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TM Office: 613.860.7355 Mobile:613.327.4450 Fax: 613.745.7976 Www.WeGuaranteeHomeSales.com [email protected] جوزيت حنالوي 1596 Walkley Rd. Next to The License Bureau 613 - 738 - 1763 A to Z Fine Contracting 2609 Fenton Rd. Unit # 100 Ottawa, ON. K1T 3N3 Tel.: 613-793-8922 [email protected] Bell Pharmacy Joe Barake Gladstone Ave Tel.: 613-234-1890 2670 Stevenage Dr. Tel.: 613-737-6534 737 ON. K1R 6X4 Fax: 613-234-2568 Ottawa, ON. K1G 5N2 Fax: 613-737-2083 Ottawa,Hours: Mon. - Fri. 9:00 A.M. - 8:00 P.M. www.carconnect.com Sat. - Sun. 10.00 A.M. - 6:00P.M. DR.G. KASSIS Looking for a family doctor? Elias Allaham B. Sc. Pharm. FAMILY DENTIST RESTAURANT & PIZZERIA is now accepting new patients. ZOEMED CLINIC 460 West Hunt Club, Suite 106 (Corner of Merivale Rd) 613-820-3694 Antranik Boghossian Connect.com 2015 Moe C. Saab Dr. Jak Nehmé Accounting, Bookkeeping and Personal Income Tax Management Consulting Tel: 613 745 0997; Mob: 613 614 1951 [email protected] HAPPY NEW YEAR Cellphone: 613-292-0123 Email : [email protected] Web :www.clientfirstgroup.ca Carpet . Rugs . Vinly . Hardwood Laminates . Ceramics . Coek Window Coverings California Shutters Tony khoury : Manager, Cell: 613 282 0052 740 Industrial Ave. Ottawa, ON., K1G 4H3 Ph.: 613 739 1790; Fax: 613 739 4595 www.alexanian.com 613-739-9431 613-841-9134 Elias Abou Hamad, B.B.A. Josette Nahlawi / Sales Representative to Hamid Riahi 613-822-2221 181 McArthur, Vanier GAS CENTR 1057 Cyrville Rd. Ottawa, ON K1J 7S3 WISH YOU Michel Abboud Pierre Baliki, CFP, CLU, CH.F.C. Certified Financial Planner SAAB 613-745-1886 782 GLADSTONE AVE TEL: 613-233-3437 خياطة برادي OTTAWA, ON. K1R 6X7 FAX: 613-238-5742 Our complete inventory online @ mbauto.com 2450 Lancaster Rd., Unit 43 1221 Kilborn Ave. Ottawa, ON K1H 8L4 Tel.: 613-521-5451 JEAN NASSAR AND MARC NASSAR. 613 - 695 - 5561 1500 BANK ST. IN THE BLUE HERON MALL Custom Draperies ● Valences ● Swags The Preferred Workroom Houda Abboudy MIKE BARAKE WE WILL WAIVE THE $ 2 CO-PAY EPARCHY SAINT SAUVEUR OF MONTREAL FOR THE GREEK-MELKITE CATHOLICS IN CANADA MOST REV. IBRAHIM M. IBRAHIM EPARCHIAL BISHOP 10025 BOUL. DE L’ACADIE, MTL., QC. H4N 2S1 CLERGY OF THE PARISH ARCHIMANDRITE MAKARIOS WEHBI B.S.O. PASTOR PASTORAL ACTIVITIES ORGANIZATION Children’s Catechism (Oct. to May): “Sts Peter and Paul Church: Every Saturday 4:00 p.m., Parish Council” Child Focused Liturgy with Parents 6:30 p.m. “Ladies Auxiliary” TCG (teenager Catholic Group 13-15): “Monsignor Habib Kwaiter Meeting every Friday at 6:00 p.m. to 7:30 Scholarship Foundation” MCYO (Melkite Catholic Youth Organization “Melkite Catholic Youth Organization” ALL PARISHIONERS 16 & over): meeting every second Friday 8 p.m. Arabic Bible Study: every Wednesday 7:30p.m. Please notify us immediately of any change of address or phone number in order to keep Choir / Evangelical Prayers / Pastoral Visits. our records updated OFFICE HOURS Monday to Friday 9:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Church Secretary, Mrs. MONA OBAGI SCHEDULE OF SERVICES Sunday Divine Liturgy: 11:00 a.m. BULLETIN 2015 MELKITE محمصة أوتاوا )(عاجوري إخوان __________________________________ ON ALL ODB ELIGIBLE PRESCRIPTIONS Christopher . Obagi, LL.B. المحامي كريستوفر عبجي OF TASTE! 