Number: 26 (14/15) Friday 17th April 2015 Summer Term Class Assembly The next class assembly will be by 1L (Mrs Jackson) on Friday 24th April at 9am. All parents/carers of children in 1L are invited to come along and watch. We look forward to welcoming you all. Best Attendance For the last week of term the class with the best attendance was 2N with 99% but unfortunately with 3 lates. Hopefully the Summer term will get all classes trying their best with attendance and punctuality. EYFS Stay and Share Sessions The next Nursery stay and share session will be on Tuesday 21st April from 11.10 – 11.30am. This month’s focus will be construction toys. Reception will host their stay and share book session on Thursday 23rd April from 2.30 – 2.50pm. Swimming for Years 3 and 6 6B and 6M will swim on Mondays this term, starting on Monday 20th April and 3N and 3C will swim on Tuesdays, starting on Tuesday 21st April. Please ensure your child has their swimming kit on the right day. Changes to School Dinners We are currently working with our school dinner provider, EATs, to further improve our school meals. This week the old flight trays were replaced with proper plates and bowls. This has already improved the speed of our service and pupils now choose their dessert after finishing their main course. We are also working with EATs to try to provide more freshly prepared and homemade style meals. Sunglasses and Sun Hats Please can we remind parents/carers that children are allowed to bring sun hats and sunglasses to school when it is a warm sunny day. Children will be encouraged to wear them during break times. It is the children’s responsibility to look after their own items and it would be most helpful if they are labelled with names, so that anything misplaced can be returned to its rightful owner. We are currently in the process of having a canopy installed in the playground to offer shelter from the sun. After School Clubs Our new clubs start up next week – you will receive a text soon letting you know if your child has a place in the club(s) they have chosen. Lost Property Any items remaining in the lost property box will be disposed of by the end of next week. This is your last chance to come and find your missing items! General Summer Dates so far…… 23/4/15 E-Safety workshop in the hall with our local PCSO for parents of pupils in years 5 and 6 - further details will follow. The Rhyme Rocket presents live literacy and poetry sessions to Year 1 and Reception pupils. @4.30pm 28/4/15 30/4/15 Year 3 Garbology visit 8/5/15 Class group photographs 11/5/15 Year 6 SATs week begins 13/5/15 Year 3 visit to Mason’s recycling centre 25/5/1529/5/15 4/6/15 Year 6 going to Crucial Crew (afternoon) 9/6/15 Nursery visit to Baylham Rare Breeds 10/6/15 Reception (Stars) going to Foxburrow Farm 11/6/15 Reception (Flowers) going to Foxburrow Farm 24/6/15 Y 1 & 2 special performance to parents @ 9.30am 30/6/15 Pupils to meet their new teachers. 7/7/15 8/7/15 Key Stage 2 Sports Morning - 9.00am start Key Stage 1 Sports Afternoon - 1.15pm start Nursery Sports Morning @10.45am 9/7/15 Reception Sports Afternoon @2.15pm 10/7/15 Summer Fair @3 pm Half-Term End of term reports come home 16/7/15 Year 4 Music Performance to parents @9.30am Year 6 Performance to parents @6pm 20/7/15 Governor’s Pupil Awards Ceremony Year 6 Leavers BBQ @3pm 22/7/15 Year 6 Leavers Assembly @9.00am Last day of Summer Term Future Class Assembly Dates st 1 May 8th May 15th May 22nd May 5th June 12th June 19th June 26th June 3rd July 10th July 17th July 3N (Miss Middleton) 4P (Miss Else) 2N (Mr Christian) 5L (Miss Sampson) 3C (Mrs Harries) KS2 Nurture Group 4D (Mr Steensma ) 2J (Miss Hockey) KS1 Nurture Group 1F (Miss Crooks) 5J (Mr Rix) All assemblies will take place at 9am. Outside School Achievements Congratulations to Leighton in 2N who attended a karate competition during the Easter holidays and was awarded a medal for using the correct techniques. Well done, Leighton. A great achievement! 1 Telephone No: 01473 320413
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