King of Glory Lutheran Church The Glory News April, 2015 Volume 48, Issue 4 208-377-0220 E-mail: [email protected] ____________________ Our Purpose Reflecting God’s Grace Our Guiding Principles Jesus is Lord and Savior. Everyone is Welcome! Our faith is rooted in Word and Sacrament. God grants us unique gifts for bold service. In thankfulness, we share generously. We embrace and nurture God’s creation. Transform us, Holy Spirit! _____________________ Pastor Kari Sansgaard (921-4039) Vicar Anne Palma (409-9347) Director of Music Ministries Laurann Taylor Director of Choirs Seth McMullen Nursery Director Tiffany Longwill Ministry Coordinator Julia Bennett Administrative Assistant Linda Novey Custodian Charlene Etoka Librarian Nicki Tompkins Hospital Visitation Edi Swenson Alice Nelson Louise Moore Bobbie McCaw Home Communion Visitors Bob Firman Katy & Ron Starenko Nancy & Ken Reglin Steve & Tricia Wargo Phyllis Bradburn Joan & Don Peterson Dawn & Wes Lewis Edi Swenson Ann Sansgaard Doneta Stephensen Marge/Fred Holmquist Tom Helmick The ELCA health care provider offers “wellness points” when I do things like the following: track my cholesterol through diet and exercise, meditate, and watch suggested YouTubes. One of the recent choices was to view a Brené Brown Ted Talk – this one about courage [THE POWER OF VULNERABILITY]. I earned wellness points; it was a nourishing 20 minutes: a win-win. I appreciated how Brown reminded me that the root word for courage is Latin for “heart.” In its earliest forms, courage meant “to speak one’s mind by telling all one’s heart.” Courage, then, is about inner strength and commitment in speaking honestly about ourselves and our experience – the good, the bad, and the ugly. Brené’s research indicates that courageous people tend to believe they are worthy. Their weaknesses and failings enhance their compassion toward others and, even more, deepen their authentic connections with other people. Having inner strength naturally leads to committing oneself to people and issues that matter, that make a difference. Brené Brown’s understanding of courage reminds me of the greatest commandment. It is this: Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind. And love your neighbor as yourself. Neighbor includes those who live in geographical proximity to us; our neighbors are also those with whom we can be connected in an instant by the touch of a key pad. Jesus speaks this commandment while kneeling on the floor with a basin of water beside him and a towel in his hand. He is washing the dirt and grime off the feet of his friends – teaching by modeling that serving another is, indeed, love. It is a high calling to love our neighbor; it is not for the faint of heart, but for those who are courageous. I do not always love God above all, and I certainly do not always love my neighbor as myself. I wish I was always courageous, but I am not. Shame, guilt, and insecurities have often found a home in me. Andy Crouch, InterVarsity Christian Fellowship Director, wrote an article called The Return of Shame in the March 2015 magazine Christianity Today (located in our church library!). He writes this: The remedy for shame is not becoming famous. It is not even being affirmed. It is being incorporated into a community where weakness is not excluded but valued; where honor-seeking and ‘boasting’ of all kinds are repudiated; …where even the ultimate dishonor of the cross is transformed into glory, the ultimate participation in honor. I strongly believe that we need one another, our King of Glory faith community, and perhaps, the opportunity to once again wash the feet of our neighbor in worship. We are people of the cross and resurrection. We are courageous people. For us and for our neighbor, it’s a win-win. Pastor Kari Sansgaard Holy Week Services Maundy Thursday, April 2, at 7:00 pm Good Friday, April 3, at 7:00 pm Easter Sunday, April 5, at 8:30 am and 11:00 am Easter Egg Hunt 10:00 am on East Lawn for youth 10 and younger On Hilarity ἱλαρὸν γὰρ δότην ἀγαπᾷ ὁ θεός Each of you must give as you have made up your mind, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. (2 Cor 9:7 NRSV) God loves a cheerful giver! But the Greek word ‘hilaron,’ which is translated ‘cheerful’ in the NRSV, is also the root of the English word ‘hilarity,’ which brings with it associations of mirth, giggling, and joyful abandon. What comes to mind when you read the phrase “God loves a hilarious giver?” I imagine a dancer, reaching into her purse and drawing out gold coins which she scatters about gracefully just as a sower sows seed. It has been my privilege during February and March to facilitate an Adult Forum on Dying Well. Because of my work in hospice, I consider myself reasonably good at speaking with people about death. But money? That’s another story altogether. Pastoral internship is designed to help aspiring pastors identify areas for growth, and to take calculated risks. All interns are required to create a specific project with the aim of addressing these growing edges of competency. For this reason, I hilariously announce to you that with the blessing of my internship committee and the stewardship committee, and with a nod from the congregation council, I will be focusing my attention on financial stewardship. A formal plan is under development, but my project will include interviewing subject matter experts within and outside the congregation and our denomination (as well as mere mortals), reading books, identifying best practices, compiling baseline (deidentified) giving data for the congregation, and making recommendations to the stewardship committee for the 2016 stewardship drive. The success of this project will not be measured in dollars and cents; the seminary indicates that a successful project is marked by new insights and awareness on the part of the learner, and hopefully by new skills also. Your participation, therefore, is crucial to the success of the project. First: Will you pray for me, that God will grant me courage and winsomeness to speak graciously and to get up when I fall? Second: Will you think about and pray about your own relationship to money and giving? Third: Will you share with me your knowledge, attitudes, skills and habits as they relate to charitable giving? I will invite your response to a question each month. As we are in the midst of tax season, I wonder if you will take a look at your charitable (cash) contributions for 2014. Would you send me an e-mail ([email protected]) or drop a note into my mailbox answering these questions? Anonymous responses are welcomed, though if you choose to include your name, know that your response will be held in strict confidence. 