Date: Thursday 26th March 2015. Issue 9 Principal: Mr Stephen Crossley Ph 55232218 Fax 55217839 PO Box 317 Portland Vic 3305 [email protected] From the Principal’s Desk Our Crazy Hair Day and lunch order on Wednesday was a great success and everyone looked really good. We managed to raise $172.15 to donate towards Portland Lighthouse Home. Thank you to those people who helped organise the day and please see the great hair styles further in the newsletter. Free Fruit Wednesday - Thank you Portland Aluminium Smelter On behalf of our whole school community, I would like to take this opportunity to acknowledge the kind and generous donation of fresh fruit for our students from Portland Aluminium Smelter. This weekly collection from Loaves & Fishes has enabled a lot of our students to have access to health snacks. Again thank you and we appreciated your ongoing support. School Council Members 2015 Our AGM was held Tuesday 24th April and I am happy to announce our School Council Member for 2015 are: Deb Robinson President Pam Rennie Vice President Fiona Reiger Treasurer Gillian Caithness Minute Secretary Steve Crossley Principal Julie Amor Committee Member Brad Charman Committee Member Stephen Freeling Committee Member Craig Howard Committee Member Karen Rowley Committee Member Finance Committee is Steve Crossley, Craig Howard, Fiona Reiger, Wendy McFarlane and Justine Cain. 2014 Annual Report to the School Community Our 2014 Annual Report to the School Community has been finalised, approved and signed off by School Council. Copies are available from our office and are uploaded to our website for everyone to view. Caught Being Good Alisha, Brodie and Akaysha were all caught being good last week and awarded at assembly. Well done and thank you for your efforts. Hope you have a relaxing 2 week break, travel safely and hope the weather is kind to us, Happy Easter …..Steve Crossley , Principal. Reminders I will be on leave at the beginning of term 2 for 4-weeks and Gillian Caithness will be the Acting Principal and Leilani Butler Group 1 Teacher. Please support them in their new roles next term. Early Finish at 2.30pm, Tomorrow - End of Term 1 Friday March 27 Portland Bay School will finish at 2.30pm, tomorrow, for last day of term. The buses will also leave at 2.30pm so please adjust your schedules. Swimming Swimming will be on Mondays for term 2. 1st lesson is first day of school, Monday 13th April. COMING EVENTS TERM 1 Friday 27th March Swimming School holidays Monday 30th March to Friday 10th April. 1st Week - Term 2 Monday 13th April - 1st Day of Term 1 - Swimming Tuesday - RDA 14th April Wednesday 15th April Thursday - 16th April Friday - 17th April Important Dates to Remember. Friday 1st May - Sailing in Portland Saturday 2nd May - MAY BALL Monday 8th May - Sailing Regatta in Warrnambool Monday 18th May - School Photos Words on Wellbeing Resilience Congratulations on making it to the end of Term 1! Parents are often in need of a good rest on the school break. It is certainly lovely to have some family time; if only for two weeks. Perhaps just a sleep-in or if you are very lucky, a holiday! So you have made snacks and planned lunches. Washed clothes and prepared swimming bags. Waved goodbye to the school bus! You have attended a parent/teacher interview. There may have been some concerns and one or two phone calls, or even more. You have other appointments: occupational therapy, speech pathologists, physiotherapy, community agencies, the dentist or doctor – you need to be there, on time and dressed accordingly. Sometimes as a parent, it is hard to keep going when there are so many pressures. This is where we need RESILIENCE. Get pushed down – we bounce back. And that is why at school social and emotional learning is embedded in everything we do. Students are guided in making the ‘right choices’ so they are able to ‘bounce back’ and become more resilient. Resilience means our children learn to make those right choices because they have in the past, made the wrong ones. Skills are developed so we as families and at school can value and build better relationships. So parents enjoy your time and come back to Term 2 revived, refreshed and resilient. Your journey continues and we certainly need you at school. All roads ahead have the bumps and turns. But like our kids, we bounce back, we show stamina and fortitude and I think that is demonstrating RESILIENCE. You may be interested in 2 interactive online learning courses, developed by Black Dog Institute: Building Resilience In Young People & Navigating Teenage Depression. Access these courses at: Or contact me for further information. Have a safe break. Sue Cowie –Wellbeing Coordinator Woolworths Dominos Stars A couple of our classrooms are collecting the “Woolworths Dominos Stars” Feel free to donate or swap any unwanted squares. We’ll try to complete the school sets and help with your friends and families. Squares not utilised are used for games. Thank you Stars of the Week “Caught Being Good” Prizes awarded at last assembly to Well done, Alisha Pumpa, Brodie Pumpa and Akaysha Morrison Great Effort. At our Friday’s whole school assembly, we draw the “Caught Being Good” raffle. Throughout the week, staff give students a raffle ticket for displaying positive behaviour either in their classroom, on the playground or in any school events such as excursions, outings or community access. Some of the reasons students have been given tickets recently are as follows : - Helping others, displaying good behaviour, following instructions, showing persistence, showing empathy, caring for others, helping without being asked, being part of the team and caring for friends. Happy Birthday !!! Happy Birthday and Best Wishes to the following students who celebrate their birthdays over the next few weeks. Jennifer Elliott Shandarra Sherrard Jamie Roosa Cameron Pryor-Hollis 29th March 5th April 6th April 8th April And our staff member Susan Webster - 9th April Annette Down - 12th April Tahlie Grace (work Experience) - 12th April We hope you all have a great day Crazy Hair Day - Wednesday 25th March - donations towards Portland Lighthouse Home - Independent living for People with Disabilities. Crazy, Crazy, Crazy !!!!! Excellent Styles :) OMG !!!! Group 3 Wanted adds - seeking Charlotte when she was unwell for several days, Well done Leilani, staff and students , these look fantastic ! What great imaginations and pictures. Community Announcements : RDA is in urgent need of Volunteers If you can spare some time on Tuesdays, Riding for the Disabled would greatly appreciate your assistance. Further information Please contact Laurence 03 5527 9201 for further detail. The Portland Runners Club also have a number of level 2 recreational running coaches, a few of these coaches would be able to help out with the schools training if needed. You only have to ask. Either by emailing the runners club president, Tony Curran at [email protected] Alternatively you could give me a call on 0438436984 Thanks for your time..Thanks for getting our kids movin' & groovin'. Cheers Justine Cain.
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