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ZOEMED CLINIC 460 West Hunt Club, Suite 106 (Corner of Merivale Rd) 613-820-3694 Serving you from two locations McEvoy Shields Funeral Home & Chapel 1411 Hunt Club Rd. 613-737-7900 Racine, Robert & Gauthier Funeral Home & Chapel 180 Montreal Rd. 613-241-3680 Accounting, Bookkeeping and Personal Income Tax Management Consulting Tel: 613 745 0997; Mob: 613 614 1951 [email protected] Antranik Boghossian B. Sc. Pharm. Bell Pharmacy Gladstone Ave Tel.: 613-234-1890 2670 Stevenage Dr. Tel.: 613-737-6534 737 ON. K1R 6X4 Fax: 613-234-2568 Ottawa, ON. K1G 5N2 Fax: 613-737-2083 Ottawa,Hours: Mon. - Fri. 9:00 A.M. - 8:00 P.M. www.carconnect.com Sat. - Sun. 10.00 A.M. - 6:00P.M. تذاكر أأ ِّ ّمنا البار ِّة مر َمي املرصيّة َ ن ُقمي فيه: ا ألحد اخلامس من الصوم يليوس اكهن كنيسة أأنكره َ تذاكر القد ِّّيس الشهي ِّد يف الكهن ِّة ابس َ و ليرتجيّا القدّيس ابس يليوس الكبري FAMILY DENTIST DR.G. KASSIS 1596 Walkley Rd. Next to The License Bureau 613 - 738 - 1763 SECURITY CONTROLS INC. Acme — Future Security Controls 2170 Thurston, Ottawa, ON. 613-526-4224 INDUSTRIAL ALLIANCE INSURANCE AND FINANCIAL SERVICES Paul Orfali, M.G.A 5330 Canotek Rd., Unit 39 Ottawa Tel.: 613-745-0545 Fax: 613-745-6010 March 22 Fifth Sunday of Lent Commemoration of our Venerable Mother, Mary of Egypt. Commemoration of the Holy Hieromartyr Basil, Priest of the church of Ancyra 2015 ACME~FUTURE STS. PETER AND PAUL MELKITE GREEK CATHOLIC CHURCH 1161 NORTH RIVER ROAD, OTTAWA, ON K1K 3W5 CANADA Tel: (613) 746-6091 ● Cell: 613-252-6062 ● Cell: (613) 252-9333 E-mail address: [email protected] * FAX: 613-749-7396 Parish Web Page: www.melkite.com Page to “like” on facebook: Sts. Peter and Paul Greek Melkite Catholic church - Ottawa Year 25 No 12 NEW YEAR Moe C. Saab 181 McArthur, Vanier Joe Barake Elias Abou Hamad, B.B.A. A SUCCESSFUL AND GLORIOUS Cellphone: 613-292-0123 Email : [email protected] Web :www.clientfirstgroup.ca RESTAURANT & PIZZERIA 613-739-9431 613-841-9134 Connect.com BULLETIN 2015 1221 Kilborn Ave. WISH YOU Michel Abboud 613-822-2221 GAS CENTR 1057 Cyrville Rd. Ottawa, ON K1J 7S3 613-745-1886 Custom Draperies ● Valences ● Swags The Preferred Workroom Houda Abboudy COMPLIMENTS OF SAAB MELKITE Ottawa, ON K1H 8L4 Tel.: 613-521-5451 JEAN NASSAR AND MARC NASSAR. 613 - 695 - 5561 1500 BANK ST. IN THE BLUE HERON MALL Suite 1100-200 Elgin St. 782 GLADSTONE AVE TEL: 613-233-3437 خياطة برادي OTTAWA, ON. K1R 6X7 FAX: 613-238-5742 Our complete inventory online @ mbauto.com 2450 Lancaster Rd., Unit 43 محمصة أوتاوا )(عاجوري إخوان WE WILL WAIVE THE $ 2 CO-PAY ON ALL ODB ELIGIBLE PRESCRIPTIONS Christopher . Obagi, LL.B. المحامي كريستوفر عبجي OF TASTE! FREE DELIVERY __________________________________ EPARCHY SAINT SAUVEUR OF MONTREAL FOR THE GREEK-MELKITE CATHOLICS IN CANADA MOST REV. IBRAHIM M. IBRAHIM EPARCHIAL BISHOP 10025 BOUL. DE L’ACADIE, MTL., QC. H4N 2S1 CLERGY OF THE PARISH ARCHIMANDRITE MAKARIOS WEHBI B.S.O. PASTOR PASTORAL ACTIVITIES ORGANIZATION Children’s Catechism (Oct. to May): “Sts Peter and Paul Church: Every Saturday 4:00 p.m., Parish Council” Child Focused Liturgy with Parents 6:30 p.m. “Ladies Auxiliary” TCG (teenager Catholic Group 13-15): “Monsignor Habib Kwaiter Meeting every Friday at 6:00 p.m. to 7:30 Scholarship Foundation” MCYO (Melkite Catholic Youth Organization “Melkite Catholic Youth Organization” ALL PARISHIONERS 16 & over): meeting every second Friday 8 p.m. Arabic Bible Study: every Wednesday 