03 April 2015, PLATINUM KOSH, E-mail: [email protected] | [email protected] (JJVWUDYDJDQ]D at Matlosana Mall Police advice: (DVWHUVDIHW\ The police in North West want to assure the citizens of the province that they will be working hard through Operation Paseka to protect them. Col Sabata Mokgwabone, provincial police spokesperson, said they want to reiterate their commitment of protecting the community by making sure they FRQ¿VFDWH LOOHJDO ¿UHDUPV DQG VKXW down shebeens. “This year will not be different regarding deployment of our members on crime prevention operations including roadblocks with other law HQIRUFHPHQWRI¿FLDOVUHOHYDQWSDUWQHUV and stakeholders. This is done this to maintain order, curb lawlessness on the streets, homes and to ensure that our roads are safe to enable users to arrive alive. We would like to urge the residents to coop cooperate with law HQIRUFHPHQW RI¿FLDOV HVSHFLDOO\ DW roadblocks and during stop and search operations.” He said Easter is yet another period of the year when members mem of various church denominations visit numerous P05 destinations, among others to pray DQG UHÀHFW RQ WKH FUXFL¿[LRQ DQG resurrection of Jesus Christ. “The police have the responsibility to ensure a secure environment for anybody who travels, visits and stays within the boundaries of North West before, during and after Easter holidays. “However, this can only be realised through an active participation and cooperation of the police and the community.” Mokgwabone’s Easter safety tips are to abstain if you have to drive or walk on or along a road. “If you know that you will be away for a longer period, do not leave your house unattended, rather leave another person to take care of it or report your absence to the police so that they can make turns at your place during patrols.” To avoid hijackings, know your destination and the directions to it and be alert if you get lost. Never leave keys in the ignition when alighting the car to open gates. To avoid mugging, if you are waiting to be collected, do not wait outside. Always try to wait inside a building. If possible, avoid walking alone. Your best defence is having other people nearby. If you walk alone, plan your route carefully and stay in well-lit areas as much as possible. 0RWRULVWV DUH ZDUQHG WR H[HUFLVH caution, be alert and avoid at all costs to give lifts to hitch-hikers as some of these people victimise the same motorists who offered them lifts by robbing them. 0RNJZDERQH H[SUHVVHG KLV KHDUWIHOW appreciation to the families of the members who will be working. Unemployed youth VHWWREHQHÀWIURP skills development SDUWQHUVKLSV Leyton-Jay Lange is very eager for the Easter bunny to arrive with all his chocolate Easterr eggs. Klerksdorp – The Matlosana Mall in Klerksdorp iss celebratLQJLWV¿UVW(DVWHUZLWKDQ(JJWKDQ(JJstravaganza. This includes ncludes a play area for children n with lots of activities which will operate until Tuesday 7 April. The highlight of the festivities vities is a visit from the Easter bunny on Saturday 4 April. Elroshe Kruger could not wait unny and for the real Easter bunny n with his had her picture taken doppelgänger. Ventersdorp – You Young unemployed people in North W West, particularly WKRVHWKDWKDYHSDUWLFLSDWHGLQWKH([WKRVHWKDWKDYHSDUWLF panded Public Works Programme, will VRRQ UHDS WKH EHQH¿W EHQH¿WV RI D VNLOOV GHvelopment agreemen agreement that has been reached between the th Provincial Government and the Manufacturing, Engineering a and Related Services Education and Training Authority (merSETA). This follows fo the signing of a Memorandum o of Agreement on 16 Monday 2015 at Ventersdorp. Ve The province’s Acting Director-General, Prof. Tebogo Job Mokgoro, M and the &KLHI ([HFXWLYH 2I¿F 2I¿FHU RI PHU6(7$ Dr Raymond Patel, si signed the agreement which will result resu in 100 young people from the Ngaka Modiri Molema and Dr Ruth Segomotsi Mompati Sego 'LVWULFWV EHLQJ WUDLQHG WUDLQHG LQ WKH ¿HOG RI manufacturing and engineering. e The merSETA will fund this thi skills develop- ment programme to the tune of R26 million over a period of three years. Dr Patel said the drive is to get into rural areas and empower young people with much needed manufacturing and engineering skills. After training, mer6(7$ZLOO¿QGMREVIRUWKHPLQVHFWRUV such as agriculture. Prof Mokgoro said young people from Dr Ruth Segomotsi Mompati and Ngaka Modiri Molema Districts will get preference for the initial intake. The signing of this agreement came a few weeks after a similar deal was sealed with the Construction, Education and Training Authority which will also offer R31,4 million for funding of bursaries for an additional 100 young people in the province, 30 internships, and re-skilling of 400 young people for 5HFRJQLWLRQ RI 3ULRU /HDUQLQJ TXDOL¿cation.
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