1. Of your total charitable (cash) giving for 2014, what percent was given to King of Glory, what percent was given to other church-related ministries (Luther Heights, Lutheran Social Services, Lutheran World Relief, etc.), and what percent was given to non-church related charities? (If you majored in math or engineering, please provide precise percentages to two decimal points; if not, approximate figures are just fine.) Thanks in advance for your prayerful support. Your servant in Christ, Vicar Anne Palma + From Your Ministry Coordinator: First, a HUGE thank you to everyone for the very warm welcome - It’s been a great first few weeks. I’ve been enjoying getting to know you, hearing stories and learning about the past and present of ministries here at KOG. I’m amazed at all the good works our congregation does and humbled that I get to assist in all of this service. There’s still more to learn – and lots going on. Read on for my monthly update: If you haven’t filled out a Time and Talents brochure, it’s your last chance. Take five minutes after Easter service, drop it off in the little white church in the lobby and I’ll match your hands with God’s work. I hear from so many of our members that Coffee Hospitality is one of our greatest ministries for fellowship and engagement, and I definitely agree! My warm thanks to everyone who’s taken time and energy to minister to our community through their time and treats. You are a blessing to KOG! Because it takes a village, we’re working on few simple adjustments to make the process fun and even more organized. If you haven’t been on a host team, please give it a try – this is a great way to meet members and get involved. We have room for singles, couples and families (aka you!). If you’re 65 or older, the Older Wiser Lutherans want you! The OWLs love to gather, venture and learn, and we welcome new participants. April’s adventure is a tour of Micron. Look for details in the weekly bulletin; a signup sheet is on the board outside the Fellowship Hall. If you’ve already indicated interest, your name is there. Marge Holmquist is the activity contact. Traveling Ministries training. If you’re interested in serving home communion or hospital ministry, a combined 2015 training will be held. Please plan on attending both Part one and Part two. Part One: Sunday May 17, 12:30-1:30 Part Two: Sunday May 17th 2-4 pm or Tuesday May 19th 6:30 – 8:30 pm. Sign up and information to follow. SAVE THE DATE! Saturday, June 20 from 8:45 am – 1 pm. King of Glory will once again participate in Family Service Day. Forty sets of hands from KOG helped make a difference last year – please mark your calendar and plan to join us. If you have a project idea, see Julia B. Signup and information coming soon. COME ONE, COME ALL TO OUR ANNUAL TALENT SHOW/DINNER AND AUCTION Just wanted to say a big THANK YOU! to all the youth who helped with the Dollar$ for Doer$ KOG Community Garden project. “Revved Up for Detroit” to help our youth go on a mission trip Exciting items await to be bid on like: a McCall motorcycle/trike ride with breakfast included, Wahooz Fun Center, Powell’s Candy Shoppe, beautiful necklace and earrings by Lisa DeanErlander, a pie a month by Ann Sansgaard, Creative Crayola Basket, Hot Air Balloon ride and many, many more. Don’t miss out on this super fun night to eat delicious food, watch some amazing talent and maybe win something spectacular at the auction. Tickets can be purchased for just $7.00 per person or $25.00 per family for a night of family fun! Raffle tickets can also be purchased for $5 for 5, $10 for 15, or $20 for 30. The Community Garden Organizers said this year's "Manure Spreading Project" was the fastest and most efficient event they have had in years. Thanks to all of you who worked so hard and continuously for over 3 hours shoveling, moving and spreading the number one ingredient to a great garden and tasty vegetables...Manure! We had a great time and each of you represented the KOG Youth with distinction. Thanks Again! Dave Update on the Children and Youth Director Hiring As the KOG Council prayerfully considers the hiring of the Children and Youth Director we are reading the book, "Sustainable Youth Ministry: Why Most Youth Ministry Doesn't Last and What Your Church Can Do About It ", by Mark DeVries. This book has been read by youth leaders in the congregation and shares a framework that must be in place within a congregation to support a successful youth ministry. Our hope is to partner with our YOUTH COMMITTEE as we want to ensure we have the right framework in place to foster a supportive environment for this key leadership position in KOG. Please contact Sandy Lieske with any questions. The following have completed Holy Communion class and will celebrate together at the Maundy Thursday Meal: Heidi Alderman Abigail Lagomarsino Jasmine Mendez-Jorgensen We celebrate you! On Easter Sunday, April 5, Ondrej Tomik Blasch will be baptized. Ondrej is