Vol. 35 No. 2 April 2015 Co-Founder of Pro-Life Action Ministries Dies by Brian Gibson Executive Director On February 20, 2015, our very good friend and outstanding pro-life advocate, Br. Paul O’Donnell, died suddenly yet peacefully in his sleep. He was 55. He will be greatly missed but his many great works and contributions will not be for- gotten. In March 1981, Br. Paul, along with the late Br. Michael Gaworski, founded P.E.A.C.E. of Minnesota (re-named ProLife Action Ministries in 1986). Br. Paul developed the nation's first formally organized sidewalk counseling program (he coined the term “sidewalk counseling”) which remains effective to this day Br. Paul was a sidewalk counseling pioneer and made this direct-action outreach an integral part of Pro-Life Action Ministries from the very beginning. He led some of the very first sidewalk counseling training sessions in the country, including on the national level. in Minnesota and Central Florida. In those early years (Br. Paul was in college at the time), he organized sit-ins at abortion facilities, led prayer rallies, and started recruiting volunteers to sidewalk counsel. Later he helped lead “Operation Rescue”-style events in Minnesota for the purpose of saving defenseless babies and to bring public attention to abortion. Throughout the years, he participated in thousands of prayer vigils and rallies at abortion facilities, became a national spokesperson for the effort to save Terri Schiavo’s life, and remained a spokesperson for the fight against active euthanasia. At the time of his death, Br. Paul was president of Pro-Life Action Ministries and chairman of the board of directors of the Terri Schiavo Life & Hope Network. Br. Paul spoke to hundreds of groups about defending the defenseless, vulnerable, and poor. A milestone in Br. Paul’s career was his very moving address to hundreds of thousands of pro-life supporters in attendance at the 2011 March for Life. His legacy includes more than 3,000 (continued on page 3) 2 From the Executive Director, Brian Gibson . . . Stand for Life There is no single area of pro-life work that is more important than standing outside an abortuary in prayer. Please don’t misunderstand me. I know that are many important areas of hard work that people in the pro-life movement must be about in order to bring an end to the killing of the unborn. And many in the pro-life movement are involved in these other arenas. From pregnancy help centers to a host of educational opportunities to legislative and even political work, much needs to be accomplished to bring an end to the killing. Add to that the areas of outreach to post-abortive women and men, bringing the reconciling power of Christ to former and even current abortion workers, and working to resolve the underlying issues of abortion, there remains much to be accomplished. Yet, I will restate it: there is no single area of pro-life work more important than standing at the abortion mills praying and witnessing for life. Abortion is not an issue. It is the horrific practice of intentionally killing defenseless human beings. We can lose sight of this when engaging in debates about abortion and pressing for change. By being present at the abortuary, the reality of abortion is kept alive in our hearts and minds, keeping us fresh for any and all other work in the pro-life movement. When Christians are present at abortion mills, babies’ lives are saved. The pro-abortion people know this. I am not talking here about sidewalk counseling, where through the interaction with women arriving for their scheduled abortions, we can actually document lives being saved. I am referring to those who see us present at the abortuaries and because of this, decide to just drive on, never keeping their appointments with death. Internal memos from Planned Parenthood officials point this out. There is a percentage of “no-shows” every time those “protestors” are out there. We also have those times when a woman will stop to thank one of us for the life of her child. Pro-Life Action News April 2015 There is no single area of pro-life work more important than standing at the abortion mills praying and witnessing for life. She tells us that seeing someone present was all she needed to turn away and that she never told anyone at the time. The countless unknown babies saved. Abortion mills close. The witness in recent years of the 40 Days for Life campaigns, as well as other prayer efforts at the abortion mills, is the closure of these places. The peaceful, prayer-filled presence of Christians keeping vigil, coming back regularly and consistently