passenger Cars Association (“CPCA”),broad-sense PV retail sales were1.610 million units, up 6.2% YoY but down9.7% MoM in April of 2015. Sales of MPVs and SUVs increased 19.6% YoY and 56.3% YoY, respectively, while that of sedans and cross-overs decreased 6.6% YoY and 14.7% YoY, respectively. Excluding cross-overs, the sales of narrow-sense PVs increased 8.6% YoY but dropped 9.2% MoM. Broad-sense PV retail sales increased 12.3% YoY in the first 4 months of 2015. April retail sales were affected by share market and May sales are expected to remain slow. PV retail sales slowed down in April, worse than our forecasts. The expectation of bull-market in China has changed the asset allocation of the family, which postponed the demand of buying PVs. Even though China stock market was under correction, the expectation of bull-market will not change which continued to depress vehicle sales. We expect PV sales to increase 5% YoY in April. Inventory exceeded safety level and discount value continued to increase rapidly in April. Inventory ratio of car GTJA Research 国泰君安研究 Flash Note: Automobile Sector dealers increased 0.1 ppt MoM to 1.6, according to WAYS Consulting, which suggested that the inventory level has already exceeded the upper band of safety level. According to I.S. Engine Consulting Ltd, car dealers’ discount rate increased 0.1 ppt MoM and 1.4 ppt YoY to 7.7%. Discount value continued to remain high and increased 20.6% YoY due to greater discount offered by JVs automakers since their sales were lower than expected in the first couple of Sector View: Short term downside risk is expected to increase. We expect auto stocks to face greater downside risk during off peak season. Investor should consider buying auto stocks in July. 4 月份的乘用车零售销售同比增长放缓到 6.2%。根据中国乘联会的统计显示,2015 年 4 月份广义乘用车的零售销售量为 161.0 万辆, 同比增长 6.2%,环比下滑 9.7%。其中 MPV 和 SUV 销售同比增长 19.6%和 56.3%,而轿车和交叉型乘用车销售同比下降 6.6%和 21.1%。 除了微客以外的狭义乘用车销售同比增长 8.6%,环比下滑 9.2%。前 4 个月广义乘用车零售销售同比增长 12.3%。 4 月份零售受股市影响,预计 5 月份销售维持较低速增长。4 月份乘用车零售销售增幅放缓,差于我们预期,主要是因为牛市的预期改变 Automobile Sector 汽车行业 months. 了家庭的资产配置,导致购车需求被押后。尽管国内股市最近在调整,但是大家仍对未来牛市抱有期望,因此购车需求仍受到压抑。预 计 5 月份的乘用车销售同比增长 5%。 4 月库存水平过高,折扣额持续大幅提高。根据威尔森的数据显示,4 月份经销商库存系数为 1.6,环比增加 0.1 个点,超过了安全警戒 线的上限,库存水平已经过高。根据安路勤的数据显示,4 月的零售端的折扣率为 7.7%,环比增加 0.1 个百分点,同比提高 1.4 个百分 点。优惠额同比大幅提高 20.6%,主要是因为前几个月合资企业的销售低于预期,期望加大优惠额度来刺激需求。 行业看法:短期股价下行风险加大。我们预计汽车股在淡季期间将有更大下行的风险,投资者可以考虑 7 月份再介入这个行业。 Flash Note Seethe last page for disclaimer Page 1 of 3 Monthly Retail Sales 913,102 161,687 438,804 1,513,593 96,445 1,610,038 YoY (%) of Retail Sales -6.6% 19.6% 56.3% 8.6% -21.1% 6.2% MoM (%) of Retail Sales -9.3% -18.9% -5.0% -9.2% -15.8% -9.7% 2015 YTD YoY Growth 1.4% 21.2% 63.1% 15.4% -22.2% 12.3% 8 May 2015 Table-1: PV Production, Wholesale and Retail-sale Monthly Monthly Production Wholesales Sedan 981,824 942,425 MPV 184,606 165,427 SUV 482,448 496,071 PV (narrow sense) 1,648,878 1,603,923 Cross-over 103,343 97,794 PV (broad sense) 1,752,221 1,701,717 Source: CPCA, Guotai Junan International. Figure-2: Monthly sales growth of Sedan, MPV, SUV and Sense) Cross-over Source:CPCA, Guotai Junan International. Source: CPCA, Guotai Junan International. Figure-3: Discount Rate Of Dealers Figure-4: Inventory Ratio of Dealers Source: I.S. Engine, Guotai Junan International. Source: WAYS Consulting, Guotai Junan International. Flash Note Automobile Sector 汽车行业 Figure-1:Monthly Retail Sales and Growth of PV (Broad Seethe last page for disclaimer Page 2 of 3 Company Rating Definition The Benchmark: Hong Kong Hang Seng Index Rating Definition Buy Relative Performance>15%; or the fundamental outlook of the company or sector is favorable. Relative Performance is 5% to 15%; or the fundamental outlook of the company or sector is favorable. Accumulate Neutral Relative Performance is -5% to 5%; or the fundamental outlook of the company or sector is neutral. Reduce Relative Performance is -5% to -15%; or the fundamental outlook of the company or sector is unfavorable. Sell Relative Performance <-15%; or the fundamental outlook of the company or sector is unfavorable. 