the son of Erik & Jitka, and grandson of Bruce & Barb Blasch Welcome to the Kingdom, Ondrej! Discipleship Conference A working committee is forming to put together a weekend event that will change lives. We seek to form and inspire disciples for the 21st century with top-ranked national speakers, amazing music, and moving liturgies. Look forward to a weekend for the whole family (adults, teens, and kids) that will be gathering of the faithful from hundreds of miles. Come learn more at the first committee meeting on Tuesday, April 7, at 6:45pm at King of Glory Lutheran Church or email Mia Crosthwaite at [email protected]. SAVE THE DATE - May 13 In late 2009, the Manhattan-based Anne Frank Center USA announced that the Idaho Anne Frank Human Rights Memorial was one of only 11 sites in the United States to receive a sapling from the stately chestnut tree that stood until August 2010 in the back courtyard of the Amsterdam row house where Anne Frank and her family hid during the Nazi occupation. The New American Scholars Advocacy Group is pleased to report that through the generosity of the congregation, two plane tickets have been secured for Asukulu and Charlene Etoka to attend Salima’s college graduation ceremony in Hartford, Connecticut in May. A member donated frequent flier miles to purchase one ticket and cash donations covered the cost of the second ticket. THANK YOU! Joel Tompkins, Chair New American Scholars Advocacy Group Here are personal words of thanks from Salima . . . Dear members of King of Glory Lutheran Church, I would like to thank The New American Scholars Advocacy Group and everyone who was involved in raising the funds to send my mom and dad to Hartford for my graduation on May 17. I will be graduating with a BA in Political Science, Urban Studies and French. I can't express how thankful I am to have the opportunity to celebrate this special occasion together. We will be sure to send pictures marking this milestone! God bless! Salima Etoka Shepherds Pie On Saturday, April 25, the Social Ministry is planning to prepare and serve dinner at Interfaith Sanctuary. Gather in the Idaho Anne Frank Human Rights Memorial for the planting and public dedication of the sapling on Wednesday, May 13, 2015 (noon to 1:00 pm), as we add another element of Anne’s story to the landscape. “May the Idaho Anne Frank Human Rights Memorial stand as a tribute to Anne Frank’s memory, as a warning to any who would dare trespass upon the freedoms of others, and as an inspiration to all whose lives are devoted to love, respect, understanding, peace, and good will among the totality and diversity of the human family.” Rev. Dr. Nancy S. Taylor You can also celebrate the 20th anniversary of a tribute that began with an Anne Frank exhibit in 1995 by honoring the visionary founders of the Idaho Anne Frank Human Rights Memorial at a ticketed reception, dinner and program on May 13, on the 17th floor of the Zions Bank at 8th and Main from 5:30 pm - 9:30 pm. Individual tickets (open seating) are $75; or $750 table sponsor (eight seats reserved.) Email [email protected] for tickets or call 345-0304. In 2014, 50 shawls and lap blankets were given out to those needing comfort through a difficult time. Those that have received them in the past have said they get tremendous comfort from them. If you need to get one, please contact Carolyn Jean Smith or Linda in the church office. Since January 2015, we have already given away 14 shawls and blankets so we need to replenish our supply. If you are knitting or crocheting a scarf, can you work in a prayer shawl or two? We have funds available for you to purchase yarn or just call Carolyn Jean Smith and she can supply you with yarn and also patterns. We will have a table set up in the narthex on April 12, and 19, with information on how you can help by either purchasing ingredients or providing help with serving or preparing the dinner. We hope to feed between 100 to 200 guests at the shelter. We also want to prepare 200 sandwiches for their Sunday evening meal and we will need around 70 dozen cookies to serve at both meals. There are so many ways to help with this very rewarding project. Thank you! Contact Shirley Dodson with any questions. Do you knit or crochet? How about joining in a scarf project. Scarves will be donated to those in need in our community in October. If needed, yarn will be provided. Dark colors are preferred. Scarves need to be 6 to 8 inches wide and 60 inches in length. A basket of yarn is located on the Social Ministry table in the Fellowship Hall. Any questions, please contact Bev Siefkes. In addition to the scarves project for October we are also asking for knitted or crochet hats next fall. If anyone would like to make those it would be greatly appreciated. All sizes from infant to adult will be collected. Just place them on the Social Ministry table in the Fellowship Hall. Also, if you have any leftover yarn you would like to donate, we will put it to good use! 100% of your ticket purchase goes to Boise Valley Habitat for Humanity 2015 Adult Christian Education The Social Action Group has planned a series of six Awareness sessions in April and May that you will want to attend. Several of these sessions will have outside speakers who are involved with these issues. TICKETS FORE CHARITY PROGRAM TICKET OPTIONS: THE FOURSOME PACKAGE Four weekly tickets to the tournament with Hillcrest Country Club VIP Access - $280 value One official tournament cap - $20 value With the Foursome Package, you can treat your foursome, friends, family, customers, or colleagues while also helping your favorite charity! That’s a $300 value for only $150 THE TWOSOME PACKAGE Two weekly tickets to the tournament with Hillcrest Country Club VIP Access - $140 value One official tournament cap - $20 value That’s a $160 value for only $85 Individual Daily Grounds - $15 (available at the gate) Individual Weekly Grounds - $25 in advance ($35 at the gate) Individual Weekly Clubhouse - $50 in advance ($70 at the gate) Ten-Pack Weekly Grounds - $200 in advance Ten-Pack Weekly Clubhouse - $400 in advance Corporate 30-Pack Weekly Grounds - $500 in advance Corporate 30-Pack Weekly Clubhouse - $1,000 in advance Youth 17 and under FREE with ticketed adult Grounds tickets include admission to the golf course each day of the tournament. Clubhouse tickets provide grounds admission plus clubhouse privileges each day. Both tickets include FREE parking and shuttles. To purchase tickets go to tickets The Free Meal Ministry wants to remind you that there are sign-up sheets for cooking, serving and providing food on the bulletin board outside the Fellowship Hall every month for those wishing to serve this outreach ministry. Our next FREE MEAL is April 25. “Sandwich Ministry” In March we made sandwiches from 63 loaves of bread. A new record! We are desperately in need of EVERYTHING, ESPECIALLY MEATS (ham, chicken, turkey, etc.) Our next Sandwich Sunday will be April 12, and we welcome all helpers! April 12 - The Uninsured Poor (Medicaid Expansion) - Terri Brannan April 19 - A Living Wage (Minimum Wage) - Carolyne Pietz/ Gabrielle Applequist April 26 - Domestic Violence - Ann Sansgaard May 3 - Human Trafficking - Barb Blasch/Marge Holmquist May 10 - Add the Words - Julia Bennett May 19 - Internet Safety - Brenda Bielke Ongoing Adult Education Opportunities 1st & 3rd Monday 1:30 pm - Christian Life Study Group (Conference Room) 2nd Tuesday 7:00 pm - WELCA Bible Study (Library) 1st & 3rd Wednesday 9:30 am - Women’s Bible Study (Library) Every Thursday (unless otherwise noted) 8:30 am - Men’s Fellowship Breakfast/Text Study at Marie Callender’s Every Friday (unless otherwise noted) 9:30 am - Text Study (Library) Host Families Needed for 2015-16 My name is Ann Roe and I am the Regional Manager for CCI Greenheart, a non-profit organization that sponsors and places high school exchange students with volunteer host families in the United States for the academic semester or year. Volunteer host families provide the meals for the exchange student and a place to stay. Students have their own spending money to cover personal expenses and have accident and health insurance through the program. We are currently seeking host families for several 15-18 year old boys and girls from countries such as Germany, Belgium, Taiwan, Vietnam, Hungary, Poland, Colombia, Brazil, and China among many others. I look forward to hearing from you. Ann Roe Regional Manager, Idaho CCI Greenheart, a division of Greenheart International Cell phone: (208) 899-0505 [email protected] Race for the Cure May 9 Those of us who have had breast cancer, as well as those of us who have been touched by it by a close friend or family member, feel confident that one day soon we will find a cure for this dreaded diagnosis. Help us make this possible sooner than later, and not only register, but make an additional donation. The Race itself will be on the 9th of May at the Albertson's Corporate Headquarters on Parkcenter Blvd. The site is - look for "join a team" (King of Glory Lutheran - and if the teams are listed in categories, ours will be under “Religious"). Registration cost is $25. We're counting on you! Alice Nelson & Joan Peterson BOOK STUDY GROUP Meets on the first Saturday of each month (unless otherwise noted) at 9:30 am at King of Glory’s library. We read all types of books and are open to suggestions for future discussions. Anyone is welcome to join us !! April 4 ~ ~ In the Garden of Beast by Erik Larson with Elaine Short as leader May 2 ~ ~ Wolf Hall by Hilary Mantel with Bob Firman as leader June 6 ~ ~ Sometimes a Great Notion by Ken Kesey with Marlene Jensen as leader Saying “Goodbye” is so hard to do….. After 33 years Rosanne and Emil are leaving King of Glory and our many wonderful friends. This decision has been something we’ve both struggled with for quite some time. Emil was raised Baptist and Rosanne was raised Missouri Synod Lutheran. We are being called to a faith that is closer to our upbringing. Pastor Kari-thank you for the many wonderful sermons, your leadership and for being the special person you are. Members of KOG-We love each one of you and hope this decision doesn’t sever our special friendships. Idaho Interfaith Roundtable Against Hunger Spring Gathering: Local Food Systems with Access for All April 21, 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm Location TBD Join us for an engaging discussion on the food system with our two presenters, Ariel Agenbroad from the University of Idaho Extension on An Overview of the Components of a Strong Local Food System, and Erin Guerricabeitia from Boise Urban Garden School on Food Production in the City of Boise. Ariel and Erin will describe our local food systems and how they relate to food insecurity. Participants will leave with a better understanding of how to reach the potential of the systems to alleviate hunger. Visit for more information. WELCA Treasure Valley Cluster Gathering Ladies, please mark your calendars for a morning of fun, fellowship and gardening magic! The WELCA Treasure Valley Cluster will be gathering at Trinity Lutheran Church in Nampa (8 South Midland Blvd.) on Saturday, April 18, at 9:00 am. Our program will be graciously provided by Sheila Anderson and Paulette Blasig who will speak on the Trinity Community Garden and the wonderful success Trinity has experienced in this fabulous endeavor. What a great way to step into the Spring season! Please join in! If you have any questions please call Patty Larson. Please be reminded of the following assignments voted on at our gathering last fall: Host: Trinity Registration: Shepherd of the Valley Opening