VETO FLASH MOB AGAINST HB1228 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE March 28, 2015 Contact: James Thweatt Phone: 5015410585 Email: [email protected] HUNDREDS TO GATHER AT CAPITOL, SEND MESSAGE TO LAWMAKERS (LITTLE ROCK, AR)—More than one hundred people will assemble at the Arkansas State Capitol in Little Rock on Monday, March 30, 2015, at 10:00a.m. in response to the passage of HB1228, the “Religious Freedom Restoration Act” (RFRA). The legislation would allow Arkansas businesses and individuals the right to refuse service to anyone they find objectionable based on deeply held religious views. Event organizer James Thweatt said, “Our lawmakers are headed down a slippery slope with HB1228. If this bill becomes law it will affect, in a very serious way, Arkansas’ economic growth.” Indiana Governor, Mike Pence, recently signed similar legislation into law resulting in a backlash from companies threatening to limit their business activity or pulling out of the state altogether, including Apple, Yelp,, the NCAA, Gen Con, and Disciples of Christ. Some of the same companies also warned Governor Hutchinson of similar consequences should he not veto HB1228. “Arkansas’ economic growth and stability shouldn’t come at the cost of veiled bigotry,” said Thweatt. Many have expressed concern at the potential for the legislation to legalize discrimination. Hollywood filmmaker and Arkansas native Jay Russell said, "This Bill is bad for business and bad for the good People of Arkansas. Just as Central High put the State on the wrong side of History many years ago, so would this deeply disturbing action, should it become Law." Governor Hutchinson says that he will sign the bill. Randi Romo, coevent organizer, said, “The state has been trying to overcome it’s past for decades and now the Governor wants to return us to a time when religious beliefs determined the very humanity and civil rights of other Arkansans. I fear that if this becomes law it may take many more decades for Arkansas to recover.” The group hopes that the Governor will veto the bill. # # #
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