TYLER INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT SPECIFICATIONS AND PROPOSAL FORMS FOR STUDENT/ATHLETIC INSURANCE PROPOSAL NO. The Tyler Independent School district request competitive sealed proposals of Student/Athletic Insurance Coverage. The policies are to be for one year beginning on August 1, 2015. Multiple-year proposals will be accepted. Also, the Tyler Independent School District may renew policies with awarded vendor up to a total of three years, subject to the approval of Tyler ISD. Competitive sealed proposals will be received at the Purchasing/Risk Management Office of the Tyler Independent School District, 1319 Earl Campbell Pkwy., P.O. Box 2035, Tyler Texas 75710 until 2:00 p.m., June 22, 2015. Proposals received after this time, whether delivered in person or mailed, will not be accepted. Prices must remain in effect for 90 days and no proposal may be withdrawn without written approval. The district reserves the right to accept or reject any and all proposals, to waiver technicalities and to be the sole judge of quality and equality. For further information, contact Purchasing/Risk Management by calling 903-262-1010. Attached are minimum requirements for proposal. Please attach a list of references of school districts using your insurance company. Proposal #051515 Page 1 of 7 Student/Athletic Insurance for 2015-2016 For information, call (903) 262-1122 Instructions to Bidders: 1. Basic and athletic coverage to include first $25,000 of loss. 2. Catastrophic coverage to cover in excess of $25,000 of loss. 3. Bidder to include details of plan coverage in the proposal. 4. All proposals should be clearly marked “Student/Athletic insurance-proposal # 051515. Proposal #051515 Page 2 of 7 Student/Athletic Insurance for 2015-2016 TYLER INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT QUOTATIONS INSTRUCTIONS AND CONDITIONS CAUTIONS: THESE ARE THE ONLY APPROVED INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE IN YOUR PROPOSAL. ITEMS BELOW APPLY TO AND BECOMES A PART OF THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF PROPOSAL. ANY EXCEPTIONS MUST BE IN WRITING. 1. All quotations must be made on the enclosed form and are subject to rejection if not made on this for. Telephone quotations in lieu of this form will not be accepted. All quotations must be received no later than the time and date set forth. The Board cannot be responsible for lateness of receipt due to mail delays, or unavoidable circumstances. Proposals shall be submitted in a sealed and properly identified envelope prior to time stated on the PROPOSAL NOTICE. The envelope containing your proposal should be plainly marked as follows: STUDENT/ATHLETIC INSURANCE PROPOSAL PROPOSAL NO. 051515 OPEN 2:00 P.M. – June 22, 2015 2. Late proposals properly identified will be returned to vendor unopened. Late proposals will not be considered under any circumstances. 3. All prices are to be F.O.B. destination and include all charges noted in specifications. Any parts or accessories not specifically mentioned which are normally part of the equipment necessary to complete the installation shall be included in the price. Proposal prices shall be firm for a period of 90 days from opening date, and no proposals may be withdrawn without written approval. 4. Vendors may be required to furnish evidence in writing that they maintain permanent places of business and have adequate equipment, finances, and personnel to furnish the items offered satisfactorily and expeditiously and that they are authorized dealers and can provide necessary warranties for items they propose to furnish. 5. When a particular catalogue, brand name, or manufacturer is specified, this is done to establish type and quality desired and is not intended to eliminate competing articles of equal standards. Proposals on brands of like nature and quality will be considered. If proposing on other than referenced specifications, complete details, along with catalogues showing full specifications of each item, should be made part of the proposal. If no substitutions are indicated, it will be assumed that quotations are based on our specifications and vendor will be required to furnish items as specified. 6. Please bid at least two plans, an upper level plan and a second level plan. 7. Must include both Student Accident and Athletic Insurance. 8. The policy must include spring training, off-season, with no extra premium. 9. All benefits must be based on Texas standards for payment. Proposal #051515 Page 3 of 7 Student/Athletic Insurance for 2015-2016 1319 Earl Campbell Parkway – PO. Box 2035, Tyler, TX 75710 Purchasing/Risk management Office Tyler Independent School District Attn: Purchasing/Risk Management Office 1319 Earl Campbell Parkway P.O. Box 2035 Tyler, TX 75710 2015-2016 STUDENT / ATHLETIC INSURANCE PROPOSAL FORM Annual Premium 1. 2. 