SHARING OF GOD’S TITHES AND OUR OFFERINGS OFFERTORY Sonata Pathetique Op. 13—II. Adagio cantabile Beethoven * DOXOLOGY Praise God, from Whom All Blessings Flow No. 94 Worship Celebration May 31, 2015 — 8:00 a.m. * OFFERTORY PRAYER * HYMN OF PREPARATION Be Still, My Soul SCRIPTURE SERMON No. 534 Exodus 2:23-25 (pg. 50 OT, Pew Bible) Reader: God’s Word for God’s people. People: Thanks be to God. Rev. Andrea Andress Wilderness: Part 1—Listening to God * HYMN OF COMMITMENT Come, Join the Dance of Trinity Come, join the dance of Trinity, before all worlds begun – the interweaving of the Three: the Father, Spirit, Son. The universe of space and time did not arise by chance, but as the Three in love and hope, made room within their dance. Come, see the face of Trinity, new-born in Bethlehem; then bloodied by a crown of thorns outside Jerusalem. The dance of Trinity is meant for human flesh and bone; when fear confines the dance in death, God rolls away the stone. Come, speak aloud of Trinity, as wind and tongues of flame set people free at Pentecost to tell the Savior’s name. We know the yoke of sin and death, our necks have worn it smooth; go tell the world of weigh and woe that we are free to move! Within the dance of Trinity, before all worlds begun, we sing the praises of the Three: the Father, Spirit, Son. Let voices rise and interweave, by love and hope set free, to shape in song this joy, this life: the dance of Trinity. * BENEDICTION Part 1: Listening to God Our Mission: Alive with the Spirit, we bring God’s love into action by igniting faith, transforming lives, and creating community. from Worship and Song, Abingdon Press * POSTLUDE Today’s Servants USHERS: Chuck Bivenour, Debbie Doran, Dick & Fran Wardell READER: Meg Wolfe AUDIO: Jim DeBusk God’s Love in Action™ MEDITATION The soul must long for God In order to be set aflame by God’s love, But if the soul cannot yet feel this longing, Then it must long for the longing. To long for the longing is also from God.— Meister Eckhart (13th Century) HYMN SING Lisa LaMont; Dr. Andria Fennig, piano WELCOME AND ANNOUNCEMENTS Rev. Andrea Andress * CALL TO WORSHIP Leader: People: Leader: People: Leader: People: Leader: People: Leader: People: Leader: People: All: When we cry out to you, O God, from places of fear and captivity, you hear us. We must listen to you. When listening to you delivers us from captivity, but also thrusts us into the wilderness, We must follow you. When the wilderness becomes frustrating and lonely and we begin to feel like you've forgotten us, We must trust you. When we turn our backs on you, forgetting that you always remember us, We must remember you. And when we are standing on the other edge of the wilderness, ready to leave it and embrace your promises, We must listen to you. We must follow you. We must trust you. We must remember you. In our captivity, in our wandering, in hopes for new promise, You are our God! And we have come to worship you! When you see an * in the order of worship, please stand as you are able. Large-print bulletins, Bibles and hymnals, as well as assistive listening devices and wheelchairs, are available from the ushers. * HYMN OF PRAISE Holy, Holy, Holy! Lord God Almighty Hymnal No. 64 * OPENING PRAYER (in unison) Christopher Wurpts, Youth Ministries Director God we cry out to you from a world of hurt. Help us as we stumble along. Open our eyes to see the path that is before us. Open our ears to hear your word in the whirlwind of the times. Teach us to listen with the ears of our hearts so that we will always know your presence in our lives. And provide strength for the living of these days. Amen. * MOMENTS OF CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP * HYMN OF FELLOWSHIP We Believe in One True God Hymnal No. 85 PRAYER OF CONFESSION (in unison) Gracious God, there are times when our sins become too heavy to carry, too real to hide from and too deep to undo. Forgive our stubbornness in clinging to habits that no longer serve and bind us to a past we cannot change. Open us to a willingness to approach a future in which change is possible and transformation a surety. Grant us grace to draw closer to you and to grow in your likeness and image of compassion and courage. We ask this through the love of Jesus Christ. Amen. Silent Prayer and Words of Assurance Leader: In the Name of Jesus Christ, you are forgiven! People: In the Name of Jesus Christ, you are forgiven! All: Glory to God. Amen. (Please fill out and pass the fellowship pad) ANTHEM Santos Mark Burrows Praise Team Singers; Josh Rogers, percussion PRAYERS OF THE PEOPLE and THE LORD’S PRAYER CCLI #1037088
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