PORTLAND POSTSCRIPTS | May 2015 President’s Corner Portland Society of American Engineers Teammates & Friends! March was another great month for the Post. Ms. Julie Amman, the Portland District, USACE Silver Jackets Program Manager, provided the Post with an interesting overview of the ‘Silver Jackets’ program. The program brings together multiple state, federal, tribal and local agencies to learn from one another and apply their knowledge to reduce risks of flooding and other natural disasters and enhancing response and recovery efforts when such events do occur. The Post also selected, and will fund, a high school student the Army SAME engineering/STEM camp this summer. We hope that we can help inspire a young student to earn a STEM degree, join our profession and strengthen our country’s future! May’s month meeting promises to be very exciting. On May 6th, Ms. Julie Pyper, from the Grant County PUD will discuss Wananpum Dam Monolith Repairs. I hope you can attend, please RSVP by April 29 to Toni Leon at [email protected], or call 503-6438710. For those that attend our month meetings regularly Toni has set up a method to pay automatically, please talk to Toni if you are interested. COL Bill Leady, P.E. President, Portland Post of S.A.M.E. Deputy Commander, Northwestern Division At our June 3rd, meeting the Post is putting together a “Meet the Chief’s – Federal Business Opportunities for small and large businesses forum”. Regional USACE and other Department of Defense and Federal Agencies will outline their programs and upcoming contract opportunities. This will help industry and government partner in order to strength our region. This will be an extended monthly meeting. Thanks again for you continued support to SAME and the Portland Post. We are doing great work strengthening our region and building our own future by supporting science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) education. Our sustaining members and your individual support makes it all possible. Sincerely, Bill Leady, P.E. Colonel, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers President, SAME Portland Post Next Post Meeting Date: Time: Location: Speaker: Topic: Spotlight: RSVP By: Wednesday, 6 May 15 11:30 AM to 1:00 PM Sentinel Hotel (Formerly The Governor Hotel), 614 S.W. 11th Avenue, 2nd floor Mrs. Julie Pyper Wanapum Dam Monolith TBD 29 Apr 15 to Toni Leon at [email protected], or call 503-643-8710 PORTLAND POSTSCRIPTS | May 2015 Upcoming Post Events Wednesday, 6 May 2015: Post Meeting Topic: Wanapum Dam Monolith Speaker: Julie Pyper Spotlight: TBD Jun 2015 (Tentative): Meet the Chiefs Topic: Meet the Chiefs Speaker: TBD Spotlight: TBD Wednesday, 3 Jun 2015: Post Meeting Topic: Isabella Dam Labyrinth Weir Speaker: Elizabeth Roy Spotlight: TBD If you have a topic, idea or would like to be a presenter, please contact COL Jose L. Aguilar at: [email protected] or 503-808-4500 Portland Post 2015 Slate of Officers (Proposed) PRESIDENT 1ST VICE PRESIDENT 2ND VICE PRESIDENT VICE PRESIDENT FOR EDUCATION OSU Student Post Mentor SECRETARY: TREASURER: Immediate Past President: 2014- 2016 BOARD OF DIRECTION 2015 - 2017 BOARD OF DIRECTION Honorary PORTLAND POSTSCRIPTS | May 2015 Col. Wm. Leady, PE USACE, NW Division Deputy Commander Col. Jose Aguilar, PE USACE, NW District Engineer Tony Roos, PE Cardno, Principal, Transportation Kari Nichols, PE Mead Hunt Maj. Sean Patrick, USACE Heidi Rice, PE URS Toni Leon, FSAME Matt Cutts, PE USACE Michelle Peterson, RG, AMEC Rick Goodell, PE, FSAME Steve Miles, PE, FSAME, USACE Zack Martin, PE, MacKay Sposito Craig Crotteau - Ball Janik - yes Andrew Young, PE, NW Natural Jason Kelly, PE, OBEC Daniela Todesco, PE, USACE Kent Snyder, Normandeau Maj. Rob Moriarty- Univ of Portland, Det 695, AFROTC Pat Keough, , PE, FSAME, Walter O Bachus Recipient Bud Ossey, PE, FSAME Professional Engineers of Oregon (PEO) Last year the Portland Post signed an MOU with Professional Engineers of Oregon (PEO) that enables us to share meeting and educational opportunities. PEO will hold their Annual Conference Wednesday May 13, 2015 at 4:00 PM PDT to Friday May 15, 2015 at 5:00 PM PDT at Sunriver Resort. The Conference features 13 PDHs with 2 tracks focused on Technical and Global Professional Trends and Licensure Track - 24 sessions to choose from plus networking opportunities through a kick off pre-conference tour