TRINITY LUTHERAN CHURCH 206 E. Badger St. / Waupaca, WI 54981 Phone: (715) 258-7688 / Fax: (715) 258-0426 E-mail: [email protected]; Website: We’re glad you’re here! WELCOME, GUESTS VISITORS: We welcome all of our visitors. We would like to make a personal connection with you. So, please fill out the visitor card located in the back of the pew. Following the service, bring it to the Link Information Center, located straight out the Sanctuary doors. A volunteer will be there to greet you. SUNDAY SCHOOL AND ADULT EDUCATION: 9:15-10:15 a.m. Sunday school classes for Beginner 3-Grade 5 children; and adult Education classes, in the conference room. February 8: How to read the Bible; Feb. 15: How to share your faith with someone. ChildCare/Nursery: Available for Wed. and Sun. worship services. The nursery is located in the hallway on the left of the Koinonia Room. We have a pager system for each child and their parents. Cry Room: There is a quiet room available for parents with babies or small children. See an usher for direction. Children’s Bibles & activity bags are available in the Koinonia Rm. Assisted Hearing Devices: Hearing devices and instructions are now available in the Koinonia room on the bulletin table. Hearing Loop system installed. Turn your hearing-aid to T-coil. Free Public Wireless: Trinity offers free WIFI. Contact the church office to get the security code. Listen to sermons online at, or, if you‟d like a copy on CD, stop by the church office to place your order. Like to Blog? Join our Bible study blog: Daily Discipleship. Read about the Gospel text for the week and how it relates to your daily life: STEWARDS OF TIME TRINITY LUTHERAN CHURCH PASTORS: Jennifer DeNetz, Andy Behrendt and PastoralAssistant Marilyn Lange Curious about Trinity Lutheran? What’s your next step? Organist/Pianist: Wanda Eikenbary, Director of Music Ministries, [email protected] SPECIAL MUSIC: (8:00) Trinity Choir, Louise Sanford, Director, Elders: (6:00) Kenn & Nancy Elandt (8:00) Vic & Chris Anthony; (10:30) Mark & Sue Harrington Ushers: (6:00) Audrey Schmidt, Tyler and Cathy Peterson; Linda Schober (8:00) Ken Claussen, Stu Droeger, Mike & Trae Claussen (10:30) Carol Stanczyk, Yvonne Robbers, Mya and Kylie Berzsenyi, Doug & Kathy Pickar Readers: (6:00) Patsy Hunter; (8:00) Jean Schwirtz; (10:30) Vi Gauerke Greeters: (6:00) Merle Lange; (8:00) Pete Gasper & Nancy Schanke; (10:30) Paul & Cindy Mattingly Hospitality: Ryan Luedtke & Kyle Diestler Link: (8:00) Nancy Johnson; (10:30) Carol Stanczyk SOUNDBOOTH: (Sat.) Wanda Eikenbary; (Sun.) Ron Kolb POWERPOINT: (6:00) Scottie Brinker; (8:00) Nancy Pagel; (10:30) Leilani Gunter Sacristy Duties: Altar Guild Nursery: (Sun.) Susan Elandt & Sarah Heider SUNDAY HOSPITALITY HOUR, 9:00-10:00 A.M. Needed: Cookies, 8-9 oz. styrofoam cups & plastic spoons. Please fill-out the ―Visitor‖ card located in your pew. Contact Pastor Jennifer DeNetz, at 715-258-7688, (Membership) Visit our website for more information: Transfiguration of our Lord Feb. 14 & 15,2015 Preacher: Pastor Andy Behrendt Facebook: Find out what‟s happening with our Trinity family. „LIKE‟ us on Facebook at FOLLOW TRINITY ON TWITTER: @TrinityWaupaca. ELW 8 Stewardship Thought Gratitude reminds us to be like plants, which turn toward, not away, from the light. MJ Ryan in Attitudes of Gratitude PRELUDE: (6:00) Be Thou My Vision (8:00) Thine, O Lord, is the Greatness (10:30) Shine, Jesus, Shine Melody Bober Francis S. Hess G. Kendrick/J. Schrader CONFESSION AND FORGIVENESS OPENING HYMN: Arise, Your Light Has Come! GREETING KYRIE / HYMN OF PRAISE PRAYER OF THE DAY CHILDREN’S MESSAGE ANOUNCEMENTS SCRIPTURE READINGS FIRST READING: 2 Kings 2:1-12 SECOND READING: 2 Corinthians 4:3-6 Hymn #314 Liturgy Pg. 8-9 Pew Bible O.T. 237 Pew Bible N.T. 128 GOSPEL ACCLAMATION Liturgy Pg. 10 GOSPEL: Mark 9:2-9 SERMON Pastor Andy Behrendt SERMON HYMN: How Good, Lord, to Be Here! Hymn #315 APOSTLES’ CREED PRAYERS OF THE CHURCH OFFERING / OFFERING MUSIC: (6:00 & 10:30) Glorious Things of Thee Are Spoken Joseph