7:30p.m. Please notify us immediately of any change of address or phone number in order to keep Choir / Evangelical Prayers / Pastoral Visits. our records updated OFFICE HOURS Monday to Friday 9:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Church Secretary, Mrs. MONA OBAGI SCHEDULE OF SERVICES Sunday Divine Liturgy: 11:00 a.m. Your generosity is very much appreciated Sunday Offerings Basket Collection Mass Offerings Wednesday & Thursday Divine Liturgy: 6:30 p.m. Wedding Donations Saturday Divine Liturgy: 6:30 p.m. Candles BOOKSTORE & GIFT SHOP Bulletin Ads Open every Sunday 12:00 to 1:30 p.m. & Weekdays by request TOTAL $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 683.00 270.00 50.00 500.00 300.00 166.00 550.00 $ 2,519.00 Antiphon Prayer O Lord God, You examine the inner heart. You know our concerns before they emerge into being. You saved Mary of Egypt from the tribulations of this earth, for she had recourse to You. We implore You to purify our hearts and to make us temples of Your Holy Spirit and rich in virtues, so that we may glorify You by hymns of praise and good works. For You are our God, and to You are due all glory, honour and worship, Father, Son and Holy spirit, now and always and forever and ever. Amen. صالة ا ألنديفونة ُ القلوب و لق ِّد اختطففف َ مفن،موران لكها قَ ْب َل أأن تكون ِّ عامق َ الفاحص أأ أأُّيه ا ه ُ الرب الإهل َ العارف أأ ِّ اضطر َ هفيفاو لفرو ِّح َ رض ُع ا َ اابت احلياة َمن ل َ َجأَ ْت ا َ فك وتُفهفه َِّفران،إليك أأن تُطهّ َِّر قلوبَنا َ َ فن.إليك الشفكفر َ وإاليك نرف ُع اجملفدَ و. سابيح وا ألعاملِّ الصاحلة ِّ فنُ ِّّعه ُم َك ابلت،غنياء ابلفضائل َ و أأ،القدّوس ال آ َن وو أأو ٍان وإاىل دهف ِّر، الصاحل واحمليي، ورو ِّحك القدهوس،زيل ّ وإاىل أأبيك ا أل،والسجود .أآمني.ادلاهرين ********************************** )نش يد القيامة (ابللحن الثامن فيا حياتنا، ليك تعتقنا من الآلم،ادلفن ثالث َة أأايم َ ا َ َ وقبل،إحندرت من العال ِّء أأُّيا املتحنن . اي رب اجملد كل،وقيامتنا Troparion of the Resurrection (8th Tone) O Merciful One, Who came down from on high and endured burial for three days, in order to save us from suffering. O our Life and our Resurrection, glory to You. )نش يد البارة (اللحن الثامن ِّ ِّ فقد أأ. أأيُتُ ا ا ُل هم مرمي،فيك ُح ِّف َه صور ُة هللا بتدقيق ،ليب وتبع ِّ املس يح َ خذت الص ِّ أأيُتُ ا، فذلكل تبُتج رو ُحك. والإهامت َم ابلنفس ألَّنا خادلة،وعلم ِّ ابلعمل اإهام َل اجلسد ألنه زائل . مع املالئكة،البارة ّ Troparion of St. Mary (8th Tone) In you, O Mother Mary, the faithful image of God shone forth, for you carried your cross and followed Christ. You taught by your deed how to spurn the body, for it passes away, and how to value the soul, for it is immortal. Wherefore your soul is forever in happiness with the angels. Come, let us sing to the Lord; let us make a joyful noise to the rock of our salvation! Let us come into his presence with thanksgiving; let us make a joyful noise to him with songs of praise )نش يد شفيعي الكنيسة القديسني بطرس وبولس (ابللحن الثاين اإشفعا اإىل س يد اللك أأن مينفح املسفكفونفة. ومعلام املسكونة،أأُّيا املتقدمان يف الكريس عىل الرسل . ولنفوس نا عهمي الرمحة، السالم )54-ب23/01( إجنيل البشري ّ فصل رشيف من بشارة القديس مرقس ال ُ َ أأخ َذ يسو ُع،ذكل الزمان َ يف "هفا حنفن:وطفق يقول هلم ما س يعرض هل َ ،تالميذه الإثين عرش ِّ َ ِّ ِّفيحمكون عليفه ابملفوت ،ُسَل اإىل رؤساء الكهنة والكتبة ِّ ابن الب ُ و،صاعدون اإىل ُأورشل َمي ُ رش سي َ َ ِّ ُ ." ويف اليو ِّم الثالث يفقفوم، ويَقتلون َه،يبصقون عليه و، وجيدلون َه، فهيز ُأون به،وي ُسلمون َه اإىل المم َ ّ ِّ "اي:يعقوب ويوحنا ابنا زبدى قائلَني َ ففقفال." نريدُ أأن تصن َع لنا و ما نسفأأ ُكل،معَل ُ فتقد َم اإليه ِّ آ َ َ خفر عفن ِّ "ماذا تر:هلام ُ "ه َْب لنا أأن جي َلس أأحدُ ان عن ميينفك وال:ُيدان أأ ْن أأصن َع لكام؟" قال هل ُ َ َ َ أ ت أ أ رشفاب الفس َس ِّ َ أ س ت.