Pulaski Heights United Methodist Church TOWER NEWSLETTER Easter Sunday THE Volume 161, Number 48 April 5, 2015 BEYOND UNDERSTANDING Dr. Richard Lischer, distinguished scholar, professor of homiletics at Duke University and ordained Lutheran clergy, relates the following story from his own experience as a local church pastor: One of the pillars of my church stopped by my office just before worship one Sunday morning to tell me he’d been born again. “You’ve been what?” I asked. “Yes,” he said, “Last week I visited my brother-in-law’s church, the Running River of Life Tabernacle, and I don’t know what it was, but something happened and I’ve been born again!” “You can’t be born again!” I said, “You’re a Lutheran! You’re the chair of the board of trustees.” He was brimming with joy, but I was sulking. Why? Because spiritual renewal is wonderful as long as it occurs within acceptable, usually mainline channels of my own experience and does not threaten my understanding of God. The event Christians around the world will celebrate this Sunday, April 5—the Resurrection of Jesus Christ—is one of those moments beyond our human understanding. According to every known law of nature, it is impossible to bring back to life that which is dead. And yet we celebrate this day with a sense of joy and confidence because we know God understands even if we do not. How will we give witness to this unbelievable event at Pulaski Heights United Methodist Church? With the 27th Annual Community Easter Sunrise Service at the First Security Amphitheatre at 7 am, and concurrent Sanctuary and New Heights Services at 8:30, 9:45, and 11:00 am of course! Don’t miss these inspiring opportunities to celebrate the Resurrection. Who knows? They just may become for you a “born again” experience. Hallelujah! Christ is risen! The Lord is risen indeed! Britt Skarda Senior Pastor PHUMC ANNUAL EASTER EGG HUNT April 2|6:00 pm| Sanctuary A special Communion service in memory of Jesus’ Last Supper with His disciples. Childcare available. Saturday, April 4 Allsopp Park Pavilion Join us Easter Sunday downtown Little Rock at First Security Amphitheatre April 5|7 am Pre-Hunt Activities 10:30 am Hunt begins at 11:00 am For children 2nd grade and under Mission: bring snack foods for PHUMC Food Pantry April 3|12 noon & 6 pm| Sanctuary “Stations of the Cross” - A service which depicts the final hours of Jesus’ life. Childcare available. Rain Plan: Check PHUMC’s Facebook page if there is a question about the weather. Back-up location will be in the Great Hall. This year’s participants will include: Dr. Dexter Suggs, LRSD Superintendent Rev. William Robinson, First Baptist Church NLR Kathy Webb, AR Hunger Relief Executive Director Amanda Kuo, PHkids Brandon Mathews, Clinton School of Public Service Alyse Eady Lemmond, KTHV Anchorperson www.communitysunriseservice.com Worship Services Sermon Series | Give It Up! | “Give Up Death” - John 20:1-18 Friday, April 3, 6 pm & Sunday, April 5, 8:30, 9:45, and 11 am - Sanctuary |Rev. Britt Skarda (Broadcast Sunday on KATV Channel 7 at 7:00 am (Easter Sunrise Service) and 10:30 am) Sunday, April 5, 8:30, 9:45, and 11 am, New Heights |Rev. Jacob Lynn Trolley hours extended on Easter Sunday! 