and 2 day conference that includes key note speaker during the general session, two concurrent breakout sessions, one main reception, business meeting and award ceremony during banquet. List of classes, presenters and schedule: http://files.ctctcdn.com/81a9051b001/45a18ae1-a012-45eb-a257-2f12cdcff1f6.pdf Second Annual Pacific Northwest SAME Small Business Symposium (28 Apr 15) Please hold April 28th, 2015 on your calendar for the 2nd Annual Pacific Northwest Society of American Military Engineers (SAME) Small Business Symposium. Last year, over 200 people attended, making this one of our more popular events. Because of the extremely positive feedback we are happy to host this event once again. This year, we have integrated many of your excellent suggestions to improve the quality and usefulness of this event. We've added the following enhancements to this year's event: Full day event Happy Hour Networking and Raffle Giveaway Reception Small Business Focused Courses throughout the day (PDH's will be offered) More Sponsorship Opportunities (listed below) Plenary Session Additional rooms for networking More networking! This event has proven to be a great networking and educational opportunity for both small and large SAME member businesses in the Architectural, Engineering, and Construction industry. This outreach event is being jointly sponsored by the SAME Portland, Tacoma and Seattle Posts and will once again be held at the Kitsap Conference Center in Bremerton, WA. The sit down luncheon will feature NAVFAC Northwest Commanding Officer, CAPT Mark Geronime, CEC, USN as our keynote speaker. The agenda will be split into 4 venues: Small Business Panel Discussions, Small Business Focused Courses, Small/Large Business Matchmaking, and Exhibit Booths. Registration Information can be found at: http://www.eventbrite.com/e/2nd-annual-pacific-northwest-same-small-business-symposium-registration-16208816005 SAME Portland Post OSAC Scholarship Each year SAME awards a $1,000.00 scholarship to a deserving college sophomore or above majoring in aeronautical, biomedical, chemical, civil, electrical, or mechanical engineering. Apply through the Office of Student Access and Completion (OSAC) website: http://www.oregonstudentaid.gov/ The scholarship is title: 481 SAME – Society of American Military Engineers Portland Post Saturday Academy Instructor’s needed Saturday Academy strives to engage all motivated young people, including those from under-represented communities, in hands-on, in-depth learning by connecting them to community experts as educators and mentors. Saturday Academy provides innovative programs open to all students in grades 2 through 12. They value all learning, and offer experiences in many disciplines. They emphasize, science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM), because these fields are critical for children’s careers and their fast pace of change is difficult to address in traditional school settings. More information about the program can be located at their website at: www.saturdayacademy.org Help: Saturday Academy is seeking instructors to support their Aeronautics, Rocket Science, and Engineering (Solar Car Challenge) programs. Post members interested in learning about and/or volunteering for these opportunities should contact Ms. Heidi Venneri, the School-Based Program Coordinator at 503-200-5859. PORTLAND POSTSCRIPTS | May 2015 10th Annual Energy and Construction Best Practices Summit The 10th Annual Energy & Construction Best Practices Summit – Clean Tech: Washington’s WISE Future May 28 & 29, 2015 - At Bates Technical College – south campus. Keynote - Brian Young, WA Dept. of Commerce Clean Tech Sector Lead, will provide an excellent link between the clean energy and construction industries and align the theme with the governor’s platform on clean technology. Registration: http://events.constantcontact.com/register/event?llr=i4szzydab&oeidk=a07eaix2r5ka70e0b59 More information: cleanenergyexcellence.org/summit Sustaining Firms SAME’s Portland Post is updated our records, we’re updated our Sustaining Firms records, the current list is on the last page of this month’s Postscripts, if your firm is not listed please email the postscripts editor at: [email protected] so we can get your information updated! Post Website Manager Rich Nardini and Kent Snyder are our Post website manager, please