How to Install WordPress
How to Install WordPress is our reseller account
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Table Of Contents:
1. Why you should start a WordPress website
2. How to install a WordPress
3. Settings to adjust for your new WordPress website
4. How to make your WordPress website more secure
5. The most frequently downloaded WordPress plug-ins
6. WordPress plug-ins available for your website
7. Legal Notice
Why you should start a WordPress website.
A WordPress Website is a very quick fast and efficient way to create niche
websites. Once you have a hosting account established that allows multiple
domains, several websites can be created at no extra cost. Internet
Marketers rely on this service as the backbone to their business.
Because WordPress is open source, literally thousands of templates and
plug-ins are available royalty free. A WordPress Website will become your
professional online presence this will be the foundation in which you will
build your business on. Learning how to make WordPress Websites will be
the most important part of your business as it will take many small niche
sites to produce multiple streams of income.
How to install a WordPress
There are two ways to install WordPress. The manual way, and the
automated way. You should be able to do both however to speed up your
learning curve we will take a short cut and let iesHosting do it for you.
Before we begin with the installation process there are two things you
will need to have. You will need a Domain and a Hosting Account.
Your Domain will become your internet address that connects users to
your website. Your domain should be short unless you are using it as a
keyword-rich name for SEO purposes. Your domain should be relevant
to the product or service you are representing.
Acquiring a dot com will be most desirable. More can be discovered
about domains by reading our SEO Handbook, The 5 Key Basics. Stop here
now and do get the book and read just the part on Domains and come
right back.
Your Hosting Account is the actual server space you are leasing to store
all of your HTML code for your WordPress website.
Go to and click on create an account.
At this step you will want to document all the information you entered. provides 24/7 customer support. You will need to verify
your 4 digit pin number when calling in.
Note: For your email account, set up a Gmail account on Google. This
will serve as your “home base” email account that you will receive all
notifications from iesHosting and all other accounts associated with your
business. The purpose for using a web based account is for one reason
and one reason only. In life stuff happens! If you lose your cable or dsl
connection and you use the email account associated with those services
you will lose your email address. Having a neutral web based email
account, ensures access to your business information is available.
After you have created your new account this is the screen you will see:
Congratulations! You have created the first of many foundation building
blocks for your Internet Marketing business! Having this account will
allow you to make purchases from a variety of products from iesHosting.
At this point we hope you will have read about domains in the The 5 key
Basics. If not “click here”.
Lets now purchase your first domain. Log into your new
Hover over the blue navigation button that says “Domain Names”.
A drop down box will open and you will select “Register Domains”.
The picture on the next page will show you exactly what to look for.
The next screen you will see will look like this:
Enter in the “Start your domain search here..” box the domain you have
selected. Click “GO” If the domain is available you will see a screen like
Select the red add to cart button. Your Domain will only cost you $9.99
per year. Click on the blue “Continue to Registration”.
You may get this pop-up. This will give you the ability to purchase the
associated domain names like: .net, .org and .me.
You can add the additional domains or just click the “No Thanks” button.
If this is your first purchase you will be required to provide a means to
pay for your domains and associated products. This is the next screen you
will see:
You can pay by Credit Card, Check or PayPal.
After filling in the required fields, press the “PLACE ORDER NOW”
button. On to Step 2, here you will select your registration length. A 1
year minimum is required. Domain Certification can be added. Hover
over the ? to learn more.
Click “Next” and on to Step 3. This screen is where you will select your
privacy setting on your domain. If you wish to keep your information
private select “Privacy with Business Registration”.
Step 4 is another up-sell. You will receive a 1GB web based mail box with
your domain purchase so you can skip this step by clicking on the “Next”
The next screen will take you to a “Review Your Shopping Cart” screen.
Here you will preview your order and make any adjustments. At this
point you can get a discount on your domain if you choose “Keep
You will then go back to the main screen and hover over the Web Hosting
A drop down box will appear and you will then select “Hosting Plans”
Here you will have three options Economy, Deluxe or Ultimate. If you
plan on expanding your business by having more than one website choose
the deluxe plan. The advantage here is being able to host an unlimited
amount of websites up to 150GB of space. As you get more involved in
Internet Marketing this is the right choice. If you feel 150GB of space is
to limiting get the Ultimate Plan and you will benefit from unlimited
amount of space and bandwidth and an unlimited amount of MySQL
databases. One MySQL Database will be required for every WordPress
website you activate.
You can always upgrade at a later time. The Economy Plan is not
recommended as it will only support one domain and one website. It will
take several niche sites to produce any kind of appreciable income if you
choose to take the website creation method of making money online. We
will assume that creating niche sites is what your interested in doing
therefore the Deluxe Plan is the way to go.