in front of abortion mills has been an important part of closing dozens of these mills across the country, including the first ever to close in Minnesota because of pro-life efforts (through our campaigns at Regions Hospital). Persistent and consistent prayer presence at these places Main Office Pro-Life Action Ministries 1163 Payne Ave. St. Paul, MN 55130 (651) 771-1500 [email protected] Central Florida Pro-Life Action Ministries PO Box 150640 Altamonte Springs, FL 32715-0640 (407) 230-2557 [email protected] Duluth Pro-Life Action Ministries PO Box 161018 Duluth, MN 55816-1018 (218) 393-4954 [email protected] www.prolife4duluth.com www.plam.org Follow us! works. Every day that abortions are scheduled at these “gates of hell,” real, living human beings are killed. Even if all of the above were not true, as Christians we have a duty to stand in solidarity with the defenseless, offering aid in any way possible and being present for these innocents. They are being abandoned unto death by their own mother and father. Society is treating them as sub-humans or worse. Without the presence of Christians, the world is being told there is nothing wrong about killing babies by abortion. Join with us. We will help you be present and keep vigil. Set a time to go out for a half hour or more each week. Or find the time to go for an hour or more every other week. But make a commitment to be there. Bring friends, family, church groups. Come stand for life. Pro-Life Action News is published six times a year by Pro-Life Action Ministries, Inc., 1163 Payne Ave, St. Paul, MN 55130 (651) 771-1500 Publisher - Brian Gibson, Executive Director Editor - Debra Braun, Education Director Permission is granted to reprint articles from this newsletter. Please credit ProLife Action News, Pro-Life Action Ministries, St. Paul, Minn. Pro-Life Action Ministries is an interdenominational Christian organization dedicated to publicly defending the sanctity of human life, and saving lives from abortion, infanticide and euthanasia now through peaceful direct-action and educational projects. It was founded in 1981 by Michael Gaworski, fbp, and Paul O’Donnell, fbp. Rest in Peace, Br. Paul (from page 1) April 2015 Pro-Life Action News babies that have been documented saved from abortion through the sidewalk counseling work of Pro-Life Action Ministries, inspiring countless others to join in the effort to directly defend innocent lives, and bringing to the attention of the whole pro-life movement the need to include work for those vulnerable to active euthanasia. We feel blessed to have been able to share in his vision. Inspired by his lifelong devotion to the pro-life movement and advocating for the vulnerable, we seek to continue that legacy here at ProLife Action Ministries. God bless you Br. Paul O’Donnell. 3 Br. Paul was arrested several times and spent time in jail for his peaceful efforts to defend the lives of unborn children (typically by sitting in front of the doors to the abortion centers during a sit-in). This arrest took place in Denver in the mid-1980s. Below—Br. Paul with baby Joseph Maraachli, a disabled child whose life he helped save when a Canadian hospital refused the treatment requested by his parents. “Br. Paul led his life standing up for the vulnerable and those who could not speak for themselves. He will be deeply missed," said Bobby Schindler, sister of Terri Schiavo and executive director of the organization named after her. Co-founders of Pro-Life Action Ministries, Br. Michael Gaworski and Br. Paul O’Donnell, led many prayer rallies outside Planned Parenthood in St. Paul. In 1991, Br. Michael suffered severe brain damage due to a sudden case of bacterial pneumonia which caused his heart to stop while he was sleeping. Br. Paul and their fellow Franciscan Brothers of Peace lovingly cared for Br. Michael at their friary until he died in 2003 at the age of 45. by Michele Herzog Central Florida Branch Manager I wanted to share something that happened at Planned Parenthood recently. It was beautiful and I thought you would want to hear about it. I went to minister around 12:00 noon that day and unfortunately it was busy with abortion-bound women still going in. That is why I've started going out at On the Frontlines this time to catch the late stragglers. Around 2:00, I was speaking with an abortion-bound dad when I noticed one of the gals who was there for 40 Days for Life (at this point it was just the two of us) talking with a woman. After I had spoken with the abortion-bound dad, the woman there for 40 Days approached and introduced the other woman to me. She