devotions: Redeemer Offering collection and counting: Grace, HSB Closing prayer: King of Glory Each church is to bring a food item to share and the host church will provide juice, coffee, and tea. Our community will come together for Idaho Gives, a special day of giving. And we need you to join us! Between now and Thursday, May 7, when you make an online donation to LCS (Lutheran Community Services) through Idaho Gives, your contribution could be the gift that helps us to win special cash prizes. To learn more, visit the Idaho Gives website and go to the LCS donation page to make a safe and secure contribution. Whether you donate now or plan to give on May 7, be sure to visit Idaho Gives to watch the success of the campaign. Puzzled by Health Insurance? Let SHIBA (Senior health Insurance Benefits Advisors) help you put the pieces together! Need extra help with your Medicare prescription drug plan costs? Medicare Prescription Drug Plans Medicare Advantage Plans Medicare Supplements Long-term care insurance Medical claims assistance Other related issues This is a free public service of the Idaho Department of Insurance to help you answer your questions and make informed buying decisions. For more information call 1-800-247-4422 or Networker News You make known to me the path of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand. –Psalm 16:11 (NIV) With the arrival of spring and warm sunshine days I have been spending my Grandma Fridays outside with Leo. He delights in everything; flowers in bloom, bugs crawling on the ground, geese flying overhead and best of all, the garbage truck arrival. He digs for worms and makes them new homes by shoveling a bit of dirt onto a rock and moving them in. His joyful chatter brings us such pleasure. Playing with him brings my worries to a halt. I am able to put my concerns behind and live in the moment. There are 214 uses of the word joy in the NIV translation of the bible. God created us as emotional beings. We are encouraged to make a joyful noise. Let’s play together! Immanuel’s Youth “Seas the Day” event on the 13th was a wonderful joyful occasion. It was a time of fun and laughter and sharing a meal. We all need more time dedicated to simply having fun. I am launching a new “Let’s Play Together” once a month at Immanuel. Would you please share with me some of the events you have at your church that are simply for fellowship and fun? Blessings, Kristin Koskella EWAID Synod Networker C: 208.866.2801 O: 208.344.3011 20th Annual Children Are Our Flowers April 24-26 Purchase your flowers and plants at the following: Cloverdale Nursery, D G Nursery, Edwards Greenhouse/Florists, Franz Witte Landscape, Gem Butte Greenhouse, House of Flowers, New Madeline George, Summer Lawns, and Stephens Nursery & The Cozy Bean. 10% of all sales will benefit Lutheran Community Services school-based prevention programs. Register Online NOW for this summer Summer camp brochures were mailed out to campers from last summer. Register early to reserve your first choice spot in our camp sessions. Registration is now open online at Work at Camp Being a Camp Counselor is the best summer job. Luther Heights is now recruiting to fill college age Counselor positions, as well as Camphands (high school age), Nurses, Health Professionals, Maintenance Staff and Assistant Cooks. You can download an application at or you can fill them out online. We are currently looking for 1-3 male counselors to serve this summer. If you are a great role model, interested in giving of yourself for what will be one of the most rewarding summers of your life, please apply. You need to be at least one year out of high school. The job description can be found on the bulletin board outside the Fellowship Hall. Plan a retreat for your church or group today! Luther Heights is a great place to bring your church council, women’s group, family reunions, a friend group, couples, etc. NO minimum cost. NO minimum number. Come for renewal, worship, stillness, great food and fellowship. Our staff will help plan as much or as little of your retreat as you would like. To serve your place, or to confirm open dates call 208-886-7657 or email [email protected]. Open dates are: June 5-7, 12-14, 19-21, August 28-30, and September 25-27. Staff Housing Luther Heights is looking for a trailer or a motorhome that could be used for 1-3 months to house 1 to 2 adult staff, and that would be capable of being hooked up to power and water. Please contact the camp office if you, or someone you know, if able to assist. Please call 208-886-7657 or email [email protected]. SAVE THE DATE Enneagram Workshop with Suzanne Stabile June 13-14, 2015 King of Glory Lutheran Church Saturday Description: Know Your Number is a Foundational course and is the first step in working with the Enneagram. In this workshop, Suzanne introduces the Nine Types: Perfectionist, Helper, Achiever, Individualist, Investigator, Questioner, Enthusiast, Challenger, and Peacemaker. Each personality type is reviewed in detail, including an evaluation of the strengths and weaknesses of the Types, and the likely interpersonal challenges that may be involved in an unhealthy expression of the Type. Sunday Description: Enneagram: Triads and Stances One of the greatest things about the Enneagram is that it simultaneously shows us the weaknesses inherent in our numbers and the strengths we have for addressing those weaknesses in effective ways. This workshop teaches where that work begins— with Triads and Stances. The three central intelligences that define much of what we can do for ourselves using the modern Enneagram are Thinking, Feeling and Doing. In this time Suzanne Stabile teaches an overview of Enneagram Triads which are determined by which of these intelligences is dominant in each number and Enneagram Stances which are