The next screen you will be taken to is another annoying up-sell page.
Here you can choose to add to your cart as you feel or just scroll down
the page and click the “No Thanks” button.
Here is a screen shot of the bottom of the page:
If you select “No Thanks” the next screen will bring you back to the
“Review Your Shopping Cart” screen. Click “Continue to Checkout”
Now the fun begins! I mentioned earlier we would be taking a short cut.
Here it is. We are going to have complete the balance of
the WordPress installation. Why? Because it is fast. For those of you who
wish to venture in to techie land, below this explanation is the Manual
Method for installing WordPress.
Be sure to have your customer number and log in pin number available as
the customer support representative will need to authenticate your
account in order to proceed.
Call: 480-624-2500, When the customer representative gets on the line
you are going to tell them you have just acquired a domain and a hosting
account. You will then ask them for assistance in setting up WordPress.
They will then walk you through the balance of the steps to get your
WordPress Website up and running.
You will go through a series of steps that will include setting up your
hosting account in the process you will set up the DNS to point your
domain to your hosting account. You will be required to have a user name
and pass code for your hosting account. This will be used in the future
for loading files to the server via FTP. Next you will go through a process
to establish WordPress on to your server. You will have two set of user
names and pass codes here. One set for your SQL Database and the other
for your WordPress Admin Access. Write these down. WordPress will
automatically install.
You will have to wait a period of 12-24 hours for the server to propagate.
What this means is your domain will take time to resolve to the World
Wide Web. To be perfectly honest we have had this process only take a
couple hours. That's it! Done! Below is the manual method if you used
the short cut, skip through it.
WordPress Manual Installation
Setting up your hosting account.
Login to your iesHosting account.
Hover over the blue navigation button “Web Hosting” and choose My
Hosting Account.
Find your hosting plan and click on Setup Account
Select the check box and click “Next”.
Enter a user name and pass code for your hosting account and
You will then be prompted to select a domain for this account, find your
domain name and click on it. This is located on the right side of the
Finish the setup by clicking Submit
Get your FTP Account Information
When your hosting has been setup you will get an email en-titled “Hosting Account Setup”
Locate your “FTP Account Information” in the email.
Hosting/FTP User Name: your user name
Web Site URL: your domain URL
FTP Site URL: your FTP URL
Your Web Site Visitor Statistics: Your stats URL
Create MySQL database:
The Microsoft SQL Server is a computer application used to create
desktop, enterprise, and web-based database applications
Login to your account.
Hover over the blue navigation button “Web Hosting” and choose My
Hosting Account.
Find your domain name and click on Manage Account
On the upper navigation menu select “Databases” and select “MySQL”.
Click on “Create Database”.
Enter a user name and password. Write this information down!
Click “OK” and wait for to establish your MySQL
When the MySQL Database has been setup, click on the pencil to
“Edit/view details” and save the following details:
MySQL Database Information Status:
Setup Host Name: your host name
Database Name: database name you have chosen
Database Version: 4.1Description: description you have chosen
User Name: user name you have chosen
NOW, Download and install WordPress
~ Go to and download the latest version
~ WordPress comes in a .zip file so unzip it.
~ Now you have a WordPress folder
Locate the wp-config-sample.php file and rename it to wp-config.php
Open wp-config.php in text editor (like NotePad++) and find this part:
// ** MySQL settings - You can get this info from your web host ** ///
** The name of the database for WordPress */
define(’DB_NAME’, ‘putyourdbnamehere‘);**
MySQL database username */
define(’DB_USER’, ‘usernamehere‘);**
MySQL database password */
define(’DB_PASSWORD’, ‘yourpasswordhere‘);**
MySQL hostname */define(’DB_HOST’, ‘localhost‘);
Take your MySQL Database Information you have from and
insert the information into the places marked in bold.
~ Your MySQL Database Name should replace putyourdbnamehere
~ Your MySQL User Name should replace usernamehere
~ Your MySQL password should replace yourpasswordhere
~ Your MySQL Host Name should replace localhost
Locate the following file in your wp-config.php:
define(’AUTH_KEY’, ‘put your unique phrase here’);
define(’SECURE_AUTH_KEY’, ‘put your unique phrase here’);
define(’LOGGED_IN_KEY’, ‘put your unique phrase here’);
define(’NONCE_KEY’, ‘put your unique phrase here’);
Visit WordPress secret key and copy details you get there and insert them
instead of the above.
