Portland On The Rideau

Portland On The Rideau
Compliments of the…
Portland Community Hall Board
Portland, Ontario
April – May 2015
Volume 1 Issue 1
We have a beautiful community here that we need to show off to
visitors and residents alike. The flowers (believe it or not) will
soon be growing and the seasonal residents and tourists will
arrive. Join us to put Portland-on-the-Rideau on the “must see”
list. All ideas and hands-on help are welcome.
Rideau Lakes Township has declared that the primary colours
for flowers this year will be red and yellow so we are making
sure to include these in our pots and beds and encourage
residents to do the same.
Portland Community Hall Board
Twp. of Rideau Lakes
Representative Councillor: Doug Good
Chair of the Hall Board
Secretary/Treasurer: Rick Long
Committee Members:
Betty James Don Burchill
Guy Barnes Heather Moodie Doug Good
Beautification Sub-Committee:
Connie Cochran
Dawn Lawson
This issue…
Be part of your community!
Portland Beautification Sub-Committee
Promoting Portland
Big Rideau Lake Association (BRLA)
Keep us in mind when you are splitting plants in the spring. We
will gratefully receive any plants you don’t need. Financial
donations are also welcome. Cheques would be payable to
Township of Rideau Lakes, marked to the attention of Sue
Dunfield – with a note that it is for the Portland
Beautification Fund. Cheques can be mailed to the Township
Office or given to either contact shown below.
Sponsor a planter, a bench or flower bed and have your
name or the name of a loved one on a plaque! $75.00 for
one year or $150.00 for three years.
Beautification is a year-round endeavor with lots of activities,
not just for the summer months. It is a challenging, creative
exercise that works with a limited contribution from the
Township but fund raising at the local level is necessary to
supplement the budget.
One of the current fund-raising activities is the ‘ICE OUT
50/50 CONTEST’. You will find the calendar at the Portland
LCBO. For a Toonie you can choose a date and time (a.m. or
p.m.). Thanks to our local LCBO for their support.
Portland on the Rideau
Historical Society
Portland Community Hall Board
Portland Docks
‘Block Briefs’ Ongoing Events,
Activities and Services
Ongoing Monthly Calendar
Upcoming & Special Events Calendars
Glancing ahead 3 months
If you have an interest, a gift, or a donation
please feel welcome to participate.
Contact: Connie Cochran at 613-272-6747
or Dawn Lawson at 613-985-6033
Visit us at… www.portlandontario.com
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Portland On The Rideau
Promoting the Portland area
Visit… www.portlandontario.com to view your newsletter
Portland, Ontario
April – May 2015
Volume 1 Issue 1
Promoting the Portland Area
How did this newsletter come about…?
The Portland Community Hall Board (PCHB) did a mail out flyer asking
people in the Portland area to come share ideas on rejuvenating the area.
Wednesday February 11th the board met in the Portland Community Hall
(PCH) with several guests attending.
Creation of a newsletter was considered to be one way to get in touch
with people and let them know of the many activities and events in the
Portland area. Portland On The Rideau newsletter is to provide
information for Ongoing Events and Activities plus Upcoming Special
Events and Activities. It will be available bi-monthly printed 6 times in a
calendar year.
If your club, committee or
organization has an activity/event
you’d like in the newsletter,
Please email your information by
the 15th of each month to…
[email protected]
Or by mail:
Carolyn Bresee
P.O. Box 135
Portland, ON
K0G 1V0
Ongoing Events and Activities Calendars provide a look at what is
happening on a regular monthly basis. Upcoming Special Events and
Activities Calendars will provide a glance at what will be coming up in the
Portland area.
The Big Rideau Lake Association (BRLA) is a non-profit organization with roots back to 1911. Located on
the Big and Lower Rideau Lakes in Eastern Ontario, the Big Rideau Lakes Association is committed to longterm environmental protection and service to all who use the lake and share its resources. The Big Rideau
Lakes Association supports programs in the areas of environment, recreation, government affairs and lake
Why Join…?