determined by which of the three is repressed. Once you know your Enneagram number, this is the next step toward transformative work. More details coming soon! Social Ministry’s Ongoing Projects DOLLAR$ FOR DOER$ Participate in the King of Glory fundraiser to help our youth travel to Detroit for the 2015 National Youth Gathering. The youth are ready to roll up their sleeves to help you with your chores and projects to help fund their trip. You can lend them a hand by requesting help with chores or a home project. We ask that you donate $10/hour in the name of the youth who participate in your projects. Request forms and more information is available on the Youth and Family bulletin board (across from the mailboxes). Do you pay your bills and do your banking online? Used Eye Glasses for third world countries. A collection box is in the fellowship hall. Thank you for your continued support. Call Barbara Blasch. Hearing Aids - Do you have any hearing aids that you no longer need? The Social Ministry Committee will be collecting hearing aids as an ongoing project and donating them to the Assistance League. These donations can be working or not, parts or whole, and old or new hearing aids. They will be restored and refitted, and given to those who are unable to purchase them. Parts will be reused or melted down to form new aids. There will be a box in the fellowship hall for your welcome donations. Thank you! Contact person is Helen Gregory. Pop Can Tab Collection for the Ronald McDonald House on Warm Springs Avenue. The Ronald McDonald House provides a place for families who live outside of Ada County to stay while their children are receiving medical treatment at local hospitals. The Ronald McDonald House recycles these pop can tabs and the money is used to purchase items for their House. Contact person is Marge Holmquist. If you do, you might like to know that you can make your offerings to King of Glory online as well. It’s true. And it’s easy. Simply add King of Glory Lutheran Church to the list of payees on your bank’s website. You can make your gifts at your convenience, or schedule regular gift payments to come from your account. You won’t need to write a check or use a stamp -- just a few clicks of your mouse. Labels For Education are on many of the products you probably have in your home. The labels are donated to local elementary schools and are used to purchase supplies that their budget may not cover. You may deposit the labels in the jar on the Social Ministry table in the Fellowship Hall. Contact person is Shirley Dodson. If you want to make your gifts online, go to the ‘Bill Pay’ tab on your bank’s online account page and follow the prompts to add a new payee. Enter: King of Glory Lutheran Church, 3430 N. Maple Grove Road, Boise, ID, 84704. You can use your envelope number as your account number (though no account number is required). Food Offerings (canned & dry goods) may be placed on the shelves outside the entrance to the Fellowship Hall. Idaho is presently the sixth hungriest state in the nation. The Social Ministry Committee will oversee the distribution of our gifts to those in need. Please prayerfully consider making an offering of food a weekly or monthly practice in your home. All ages will enjoy participating! Your gifts will be sent safely and securely to the church when you wish or at a regularly scheduled time. Questions? Call your bank’s customer service line for assistance. They can help. As always, thank you for your generosity in Reflecting God’s Grace together. Stewardship Committee The OWLs Out to Lunch Bunch is cancelled in April. The OWLs will be going on a tour of Micron. More information to follow. Ways YOU can help keep King of Glory Safe for All! Please help keep King of Glory a FRAGRANCE FREE place for those who have severe allergic reactions to scented lotions, colognes, aftershaves and perfumes. Bringing a Treat? Please use the NUT NOTE CARDS in the kitchen to identify foods with nuts. Simply place a card for any food item containing nuts. Prayer Chain Any members who would like to be included on the Phone or E-mail Prayer Chains, please let the office know. We would be happy to add your name!! Sharing is Caring Is a program is to help those members of King of Glory who may be faced with extraordinary circumstances due to illness, etc. If you are aware of someone who could benefit by prepared meals / food brought to their home, please contact Pat Nearman. Remembrances for the Day In lieu of flowers to acknowledge an anniversary, birthday or a loved one’s memory we will acknowledge them by a remembrance. You will receive a special envelope on the Sunday of your remembrance to make a donation to the special designated ministry of the day. These remembrances will be recognized in the Sunday bulletin. Everyone is welcome to sign up on the charts posted by the Fellowship Hall. Hospitalized?? Please notify the church office when you or a loved one is hospitalized. We will then contact a pastor and include you in the prayer chain, if you desire. Even if you name King of Glory in your admissions paperwork, we will likely not be informed of your admission. Please remember to call us so that we can stay connected to you. Nathan and Sharonette Bowman Spring 2015 Newsletter Kuwamizu Church, Matsubase Church, International Church Jiai-en Social Welfare Services Community Kumamoto, Japan Dear Family in Christ, We have entered spring on a chilly note, but not near as cold as many of you have experienced this year. The Cherry blossoms are beginning to dot the landscape, and are expected to go into full bloom around Easter, after which the ground will be carpeted with pink petals. Before we share our recent events and a small view of our work, we would like to let you know that we will be visiting the United States on Home Assignment