7:30 am - 1:00 pm Extended Photography Dates! to life Red Cross Blood Drive Sunday, April 12 9:30 am - 1:30 pm MARCH 31 | APRIL 14, 21 & 22 2 - 8 PM APRIL 1 & 15 1 - 8 PM Sign up online at phumc.com click “sign up” and “church portraits” Photography sessions are held on the 3rd floor in the Disciple Center. Please use lower parking deck and take elevator to the 3rd floor. Sign up at redcross.org Recent Baptism John Cole Irwin with parents parents Clark and Megan Irwin and brother Clark Irwin. Ride the Trolley Easter Sunday! United Methodist Women Highlights UMW Sunday is April 12. This week the featured group is the Ernestine McKinney Circle. The Ernestine McKinney Circle meets the second Monday at 7 p.m. in a member’s home. A short devotional, book study/program, announcements, and joys and concerns are shared by the group in addition to refreshments. Mission work, love, and prayers of the group touch the lives of people in our city and around the world. We would love for you to join our UMW evening group. Contact Elise Argue at [email protected] or 224-8181 for more information. SAVE THE DATE! Where the trolley stops: The first trolley stop is located close to the southwest corner of Monroe St. The second trolley stop is at Entrance 2 on Woodlawn. If uncertain, look for the trolley stop flags! STEPHEN MINISTRY APPRECIATION LUNCHEON “20 Years of Service” Sunday, April 19, 12 noon All are welcome to come celebrate with us! (Complimentary meal provided) Sign up at phumc.com “sign up” or call 664-3600. STANLEY & ARMINTA BERRY MUSIC AND ARTS SCHOLARSHIP DEADLINE: April 24, 2015 The scholarship committee for the Stanley and Arminta Berry Music and Arts Scholarship Committee is accepting applications for one new scholarship for a college student for the 2014-2015 school year. Applicant must be an Arkansas resident, graduating high school senior accepted in a four-year accredited college or university, and majoring in music or the arts. Applications are available at phumc.com or in the music office. For more information contact Jim Maase or Rev. Lynn Lindsey, 664-3600. The Tower Newsletter - April 5, 2015 Page 2 Park at War Memorial Stadium off Fair Park. The trolley wiill run from 7:30 am - 1 pm on Easter Sunday. The Tower Newsletter - April 5, 2015 Page 3 Email [email protected] with exciting news, accomplishments or pictures of events to be published in The Tower Newsletter! PHUMC MEMORIALS & HONORARIUMS Gifts have been received for the glory of God, Music Ministry, Guatemala Mission and the Television Ministry. Willing Friends Witness The PHUMC Foundation expresses appreciation to Carol and Mac Core for their recent significant decision to remember PHUMC in their wills. Memorials Bright Hannah Davis by Martha Ann Fox Jack Hamilton by Jeanette & Robert Trimble Chris Hunter by PHUMC Stephen Ministers Harriet & Charles Maase by Karen & Britt Skarda Caralyn Verble by Koinonia Class Honoraria Barbara Barnett, Nancy & David Bartlett, Sylvia Borchert, Daryl Coker, Randy Fuller, Betty Gene Mann and Joe Teeter by Good Shepherd Retirement Center Cove Sunday School Class Kyle Forehand by PHUMC Stephen Ministers Dr. John Jones by Laura & Mark Doramus Inurned in Columbarium Garden Bright Hannah Davis March 13, 2015 PHUMC FOUNDATION The following gifts were received for the glory of God and the George & Bess Campbell Food Pantry Endowment. birthday Club Allen Bird Ann Ramsay Blankenship Betsy Blankenship David Blick Hank Buehling Ron Copeland Markay Dearien Frances Keeley Dan Kostopulos Sam Kostopulos Cal McCastlain In memory of Cal McCastlain, Jr. by his family In memory of Betty Meyer by Marcella, Brian, Logan and Hartley Nena Valentine Mac and Carol joined the church in 2012 and have become very active in church life. Carol is a member of the Altar Guild and a supporter of Wakefield Elementary School, while Mac is an usher - and Caring Wheels and Family Promise volunteer. Both “rang the bell” for Salvation Army in December. When discussing this decision with PHUMC Foundation Director, Rev. Lynn Lindsey, the Cores stated, “We decided to designate the Church in our wills as a way of carrying forward the work of the Church at Pulaski Heights.” They have given their permission to be listed as members of The Willing Friends Society, a