BRLA is committed to long-term environmental protection of our lake. We provide valuable services to all
who use the lake and share in its resources. Shoal markers to provide safe passage for all boaters on the lake,
the annual Canada Day fireworks display and important environmental research and advocacy are a few of
the services that rely on your membership fees. As a BRLA member, you have access to information about
issues of concern and interest related to the Big Rideau Lake community, as well as to our many social,
recreational and environmental activities centered around Cow Island, our very own “Jewel in the Lake”. Our
lake, our legacy. Be involved.
Saturday July 4, 2015
BRLA will be holding their Annual General Meeting
Location and meeting time TBA
For more information:
[email protected]
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Visit us at… www.portlandontario.com
Portland On The Rideau
Promoting the Portland area
Portland on the Rideau Historical Society
Portland, Ontario
April – May 2015
Volume 1 Issue 1
When did the train come to Portland and when did it
(PRHS) is moving forward with events, future plans and
leave? We have also been asked by the Royal Bank to
projects to identify the history of the village of Portland
document the two bank robberies, yes there were two
and the Big Rideau Lake.
bank robberies in Portland.
The Society plans to hold meetings every two months and
It is no use gathering information without passing it
intends to bring in guest speakers on the topics of interest
along and the Society plans to achieve this through
to the members. These topics will range from the history
presentations at their meetings and retaining it on our
of the lake and the village, to using/developing the website
website as a “virtual museum” for all to enjoy.
and preservation of historical documents.
If you have an interest in history, photography,
research, websites, archival abilities we need you. We
Tuesday May 12, 2015 7:00 pm The PRHS will hold its
also need you if you have a piece of Portland and/or
Annual General Meeting with a Guest Speaker.
Portland Community Hall. This is open to the public. Rideau Lakes history in your attic or in your mind. If
A future event we plan to look into is the role “The we are to record and preserve the history of our home
Landing”, now called Portland, played in the transfer of we need to start now before another generation is lost!
some 16,000 people in the Town of Perth and the
The PRHS can be contacted by calling: Doug Good
development of Bathurst District as they prepare to
613-272-5078 [email protected]
celebrate their bicentennial. Over about a four to five year
Edith Seward 613-272-2409
period settlers walked from Brockville to “The Landing”
Doug Bond 613-272-2252
and then boarded vessels to go down the lake to likely
Or by mail at: P.O. Box 1, Portland, ON K0G 1V0
what became Oliver’s Ferry, now called Rideau Ferry.
Some of those individuals may have been the original
Portland On The Rideau
founders of Portland.
Pick up your complimentary copy
Another area the society intends to embark on is research:
at various locations in the Portland area…
identifying, documenting and establishing time lines of
Portland Library
businesses in the village, like the first cheese factory in
Portland Gas station
Upper Canada, Dowsett’s Carriage Shop – which became
Len’s Cove Marina
Dowsett’s Boat Works, E.H. Bolton Lumber Co., Rothwell
Bayview Yacht Harbour
and Perrin Lumber, the storekeepers, the hotels and the
Portland Grocery Store
marinas for example Len’s Cove recently celebrated 50
years, and before that Wendell Brown operated a marina
on that location, a marina has been on the Bayview Yacht
Harbour location for about forty years (before that it was
Online at… www.portlandontario.com
the site of the Bolton Lumber Co.).
The Portland Community Hall Board is always looking for Volunteers. If you are available to help our BRLA’s 100th
Celebration on Saturday August 8, 2015… We need to hear from you! You can’t have events and people without the ability
to have food and drink! The Churches and others are being approached to determine their interest in holding
breakfasts, canteens, maybe a corn roast… or other food and drink ideas. Nothing firm on this subject has been
established. It would be nice to see Community Organizations come forward with ideas.
A Portland Historical Walk will point out where the Dowsett Boat Works was located, along with the Dowsett homes in
the village of Portland. The Portland Historical Society will be providing a display of Commemorative pieces showing
Portland and the Big Rideau Lake over the years. For info. - Contact Doug Good [email protected]
Visit us at… www.portlandontario.com
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Portland On The Rideau
Portland, Ontario
Promoting the Portland area
April – May 2015
Portland Docks
Among the Big Rideau Lake cottagers there are a number who are
concerned about the docking space in Portland, and I am asking for
your input and suggestions. I appreciate their concerns and
frustration because apparently the need to address the docking in
Portland has been on the table for a number of years with “nothing
happening”. Having been around Portland and the docks and
seeing the effect of the North winds for more than a couple of
decades, any docks for Portland have to be specifically planned,
designed and built for Portland.