beginning July 16, through early September. We would like to make ourselves available to you for visitation. As our home base is in Arizona, we would like to coordinate any travel that is outside of the state in order to lessen the financial burden of having us come to your congregation as much as possible. Please let us know as soon as possible as to if you would like for us to come, and when that would be best for you. The Global Mission of the ELCA requests congregations to cover logistics expenses in the event of visits. To begin with, Christmas became a celebration of God’s bounty, as we began distribution of the Christmas presents for children in 16 institutions in and close to Kumamoto prefecture. We were at about 70% of need (30% short) when we began dividing the gifts into the sixteen stations at Powlas (Nursing) Home here at Jiaien. Two hours later, we confirmed that we had a bounty, and not a deficit of about 30%. God blessed the work by multiplying the gifts before our eyes even as we were distributing. Last year’s Christmas gifts for the children included wooden toys made by Davis Crater of Minnesota and another gentleman, Louis, from Arizona. Later, we heard that Davis’ battle with cancer ended in late January, as he was called home into the Eternal presence of our Lord and Savior. At his wife’s request, a memorial gift was used to repair, paint and upgrade two rooms at the children’s center at Jiaien in his memory. These two rooms had been an eyesore, and in any other country would have been condemned. We were also able to replace light switches, which were a fire hazard. Now it is repaired, and the pathway to the infirmary is brighter and clean. We pray for God’s comfort to strengthen and bless the family of Davis Crater. As Japanese laws concerning the care of children change, there has been a push to incorporate Nursery schools with Kindergartens. Called “Kodomo-en” or Children’s Gardens, (isn’t that what Kindergarten means?) many kindergartens, including Kuwamizu Kindergarten, have had to upgrade their facilities to accommodate babies from six months old. As the school year begins the beginning of April, Kuwamizu Kindergarten has completed a new facility for $ 700,000. Additional playground equipment will give the 140 children many opportunities to share, explore and grow. From Winter to Spring, we have been blessed with time to repair and to rebuild. Part of ministry is providing a safe worshipping environment. Our pews at Kuwamizu Church are very old, and in my opinion, uncomfortable. As a preacher, I do not have to sit there very often. To the members of the church, the old pews are sacred. Many people have sat in them and offered prayers there. They are also falling apart. Many are in disrepair. Part of being a missionary here is to safely welcome people into God’s house! “Maintenance” is not a well-known word in this country! We will see what can reasonably be done! We have continually been blessed with new opportunities for ministry in every area of our ministry. The International Church ministry is also in a time of transition. Our Indonesian Pastor will be returning to home with her family, and we are sending back to America two missionaries who have worshipped and led worship for us. One will be going into Seminary, and another will become a librarian. They have been a blessing to us. We welcome three new missionaries who are called to teach English at the Lutheran Schools here in Kumamoto as short term missionaries (two years teaching). As we approach Easter, we thank God for the amazing gift and sacrifice of His Son, Jesus Christ, who suffered and died to make fellowship with God possible, and to give us not only a new lease on life, but to give us eternal life in God’s presence. Next week, we will celebrate this amazing gift with many services, and then join once again in the celebration of Jesus’ Resurrection. We remember with thanksgiving your commitment and faithfulness in ministry and mission, as you continue to support us with your prayers and your gifts. May God richly bless each of you in your mission of outreach and encouragement in the Name of Jesus. Celebrating Jesus, who gave His life for us, Nathan & Sharonette Bowman Pictures relating to this letter can be found on the bulletin board outside the Fellowship Hall SAVE THE DATE OF AUGUST 9 AS NATHAN & SHARONETTE BOWMAN ARE COMING TO KING OF GLORY 1 - Kristine Shannon 2 - Alice Nelson 6 - Dan Price 8 - Jasmine Bielke Jim Davis 9 - Mark Enger Dylan Greany Kirsten Lagomarsino Dale Sharp Duane Thompson 11 - Sierra Bush 12 - Sharlene Harvey 14 - Emma Dillon Lyman Larson Kellyn Owens Erika Thompson 15 - John Amos Susan Holm 16 - James Niebergall 17 - Marilyn Brown Mattie Cupps John Freeney 18 - Angie Tinker 20 - Greg Olson 21 - Judy Frost Benjamin Price George Trytten 22 - Samuel Wildeman 23 - Todd Kraft 24 - Jill Schmoll Darrell Werries 25 - Christopher Amos Katelyn Loy 29 - Jacob Bradstreet Brandi Molyneux Kevin Winsauer 30 - Helen Gregory Melinda Walters HAPPY ANNIVERSARY 1 - Dave/Rebecca Meyer 2 - Lonnie/Mary Holloway 7- John/Tamara Fadgen Dale/Norma Krick 8 - Bob/Kay Foster Dale/Helen Sharp 11 - Joe/Bonnie Molyneux Robert/Deedra Pedersen 16 - Bob/Christine Grund Roger/Beverly Siefkes 18 - Tom/Corinne Janstrom 19 - Frank/Gen Boguslawski 26 - Steve/Patricia Wargo Our Condolences to. . . Dale & Donna Knittel, family and friends on the death of Donna’s father, Donald Drill, who died on February 26. ***The Social Ministry Committee would like the congregation to honor our home-bound members in the month of their respective birthdays or anniversary. We ask our members to either send them a card, or perhaps a phone call, letting them know they are a part of the congregation and we have not forgotten them. Leah Holstine, family and friends on the death of her