said, "Maybe you can help her." The woman shared how she had seen us standing out there and so she pulled in to talk with us. She wanted to know where we went to church. She was tearful at this point, sharing that she was not there for an abortion, but she had stopped because she had walked away from God and knew she HAD to get back with Him because her life was a mess and she had no peace. By this time she was crying. (continued on page 5) 4 Pro-Life Action News Two Other Pro-Life Leaders Die Recently by Debra Braun Education Director In addition to Br. Paul O’Donnell, the pro-life movement lost two other national leaders in February. John (Jack) Willke, M.D., and his wife, Barbara (who was a nurse), were the world’s foremost educators on fetal development and abortion. Dr. Willke died the same day as Br. Paul, February 20, at the age of 89. (Barbara died two years ago.) Beginning before Roe v. Wade, the Willkes’ talks, educational resources and media ap- pearances motivated a whole generation to fight abortion. They spoke jointly in 64 countries and their materials were translated into 32 languages. Their final book, Abortion and the Pro-life Movement: An Inside View, has just been released. “Dr. Willke met with presidents and popes and crossed the globe, but his passion was always to ensure the right to life for helpless unborn children and other vulnerable people,” said Paula Westwood, executive director of Right to Life of Greater Cincinnati, a group founded by the Willkes in their home state. On a personal note, the Willkes’ slide show and Handbook on Abortion propelled me into the pro-life movement (at the age of 16), as they did so many other Continuing the Momentum! April 2015 people in those early years. I also had the privilege of working with Dr. Willke for the National Right to Life Committee in the early1980s when he was president of the organization. Dr. Willke was also a founding member of several other prolife groups, including the International Right to Life Federation and Life Issues Institute. Pro-life advocate and author, Charles Rice, also recently died. The following excerpts are from the Catholic Herald (Arlington, Va., March 2, 2015): Charles E. Rice, Catholic Herald photo professor emeritus at the University of Notre Dame Law School, an expert in constitutional law and jurisprudence, champion of the rights of the unborn, and leading Catholic scholar, died February 25. He was 83. Rice, an international speaker and the author of 13 books, was an early leader in the pro-life movement. He worked ardently for a Human Life Amendment to the Constitution and restrictions on federal funding of abortion. He authored numerous amicus briefs to the Supreme Court in abortion-related cases. A man who loved teaching and defending the faith, Rice wrote a bi-weekly column in the Notre Dame student newspaper, The Observer, for many years, arguing in support of the positions of the church on contraception, abortion, the death penalty and marriage. For daily news on the life issues: Pro-Life Action Ministries conducted our first “Leaders for Life” event February 7 to inspire teens and young adults to continue the momentum from the January 22 Marches for Life. Following an inspiring talk by Bryan Kemper, of Stand True Pro-Life Outreach, at Bethlehem Baptist Church in Minneapolis, the group walked three blocks to the Parkside Professional Building which houses Whole Woman’s abortion center. There they prayed for an end to abortion, and specifically, for the unborn babies and their mothers and fathers inside the abortion center that morning. For more information about this new initiative, go to http://plam.org/getinvolved/leaders-for-life/ or call us at 651-771-1500. www.NationalRightToLifeNews. org/news/ www.LifeSiteNews.com www.LifeNews.com www.JillStanek.com Please pass this newsletter on to educate and motivate others. A PDF version is available on our website. Go to: www.plam.org/newsletters/ April 2015 Pro-Life Action News So far in 2015, we’ve documented 17 babies saved, including another one in Duluth today, just as this newsletter was heading to the printer! * From Sarah Winandy, Assistant to the Director, Duluth Branch Office — We had three sidewalk counselors on February 13 when we saw nine couples go in for an abortion; each heard our words imploring them not to take the life On the Frontlines (from page 3) She went on to say she had a two-yearold girl and an atheist husband who was demeaning to her and has been physically abusive in the past. She also shared that her mother was a Christian and actually was a youth minister. She said