The condition of the existing dock was examined last year and it’s
my understanding the findings of the condition was that it was
generally fairly sound. So I believe any discussion about additional
dockage in Portland is based on extension to the current existing
dock. Many lake users have said what a great job one of our
neighbouring municipalities have done in installing new dockage,
we can only work to ensure that we do as well.
When we talk about planning we need to try and determine the
amount of additional capacity, the potential use (more transient
cruisers, day trippers, loading/unloading by cottagers etc.), the
best layout and the impacts on adjoining residences and
businesses. Designed for protection of vessels, safety of the dock
users and contribute to the desire to wanting to visit/stay in
As I stated earlier any dock built for Portland has to be able to
stand up to strong north winds, that doesn’t just mean the visible
part, but the anchoring system to hold the dock(s) in place. An
overriding factor that cannot be forgotten is the economics of
investing tax dollars into expansion of the facility and the ‘dollar
return’ versus ‘service factor’.
To move the issue forward from the ‘nothing happening’ to at least
commencing the ‘planning stage’, I would like to hear your
thoughts and ideas of what/why and how the docks in Portland
should be extended.
I invite you to contact me at:
[email protected]
Wearing my other hat as:
Doug Good
Twp. of Rideau Lakes
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Volume 1 Issue 1
Block Briefs…
Events, Activities & Services
In the Portland area
Twp. of Rideau Lakes
Portland Branch
Library Hours
Monday: 5 – 8 pm
Wednesday: 2 – 5 pm
Friday: 9:30 am – 12:30 pm
Saturday: 1 – 4 pm
Forfar Euchre
Forfar Community Hall
7:30 pm
Light Lunch
All Welcome
Venturing in Biblical
Wednesdays at 7 pm
April 22 – Dec. 2, 2015
Portland United Church
Contact Rev. Takouhi
Forfar Strawberry Social
Sunday June 28, 2015
Starts at 4:30 pm
Forfar Community Hall
1544 Cty. Rd. 42
Portland on the Rideau
Historical Society
Annual General Meeting
With Guest Speaker
7:00 pm
Portland Community Hall
All welcome
Portland Legion
Fun Darts
7:00 pm
All welcome
Community Clothing
Portland Community Hall
Wednesdays 1 pm - 3 pm
Saturdays 10 am – 2 pm
Portland Food Bank
Portland Community Hall
1 & 3 Tuesdays
of the month
11 – 12 noon
Portland Community Hall
Board Committee
meets on the 2 Wed.
of each Month - 7:30 pm
Come on out and see
what’s going on
in the Portland area.
For more info. contact
Rick Long
Sunday May 31, 2015
The Masonic Tri-Lodge is
hosting a Ladies Night for
North Leeds Food Banks.
Proceeds go to Seeley’s
Bay, Westport, Delta and
Portland Food Banks.
1000 Islands Gananoque Casino Mondays
Complimentary Bus
Leaves Portland Hall parking lot 10 am Returns @ 4 pm
Casino Bus Shuttle to Rideau Carleton.
1 Tues. of the month.
Leaves Portland Hall 8:30 am Returns @ 5pm
$14.50 return trip. Echo Tours 1-800-667-0210
Visit us at… www.portlandontario.com
Pot Luck
Thursday April 23, 2015
5:30 pm Social 6:00 pm Supper
Presentation by Doug Bond
“The Homes of Portland”
Portland Community Hall
Yard Sale
Saturday May 16, 2015
starting at 8 A.M.