1010 BELFAST RD. AT ST. LAURENT FREE DELIVERY Health Smart PHARMACY Your generosity is very much appreciated Sunday Offerings $ 753.00 Basket Collection $ 555.00 Mass Offerings $ 770.00 Baptism $ 300.00 Wednesday & Thursday Divine Liturgy: 6:30 p.m. Donations $ 150.00 Saturday Divine Liturgy: 6:30 p.m. Houses blessings $ 100.00 BOOKSTORE & GIFT SHOP Candles $ 130.00 Open every Sunday 12:00 to 1:30 p.m. Bulletin Ads $ 2,700.00 & Weekdays by request TOTAL $ 5,458.00 STS. PETER AND PAUL MELKITE GREEK CATHOLIC CHURCH 1161 NORTH RIVER ROAD, OTTAWA, ON K1K 3W5 CANADA Tel: (613) 746-6091 ● Cell: 613-252-6062 ● Cell: (613) 252-9333 E-mail address: [email protected] * FAX: 613-749-7396 Parish Web Page: www.melkite.com Page to “like” on facebook: Sts. Peter and Paul Greek Melkite Catholic church - Ottawa Year 25 No 7 February 15 Cheese-Fate Sunday Commemoration of the Holy Apostle Onesiums أحدُ مرفع ِ اجلنب ِ تذاكر القد ِيس َّالرسولِ أونيسموس ُ Antiphon Prayer Celebrant: O Creator of the universe, You fashioned Adam from the dust of the earth. You infused him with a breath of life. You gave him dominion over the earth. By the enticement of the Serpent he rebelled against Your Commandments and fell. You therefore exiled him from Paradise. But your Only-begotten Son was incarnate, endured Passion and restored us to the Garden of Eden which we had lost. We therefore implore You, at the threshold of Holy and Great Lent, to make us worthy of a sincere repentance, so that we may avoid even the resemblance of evil and abstain from carnal pleasure in order to gain You, Divine River of Paradise that quenches the thirst of our souls. Thus, having lived according to your commandments, we may share the glory of the Resurrection of Christ, our God and Saviour. For You are long-suffering, most compassionate and You call all people to salvation; and to You we render glory, honour and worship, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, now and always and forever and ever. Amen. صالة النديفونة َوسلَّط َته، ن َ َف ْح َت فيه ن َ َس َم َة حياة،لت أد َم ِمن تر ِاب الرض َ ل َ َّما َج َب، أّيُ ا ا إل ُهل الْ ُمب ِدع:املتفل فَنَ َفي َته.حرمة َ لَما عىص أ َمركَ وتناو َل، لكنَّه سقطَ ب ِغواي ِة احل َّية.عىل هذا الكون َّ من الث َّمر ِة الْ ُم عدن اليت خ َِِسانها ٍ أعادَان اإىل جن َّ ِة، ول َ َّما ََت َّسدَ مس ي ُح َك واحمت َل الل َم لج ِلنا.من الفردوس َ ِ ِ َ ِ َ ُ ل تؤه فنَ ْمتَ ِن َع،الصادقة ة ب و للت نا ن أ ،َّس د املق بعين ر ال م و الص ة عتب عىل وحنن ، إليك ا ع فنرض .