she lived with shame and guilt for walking away from God and I shared with her the shame, guilt and unforgiveness I lived with for many years because of my abortions, but by the grace of God, I could stand here today because of HIS shed blood for us, HIS grace and tender mercies! I asked her if she was really ready to follow the true Savior, Jesus Christ, even in the midst of a storm and she willingly and sorrowfully said, "YES!" It was a beautiful moment as the three of us stood together while I prayed over her and then she began to pray, crying out to God to forgive her for walking away from Him years ago and asking Him to be her Lord and wanting to follow Him completely. We exchanged phone numbers, and I plan to have lunch with her. It was one of the most beautiful experiences I have had in a long time. She truly had such a repentant and broken heart for her Lord, our Lord. I praise Him for allowing me to be a part of what He was doing that day. Truly our presence affects many people in many different ways. For this woman, seeing us out there was enough for her to stop and desperately try to make it back to the God she once loved and had walked away from. You just never know what God can do when we are obedient and on the sidewalk for HIM! Babies Saved 5 of their innocent baby. It was Rebecca’s first time to sidewalk counsel and she did a great job. It’s really wonderful to have her join us! After the last couple came, and after Jim had spoken to them, we knew it was time for us to leave. Rebecca was riding with me and just after I had pulled away from the clinic she said, “Look, isn’t that the last couple that had gone in?” They were walking away from the clinic on the sidewalk. I went around the block and found a place to pull over and park. I ran over to them and asked if she was pregnant while handing them our pamphlet. They answered, “Yes, we changed our minds.” I was trying to hide my overjoyed state of emotion as I encouraged them and prayed for them. They didn’t want our help but cried when I prayed and took the Bible I offered them. They also took my phone number. It was an exciting moment and for Rebecca it was extremely encouraging since the Lord used her to help us know of this baby saved. I would have missed them if it had not been for her! Praise the Lord! Pray for this young couple that they might contact us for follow-up. * That same day, another baby was saved, miles away in Central Florida outside AWHC. Here is a condensed version of the report from volunteer sidewalk counselor, Peggy: I joined Dan, Pat and David while car after car came in, filled with angry couples who didn’t want our help and preferred that we would just get lost. Yet He was still there with us. Then she came alone. She, unlike the others, turned and saw our signs as I called out to her. She didn’t come over but went towards the building. . . .Cars continued to come in and then I saw her car driving out and she waved at me. . . . I could hardly see her face from all of the tears but she rolled the window down. She has a 2-year-old and a loving husband who knew where she was but was totally against what she was about to do. A physician had told her that her 8-week-old baby was braindamaged and even told her to come to AWHC for an abortion. She felt helpless. Over and over she kept repeating “How could I be so stupid to even consider this?” Then she took a deep breath and (continued on page 7) The following gifts were sent to Pro-Life Action Ministries: In Memory of . . . Br. Paul O’Donnell by John and Marlene Rose Natalie Roufs by the David and Susan Roufs family June Van Aartsen by Mari Ann Tobin Robert Miller by Betty Mike by Maryann Bloch Maynard Mahler and Jerry Gredesky by Duane and Maureen Braun In Memory of . . . Easter Louise Berg and Marcella Braun by Duane and Maureeen Braun In Memory of . . . Mother’s Day Adeline Lencowski, Betty Schwartz, Germaine Schulte, Esther Marah, Rose Kuntz, Louise Kuntz, Alice Kuntz and Anna Gergen by Eleanor and Don Kuntz Thank you for your gifts in memory or honor of a loved one. An acknowledgment card is sent to the person or family you designate. (The amount of your gift is kept confidential.) If, in addition, you would like your memorial or honorarium published in Pro-Life Action News, please request that at the time of your donation. 