Covington Running Club Spring 2015

Covington Running Club Spring 2015
WHO: 3RD-5TH Grade Boys and Girls
WHAT: 5-Week Training Program to prepare for the SACS Elementary 1 Mile Championship On May 15, 2015
WHEN: Tues & Thurs from 6-7 pm: April 14, 16, 21, 23, 28, 30, May 5, 7, 12, 14
WHERE: Meet in Covington Gym & be dressed to run outside. Parents are welcome to run with us if
background check is on file with the office.
WHY: To prepare students for the thrill of a running competition & to teach life long fitness.
COST: $28.00 per student—Cost includes 10 training sessions, race entry fee for 1 Mile
Championship on May 15 & race t-shirt. (Please make checks payable to Tammy Behrens & return entry
form below with the attached medical form.) Student Scholarships are available. Families with more than one
sibling will sign up the first child for $28.00 & each additional child is $20.00.
QUESTIONS: BEV MOELLERING ([email protected] OR 260.602.2659) Parent Coach
NICOLE HUNT ([email protected] OR 260.271.5390) Parent Coach
you to our
Entry Form—Turn in by April 7th - Follow us on Twitter: @sacs_mile
Name: ____________________________________________________________________________________________
School: __________________________________ Grade: _______ Circle: M / F
Telephone: __________________________
Address: _________________________________________________________________________________________________
Email: ____________________________________________________ Shirt Size (Please circle one) YS YM YL AS AM AL
Please Make checks out to: Tammy Behrens & return to Front Office at school by April 7th.
Waiver: If anything happens to me before, during, or after the race, neither I nor anyone else will make any claim or liability
against the race organizers, Southwest Allen County Schools, coaches or sponsors of the SACS Elementary One Mile Championship event.
Signature of Participant: __________________________________________________________________________
Signature of Parent __________________________________________________________________ Date: _______________