دم بآ ْ َّ َ ِ َّ ِ ِ ْ َ عن الذل ِات لنَ ْح َظى ،نفوس نا الظ ْمآى ِ عن ِ ونصو َم،ك ش به رش َ أ َنت َهنر الن َّع ِمي ال ُم ْروي،بك ِ ِ ِ َلن ََّك أ َنت. اإلهِنا و ُمخل ِصنا،وإاذا ما سلكنا ُس ُب َل وصاايكَ نبل ُغ اإىل التَّمتُع ِ بآَجماد قيامة املس يح َّ َ ، وادلَّ اعي امجلي َع اإىل اخلالص،الكثري َّالرمحة ُ وكل يَنبغي ،ك جم ٍد واكرا ِم وجسود ُ ،الطوي ُل ا َلان ِة ِ . أمني.ك َأو ٍان وإاىل دَه ِر ادلَّ اهرين َّ ال َن و،وح ال ُقدُ س ُ أّيُ ا ال ُب ُ والابن و ُالر ************************************ )نش يد القيامة (ابللحن الثالث ،املوت ابملوت َ ووطىء، لن الرب صنع عز ًا بساعده. وتبهتج الرضيات،لتفرح الساموايت .ومنح العامل عظ َمي الرمحة َ ، وأنقذان من جوف اجلحمي،بكر الموات َ وصار Troparion of the Resurrection (3rd Tone) Let the heavens rejoice and the earth be glad! For the Lord has done a wondrous deed by his arm! He has crushed Death by his death becoming the first to rise from the dead. He has delivered us from the mouth of Hades and bestowed great mercy upon the world. )نش يد شفيعي الكنيسة القديسني بطرس وبولس (ابللحن الثاين اإشفعا اإىل س يد اللك أن ميناح املساكاوناة. ومعلام املسكونة،أّيا املتقدمان يف الكريس عىل الرسل . ولنفوس نا عظمي الرمحة، السالم Troparion (2nd Tone) O Peter and Paul, higher in rank than any other apostle, doctors of the world, intercede with the Master of All that He may give peace to the world and great mercy to us all. )قنداق اخلتام للرتيودي (ابللحن السادس ِ ،جري املساكني ِ ،وواهب الفطنة ،ًشدد قليب وامنحه فهاام ،أّيُ ا الهادي اإىل احلمكة ُ و ُم،ومثق ُف اجلُهَّال ُ ِ وأ،أّيُ ا الس يِد ،الارحامي ُ شفيت عن َّ أّيُ ا:الُّصاخ اإليك َّ فها أان لن ُأ ِمس َك. اي لكم َة الب،عطن الكم ًا .اإرمحن أان الواقع Kondakion of the Triodion (6th Tone) O You who guide men towards wisdom and give them intelligence and understanding, Instructor of the Ignorant and Helper of the Poor: strengthen and enlighten my heart, O Lord! O Word of God, grant that I may speak, for behold I will not keep my lips from crying out to You: “O Compassionate One, have mercy on me who have fallen!” *********************************** . ِنرموا مل ِل ِكنا ِنرموا.ِنرموا لإلهنا ِنرموا ِ ِهللوا ِ ِلِل.اي مجي َع ا ُل ِمم َص ِفقوا ابلايدي .بصوت الابهتاج ِ فص ٌل من رسا ِةل )1:41 - 44:41 ( هل روما ِ القد ِيس بو َلس َّالرسولِ اإىل أ فَلنَخلَ ْع إا َذن.اقرت َب الَّنَّ ار َ َ قد تَناىه اللَّي ُل و.اكن ِح َني أ َمنَّا َ ا َّإن اخل،إخوة َ َالص َأ َقر ُب إالَينا ال َن ِم َّما َ اي ا ُ ِ َ ِ ِ ُ أعام َل ول،السكر ُ ل ابل ُق ُصوف و، لنَسلك َّن ُسلو ًاك لئِقًا كام يف الَّنَّ ار. ون َلبَ ْس َأسل َح َة النُور،الظلمة ِ ول ِتَ تَموا ابجل َس ِد لقَضاء، ب َ ِل البَ ُسوا َّالر َّب يسو َع املس يح، ول اب ِخلصا ِم واحل ََسد،ابلْ َمضاجِ ع ِ وال َعهَر ِم َن النَّ ِاس َمن يَعتَ ِقدُ أ َّن ُهل أن.ميان فاق َبلو ُه بغ َِري ُمبا َحث َ ٍة يف الراء ِ اكن ضَ عي ًفا يف ال َ َمن.َشهَوا ِته ُ ُ ك َمن ل يآ ُك؛ ول ي َ ِد ِن اذلي ل يآ ُ ُ فال يَ ْزد َِر اذلي يآ،ك بُقو ًل ُ ُ عيف ف ِ َيآ َّ ك َ ُ يَآ ُ َّ أ َّما الض،ك ََشء ك ل ِكن َّ ُه.