6 Pro-Life Action News Mildred S. Hanson and Thomas Webber, well-known figures in the Minnesota abortion industry, recently died. We sincerely hope that they truly repented, grieved for the lives they took and put their trust in Christ for salvation before their deaths. Mildred S. Hanson 1923 - 2015 Mildred S. Hanson died March 4. Besides operating her own abortion facility in south Minneapolis, Hanson was the medical director of Planned Parenthood of Minnesota/South Dakota for 30 years. Hanson remained involved in her abortion practice in her later years, committing abortions up until at least three years ago (and perhaps later than that). Her daughter Marilee started doing abortions in Minneapolis about 12 years ago and continues the abortion business now. Hanson committed abortions prior to Roe v. Wade. She admitted to coaching pregnant women on how to convince a psychiatrist that they were suicidal. A hospital abortion committee would then approve the abortion “to save the woman’s life” and Hanson would kill the unborn child. Hanson referred to herself as a “Late Abortion Specialist” and there is a second-trimester abortion technique named after her. The “Hanson maneuver” is described in abortionist Warren Hern’s book, Abortion Practice. The abortionist places one hand on the mother’s abdomen to hold the baby close to the lower end of the uterus so that he or she can more easily be dismembered and removed piece by piece. In a 2003 video, “Voices of Choice,” Hanson said that over the years, she had often thought about her involvement in abortion. “I have even prayed about it,” she said. “Will my descendants way down the road be ashamed of me? . . . I think all of us who do abortions go through the same ethical, soul-searching process.” Thomas P. Webber 1943 - 2015 Thomas Webber died February 26 after a lengthy illness. He had been the director of Planned Parenthood of Minnesota/South Dakota (PPM/SD) from 1970 - 2000. Under his leadership, PPM/SD started killing unborn children at its facility in St. Paul in 1976 (with an estimated 96,000 killed since then). Later, adding to its network of abortion referral, birth control and sex education centers across Minnesota, the organization established an abortion mill in Sioux Falls, S.D. While Webber was director, PPM/SD vigorously lobbied for more and more tax funding and fought against pro-life legislation. Webber was once quoted in the St. Paul Pioneer Press as saying,“If Planned Parenthood had no abortion, it would see its soul unravel.” (July 27, 2000) Webber’s obituary listed as the preferred recipient of memorials a “nokill” cat shelter and foster network where he had volunteered. Pray for . . . A hallmark of our ministry has been confronting the evil of abortion with the love of Christ. This approach has included publicly identifying who the abortionists (and pro-abortion leaders) are. The practice of placing the names of abortionists in this newsletter has a twofold purpose: to ask for your heartfelt prayers for the conversion of those listed and to inform you so that you are not patients of those committing abortions. The criteria for placing someone on this list is that the individual is directly involved in committing abortions and that this can be reasonably verified. We have resoundingly condemned any sort of physical or psychological threats to anyone involved in abortion. Our desire is for the love of God to permeate the lives of those associated with abortion, that they will turn away from the harm they inflict and become followers of Christ as so many before them have done. Please pray for the following abortionists: April 2015 Minnesota Carol Ball, David Baram, Kristi Borowski, Robin Bresette, Steven Brown, Thomas F. Campbell, William Cliby, Peter D’Ascoli, Norman Davies, Sean Dowdy, Kathryn Eggleston, June Fahrmann, Abimbola Famuyide, Hope Frisch, Melvin Frisch, Lynn Hagedorn, Marilee Hanson, Rise Hatten, Liz Jordan, Beni Katz, Christopher Klingele, Frederick Kravitz, Mary Mahoney, Miriam McCreary, Catherine McKegney, George Miks, Judith Ney, Donna Randall, Carl Rose, Mark Tanz, Carrie Terrell, Kenneth Trofatter, Dirk Van Oppen, Timothy Wilson Orlando Jodelle Allen, Fernando Betancourt, Ralph Bundy, Gary Dresden, Emil Felski, Kathy Hirtz, Merri Morris, Harvey Roth, James Pendergraft, Jose Raul Quintana, Christopher Saputa, Philip Waterman, Randall Whitney Is Your Doctor Involved in Abortions? Does Your Doctor Prescribe Abortifacient Birth Control? Ask your own doctor if he/she does abortions or refers for them, or prescribes abortifacients such as the Pill, Ortho Evra (the “patch”), Depo-Provera (the “shot”), Nuva-Ring, the “morningafter pill,” implants, or the IUD. All these methods (and others) can cause very early abortions by thinning the lining of the uterus so that if breakthrough ovulation occurs (which it sometimes does) and a new life is conceived, the