Save wp-config.php
Login to your web hosting
~ Get a FTP client (like FileZilla)
~ Open FTP client and login to your hosting account using your FTP
account information
~ Place all the files from your WordPress folder onto your server
~ In this example place all files in root directory
( The directory will look something like
this when the WordPress files are uploaded:
~ Run WordPress installation by going to:
This is what you will see when you enter the address:
Insert picture here
~ Fill in your Blog Title
~ Fill in Your E-mail
~ Make sure your Allow my blog to appear in search engines like Google
and Technorati is checked
~ Click on Install WordPress
~ The next screen you see should say Success! and should give you your
User name and Password.
~ Click on Log In.
~ Now you will see your blog’s Log In page. Make sure to bookmark that
~ Fill in the User name and Password you have just received
~ Click on Log In.
~ Now you will see your WordPress Dashboard where all the optimization,
customization, post writing, plug-in installing, comment moderating
takes place.
This means your blog has been setup and is live online. Check your to see it.
You will also get an email titled New WordPress Blog which includes your
URL and your user name and password.
You are now ready to dive into WP101 and learn WordPress.
Settings to adjust after you install a new WordPress website
WordPress features many customization options and settings. Spend some
time and get familiar with the WordPress dashboard.
This is a look at some of the settings you can adjust for your a new
WordPress website.
Set-up Website title and tag line.
(In Settings - General)
~ You don’t want your website to be branded as “just another WordPress
~ Enter the title and explain why your blog is unique in the blog tag line.
Change permalinks (In Settings - Permalinks)
~ You don’t want your website articles to be named:
~ You want to make your URL’s unique, keyword-rich, SEO and user
~ On I use the custom option field like this:
~ By doing this my blog permalinks look like this:
Clean up
~ Delete Hello World! generic post (Located in Posts).
~ Delete the generic About page (Located in Pages).
~ Delete generic blog-roll (Located in Links).
~ Delete Hello Dolly plug-in (Located in Plug-ins).
~ Activate comment spam filter (Located in Plug-ins).
~ Akismet is a spam filter and it comes with WordPress.
You will need to get the WordPress API key to activate it.
Update ping services (Located in Settings - Writing - Update Services)
~ Pings help you promote your blog by automatically notifying different
online services when you publish a new blog post.
Here are a few sites that are available:
~ Get own blog theme (located in Appearance - Themes)
~ Do change your website theme. The default is just not pretty!
~ Find the theme you like and download it
~ Upload the theme onto your server (/wp-content/themes/)
~ Activate
Setup RSS news-feed
~ WordPress has a default RSS Feed
( however in order to be able to
offer email subscriptions and enable you to track your feed stats, it is
best to use Google FeedBurner. Register for FeedBurner and move your
default RSS Feed by installing a FeedBurner FeedSmith plug-in.
~ In Feedburner you can optimize your RSS footer to include links like
Subscribe to
comments, Tweet This, Stumble It, Digg It and much more (Optimize –
~ Many people still do not use RSS, so make sure to offer the email option
via Feedburner.
(Located in Publicize- Email Subscriptions). You can expect about 20% of
your subscribers to use this option.
~ Also when you have 50+ subscribers make use of the feed counter in
your dashboard sidebar as this will give incentive for more people to
subscribe (Located in Publicize –FeedCount).
Track visitors
~ Setup Google Analytics tracking for your new website and add the
tracking code with Google Analytics for WordPress plug-in. It is very
important to track your visitors, how they interact with your website.
Webmaster Tools
~ Establishing an account with Google. Then visit Google Webmaster Tools
and submit your domain for indexing account. In Google Webmaster
Tools, you will find some very important information on the do's and
dont's which can and will effect your standing with Google.
~ Having a Sitemap is very important if you want Google to be able to
crawl, find, and index your articles. Google XML Sitemap Generator plugin makes the process of setting a sitemap simple.
~ Submit your XML sitemap directly to Google via Webmaster Tools. By
doing this Google
will crawl your new site and index it within a day or so.
Preferred domain
~ In Settings in your Google Webmaster Tools chose your site Preferred
domain. I still use www version but have recently started liking no-www
version so my blogs in future may be
without www.
Traditional SEO
~ If you want the traditional META-Tags added to your blog posts and
pages, use All in one SEO plug-in.
How to make your WordPress blog more secure
WordPress websites can become targets for hackers.
Most site owners are not aware of threats posed by hackers. Most will not
even know that a successful attack has taken place.
Security measures must be in place to ensure your website will not be
Create a new user account
It is tougher for a hacker to hack your website when both the user name
and the password have to be cracked. This is why you should create a
new user and delete the WordPress default “admin”.
Create a new “User” by going into “Users” then select “Add New” in the
WordPress menu. Set this users role as “Administrator”.This will allow
full authority over your website.
