Note: Data in the portal is not real-time

Welcome to the Duravit USA customer portal
This web portal is intended as a tool for our customers to find useful data in a
simple, user-friendly web format that is accessible 24/7. We hope you find it to be an
asset and we welcome your feedback on it’s usefulness.
Please note: Data in the portal is not real-time. While Duravit USA makes every
effort to include current data, no guarantees can be made regarding the timeliness of
this data.
The first step is to login to the portal with your email address and the password
provided to you by your Duravit representative.
If you do not have a password yet, you can click the link on the login page titled
“Request a login for your company”, or contact Chuck Neese at (770) 931-3575.
If you have forgotten your password, just click the link titled “Forgot your
Next page …
Then enter your email address, and the password will be sent to you.
Next, you can check the information your looking for like Order Status, Stock Status,
or Credit information for your company … just click any of the links on the Menu at
the top of the page…
Note: some links (Employee Logins, Credit Summary, Credit Detail may only display
information for Company Administrators. If you are not allowed access to this
information it may be due to your login status. If you need access to this
information, please request that your Company Administrator change your login
Employee Logins
If you are a Company Administrator you can use the “Employee Logins” to setup
others in your company for access to the portal.
• Just enter the name that you want to appear at the top of each page for this
user, their email address, and a password for the user.
• Then choose the user’s Status … the user can be another “Company
Administrator” (with access to all the info in the portal for this company,
including ability to add other users for this company), or a “Customer” (with
access to limited info in the portal, like Order Status and Stock Status).
• Next you can specifically choose which items this user should have access to
in the portal (regardless of Status). Just check the items this user should see.
• Then click the button “Add/Save Changes” and you’re done
Order Status
This page allows you to view a list of orders for your company. You can filter the list
by “All Orders”, “Open Orders”, or “Closed Orders” ... by choosing your preference in
the “Specify Order Type:” field.
You can also send a copy of the displayed list of orders to any valid email address by
entering the address in 'Email this list to:', then click the Search Orders button.
Stock Status
This page allows you to view current stock status. You can view all current stock
items in the list when the page initially loads (you can scroll through the entire list),
or you can filter the items displayed.
You can easily search for any particular item … see next page.
To search for a specific item …
Enter your search criteria (Article Number, Description or Category) in whole
or in part.
Then click the Search button.
To get back to the complete list of products from a filtered list, just leave the filter
field blank and click the Search button.
Credit Summary
This page allows you to see a summary of credit information for your company (if
your Login account gives you this privilege). Again, bear in mind that data in the
portal is NOT real-time.
Credit Detail
This page allows you to see detailed credit information for your company (if your
Login account gives you this privilege). Again, bear in mind that data in the portal is
NOT real-time.
You may continue to browse between all the pages described above using the Menu
at the top of the page. When you are finished browsing the portal, just click “Log
Out” to end your session.