BST 525 SURVEY OF STATISTICAL COMPUTING (3 cr): This course aims to familiarize
students with the basic use of SAS and R for routine statistical analysis and prepare them for
more advanced courses and/or thesis research. Statistical computation will be illustrated with
examples in medical research, biological study and business. The focus of the course is on
the computing environment, therefore a thorough discussion of statistical theories will not be
EPH 600 INTRODUCTION TO PUBLIC HEALTH (3cr): Over the past century, the field of
public health has made extraordinary contributions to improving the health and well-being of
populations. Yet, there are new challenges confronting public health that require diverse skill
sets and innovative solutions. This course will provide students with the opportunity to explore
and analyze contemporary public health issues and provide a history and a context that will
allow students to better understand the field of public health, its core disciplines and their role
as future public health professionals.
EPH 601 MEDICAL BIOSTATISTICS I (3cr.): Introduction to probability and statistics.
Students will gain hands-on experience in the analysis of medical data using several
computer systems.
(3cr.): This course will introduce students to the science of disease prevention and health
promotion. This course will focus on providing students with an overview of: the top
preventable causes of disease in the US, the common pathways (across the lifespan) to the
top preventable causes of disease in the US, the role of theoretical frameworks (e.g., health
belief and social-ecological models) in informing the development of preventive interventions,
the role of both quantitative and qualitative methodology in prevention science, and the stages
of intervention development and testing, including implementation and dissemination of
evidence-based preventive interventions. The course will also provide an overview of
(preventive) interventions at multiple levels, including: policy, community, family, and school.
EPH 621 FUNDAMENTALS OF EPIDEMIOLOGY (3 cr.): Covers elementary biomedical
concepts and epidemiological terminology and methods, in order to properly comprehend the
epidemiological significance of health conditions of public health importance.
EPH 622 OBESITY AND PUBLIC HEALTH (3 cr): Nearly two thirds of the United States is
now considered overweight or obese and the associated medical costs are placing an
unsustainable burden on our health care system. However, the issue of overweight/obesity
extends beyond behavioral choices and medical costs. This course will take a deeper look
at the complex interactions between our environment, behaviors, and policies, and how they
jointly contribute to the obesity epidemic. This course will provide an interdisciplinary
perspective of the biological, psychosocial, ecological, and economic determinants that
contribute to obesity and the resulting pathways to chronic disease and disability. Finally,
current evidence-based public health programs currently will be discussed to stimulate
critical thinking necessary to implement effective obesity prevention and control programs.
EPH 631 PUBLIC HEALTH ADMINISTRATION (3 cr.): An overview of the historical
background, philosophy and purpose of public health and the relationship between
government, law and public health.
EPH 640 URBAN ENVIRONMENT AND PUBLIC HEALTH (3 cr.): This course examines the
urban environment – including homes, neighborhoods, cities and regions – and how its design
and function influence our daily health-related decisions. This course will provide a framework
for understanding health and urban environment relationships, principles of healthy
community design, and interventions that promote better population health. Specific attention
will be paid to the effect of ‘place’ on vulnerable populations.
EPH 641 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH (3 cr.): Gives an overview of both local and
international environmental health problems. The course is comprised of a broad range of
topics, including: environmental regulation and ethics, toxicology, global change, food safety,
sanitation, different forms and media of pollution, built environment, and occupational disease
and injury.
student with economic principles and methods of decision-making, discuss the criteria for
evaluating the allocation of resources, and analyze the behavior of two principal economic
actors: consumers and firms.
EPH 651 RESEARCH METHODS (3 cr): This course allows students to understand the
relationship between theory and empirical research. The focus of this course will be on the
various types of research designs, data collection procedures and techniques, as well as
understanding how to measure phenomena. Further, students will gain direct knowledge
about doing research through the class projects.
EPH 661 PUBLIC HEALTH NUTRITION (3cr): Public health nutrition strives to improve
or maintain optimal nutritional health of the whole population and high risk or vulnerable
groups within the population. In this course, nutritional factors that influence health
promotion and disease prevention throughout the life span will be examined, in conjunction
with environmental and cultural aspects of well-being. A variety of community and public
health policies impacting nutritional status will be evaluated, including a number of
controversies and emerging challenges.
EPH 684 SPECIAL TOPIC: SCIENTIFIC WRITING (3cr.): This course is designed to
provide students with the skills needed to write abstracts, short reports, and manuscripts
suitable for publication in public health, epidemiologic, and biomedical journals. All aspects of
manuscript preparation will be covered, including writing concise abstracts, graphical and
tabular strategies for data presentation, proper referencing strategies, and effective strategies
for interacting with journal editors and reviewers. Course Prerequisite: Recommended class
size 15 students. All interested students must be interviewed by the instructor prior to
acceptance into this course.
EPH 680 CAPSTONE FIELD EXPERIENCE (MPH) (3 cr.): Practical field experience for MPH
EPH 681 CAPSTONE EXPERIENCE PROJECT (MPH) (3 cr.): Capstone experience project
for MPH students
EPH 699 PUBLIC HEALTH PROJECT (MSPH) (1-6 cr.): Research and/or design projects.
Individual investigation of current public health problems. Required by all MSPH students.
EPH 782 ADVANCED INDIVIDUAL STUDY (1-3 cr.): Individual work on a special project
under faculty guidance. Prerequisite: Permission of the directing faculty member and the
Director of Graduate Programs.