Haydn (8:00) Shine, Jesus, Shine G. Kendrick/J. Schrader PRESENTATION: We Are An Offering OFFERING PRAYER GREAT THANKSGIVING HOLY, HOLY, HOLY LORD Liturgy Pg. 11 WORDS OF INSTITUTION / THE LORD’S PRAYER LAMB OF GOD / DISTRIBUTION Liturgy Pg. 12 Gluten-free wafers are available by asking the pastor. Clear apple juice is located in the center of the communion tray. COMMUNION MUSIC: (8:00) As We Break the Bread COMMUNION HYMN: (Sun.) Christ, Be Our Light TABLE BLESSING PRAYER AFTER COMMUNION / BLESSING SENDING HYMN: The Spirit Sends Us Forth to Serve DISMISSAL POSTLUDE: Christ, Whose Glory Fills the Skies Jay Althouse Hymn #715 Hymn #551 Cindy Berry WORSHIP/PRAYER FRIENDSHIP REGISTER: Members and visitors- Please sign the Friendship Register, located at the end of the pew, and pass it on. The Register provides valuable information used by our staff. RADIO BROADCAST: If you would like to sponsor the Sunday WDUX radio broadcast of our worship service, in honor of or in memory of someone, the cost is $71. See Sue in the church office or give her a call, 715-258-7688. PRAYER REQUESTS can be submitted through our website. Visit and click on the Prayer Request button on the left-side of the home page, or scan this QR code to your smart phone. Your request will be securely delivered. Prayer requests can also be filled out before worship and handed to an usher. Forms are located in the Koinonia room on the Link table. E-DEVOTIONALS / ANNOUNCEMENTS: Trinity‟s daily e-devotional and announcements can be delivered to your inbox. Just call the church office and request to be put on the E-Devotion List. SICKNESS AND HOSPITAL: If you or a loved one has a pastoral need, please contact the church office, 715-258-7688. We would be happy to visit you and / or put your request on our prayer list for two weeks. Remember, the hospital only calls us if they have a request to do so. PRAYER SHEETS: A detailed, written, version of the prayer requests is available on the bulletin board in the hallway to the church office. The council minutes, treasurer‟s report, and flower chart are also located on that bulletin board. FAMILY & YOUTH SILENT AUCTION: The Silent Auction will take place starting Wednesday, February 18 and go through Sunday, March 29 (Palm Sunday) at 11:00 a.m. If you would like to donate an item or basket for the auction, please see Heidi Fischer in the church office. Thank you for your support. BUY GIFT CARDS & SUPPORT FAITH VENTURES: The Scrip program allows you to buy gift cards to hundreds of retailers at face value, and a percentage of the purchase goes toward the Faith Ventures Detroit trip. $25 cards for Piggly Wiggly, Pick „n Save, and Kwik Trip are in stock at all times; we will be selling the first and third Sundays between services or any time in the church office. You may still place orders for any card you may need. Orders are sent in Thursday and arrive by Wednesday the following week. Questions? Contact Susan Elandt, 715-412-0525. Look for our table in the Connection Room. Thanks. JAKE THE PANCAKE MAN will be with us on Sunday, February 15, 9-10:30 a.m. All Sunday school children and teachers are welcome to have pancakes. Anyone else can purchases a ticket for only $5. WHERE MOMS CONNECT is a ministry that connects moms of all age groups through all stages. They will meet the 3rd Sunday of the month in the youth room, at 9:15 a.m. Topics may include encouraging one another, stress, holidays, affordable fun, dealing with loneliness, etc. Coffee, snacks, and child care provided. THIS WEEK AT TRINITY February 15-22, 2015 Sunday 8:00 & 10:30 a.m. 9:00 a.m. 9:00 a.m. 9:15 a.m. 9:15 a.m. 9:15 a.m. 9:15 a.m. 9:30 a.m. 11:30 a.m. --Worship Services / Communion --Jake the Pancake Man / Fellowship Hall --Coffee Sales / Connection Room --Connect Moms Group / Youth Rm --Blood Pressures / Library --Education Hour --Trinity Choir / LL4 --Men‟s Choir / Chapel --Faith Ventures / Youth Room Monday 8:00– a.m. -2:00 p.m. 4:00 p.m./ 6:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 6:30 p.m. 