Portland On The Rideau
Ongoing Monthly Events & Activities
Casino Bus Shuttle
to Rideau Carleton
1 Tues. of the month
Leave Portland Hall
8:30 am Return 5 pm
Anglican Church
Service 8:30 am
United Church
Service 9:15 am
Gananoque Casino Bus
Leaves Portland Hall
10 am – Returns 4 pm
10 – 11 am Seniors 50+
Exercise Portland Hall
Emmanuel Anglican Church
Gananoque Casino Bus
leaves Portland Hall
10 am - Returns 4 pm
Kingston Shopping Trip
to Cataraqui Centre
2 Tues. Sept - June
10 – 11 am Seniors 50+
Exercise Portland Hall
Bus leaves Portland Hall at
9am leaves Kingston 3pm
$15 return trip
Service 8:30 am
Portland Legion
Sunday Brunch until 26 Apr.
$6.00ea 9 am – 1 pm
Portland United Church
1st Wed. of each month
Rideau Lakes Horticultural
Society 7:15 pm Program
Guest Speaker
VIBE: Venturing in
Biblical Education
7:00 pm
Portland United Church
VIBE: Venturing in
Biblical Education
7:00 pm
Portland United Church
Service 9:15 am
Emmanuel Anglican Church
Gananoque Casino Bus
Service 8:30 am
Portland Legion
Sunday Brunch until 26 Apr.
10 – 11 am Seniors 50+
Exercise Portland Hall
Portland United Church
VIBE: Venturing in
Biblical Education
7:00 pm
Service 9:15 am
Portland United Church
$6.00ea 9 am – 1 pm
Emmanuel Anglican Church
Gananoque Casino bus
Service 8:30 am
Portland Legion
Sunday Brunch until 26 Apr.
$6.00ea 9 am – 1 pm
10 – 11 am Seniors 50+
Exercise Portland Hall
Portland United Church
Service 9:15 am
Emmanuel Anglican Church
Community Luncheon
Portland United Church
12 noon-1 pm
4 Tuesday of ea month
Proceeds to DIG
Dental Issues Group
Info 613-272-2002
VIBE: Venturing in
Biblical Education
7:00 pm
Portland United Church
Gananoque Casino Bus
Service 8:30 am
Portland Legion
Sunday Brunch until 26 Apr.
$6.00ea 9 am – 1 pm
Portland United Church
Service 9:15 am
10 – 11 am Seniors 50+
Exercise Portland Hall
VIBE: Venturing in
Biblical Education
7:00 pm
Portland United Church
10 am Gentle exercise to
increase strength. Country
Roads Community Health
Centre 613-272-2799 ext 0
10 – 11am General fit class
Seniors 50+ Portland Hall
“Chit & Chat” Coffee
Portland Community Hall
10:30 am – 12 noon
10 – 11 am Seniors 50+
Exercise Portland Hall
Portland Legion
10 am Gentle exercise to
increase strength. Country
Roads Health Centre
10 – 11am General fit class
Seniors 50+ Portland Hall
“Chit & Chat” Coffee
Portland Community Hall
10:30 am -12 noon
10 – 11 am Seniors 50+
Exercise Portland Hall
10 am Gentle exercise to
increase strength. Country
Roads Health Centre
10 – 11am General fit class
Seniors 50+ Portland Hall
“Chit & Chat” Coffee
Portland Community Hall
10:30 am -12 noon
10 – 11 am Seniors 50+
Exercise Portland Hall
10 am Gentle exercise to
increase strength. Country
Roads Health Centre
10 – 11am General fit class
Seniors 50+ Portland Hall
10 – 11 am Seniors 50+
Exercise Portland Hall
“Chit & Chat” Coffee
Portland Community Hall
10:30 am – 12 noon
10 am Gentle exercise to
increase strength. CRHC
10 – 11am General fit class
Seniors 50+ Portland Hall
“Chit & Chat” Coffee
10:30 am – 12 noon
Diners Club 11:30 Lunch $10
Last Thurs. ea month host
CPHC at CRCHC Portland.
