The 10th Annual QAC Family Fun Run “A Day at the Races” When: Sunday, March 29, 2015 starting at 12:00 PM Note: Race events go quickly. Try to arrive early, so you are stretched and ready to run! Where: Queen Anne’s County High School in Lions Stadium, Centreville, Maryland Rain or Shine: If the weather is poor, we will meet in the QACHS lobby and run indoors. What: Fun Run’s held on the track based on Grade Level (events are run in the following order) Toddler Scramble 100 meter run Pre K and K 200 meter run (1/2 lap around track) 1st and 2nd Grade ¼ mile (1 lap) 3rd and 4th Grade ½ mile (2 laps) 5th Grade 1 mile (4 laps) Middle School 1 mile High School 1 mile Open Race 1 mile Walker/Stroller Division 1 mile *** ***If a student wishes to run a longer race than is listed for their grade they will be allowed. Example: A 3rd grader who wants to try 1 mile. Benefits: The Queen Anne’s County High School Girls Soccer and Basketball Teams Amenities: Each participant receives a commemorative t-shirt, healthy snack, participation certificate & award, and chance to win a raffle. Cost: $10.00 for first household family member, $8.00 for second household family member, and $5.00 for each additional household family member. Please make checks payable to: QACHS Athletic Boosters. Entries may be turned into the Physical Education Teacher at each school or mailed to: Mike Kern, Centreville Middle School, 231 Ruthsburg Road Centreville, MD 21617 Registration needs to be received by March 23rd to guarantee a T-Shirt 10th Annual QAC Family Fun Run Return this form to your QACPS P.E. Teacher or mail to Mike Kern (see address on the form above). T-shirt size: Youth- XS S M L Adult- S M L XL 2XL Name Grade T-Shirt Size (specify Y or A) Participant 1 ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Participant 2 ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Participant 3 _________________________________________________________________________ Any additional participants add to back In consideration of this entry being accepted, I, intending to be legally bound, hereby for myself, my heirs, executors, administrators, waive and release any and all rights I may have against the organization holding this event, its agents, representatives, successors and assigns for any and all injuries by me or my child at said race. Signature: ______________________________________________ Date:________________ (Parents signature if less than 18 years old) Phone Number: ____________________________________
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