group of approximately 200 church members who have designated PHUMC in their wills. The commitments of these individuals will make a huge difference in the strength of this church in perpetuity. Questions about becoming a “Willing Friend”: Lynn Lindsey, 664-3600. Fellowship Central (Welcome Center/NH Lobby) 8:00 - 11:00 am Wesley Kids Choir Rehearsal (M119) 9:00 - 10:00 am Baptism Orientation (Sanctuary) 10:10 - 10:50 am (1st Sun.) PHkids Open Gym (Great Hall) 12:30 - 2:30 pm phyouth Group (Youth Area/Wesley Hall) 5:30 - 7:15 pm Senior High Bible Study (D379) 7:15 - 8:30 pm MONDAY PHkids Open Gym (Great Hall) 11:00 am - 2:00 pm Midday Prayer (Chapel) 11:45 am Youth Basketball League (Great Hall) 5:30 - 10:00 pm Pack 12 Cub Scouts (D366) 6:00 - 7:00 pm TUESDAY Helping Hands (Wesley Hall) 9:30 am - 2:30 pm Zumba Gold (Great Hall) 2:00 - 2:45 pm PHkids Open Gym (Great Hall) 5:00 - 8:00 pm Yoga (Rm. C236) 5:30 - 7:00 pm Memory Loss Caregivers (D366) 5:30 - 6:30 pm (2nd Tues.) 1:00 - 2:00 pm (3rd Tues.) Venture Crew 8 - Boy Scouts (D387) 6:30 - 8:00 pm WEDNESDAY Cancer Friends Support Group (C236) 5:00 pm (2nd Wed.) Wesley Girls Handchimes Rehearsal (M119) 5:15 - 6:00 pm Men’s Basketball (Great Hall) 6:00 - 8:00 pm Chancel Choir Rehearsal (M110) 6:00 pm phyouth Small Groups (Youth Area) 6:30 - 7:30 pm THURSDAY Labyrinth (Wesley Hall) 8:00 am - 8:00 pm Zumba Gold (Great Hall) 2:00 - 2:45 pm Honoraria Dr. Erick Messias by Fathomers Class Freda Mobley by Margaret Mahan FRIDAY PHUMC Book Club (C235) 7:00 - 8:00 am (“When Religion Becomes Lethal”) PHkids Open Gym (Great Hall) 3:00 - 8:00 pm Parents’ Night Out (Children’s Building) 6:00 - 9:00 pm (4th Fri.) The Chapel is available Mon. - Fri., 8:30 am 4:30 pm for personal prayer time. Memorials Bess Campbell by Dorothy Aldridge, Nancy & John Anthony, Elsie & Bob Bailey, Mary Lou Billingsley, Rex Boothe, Sharon & Jerrell Boyette, Joy & Henry Broach, Helen Buchanan, Patti & Paul Burrington, Central Arkansas Human Resources Association, Clinton Family Foundation, Sandy Davis, Laura & Mark Doramus, Susan Eschenbrenner, Diana & Wade Finley, Poindexter Fiser, Martha Ann Fox, Margaret Hatchett, Rosetta Heath, Hickingbotham family, Peggy Hopwood, Ann & Jim Ivey, Audrey Jones, Jeanne McDaniel, Joe Pete McNeil, Bobby Roberts, Barbara Rogers, Fae Seay, Lula Ann Smith, Lisa Spears, Carolyn & Sam Stiles, Betty Stuckey, A. B. Thompson, Bettye Thompson, Bette & Jess Woods, Judy & Roger Zachritz Larry Mobley by Margaret Mahan Ethel Roescheise by Betty Stuckey SUNDAY HIKING ADVENTURES Sat., Apr. 11 - Hawksbill Craig (3 miles) & Glory Hole (2 miles). Moderate. Both hikes are in the upper Buffalo River area. We will leave at 6 a.m. and return early evening. Contact George Regan, 8357806 or [email protected]. Pictured above is the PHUMC Hiking Club on a hike near Mulberry Creek on Mar. 21. Cancer Friends Support Group Wed., April 8, 5 pm, Rm. C236 Meet for a complimentary supper, fellowship, and signing cards of encouragement. Please email [email protected] if you plan to attend. PRAYER REQUESTS DEATHS: Our Christian sympathy is extended to family and friends of Don Dugan Sr. in his recent death; to Andrea Wymes and family in the death of her brother-in-law, Phillip Cooksey; and to Madelynn Ross and Roger Smart and their families in the death of their grandfather, Bubba Smart. RECENT HOSPITALIZATIONS: (Mar. 18-24) Sarah Coley, Tony Ellis, William Gillum, Susan Hollier, Wayne Jackson, Steve Lehoczky, Jim Monk, Brett Pharis, Eric Rogers, Cathy Sanders, Bill Valentine WE REJOICE IN THE BIRTH OF Sylvia Claire Koonce, child of Kerry and Nathan Koonce, grandchild of Cyndi and Steve Moore; of Annalise Kristen Sullenger, child of Laura and Joseph Sullenger; and of Camren Tate Brooks, child