young human being may not be able to attach to the uterine lining and therefore he or she dies. These methods can also be very dangerous, even deadly, to the woman. If you would like to go to a completely pro-life physician, we have a list of such doctors. Call (651) 771-1500. Natural Family Planning For information about the safe, effective and morally acceptable methods of Natural Family Planning (NFP), contact our office, or One More Soul at: 1800-307-7685 or www.OMSoul.com. One More Soul has resources to help people understand how children are a great blessing from God, and how contraception is extremely harmful to women, and their marriages, and consequently to families, Church and society. April 2015 Babies Saved (from page 5) said, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” Brain-damaged or not, this baby is a gift from God and she knew it in her heart. When I asked what changed her mind she said, “Your sign.” I thanked Him for being the biggest part of “We.” Pro-Life Action News Regular Prayer Times Outside the Abortion Centers 7 We encourage you to join in with the following groups or start your own prayer time outside an abortion center. Many of these (not all) are Catholic Rosary groups, but we strongly encourage prayer groups from all other denominations as well. If you start going out and would like to have your group listed here, please contact Debra Braun at (651) 797-6364. Orlando All Women's Health Center 431 Maitland Ave., Altamonte Springs Tuesday 11:30 a.m., (Rosary), St. Margaret Mary, Jim (407) 864-8934 Wednesday 9:30 a.m., (Rosary), St. Mary Magdalen, Larry (407) 453-4583 EPOC 609 Virginia Dr., Orlando Saturday 10:00 a.m., Resound Ministries, Larry and Leah Ramirez (407) 340-0204 Third Saturday 10:00-11:00 a.m., St. Paul's Presbyterian Church, Nita (407) 737-2907 Planned Parenthood 726 Tampa Ave. (SW corner of the Citrus Bowl), Orlando Wednesday 10:00 a.m., (Rosary), Blessed Trinity Catholic Church St. Paul/Minneapolis Marilee Hanson’s abortion center 710 E. 24th St., Minneapolis Two Saturdays a month 7:30 a.m., (Rosary), Bob (651) 464-1541 The sign that recently helped saved a baby’s life in Central Florida! * Here’s an abbreviated version of a report by Evie Schwartzbauer, Administrative Assistant in the St. Paul office: One January morning, we received a call from a woman who had left Planned Parenthood (PP) that day, with a brochure from a sidewalk counselor. I talked with her and praised her for leaving. She told me she didn’t have the appointment to have the abortion that day, she had just gone there to talk – her appointment was the following week. She said she didn’t want an abortion but she was so worried because she already had 3 kids. I assured her she made the right choice for life and that she can do this (keep her baby) and that we will help her through this process. I followed up with her, all the while being unsure if she would keep her abortion appointment or not. But she did go to a pregnancy help center for an ultrasound. The day of the abortion appointment we met for lunch. . . . I asked her, “So you don’t think you’ll go back into Planned Parenthood again then?” She said that all the girls there were just sad and full of fear. And she told me that PP lied to her. She found out at the pregnancy help center what her baby looked like, that it wasn’t a blob of tissue, and she got an explanation on abortion and what it Planned Parenthood 671 Vandalia St., St. Paul Thursday 5:00 p.m., (Rosary), Bob (651) 464-1541 Friday 9:30 a.m., (Rosary), led by a priest of the Archdiocese Friday 3:00 p.m., (Rosary), Legion of Mary (651) 439-9098 Friday 3:15 p.m., (Rosary), St. John Vianney Seminarians Saturday 9:30 a.m., (Rosary), University of St. Thomas students Third Saturday 11:00 a.m., (Rosary), Cathedral of St. Paul Knights of Columbus #14752, Al Rohweder (651) 779-6171 Richfield Planned Parenthood 6527 Lyndale Ave., S. Tuesday 1:15 p.m., (Rosary), Emily Koenig (Leave message at 612-824-0787.) Robbinsdale abortion center 3819 W. Broadway, Robbinsdale Daily 6:00 p.m., (Rosary), John (612) 913-2785 Last Friday of month 9:00-10:00 a.m., Hope Community Church, Sarah (612) 703-1407 Saturday 10:00 a.m., (Rosary), led by Rev. Thomas Dufner Whole Woman’s 825 S. 8th St., Minneapolis Two Saturdays a month 7:30 a.m., (Rosary), Bob (651) 464-1541 Second Saturday 8:00 a.m., (Rosary), Joyce (612) 644-3232 Duluth Women’s Health Center 32 E. First St. Tuesday 10:00 a.m., (Rosary), Marie Opfahl (320) 384-6292 St. Cloud, Minn. Planned Parenthood 451 E. Saint Germain St. Friday 6:00 p.m., (Rosary and Divine Mercy Chaplet), Knights of Columbus, Jim Tembrock (320) 253-1564 Rochester, Minn. Planned Parenthood 1212 7th St., NW Call Paula (507) 398-5677 for details. entails and it disgusted her. She is six and a half weeks pregnant and is really grateful she called us and even thanked us on our Facebook page saying, “My baby saved, thanks to you ,” with her ultrasound attached! 