3. Basic Individual Student Coverage a. School time b. 24 Hour coverage $__________________ $__________________ Athletic Coverage (UIL Class AAAAA, AAAAAA -6 Middle Schools) a. All sports and UIL Activities-12 month coverage-grades 7-12 $__________________ Catastrophic Coverage-includes all activities and sports. a. $5,000,000 maximum life time benefit b. Accidental death benefit amount $10,000 c. Accidental dismemberment benefit amount $20,000 d. In excess of $25,000 loss $__________________ $__________________ $__________________ $__________________ Name of Firm _______________________________________________________________________ Signed _______________________________________________________________________ Typed Name & Title _______________________________________________________________________ Address _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ Telephone Number _______________________________________________________________________ Fax Number _______________________________________________________________________ Please attach all specifications and information concerning proposal. Please attach a list of references of School Districts using your insurance company. Proposal #051515 Page 4 of 7 Student/Athletic Insurance 2015-2016 (Please duplicate this form for each proposal.) TYLER INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT VENDOR ACCEPTANCE FORM The undersigned Vendor, by signing and executing this proposal, certifies and represents to the Tyler Independent School District that vendor has read the instructions and specifications provided in the proposal and agrees to meet these requirements. The prices contained in this proposal have been carefully checked and are submitted as correct and final and if proposal is accepted, agrees to furnish specifications. The Vendor also certifies and represents that Vendor has no offered, conferred or agreed to confer any pecuniary benefit, as defined by 1.07 (a) (6) of the Texas Penal Code or any other thing of value as consideration for the receipt of information or any special treatment or advantage relating to this proposal; the Vendor also certifies and represents that Vendor has neither coerced nor attempted to influence the exercise of discretion by any officer, trustee, agent or employee of the Tyler Independent School District concerning this proposal on the basis of any consideration not authorized by law; the Vendor also certifies and represents that the Vendor has not violated any state, federal or local law, regulation or ordinance relating to bribery, improper influence, collusion or the like and that the Vendor will not in the future offer, confer or agree to confer any pecuniary benefit other thing of value of any officer, trustee, agent or employee of the Tyler Independent School District in return for the person having exercised the person’s official discretion, power of duty with respect to this proposal; the Vendor certifies and represents that it has not now and will not in the future offer, confer, or agree to confer a pecuniary benefit or other thing of value to any officer, trustee, agent or employee of the Tyler Independent School District in connection with information regarding this proposal, the submission of the proposal, the award of this proposal or the performance, delivery or sale pursuant to this proposal. Authorized Siganture___________________________________________________Date___________________ Proposal #051515 Page 5 0f 7 Student/Athletic Insurance 2015-2016 Tyler Independent School District 1319 Earl Campbell Parkway Tyler, TX 75701 2015-1016 Additional Information for Student/Athletic Insurance Bids Tyler ISD Contact Persons: 1. Nakeia Burrell Budget, Purchasing/Risk Management Coordinator 903-262-1010 2. Greg Priest Athletic Director 903-262-3079 Coverage Specifications: 1. Coverage to include all athletic and UIL sponsored events, grade 7-12 2. The district is requesting student insurance proposals that include the following coverage information. a. Field Trips – K-12 b. Air Transportation c. Heat Exhaustion d. Catastrophic Coverage e. Auxiliary Groups – Cheerleaders, Band, Drill Team f. Off-Season Workouts During School Year 3. 4. 5. UIL classification – 5A & 6A Tyler ISD is composed of eighteen Elementary, six Middle, and two High Schools. School Census. Pre K – 5 6. 9557 6th – 8th 9th – 12th 3789 4592 Approximate number of participants in: High School Basketball Football Volleyball Track Soccer Baseball Golf Softball Swim Tennis Cross Country Drill Team Cheerleaders Band Total Student Population Proposal #051515 Page 6 of 7 Middle School 151 385 102 166 331 101 37 73 38 92 112 283 53 704 Basketball Football Volleyball Track 874 533 373 738 Cheerleaders Band 95 1067 17,938 Student/Athletic Insurance 2015-2016 Tyler Independent School District Premium and Claims Experience Texas Monarch Management Year of Coverage 2014-2015 2013-2014 2012-2013 Proposal #051515 Page 7 of 7 As of Date 4-1-15 4-1-15 4-1-15 Premium 168,983.00 179,761.00 179,761.00 Claims Paid to Date 107,104.23 98,980.19 109,292.50 Student/Athletic Insurance 2015-2016
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