8 May 2015 Time Horizon: 6 to 18 months Sector Rating Definition The Benchmark: Hong Kong Hang Seng Index Time Horizon: 6 to 18 months Rating Outperform Definition Relative Performance >5%; or the fundamental outlook of the sector is favorable. Neutral Relative Performance is -5% to 5%; or the fundamental outlook of the sector is neutral. Underperform Relative Performance<-5%; or the fundamental outlook of the sector is unfavorable. (1) (2) (3) (4) The Analysts and their associates do not serve as an officer of the issuer mentioned in this Research Report. The Analysts and their associates do not have any financial interests in relation to the issuer mentioned in this Research Report. Except for China All Access (Holdings) Limited (00633), Guangshen Railway Company Limited-H shares (00525), Guotai Junan International Holdings Limited (01788) and Binhai Investment Company Limited (02886), Guotai Junan and its group companies do not hold equal to or more than 1% of the market capitalization of the issuer mentioned in this Research Report Guotai Junan and its group companies have not had investment banking relationships with DFG (00489HK) / Geely Auto (00175HK)Great Wall Motor (02333HK) / BYD Corporation (01211HK) /Brilliance Auto (01114HK) / Sinotruk (03808HK) mentioned in this Research Report within the preceding 12 months. DISCLAIMER This Research Report does not constitute an invitation or offer to acquire, purchase or subscribe for securities by Guotai Junan Securities (Hong Kong) Limited ("Guotai Junan"). Guotai Junan and its group companies may do business that relates to companies covered in research reports, including investment banking, investment services and etc. (for example, the placing agent, lead manager, sponsor, underwriter or invest proprietarily). Automobile Sector 汽车行业 DISCLOSURE OF INTERESTS Any opinions expressed in this report may differ or be contrary to opinions or investment strategies expressed orally or in written form by sales persons, dealers and other professional executives of Guotai Junan group of companies. Any opinions expressed in this report may differ or be contrary to opinions or investment decisions made by the asset management and investment banking groups of Guotai Junan. Though best effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information and data contained in this Research Report, Guotai Junan does not guarantee the accuracy and completeness of the information and data herein. This Research Report may contain some forward-looking estimates and forecasts derived from the assumptions of the future political and economic conditions with inherently unpredictable and mutable situation, so uncertainty may contain. Investors should understand and comprehend the investment objectives and its related risks, and where necessary consult their own financial advisers prior to any investment decision. This Research Report is not directed at, or intended for distribution to or use by, any person or entity who is a citizen or resident of or located in any jurisdiction where such distribution, publication, availability or use would be contrary to applicable law or regulation or which would subject Guotai Junan and its group companies to any registration or licensing requirement within such jurisdiction. Seethe last page for disclaimer Flash Note © 2015 Guotai Junan Securities (Hong Kong) Limited. 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