congratulate them and forward any information you think needs to be added to our post website. http://posts.same.org/portland/ Vacant Portland Post SAME Position VACANT POSITION: Membership/ Sustaining Member Chair Are you interested in being more active with SAME Portland Post? This is your opportunity! Post Membership POCs lead recruitment and retention efforts, relying on the support of SAME HQ. The position gives ample opportunities to interface with the board and Sustaining members. Regular duties include: tracking and base-lining post membership; outreach to potential members; assisting with membership issues, and attending board meetings. Additional duties: Coordinate Engineering Day with the USACE Portland District and manage Sustaining Member Spotlight Presentations. Regular duties require a time commitment of 3-5 hours per month. Additional duties may require additional hours. More information is in Chapter 7 of the SAME Post Operations Manual http://www.same.org/images/stories/2014SAMEPostOperationsManual.pdf If interested, contact a SAME Portland Post board member. Member Profile (Record) Updates All members can update their member profiles by visiting: https://membership.same.org/MainLogin.shtml for individual members https://membership.same.org/cvweb_samesm/MainLogin.shtml for sustaining members. Keeping your member profile current ensures all Post and committee communications reach you. As always, you can contact the SAME HQ membership team for assistance with updates to your membership record. Your demographics are more valuable because of new Streamer requirements and statistics that provide us with a base of who our members are. SAME National News The SAME Job Center is up and running! The SAME Job Center is the premier electronic recruitment resource for those seeking to fill positions within Architecture/Engineering/Construction organizations. The Job Center helps companies find the right candidate from our talented membership base. For Job Seekers, you can post your resume for free and connect with companies around the world. See more at: http://www.same.org/index.php/component/content/article?id=235#sthash.Me1siqg6.dpuf Upcoming SAME Events: May 19-22 Houston, TX Joint Engineer Training Conference - See more at: http://s3.goeshow.com/same/jetc/2015/index.cfm PORTLAND POSTSCRIPTS | May 2015 August 18 – 20 Washington DC SAME/DBIA Federal Project Delivery Symposium - See more at: http://www.dbia.org/Conferences/federal/Pages/default.aspx Pictures from the Mar 15 Meeting PORTLAND POSTSCRIPTS | May 2015 PRESIDENT COL Wm. Leady 1ST VICE PRESIDENT COL Jose Aguilar 2ND VICE PRESIDENT Tony Roos PAST PRESIDENT Capt (Ret.) Matthew Cutts VP FOR YOUTH Kari Nichols SECRETARY Heidi Rice TREASURER Toni Leon, FSAME HOUSE Toni Leon MEMBERSHIP/ SUSTAINING MEMBERS Amber Schulz READINESS Daniela Todesco COMMUNITY/SOCIAL/SPECIAL ACTIVITIES Midge Graybeal NEWSLETTER EDITOR Maj L. Robert Moriarty PUBLICITY Linda Scronce-Johnson SMALL BUSINESS LIAISON Terry Hosaka AECOM AMEC Ball Janik BERGER/ABAM Engineers Brown & Caldwell Cardno TEC CH2M Hill Cherokee Construction Services Continental Mapping Consultants Cooper Zietz Engineers Cornforth Consultants David Evans and Associates Dull Olson Weeks-IBI Architects ESA Exeltech Consulting SUSTAINING MEMBER FIRMS GEI Consultants GeoEngineers Geotechnical Resources, Inc. Gerding Builders GHD Hamilton Construction Hart Crowser HDR Engineering Integrated Water Solutions IO Environmental & Infrastructure Jacobs Associates Kiewit Mason, Bruce & Girard, Inc. Otak Parsons Brinckerhoff Professional Service Industries Portland Post c/o MacKay Sposito Attn: Zack Martin 1325 SE Tech Center Drive, Suite 140 Vancouver, WA 98683 Portland Post c/o MacKay & Sposito, Inc. Attn: Andrew Young 1325 SE Tech Center Drive, Suite 140 Vancouver, WA 98683 PORTLAND POSTSCRIPTS | May 2015 2014-2016 DIRECTORS Michelle Peterson LTC (Ret) Rick Goodell COL (Ret) Steve Miles Zack Martin 2013-2015 DIRECTORS Toni Leon Andrew Young Jason Kelly Daniela Todesco Amber Schulz HONORARY DIRECTORS & FELLOWS Patrick Keough Bud Ossey Sealaska Constructors Shannon & Wilson Siemens Industries Skanska Tetra Tech Thomas/Wright Portland District – USACE The Urban Collaborative URS Corporation WEST Consultants Westlake Consultants Weston Solutions WHPacific Wildlands
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