Log Analysis Fusion

Log Analysis
All logs from all sources. All in one view.
Lucidworks Fusion enables the design, building, and deployment of powerful search
apps that extract mission-critical B.I. from your data logs.
Everything From
Everywhere, in One Place
Meaningful Metadata
Enriches and Informs
Data can come from anywhere and everywhere, so why
stop at just your logs? Fusion indexes and ingests your
organization’s unique mix of document types, log structures,
and data models.
Fusion’s powerful pipeline architecture enables you to
transform your data both at indexing and query times.
• Extract metadata to enrich your index and arrange in
organizational context.
• Capture documents across dispersed file systems,
databases, intranets, network drives, and online resources.
• Fortify log data from cross-departmental databases to
deduce meaning and ranking.
• Integrate to existing infrastructure, such as TCP/UDP
streams and Windows Events.
• Filter, remove, or conceal personal info to enforce PCI
• Provide API access to real-time data across your
• Create automatic alerts for ID fraud and compliance conflicts.
• Perform longitudinal analysis of historical logs to predict
events and needs.
• Measure user behavior to gauge app performance and
• Segment data sources by region and geo-targeting.
• Scan emails, chat transcripts, and other logs for
keywords and signals.
• Correlate marketing and sales intel with network
performance to predict business results.
• Flag authentication anomalies by region, job role, and more.
• Incorporate outside signals, such as security bulletins, to
isolate and neutralize threats.
• Block risky entrants from network resources and file systems.
Scalable, Reliable, Secure—and Fast!
Fusion is built on Solr, the most scalable and reliable search engine in the world. With thousands of production
instances indexing billions of documents and millions of searches, no other search software is more battle-tested
and production-ready.
• Run queries in seconds, instead of hours.
• Preclude your team from needing any SQL knowledge.
• Avoid the performance bottlenecks of relational
database architecture.
• Limit credentials at all levels with a robust security and
authentication framework.
• Create custom alerts, ad hoc, and scheduled reports for
multiple audiences.
• Shelter document indexing from systems upgrades or
patches with the connector framework.
• Stay up to date with uptime across your organization to
ensure adherence to SLA and other vendor requirements.
Event Correlation
Splunk Savvy
Analyze past transactions to anticipate future
events for faster reaction time.
Join your Solr instance with Splunk for a full
360-degree view of your data.
Outside Signals
Custom Dashboards
Fortify search results with signals from outside
your network like security alerts and market
Create personalized views based on business
unit or job role.
Integrate with your existing infrastructure
including intranets, network drives, databases,
and the cloud.
Drill down to focus search results based on
geography and other location markers.
Use real-time, ad hoc data accessibility for your
entire Hadoop cluster.