دين عَبدَ غَ ِريه؟ إان َّ ُه ِل َمول ُه يَثبُ ُت أو ي َس ُقط َ ل َّن،َمن يآ ُك ُ َ أ َنت َمن أ َنت اي َمن ي.هللا قد قَب ََِل .قادر أن يُث َِبتَه َ س ُيثَبَّ ُت ل َّن ٌ هللا َّ رب َ َ ِ .تولك ُت فال َأخ َْز اإىل البد .بعدكل جنِن وأن ِقذين ُ عليك اي .بيت ملج إٍا خلاليص َ ُكن يل اإلهًا ُمحا ِميًا و Sing praise to our God, sing praise! All you peoples clap your hands! Shout to God with cries of gladness. A Reading from the Epistle of St. Paul to the Romans (13/11- 14/4) Brethren, now our salvation is nearer than when we came to believe. The night is far advanced: the day is at hand. Let us therefore lay aside the works of darkness, and put on the armor of light. Let us walk becomingly as in daytime, not in revelry and drunkenness, not in debauchery and wantonness, not in strife and jealousy. But put on the Lord Jesus Christ, and as for the flesh, pay no attention to its lusts. But whoever is weak in faith, receive him without arguing about opinions. For one believe he may eat all things – but another who is weak, let him eat vegetables. Let not the one who eats despise the one who does not ; and let not the one who does not eat judge the one who does, for God has received him. Who are you to judge another’s servant? To his own master he stands or falls- but he will stand, for God is able to make him stand. In you, O Lord, I have hoped: Let me never be put to shame. In your justice, save me and deliver me. Be for me a protecting God, A sheltering house to save me. ************************************ ِ فص ٌل رش ٌيف من بشار ِة )14-41 :6( إجنيل البشري ِ القد ِيس مت ال ِ َّ وإان لَم تَغ ِفروا للن.اموي زل ِت ُُك ِ "اإن غَ َف ُرُت:قا َل َّالرب ااس ُ الس َّ ُ يَغ ِف ُر ُلُك َأيضً ا أبو ُُك،للناس زلِتِ ِ م ارون َ وإاذا ُُص ُُت فال تكونوا ُم َعب. فآبو ُُك أيضً ا ل يَغ ِف ُر ُلُك زل ِت ُُك،زلِتِ ِ م َ فاإهنَّ ُم يُانا ِك.ِسني اكلْ ُمرائني ُ احلق أ أ َّما أ َنت فاإذا ُُص َت فادهن.جر ُمه َّ .وجو َههُم ل َيظهَروا للنَّ ِاس صامئني َ قول ُلُك اإهنَّ م قد انلوا أ ِ رأ َس َك و ِ ِلئَ َّال تَظه ََر،اغسل َو َهجك ُ َ وأبوكَ اذلي ي.بيك اذلي يف اخلفيَة َ بل ل،للناس صامئًا ناظ ُار ُ رض ِ نوزا عىل ال َ يف اخلُفيَ ِة هو ُُياز ،الصادَ أ ً ل تَ ِكِنوا ُلُك ُك.يك عالني ًة َّ اوس و ُ الس ُ ُحيث يُفسد ُ ،السامء ُ ساوس ِ لكن ِ َ قون وي ً اكِنوا ُلُك ُك ِ ،قون ٌ ُحيث ل يُ ِفساد َ ِس َ الس ِار َّ نوزا يف َّ وحيث يَن ُق ُب ُ ف إان َّ ُه.ِسقون ."كون قَل ُب ُُك أيضً ا ِ َ قون ول ي ُ َ هُناكَ ي،كون َك ُِنُُك ُ َحيث ي َ الس ِار َّ ول يَن ُق ُب،ول َصدَ أ The Holy Gospel according to St. Matthew the Evangelist (6: 14-21)) The Lord said, “If you forgive men their offences, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive men their offences, neither will your Father forgive you your offences. And when you fast, do not look gloomy like the hypocrites, who disfigure their faces in order to appear to men as fasting. Amen I say to you, they have had their reward. But you, when you fast, anoint your head and wash your face, so that you may not be seen by men to fast, but by your Father, who is in secret; and your Father, who sees in secret, will reward you. Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where worm and rodent consume, and where thieves break in and steal; but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither worm nor rodent consumes, nor thieves break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there also will be your heart”. ************************ ! من أمن يب و إان مات فس يحيا Sunday, February 15, 2015 Memorial Divine Liturgy : Nelly Jabbour (40 days) requested by her children, Nadia Ibrahim Sami, Souheil, Samir, Jina, Eddy and their families. Marie Saade El-Sabbagh (40 days), Laure El-Jamous Saade requested by Ghaby and Nabil El-Sabbagh and family Tony Saydeh (9 days), Nicholas and Laurice Saydeh and Joseph Haddad, requested by Salwa Haddad and family Michel Haddad (1 year), Mtanios and Mariam Haddad, Abdo and Jolie Abi Antoun and Jacqueline Slim, requested by Renée Haddad and family Saydeh Haddad (1 year), Andraos Haddad (5years), requested by Jacquie Hatoum (Jean) and May Karam (Nick) and the family Michel Abonasara, Khalil and Helene Abonasara, requested by Moneer and Manal Abonasara and the family Georges, Eugenie and Wadih Abboudy, requested by Assaf and Houda Abboudi and family Lidia Nahas, requested by her daughter Therese (Samih Rahal) and family Sunday, February 22, 2015 Memorial Divine Liturgy : Antoine Makhoul (40 days) requested by Thérèse and her children, Elie Makhoul, Micheline Farah and Viviane Hurtubise Said Kasbari (5 years), requested by Hala and Jennifer Kasbari and family Choukrallah Saab, his parents and his siblings, Robbie Saab, George Salamani and Farid Haddad, requested by the Saab family !فليكن ذكرمه مؤبدا ************************************ Saturday, February 21, 2015 Wedding Bells Alana Awad and Imad El Ghazal Will be joined together in the Holy Mystery of Crowning at 3:00 p.m. May they be granted many years of joy & happiness! *************************************** Sunday, February 22, 2015 Lenten Lunch will be served by the Ladies Auxiliary in the church hall, following the Divine Liturgy. Please, let us all join and share together this beautiful tradition and enjoy delicious food. Tickets : Adults $ 15; Children under 10 : $ 10 ******************************************* برانمج صلوات الصوم املقدس يف كنيسة مار بطرس وبولس "رب القوات َّ صالة النوم الكربى املعروفة بصالة "اي الإثنينن الثالاثء وامخليس الساعة السادسة والنصف مساء قداس الربوجيازمينا أي القداس السابق تقديسها يوم الربعاء الساعة السادسة والنصف مساء يس بق بصالة املس بحة الساعة السادسة مساء صالة املداحئ لوادلة الإهل يوم امجلعة الساعة السادسة والنصف مساء
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