Now log out of the default “admin” account and log in with the new user
name and password .
Be sure to choose the option to transfer your old posts to your new user
name before deleting the “admin” account.
Use a strong passwords
Do not use simple passwords when creating the new user account. It
might be simple for you to remember however, easy for a hacker to
crack. Your password should contain a combination of upper case and
lower case letters and numbers. For extra security add special
Set a new nickname
You do not want your new user name to be the author name. Set the
nickname WordPress uses as author name to something different than
your user name. Make this change in “Users” under “Your Profile” in the
Nickname field.
Choose a new nickname and set “Display name publicly as” to your new
Use Login Lock down plug-in
Login LockDown plug-in records the IP address and time stamps each
failed “login” attempt to your WordPress website. If more than a specific
number of login attempts are made within a period of time from the
same IP range, the log-in function will be disabled for all requests from
that range.
Do not allow guest user registrations
If you do not have a membership blog, then there is no reason to allow
visitors to register for a guest account on your blog. To check that you
have this setting turned “off”, click “Settings” and make sure that
“Anyone can register” option is not checked.
Update your WordPress website regularly
Always upgrade to the current version of WordPress, the current version
of your WordPress Theme and the current version of any plug-ins you
have installed. Having the current installations of software and plug-ins
will decrease vulnerability in older versions. WordPress 3.3+ all upgrades
are automated with one-click, within the WordPress Dashboard interface.
Backup regularly
Taking regular backups is important. In case if something happens, use
can always use the backup to recover your blog files. WordPress Database
Backup plug-in makes it simple to backup your files.
Activate the plug-in and set it to automatically take backups and send
them in a file to your email address.
Performing these simple steps can prevent your website from being taken
The most frequently downloaded WordPress plug-ins
WordPress plug-ins help you make a better blog and get more reader
~ All in One SEO Pack - Automatically optimizes your WordPress websites
for Search Engines. (Search Engine Optimization)
~ Google XML Site-maps - Create a Google site-maps compliant XML-Sitemap of your WordPress website.
~ NextGEN Gallery - A full integrated Image Gallery plug-in for WordPress
with a Flash slideshow option
~ Stats - You can have simple, concise stats with no
additional load on your server by plugging into’s stat
~ WP Super Cache - A very fast caching engine for WordPress that
produces static html files.
~ Contact Form 7 - Just another contact form plug-in. Simple but
~ WordPress Automatic upgrade - Allows a user to automatically upgrade
the WordPress installation to the latest one.
~ Sociable - Adds links to your favorite social websites to all your posts,
pages and RSS feeds.
~ Viper’s Video Quicktags - Allows XHTML valid posting of videos from
various websites such as YouTube, DailyMotion, Vimeo.
~ Simple Tags - The successor of Simple Tagging plug-in and is a tool to
manage your WP tags.
~ WP-DB-Backup - On-demand backup of your WordPress database
~ Google Analytics for WordPress - Adds the necessary JavaScript code to
enable Google Analytics.
~ Google Analyticator - Enables Google Analytics tracking.
~ Add to Any: Share/Bookmark/Email Button - Helps readers share, save,
bookmark, and email your posts and pages using any service, such as
Facebook, Twitter, Digg, Delicious and over 100 more
~ WP-Polls - Adds an AJAX poll system to your WordPress blog. You can
also easily add a poll into your WordPress’s blog post / page
~ Sidebar Widgets - Adds “Sidebar Widgets” panel under Presentation
podPress - A dream plug-in for podcasters using WordPress
~ WP-PageNavi - Adds a more advanced paging navigation your WordPress
blog -
WordPress plug-ins available for your website
Remove spam comments
Akismet - If you have been indexed by search engines, and are getting a
lot of traffic, you are bound to get massive amount of spam comments.
This plug-in make managing your website much easier. You will need to
get an Api-key to activate this plug-in.
Remove broken links
Broken Link Checker - Search engines do not like broken links. Your
visitors do not like them either. This plug-in scans your posts
automatically, displays broken links in the WordPress dashboard and lets
you make changes to fix or delete.
Create contact forms
Cforms - If you need a contact form on your site, this plug-in is simple to
setup and works great.
Thank commentators
Comment Redirect - This plug-in is used to redirect visitors when they
make their first comment on your website. This will redirect to a thank
you page where you thank the person for the comment and ask the
reader to subscribe to your RSS news feed.
Write a comment to this post, and see this plug-in, in action.
CSS Compress - plug-in removes all the unnecessary lines in the
WordPress theme code, and that way makes the blog smaller and faster
to load
Google XML Sitemaps - Google indexes sites much quicker if you have a
site-map. Submit it through Google Webmaster Tools. Nice and simple
way to ensure that Google finds and indexes your website.