َعلامن ما تطلبان ِّ "اإنكام ل ت: فقال هلام يسوع."ي َسارِّكَ يف جم ِّدك َ طيعان أن ت َ َصطبِّغا ابلصبغَة اليت أ َ و أأن ت،اليت أأرشُبُ ا أأان ففقفا َل لفهُفام." "نَس تَفطفيفع:ُأصط ِّب ُغ ُبا أأان؟" فقال هل َ َ والصبغ ُة اليت َأصط ِّب ُغ ُبفا ففت، " أأما السأ ُس اليت أأرشُبُ ا فتَرشابَّنِّ ا:ي َسوع و أأمفا.فصفطفبِّفغفان ُبفا فرشف ُة َ فلمفا َ ِّمف َع الف َع."فليس يل أأ ْن ُأعط َيه بل هو لذل َين ُأ ِّعد لهُم َ اجللوس عن يَميين أأو ي َساري ُ َ َ أ ُ َغض ي يوح ون َأرا ِّكفنَف َة د ع ي اذلين ن أ مون ل َع ت " :هلم ل وقا ع يسو عامه َفد .ا ن و عقوب ي عىل بون ا ّ َ َ َ َُ َ َ َ َ أأخَذو بل َمفن أأرا َد أأن. و أأما يف ما بينمك فال يَ ُك ْن هكذا.طون علهيم ،ا ُل َم ِّم ي َسودوَّنُ م َ وعهامءمه يتسل َ فاإن ا َبن. يكون لل َجميع ِّ عَبدً ا،صري فيمك ا ألو َل َ َ و َمن أأرا َد أأن ي. يكون لمك خا ِّد ًما،كبريا ً كون فيمك َ َي ."فداء عن َكثريين ِّ ال َ ول َي ُبذ َل،إنسان مل يأأ ِّت ل ُيخدَ م بل ل َيخدُ م ً نفس ُه Troparion (2nd Tone) O Peter and Paul, higher in rank than any other apostle, doctors of the world, intercede with the Master of All that He may give peace to the world and great mercy to us all. )قنداق اخلتام لوادلة الإهل (ابللحن الثامن أ وقد أنقذان، ونقدّم الشكر كل، اي قائدة قاهرة، نكتب كل أآايت الغلبة،حنن عبيدك اي وادلة الإهل : ليك نرصخ اإليك، أأعتقينا من أأصناف اخملاطر،العزة اليت ل حتارب ّ لكن مبا أأ ّن كل،من الشدائد .اإفريح اي عروسة ل عروس لها Last Kontakion of Our Lady The Mother of God (8th Tone) We are your own, O Mother of God! We dedicate to you our songs of victory as a means of thanksgiving, for you have delivered us from all tribulations. Since your light is invincible, save us from every danger so that we may cry out to you: “Hail, O Bride and Maiden ever-pure!” *********************************** َ و اذلين ه.أأنذروا و أأوفُوا الرب اإلهَنا .حوهل يَأأتون ُبدااي هللا ي . وا ُمه عه يمي يف إايئائيل.معروف يف ُّيوذا ُ )25-22 /9( فصل من رساةل القديس بولس الرسول اإىل العربانيني أ آ ِّ مكل الغ ِّري املصنو ِّع اجتاز ِّ ابملسكن ا ألعه ِّم وال ً جاء َ و،حربا للخريات التية ِّ َ اإن املس َيح اذلي،اي اإخوة ٍ بل، ليس بد ِّم تيوس وجعول،قداس مر ًة واحدة َ دخ َل ا أل، أأي اذلي ليس من هذه اخلليقة،بيد ْ ٍ ِّ َ ْ ٍ ، ألنه اإن اكن د ُم ثري ٍان وتيوس ورما ُد جعَل يُ َر هش عىل ال َمنَجسني.بداي فداء أأ ا ً فوجد،بد ِّمه اخلاص ،نفسه ِّهلل بال عيب ِّ ف ُي ِّّقد ُسهم َ زيل ّ ِّ اذلي قر َب ابلرو ِّح ا أل، فمك اب ألحرى د ُم املس يح،لتطهري اجلسد .احلي َ يُ َطهّ ُِّر َ مضريمك من ا ألعاملِّ امل ّيتَ ِّة لتَع ُبدوا ّ هللا .ه ََُل نبُتج ابلرب وَّنُ ِّل ّل َّلل خم ِّل ّ ِّصنا . وابملزامري َّنُ ِّل ّل هل،ل ُنبا ِّدر اإىل وهجه ابلإعرتاف Make vows to the Lord your God, and perform them; let all who are around him bring gifts to the one who is awesome. In Judah God is known, his Name is great in Israel. A Reading from the Epistle of St. Paul to the Hebrews (9:11-14 Brothers and sisters, when Christ came as a high priest of the good things that have come, then through the greater and perfect tent (not made with hands, that is, not of this creation), he entered once for all into the Holy Place, not with the blood of goats and calves, but with his own blood, thus obtaining eternal redemption. For if the blood of goats and bulls, with the sprinkling of the ashes of a heifer, sanctifies those who have been defiled