1st Friday Spaghetti Night
5:30 pm $7 ea Darts 7pm
Forfar Euchre
Forfar Community Hall
7:30 pm
Portland Legion
Fun Darts 7:00 pm
Forfar Euchre
Forfar Community Hall
7:30 pm
Portland Legion
Fun Darts 7:00 pm
Forfar Euchre
Forfar Community Hall
7:30 pm
Portland Legion
Fun Darts 7:00 pm
Forfar Euchre
Forfar Community Hall
7:30 pm
10 – 11 am Seniors 50+
Exercise Portland Hall
Portland Legion
Fun Darts 7:00 pm
Forfar Euchre
Forfar Community Hall
7:30 pm
Country Roads
Community Health Centre
Community and Primary
Health Care
Portland Community Hall
Portland On The Rideau
Church Services
Emmanuel Anglican
Church Service 8:30 am
Portland United Church
Service 9:15 am
Portland Legion
Country Roads
Community Health Centre
Community and Primary
Health Care
Portland Community Hall
7 Casino Bus Shuttle
Sunday Brunch
until April 26
$6.00ea Including local
maple syrup on pancakes
Or bacon/sausage & eggs
9 am – 1 pm
Gananoque Casino Bus
Leaves Portland Hall
10 am – Returns 4 pm
10 – 11 am Seniors 50+
Exercise Portland Hall
Gananoque Casino Bus
Leaves Portland Hall
10 am – Returns 4 pm
10 – 11 am Seniors 50+
Exercise Portland Hall
Bus to Kingston
Cataraqui Centre $15.00
return trip.Leave from
Portland Hall 9am.
Leaves Kingston 3 pm.
Call Vicky 613-272-2676
Emmanuel Anglican
Church Service 8:30 am
Portland Legion
Sunday Brunch until 26 Apr.
$6.00ea 9 am – 1 pm
Portland United Church
Service 9:15 am
Emmanuel Anglican
Church Service 8:30 am
Portland Legion
Sunday Brunch until 26 Apr.
$6.00ea 9 am – 1 pm
Portland United Church
Service 9:15 am
to Rideau Carleton
1 Tues. of the month
Leave Portland Hall
8:30 am Return 5 pm
2 Tuesday
April 20 – April 26
Help clean up roadsides
Parks, shorelines.
Free yellow bags at
Portland Post Office &
Portland Library
1 st Wed. of each month
Rideau Lakes Horticultural
Society 7:15 pm Program
Prof. Michael Runtz: “Dam
Builders-the Natural
History of Beavers and
their Pond”
increase strength. Country
Rds. Community Health
Centre. 613-272-2799 x0
Portland Community
Hall Board
Meeting 7:30 pm
Upcoming Events and
Activities Deadline to
email submissions to
[email protected]
for the Newsletter &
22 VIBE: Venturing in
Contact Rev. Takouhi
Church Service 8:30 am
Portland Legion
Gananoque Casino Bus
Leaves Portland Hall
10 am – Returns 4 pm
10 – 11 am Seniors 50+
Exercise Portland Hall
12 noon – 1 pm
Community Luncheon
Portland United Church
Proceeds to
Dental Issues Group
Info. 613-272-2002
Portland United Church
$6.00ea 9 am – 1 pm
Portland United Church
Service 9:15 am
Biblical Education
Every Wednesday 7 pm
April 22 – Dec. 2, 2015
26 Emmanuel Anglican
Sunday Brunch until 26 Apr.
Upcoming Special Events & Activities
April 2015
Venturing in Biblical
Education 7 pm
Portland United Church
10am Gentle exercise to
10 – 11am Portland Hall
General fit. Seniors 50+
“Chit Chat” Coffee
10:30 – 12 noon
10 – 11 am Seniors 50+
Exercise Portland Hall
Portland Legion
Forfar Euchre
Forfar Community Hall
7:30 pm
10am Gentle exercise to
increase strength. CRCHC
10-11am General fit class.
Seniors 50+ Portland Hall
“Chit Chat” Coffee
Portland Community Hall
10:30 – 12 noon
at Portland Hall
5:30 pm Social
6:00 pm Supper
Doug Bond speaks re.
Homes in Portland.
10am Gentle exercise
to increase strength CRCHC
10-11am General fit class.