of Corey and Charles Brooks, grandchild of Bev and Buddy Villines. Who Cares? We Do! In-Touch Ministry Report Joys/Concerns Hospitalizations, Surgeries, Deaths, Births, Prayer Requests, Etc. Call church office: 501.664.3600 Text: 501.529.0323 Email: [email protected] Connect Card: Complete in worship Emergency Pager: 501.688.9533 Pulaski Heights United Methodist Church 4823 Woodlawn Little Rock, Arkansas 72205 Please email Tower announcements 4 weeks prior to an event: [email protected] or submit Communications Request Form to: http://phumc.com/prrequest. NONPROFIT ORGANIZATION U.S. POSTAGE PAID PERMIT #738 LITTLE ROCK, AR facebook.com/pulaskiheightsmethodist twitter.com/pulaskiheights Watch us on YouTube!! youtube.com/pulaskiheightsumc For the Love of a Child Ministry Immerse Arkansas prepares older and former foster youth for adulthood by connecting them to existing resources and sustainable networks of support. We need your help to make this transition smooth for our foster youth. Items needed: twin or queen bed linens, bedspreads, pillows, area rugs, and general cleaning supplies. Anyone who wishes to donate can place items in the boxes marked “Immerse Arkansas” in the Welcome Center and Wesley Hall. Please call Janna Knight, 680-9089 for questions. Food Pantry Item of the Month: Pasta. Bring donations to church to help our neighbors in need. Place items in the Food Pantry collection boxes outside Wesley Hall and the Parlor. Service Times Friday Sanctuary Worship (traditional, casual) 6:00 pm Sunday Sanctuary Worship (traditional) 9:00 & 11:00 am New Heights Worship (contemporary) 9:00 & 11:00 am Sunday School 10:10 - 10:50 am Contact Information Website: www.phumc.com (501) 664-3600 Fax: (501) 664-4835 After Hours Emergency: (501) 688-9533 Email: [email protected] Church Office Hours: Monday - Friday, 8:30 am - 4:30 pm The church is also available seven days a week, beyond regular office hours, for special events or meetings. Call 664-3600 for more information. M=Main Building C=Christian Life Center (Argue Great Hall/gym/Fellowship Central) D=Disciple Center (Wesley Hall, Youth) S=Norma Story Children’s Building Fellowship Central Sundays from 8 - 11 am Welcome Center & New Heights Lobby Coffee, Refreshments, Wi-Fi and more!! The Tower Newsletter - April 5, 2015 Page 4 Sunday School - Get Connected! 10:10 am All Things Considered/Koinonia, M316 Give Up Something Bad for Lent by Rev. James Moore Argue/Christian Fellowship/Dietz Dialogue, C135 Give Up Something Bad for Lent by Rev. James Moore Beatitudes/Newton Good News, M101 Give Up Something Bad for Lent by Rev. James Moore Bible Study, C239 (all ages) “Acts of the Apostles,” Tim Fox Disciple Bible Study Class, D277 (all ages) “The Called People: Covenant,” Mary Lewis Dassinger Fathomers/Deeper Connections, C235 Give Up Something Bad for Lent by Rev. James Moore Foundations/ Tower/Wesley, C236 Give Up Something Bad for Lent by Rev. James Moore Journey/Young Adults, D366 Give Up Something Bad for Lent by Rev. James Moore Receiving Grace/Roundtable, M312 Give Up Something Bad for Lent by Rev. James Moore Agape Class, D385 Youth with Special Needs, Carol Blann 11-12 Grades, D379 Youth Bible Study, John Jones and Charlie Coleman 9-10 Grades, D375 Youth Bible Study, Jim Faulkner and Tim Taylor 7-8 Grades, D377 Youth Bible Study Confirmation, 6th Grade, D368 Rev. Jay Clark Early Christian Awareness (ECA) Infants/Toddlers, Norma Story Bldg. April Lessons: Easter - Lamb, Bunny, Chicks/Egg, Donkey Preschool Lions (age 2-3), Tigers (age 3-4), Bears (age 4-5) K-5th Grade, Rotation Sunday School, Story Bldg. Meet in Rm. S350, then classes. Malone Phone Class: Sundays at 3 pm by phone at home
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