so that their flesh is purified, how much more will the blood of Christ, who through the eternal Spirit offered himself without blemish to God, purify our conscience from dead works to worship the living God! ****************************** The Holy Gospel according to St. Mark the Evangelist (10: 32b-45) At that time, Jesus took the twelve aside again and began to tell them what was to happen to him, saying, ‘See, we are going up to Jerusalem, and the Son of Man will be handed over to the chief priests and the scribes, and they will condemn him to death; then they will hand him over to the Gentiles; they will mock him, and spit upon him, and flog him, and kill him; and after three days he will rise again.’ James and John, the sons of Zebedee, came forward to him and said to him, ‘Teacher, we want you to do for us whatever we ask of you.’ And he said to them, ‘What is it you want me to do for you?’ And they said to him, ‘Grant us to sit, one at your right hand and one at your left, in your glory.’ But Jesus said to them, ‘You do not know what you are asking. Are you able to drink the cup that I drink, or be baptized with the baptism that I am baptized with?’ They replied, ‘We are able.’ Then Jesus said to them, ‘The cup that I drink you will drink; and with the baptism with which I am baptized, you will be baptized; but to sit at my right hand or at my left is not mine to grant, but it is for those for whom it has been prepared.’ When the ten heard this, they began to be angry with James and John. So Jesus called them and said to them, ‘You know that among the Gentiles those whom they recognize as their rulers lord it over them, and their great ones are tyrants over them. But it is not so among you; but whoever wishes to become great among you must be your servant, and whoever wishes to be first among you must be slave of all. For the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life a ransom for many.’ *********************** ! من أآمن يب و إان مات فس يحيا Sunday, March 22, 2015 Memorial Divine Liturgy : Mariam Eid Fawaz (40 days), requested by her daughter Dalal Fawaz Mezher( Ziad) and her son Simon Fawaz (Jeanette) and families. Marie Rahal Boulos (one year), George and Elie Boulos, requested by Bechara and Tony Boulos and Aida Baliki (Samir) and families. Louis Saad, Rita Saad Khalife and the martyr Joseph Saad, requested by Rosette Saad and family Assaf Gebara (2 years) requested by Renée Gebara, her children and family !فليكن ذكرمه مؤبدا ********************************** Baptism At 1:30 p.m.: Eli Matar son of Fayek Matar and Mireya Santana Garcia Congratulations to the proud parents and godparents! ************************************* Sunday April 13, 2014 Palm Sunday Solemn Divine Liturgy at 11:00 a.m. followed by the procession And at 4:00 p.m. BAKE SALE Following the Liturgy, the Ladies Auxiliary will hold their annual BAKE SALE event. Many varieties of our delicious sweets and pastries, "HALAWIYAT" will be displayed for sale that day. Thanks to your donations and support, the "BAKE SALE" has always been a successful fund raiser to our church. ******************************** FLOWERS Many parishioners have held to the beautiful tradition of bringing flowers for HOLY WEEK and EASTER. If you plan to bring some, yourself, may we suggest that they be brought to the church Wednesday or Thursday morning in order to give us enough time for their arrangement .
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