7:00 p.m. --Heroes Day Off / Downstairs --Membership & Evangelism / Conf. Rm. --Grief Support / Room 115 --Handbell Choir / Sanctuary --Abigail Circle / Off-site --Family & Youth Team / Youth Room Tuesday 8:30 a.m. 12:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. --Mission Quilters --Newsletter Deadline / Church office --Luther‟s Tap / Paca Pub & Grill Wednesday 12:15 p.m. 1:15 p.m. 3:30 p.m. 6:15 p.m. 7:15 p.m. --Ash Wednesday Worship / Sanctuary --Women‟s Bible Study / Rm 115 --Children‟s Choir / Chapel --Ash Wednesday Worship / Sanctuary --Conf. Homework Catch-up / Lower Level Thursday 7:00 p.m. --Lenten Bible Study (PA) / Paca Pub & Grill LOOKING AHEAD LENTEN WORSHIP SERVICES: Ash Wednesday, February 18, worship at 12:15 and 6:15 p.m. Worship at these times on Wednesdays through March 25. Lenten meals will be served at 11:30 and 5:30 p.m., starting Feb. 25. The Holden Evening Service Liturgy will be used. BREAD: Loaves of home baked or good store bought bread will be needed for the meals during Lent. Bread donations would be appreciated starting February 25. TLC EDUCATION SCHOLARSHIP: The TLC Education Endowment Fund exists to aid active Trinity members in their post high school and seminary education. Active members are eligible for grants for up to 4 years. Applications for grants for the 2015-2016 academic year are available at (Resources tab; Forms are due at the church office no later than (4:00 p.m.) April 10. Please note there are two applications: one for initial application (“Initial Application”) and one for continued financial support (“Application for Continued Grants”). THE MISSION QUILTERS are in need of quilt fillers. These can be old blankets, quilts, mattress pads, etc. Just drop them off in the church office during the week, from 8:00-4:00 p.m. CALL COMMITTEE: The Call Committee is beginning the process of searching for a new lead pastor for our church. Please pray for them. EASY, CONVENIENT, SAFE: Please consider signing up for on-line giving. Fast, safe, easy and adjustable at anytime. To set up a recurring contribution, visit and look for the „Give Now‟ button on the left-hand side of the home page. Please contact the church office with any questions or for assistance. Saturday—Sunday –Junior Youth Gathering –Neenah SOUTH AFRICA PARTNERSHIP: If you are age 16 or older, consider being on this new mission group. This group will oversee the partnership relationship with our sister church Saron Lutheran in Phokeng, South Africa. We will inform & update Trinity members on details of the partnership, meet quarterly on non-visitation years and meet more frequently on visitation years. Our goal is to expand our church to church relationship and individual relationships with each other. Interested? Questions? Contact Terry Nellis at, 715-281-7651, or email at, [email protected] Saturday 5:30 p.m. 6:00 p.m. OWLS EVENT: Thursday, February 26, Potluck, games, and fellowship, Sign up in the Connection room. Potluck at 1:00 p.m., a variety of games to follow. If you have a favorite game, bring it along. Sunday 8:00 & 10:30 a.m. 9:15 a.m. 9:15 a.m. 9:15 a.m. 9:30 a.m. --Blood Pressure / Library --Worship --Worship --Blood Pressures / Library --Education Hour --Trinity Choir / LL4 --Men‟s Choir / Chapel YOUNG ADULT MISSION TRIP. June 8-14, on our second annual trip for those ages 18 and up, we‟ll build connections with God and one another as we build or rebuild homes for folks in South Bend, Indiana, with Habitat for Humanity while staying on the Notre Dame campus. Forms are now available in the Connection Room and on Trinity‟s website (select “Resources” and then “Forms”). The out-of-pocket cost for this meaningful adventure is only $100, with additional fundraising to be done in the months after the March 1 registration deadline. TRINITY WOMEN’S RETREAT: February 28, from 9:00 to 11:00 a.m., potluck lunch to follow. Come to experience and learn prayer practices. No cost. Sign –up in Connection Room.
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