Optimize ping update
MaxBlogPress Ping Optimizer - WordPress automatically updates all your
ping services even if you just update or edit a post. If you edit your posts
a lot, your website risks of being banned from ping services for excessive
pinging. This plug-in solves the problem by pinging your post when you
publish it.
Confirm the unconfirmed subscribers
Notify Unconfirmed Subscribers - If you are using Feedburner email
subscribe option, you know that some subscribers never confirm their
subscription. This plug-in lets you easily notify all the unconfirmed
subscribers and inform them that they need to take additional step to
approve their subscription.
Welcome your visitors
Referrer Detector - This plug-in detects where your visitors are coming
from and automatically displays the corresponding greeting they get this
message: “Welcome Googler! If you find this page useful, why not
subscribe to the RSS feed for more interesting posts in the future.”
Track what your visitors are looking for
Search Meter - This plug-in tracks what your visitors are searching for in
your “search” field. Allowing you to know what your visitors are looking
for and what they find. Tracking searches can aid in demographic
research to create targeted content.
Notify visitors of new comments
Subscribe To Comments - This plug-in allows your blog readers to
subscribe to the comments on articles. Each time there is a new
comment they will get an email notification.
Thesis OpenHook - This plug-in allows insertion of Thesis content hooks
without editing the theme files. It is only for Thesis Theme users.
List your most popular posts Popular Posts - This plug-in shows up in the sidebar to
show the 10 most popular posts on your website. It is a very good way of
showing your visitors your most popular posts, and it does improve
usability of the site, plus improves your stats like pages viewed per visit,
time spent on site and bounce rate.
Get your website stats Stats – You may want to use the stats plug-in because the Popular Posts plug-in takes the data from this plug-in to
show the most popular posts by number of views.
It does not count the views of logged in users, so your visits to your pages
will not be counted. You need an Api-key to activate this plug-in.
Never lose any of your material
WordPress Database Backup - This plug-in helps you keep a database
backup of your blog. It is very simple and easy to use. You can set the
plug-in to make a regular backup of your blog and send it to you via
email automatically.
WP Super Cache - Another technical plug-in. It will improve your blog’s
loading time and will speed up your blog significantly.
Create a Twitter field in comments
WP Twitip ID - This plug-in adds another field to your blog’s comment
form so your readers can
add their Twitter ID’s when writing a comment.
Show related posts
Yet Another Related Posts plug-in - this plug-in allows a user to show a
list of related posts from their blog archives after each article written
. It improves the user experience and increases the time user’s
spend on site, pages viewed per visit and bounce rate stats.
All in One SEO Pack - This plug-in makes it easy for you to optimize your
article titles and other meta tags.
Google Analytics - This plug-in makes it easy for you to insert your Google
Analytics code and start tracking your blog visitors.
WP-Note - This plug-in lets you insert notes in your article to make them
stand out. Kind of similar to the yellow colored notes
WordPress Gravatars - This plug-in lets you display Gravatars.
Legal Notice:
You may not sell this book, give it away, display it public or private, nor
may you distribute it in any form whatsoever.
While reasonable attempts have been made to ensure the accuracy of
the information provided in this publication, the author does not assume
any responsibility for errors, omissions or contrary interpretation of this
information and any damages or costs incurred by that.
The author does not warrant or represent at any time that the contents
within are completely accurate due to the rapidly changing nature of the
Legal Notice continued:
This book is not intended for use as a source of legal, business,
accounting or financial advice. All readers are advised to seek services of
competent professionals in legal, business, accounting, and finance field.
While examples of past results may be used occasionally in this work,
they are intended to be for purposes of example only. No representation
is made or implied that the reader will do as well from using the
The author does not assume any responsibility or liability whatsoever for
what you choose to do with this information. Use your own judgment.
Any perceived slight of specific people or organizations, and any
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Legal Notice continued:
In practical advice books, like anything else in life, there are no
guarantees of income made. Readers are cautioned to reply on their own
judgment about their individual circumstances to act accordingly. You are
encouraged to print this book for easy reading. Use this information at
your own risk.
Now what do I do?:
Now that you have taken the first steps in owing your domain and hosting
account and have set up Wordpress, now is the time for you to learn how
easy it is to make changes to the basic template to create your very own
unique website.
Click on the link below to be taken back to and move
to step #2. Here you will find 23 Wordpress videos that will guide you in
transforming your new website to give it a custom feel.
Once again, If you have any questions you can call's 24/7
customer support line or call Eagle Studios directly at: 302-945-1025.