1163 Payne Ave. St. Paul, MN 55130 USA © Life Issues Institute ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED er, nd u o 2 o-F k - p. C r l, nel fe Wo n i Do O’ Pro-L l u Pa ea of . r r B — ant A e c t r a Pe mpo p. 5 n I i !st st Re e Mo aved Th bies S Ba sDie p. 1 Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage PAID Twin Cities MN Permit No. 2097 Baby’s hands 7 weeks from conception 8 National Sidewalk Counseling Symposium July 24-25, 2015 Chicago Sponsored by Pro-Life Action Ministries and hosted locally by ProLife Action League, this symposium is open to any pro-lifer interested in sidewalk counseling! Confirmed speakers include national leaders David Bereit; Shawn Carney; Rev. Walter Hoye; John Jakubczyk; Edmund Miller; Fr. Frank Pavone; Joe, Ann and Eric Scheidler; Alicia Wong; and Pro-Life Action Ministries staff. The symposium will begin on Friday evening and continue from 8:30 - 5:30 on Saturday. The fee is $50 (there may be some scholarships available for those unable to afford this fee). An invitation-only leaders dinner meeting will take place Saturday evening. Go to www.plam.org/nationalsidewalk-counseling-symposium/. To register, call (651) 797-6361. Pro-Life Action News Calendar of Events April 2015 St. Paul April 3 — Good Friday Prayer Vigil, 8:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Planned Parenthood, St. Paul (free shuttle buses from University of St. Thomas) October 5 — Annual Life Banquet with speaker Lila Rose, Founder, Live Action Weekly — “Living the Gospel of Life” radio show with Brian Gibson and Kim Morgan Relevant Radio, 1330 AM, Twin Cities, 11:30 a.m., Saturdays, and K-YES, 1180 AM, St. Cloud, Minn., 9:30 a.m., Fridays, or listen online at: www.plam.org/programs/radio-show/ Orlando April 3 — Good Friday Hour of Prayer and Praise, 9:00 - 10:00 a.m. WomanCare abortion center, 10244 E. Colonial Drive, Suite102, Orlando April 11 — Sidewalk Counseling Training — 9:00 - 11:00 a.m. First Life Pregnancy Center, 3125 Bruton Blvd, Orlando, FL 32811 April 23 and May 28 — “Jesus Loves the Little Children” Days — Parents, bring your children and teens to witness for life! EPOC, 609 Virginia Dr., Orlando — 10:30 - 11:45 a.m. Duluth April 3 — Good Friday Solemn Public Prayer Service, 11:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon Building for Women, 32 East First St., Duluth Starting in May — Cemetery of the Innocents (See page 2 for contact information to obtain details about any of these events.) Remembering your loved ones on Mother’s Day In Memory of _______________________ or In Honor of__________________________ Occasion ___________________________ Card should be sent to: Name _____________________________________ Address ___________________________________ City ______________________________________ State ______ Zip____________ From: Name _____________________________________ Address ___________________________________ City ______________________________________ State ______ Zip____________ Phone ( )_____________________________ E-mail ____________________________________ This Mother’s Day, honor your mother, grandmother, godmother or another loved one by making a gift in her name to the cause of life. Or give a gift in honor of a wedding, anniversary, birth, adoption or other special occasion. An acknowledgment card will be sent to the person or family you designate. Gifts to Pro-Life Action Ministries go directly towards peaceful efforts to stop abortion now - one life at a time. ___I would like this memorial or honorarium listed in the next Pro-Life Action News. Please accept my gift of: ___$1000 ___$500 ___$100 ___$50 ___$25 Other $_______ ___ One-time gift ___ Recurring monthly gift for ___ months ___ Credit card — I authorize Pro-Life Action Ministries to charge my gift of $ ________ to my: ___ Visa ___ MasterCard ___ Discover ___ AmEx Card # ___ ___ ___ ___ - ___ ___ ___ ___ - ___ ___ ___ ___ - ___ ___ ___ ___ Name as it appears on card __________________________________________ Expiration date _____________________________ Signature (required) __________________________________________ Pro-Life Action Ministries, 1163 Payne Ave., St. Paul, MN 55130 (651) 771-1500 www.plam.org
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