Seniors 50+ Portland Hall
“Chit Chat” Coffee
10:30 – 12 noon
Diners Club 11:30 Lunch $10
Last Thurs. ea month host
CPHC at CRCHC Portland.
10-11am Seniors 50+
Exercise Portland Hall
Portland Legion
Fun Darts 7 pm
Forfar Euchre
Forfar Community Hall
7:30 pm
“Pot Luck Supper”
10 –11am Seniors 50+
Exercise Portland Hall
Portland Legion
Fun Darts 7 pm
Forfar Euchre
Forfar Community Hall
7:30 pm
1st Friday Spaghetti Night
5:30 pm $7 ea Darts 7pm
10am Gentle exercise to
increase strength. CRCHC
10am – 11am General fit.
Seniors 50+ Portland Hall
“Chit Chat” Coffee
Portland Community Hall
10:30 – 12 noon
Portland United Church
A Classical (plus) Music
Concert & Choral
Program 7:30 pm
50% of donations going to
Pancreatic Cancer
10 –11am Seniors 50+
Exercise Portland Hall
Portland Legion
Fun Darts 7 pm
Forfar Euchre
Forfar Community Hall
7:30 pm
Portland On The Rideau
Church Services
Emmanuel Anglican
Church Service 8:30 am
Portland United Church
Service 9:15 am
Emmanuel Anglican
Church Service 8:30 am
Portland United
Service 9:15 am
10 – 11 am Seniors 50+
Exercise Portland Hall
Gananoque Casino Bus
Leaves Portland Hall
10 am – Returns 4 pm
Portland United Church
Choral Concert 7 pm
“Agua Viva”
direct from Cuba! Free
will offering supports
Instruments in Cuba
10 – 11 am Seniors 50+
Exercise Portland Hall
Gananoque Casino Bus
Leaves Portland Hall
10 am – Returns 4 pm
Masonic Tri-Lodge hosts
Ladies Night for North Leeds
Food Banks. Proceeds to
Seeley’s Bay, Westport, Delta
and Portland.
10 – 11 am Seniors 50+
Exercise Portland Hall
Gananoque Casino Bus
Leaves Portland Hall
10 am – Returns 4 pm
Country Roads
Community Health Centre
Community and Primary
Health Care
Portland Community Hall
Upcoming Special Events & Activities
May 2015
10-11am Seniors 50+
Exercise Portland Hall
Portland Legion
Fun Darts 7 pm
Forfar Euchre
Forfar Community Hall
7:30 pm
Casino Bus to
Rideau Carleton $14.50
Leave Portland Hall
8:30 am return 5pm
Echo Tours
12 2nd Tuesday
Bus to Kingston
Cataraqui Centre
$15.00 return
trip.Leave from
Portland Hall 9am.
Leaves Kingston 3 pm.
Call Vicky 613-2722676
Rideau Lakes
Horticultural Society 7:15pm
Program: Suzanne Patry
White House Perennials
“Companion Planting”
VIBE: Venturing in Biblical
Education 7 pm
Portland United Church
Venturing in Biblical
Education 7 pm
Portland United Church
Venturing in Biblical
Education 7 pm
Portland United Church
12 noon – 1 pm
Community Luncheon
Portland United Church
Proceeds to
Dental Issues Group
Info. 613-272-2002
Venturing in Biblical
Education 7 pm
Portland United Church
10am Gentle exercise to
increase strength CRCHC
10-11am General fit class.
Seniors 50+ Portland Hall
“Chit Chat” Coffee
Portland Community Hall
10:30 – 12 noon
10-11am Seniors 50+
Exercise Portland Hall
Portland Legion
Fun Darts 7 pm
Forfar Euchre
Forfar Community Hall
7:30 pm
10am Gentle exercise to
increase strength CRCHC
10-11am General fit class.
Seniors 50+ Portland Hall
“Chit Chat” Coffee
Portland Community Hall
10:30 – 12 noon
Upcoming Events and
Activities Deadline to
email submissions to
10am Gentle exercise to
increase strength CRCHC
10-11am General fit class.