husband, Leland “Lee”, on March 4. Dick & Ann Sansgaard, Kari Sansgaard, Maren and Rachel Brendefur, family and friends on the death of Ann’s mother, Virginia Peterson on March 6. Asukulu & Charlene Etoka, family and friends on the death of Asukulu’s twin brother Mmunja. Dave & Becky Meyer, family and friends on the death of Becky’s father, Jack Radcliffe, on March 11. Bob & Glena Norris, family and friends on the death of Glena’s father, Eldon Black, on March 17. And also to others who lost loved ones Please help your church office to be as efficient and helpful as possible by keeping the following in mind: The Glory News -- All information for the monthly newsletter, is due in the church office by the 15th of each month. Please send your article to [email protected]. Late articles will be added to the next publication. Office Hours -- Monday through Friday -- 8:30 am to 3:00 pm. The church staff meets at 11:00 am on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday, and also during our lunch hour from Noon - 1:00 pm, the phone will not be answered and will go into voicemail. Bulletin Announcements -- All announcements for the weekly bulletin are due in the church office by Thursday, Noon. Voicemail & Email -- All voicemail & email messages will be answered as soon as possible. Messages left after 3:00 pm on Friday will be returned on the next business day. Do we have your email address? If not please call the church office at 377-0220 or email [email protected]. This has become such a widely used method of communication and we want to make sure we keep up to date. Thank you! STAFF Pastor -- Kari Sansgaard - [email protected] Vicar -- Anne Palma - [email protected] Ministry Coordinator -- Julia Bennett - [email protected] Director of Music Ministries -- Laurann Taylor - [email protected] Director of Choirs -- Seth McMullen - [email protected] Administrative Assistant -- Linda Novey - [email protected] The youth that are attending the Gathering in Detroit would like to say a HUGE THANK YOU to our congregation. You have been generous and supportive to help us make our trip in July happen: •At the Shrove breakfast we served around 170 people and made around $1,200. We were also able to bring leftover sausage, pancakes, eggs and fruit to the Boise Mission, as well as bag leftovers for some congregation members. •Some people are supporting us through Dollars for Doers. If you need any jobs done (i.e. yard work, cleaning, moving etc.) we are available! •THANK YOU to Connie Winsauer - master pie maker! She and her minions (Jeanette, John & Jordan Wallace , Todd, Peter, Ben & Noah Dean-Erlander, Therese & Lena Etoka, Rachel Brendefur, Kari Sansgaard, Heidi & Liam Freeney, and Claire & Erik Vaage) made 100 pies on Saturday and sold them on Sunday. Over $700 was raised for Luther Heights Bible Camp scholarships. Thank you to all of you who sacrificed a little bit of your waistlines and money to make a BIG difference!! •SAVE THE DATE - Saturday, April 18. Detroit ELCA Youth Gathering Dinner & Auction. We are "Revved Up for Detroit"! •DOES anyone in the congregation own a CLASSIC CAR they would like to show off? The theme for our youth fundraiser dinner & talent show is "REVVED UP FOR DETROIT". We would love to have some cars at our event to celebrate the evening. Contact Wendy Dillon or Erica Sarrazolla. ~~~~~ The Social Ministry Committee sincerely thanks you for your continued support of our local food banks through your generous monthly food donations. Fourteen sacks and four large boxes of groceries and one bag of personal care products were delivered to Hope Lutheran Church Food Bank during the month of February. Thank you for your ongoing commitment to help banish hunger. ~~~~~ Dear Brothers & Sisters in Christ, Your kind generosity collecting food to donate to Give Hope Food Pantry is truly appreciated. As you know, the need is great and we can use all the help we can get. Debra Dean ~~~~~ Dear Prayer Shawl Group, The prayer shawl given to Frank was beautiful. We loved learning about the symbolism of the colors and stitches. We thank you for the love put into making the shawl and for your special ministry. Family of Frank Hertzog, Debbie, Christian & Karli, and Jeremy ~~~~~ Thank you for your generous gift to ELCA World Hunger. With this gift we seek to support sustainable solutions to care for those most affected by hunger and poverty. ~~~~~ Elaine, from Mountain Home called thanking KOG’s quilters for the quilt given to her from the Red Cross following a house fire. She was extremely grateful for the wonderful quilt she received in her time of stress. ~~~~~ Dear King of Glory Members, Thank you for your prayers, many cards and food as I recover. My leg is healing well. I feel blessed to have your support. Love, Cathie Olson ~~~~~ For gifts of flowers which brightened our homes, for gifts of food which nourished and sustained us, for your presence at Virginia's funeral, and for your memorial gifts to Mendenhall Ministries, we thank you, friends from King of Glory. We have felt surrounded by your love and kindness. Gratefully, Pastor Kari and family; Ann and Dick Sansgaard and family ~~~~~ The staff wishes to thank members of the congregation for their generous Christmas gift. We are truly blessed to work for a caring and thoughtful congregation. ~~~~~ Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, Thank you so much for the cards, flowers, food, home visits and prayers during this hard time of the loss of a loved one - Mmunga Jules, Asukulu’s twin brother who lived in Congo. Our family has been comforted and blessed in many ways. The Etoka Family ~~~~~ I wish to thank members of the congregation who showered me with birthday greetings, cards and gifts. I know I am truly blessed. Linda Novey
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