Seniors 50+ Portland Hall
“Chit Chat” Coffee
Portland Community Hall
10:30 – 12 noon
28 10am Gentle exercise to
increase strength CRCHC
10-11am General fit class.
Seniors 50+ Portland Hall
“Chit Chat” Coffee
10:30 – 12 noon
Diners Club 11:30 Lunch $10
Last Thurs. ea month host
CPHC at CRCHC Portland.
[email protected]
for the Newsletter &
16 Portland Community
Yard Sale 8:00 am
In & around homes
in the Portland area
Rideau Lakes Horticultural
Society Annual Plant Sale
Delta Fairgrounds
10-11am Seniors 50+
Exercise Portland Hall
Portland Legion
Fun Darts 7 pm
Forfar Euchre
Forfar Community Hall
7:30 pm
10-11am Seniors 50+
Exercise Portland Hall
Portland Legion
Fun Darts 7 pm
Forfar Euchre
Forfar Community Hall
7:30 pm
June 2015
Portland On The Rideau
Country Roads
Community Health Centre
Community and Primary
Health Care
Portland Community Hall
7 Church Services
Emmanuel Anglican
Service 8:30 am
Portland United Church
Service 9:15 am
Gananoque Casino Bus
Leaves Portland Hall
10 am – Returns 4 pm
Casino Bus to Rideau
Carleton $14.50 return
Leave Portland Hall
8:30 am. Return 5 pm.
Echo Tours
Gananoque Casino Bus
Leaves Portland Hall
10 am – Returns 4 pm
1 Tuesday
2 Tuesday
Bus to Kingston
Cataraqui Centre $15.00
Leave Portland Hall 9 am
Leaves Kingston 3 pm.
Call Vicky 613-272-2676
Upcoming Events and
Activities Deadline to
email submissions to
[email protected]
for the Newsletter &
Gananoque Casino Bus
Leaves Portland Hall
10 am – Returns 4 pm
12 noon – 1pm
Community Luncheon
Portland United Church
Proceeds to
Dental Issues Group
Info. 613-272-2002
28 Portland–Elgin United 29
Churches Celebration 11 am
Vacation Bible School
Portland United Church
June 30 Ages 5 – 13.
Hanna Park Portland then BBQ.
Bring a chair, plates + utensils,
non-alcoholic drinks
Forfar Strawberry Social
Forfar Hall 4:30pm Full dinner
with Strawberries +ice cream
Gan. Casino Bus 10am
Vacation Bible School
Portland United Church
June 29 Ages 5-13
June 30 Ages 5-13
To register 613-272-2002
Rideau Lakes
Horticultural Society
Fulford Museum Brockville
House & Garden Tour 2 pm
VIBE: Venturing in Biblical
Education 7 pm
Portland United Church
VIBE: Venturing in
Biblical Education 7pm
Portland United Church
Portland Community
Hall Board Meeting
7:30 pm
Portland Community Hall
10:30 – 12 noon
10 am Gentle exercise
to increase strength at
“Chit Chat” Coffee
Portland Community Hall
Venturing in Biblical
Education 7 pm
Portland United Church
Portland Legion
Fun Darts 7 pm
Forfar Euchre
Forfar Community Hall
7:30 pm
10:30 – 12 noon
10 am Gentle exercise
to increase strength at
“Chit Chat” Coffee
Venturing in Biblical
Education 7 pm
Portland Legion
Fun Darts 7 pm
Forfar Euchre
Forfar Community Hall
7:30 pm
10 am Gentle exercise
to increase strength at
“Chit Chat” Coffee
Portland United Church
Upcoming Special Events & Activities
Portland Community Hall
10:30 – 12 noon
25 10 am Gentle exercise
“Chit Chat” Coffee
Vacation Bible School
Info 613-272-2002
Diners Club 11:30 Lunch $10
Last Thurs. ea month host
CPHC at CRCHC Portland.
Portland Legion
Fun Darts 7 pm
Forfar Euchre
Forfar Community Hall
7:30 pm
Portland Legion
Fun Darts 7 pm
Forfar Euchre
Forfar Community Hall
7:30 pm
Big Rideau Lake
BRLA – Big Rideau Lake Association