Redeemer Lutheran Church 869 7th Avenue SE Rochester, MN 55904 Redeemer Lutheran MUSIC SUNDAY Church “Making Him Known” The Ascension of our Lord But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth." Acts 1:8 Sunday, May 10, 2015 – 8:00 am Sunday, May 10, 2015 – 10:40 am Our Mission Statement: “As Christians based on the solid foundation of God’s Word, empowered by the Holy Spirit we strive to live out, lift up, and share our faith in Jesus Christ – welcoming all into our family of believers.” Our Theme: Each month this year we are considering how different Biblical characters made our Lord known in unique ways. In May, we remember the woman at the well who Made Him Known by sharing her story. WELCOME VISITORS We have printed out our worship service to make it easier for all of us to follow. Hymns are found in the hymn section of the Lutheran Service Book or in Worship & Praise, the purple supplement. Please visit our “Welcome Center” in the narthex for additional information about Redeemer. 57th ANNUAL MUSIC SERVICE - We are thankful for all of our dedicated musicians who share their God-given talents throughout the year. On this day several of our groups are coming together to lead a good portion of our worship. Since this is a service of worship, we ask that you not applaud for individual groups. We will have a chance to say thanks to all at the end. OUR THEME FOR TODAY is “Sharing His Story.” As our Lord’s witnesses in the world, we will want to be in the Scriptures that we might share HIS story. We Come Into God’s Presence (*) Those who are able are asked to stand during these parts of the Service. PRELUDE “Praludium and Fugue in A” – Dietrich Buxtehude -1- Redeemer Lutheran Church 869 7th Avenue SE Rochester, MN 55904 GREETINGS and ANNOUNCEMENTS (Please stand.) (*) PROCESSIONAL HYMN “Alleluia, Alleluia! Hearts To Heaven” .................... LSB 477 (*) THE INVOCATION, CONFESSION, ABSOLUTION P: In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. C: Amen. P: In that name, and with that faith—as dear children approaching a loving parent, as sinners redeemed by the blood of the Lamb, as believers filled with the Holy Spirit—let us confess our sins to almighty God. C: Let us seek forgiveness. (Silence for meditation and self-examination) P: C: Most merciful God, we have been unworthy and disobedient children. We have ignored our Father’s admonitions, disregarded our Savior’s instructions, grieved the Holy Spirit. We are not worthy to be called children of God. But we beg you—of your fatherly compassion, by your saving merits, at your inviting call—to have mercy on us and grant us your forgiveness. God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him might not perish but have eternal life. To those who believe in Jesus Christ, the heavenly Father gives the Holy Spirit that they may be children of God. Rejoice in the Lord, your sins are forgiven—in the name of the Father and the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. (Please be seated.) P: C: HYMN “Amazing Love” I’m forgiven because You were forsaken. I’m accepted; You were condemned. I’m alive and well, Your Spirit is within me Because You died and rose again. Amazing love, how can it be That You, my King would die for me? Amazing love, I know it’s true; It’s my joy to honor You. In all I do, I honor You. Repeat from beginning -2- Redeemer Lutheran Church 869 7th Avenue SE Rochester, MN 55904 Continued. . .. You are my King, You are my King. Jesus, You are my King. Jesus, You are my king. Amazing love, how can it be That You, my King would die for me? Amazing love, I know it’s true; It’s my joy to honor You. In all I do, I honor You. (10:40 am) CHERUB CHOIR ANGELIC CHIMES “Go Tell” “Praise God From Whom All Blessing Flow” God Speaks to Us SCRIPTURE READING L: The First Reading for the Ascension of our Lord is from the first chapter of Acts. 1 In my former book, Theophilus, I wrote about all that Jesus began to do and to teach 2 until the day he was taken up to heaven, after giving instructions through the Holy Spirit to the apostles he had chosen. 3 After his suffering, he presented himself to them and gave many convincing proofs that he was alive. He appeared to them over a period of forty days and spoke about the kingdom of God. 4 On one occasion, while he was eating with them, he gave them this command: "Do not leave Jerusalem, but wait for the gift my Father promised, which you have heard me speak about. 5 For John baptized with water, but in a few days you will be baptized with the Holy Spirit." 6 Then they gathered around him and asked him, "Lord, are you at this time going to restore the kingdom to Israel?" 7 He said to them: "It is not for you to know the times or dates the Father has set by his own authority. 8 But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth." 9 After he said this, he was taken up before their very eyes, and a cloud hid him from their sight. 10 They were looking intently up into the sky as he was going, when suddenly two men dressed in white stood beside them. 11 "Men of Galilee," they said, "why do you stand here looking into the sky? This same Jesus, who has been taken from you into heaven, will come back in the same way you have seen him go into heaven." Act 1:1-11 NIV -3- Redeemer Lutheran Church 869 7th Avenue SE Rochester, MN 55904 L: This is the Word of the Lord. C: Thanks be to God. (Please stand to sing.) (*) RESPONSE When I behold Jesus Christ, True God who died for me, I wonder much as His love as He hung on the tree. What kind of love is this? What kind of love is this? You showed Your love, Jesus, there to me on Calvary. What kind of love is this? What kind of love is this? You showed Your love, Jesus, there To me on Calvary. (LSB 542, st. 1) (*) HOLY GOSPEL L: The Holy Gospel according to St. John, the fourth chapter. C: Glory to You, O Lord. 28 Then, leaving her water jar, the woman went back to the town and said to the people, 29 "Come, see a man who told me everything I ever did. Could this be the Messiah?" 30 They came out of the town and made their way toward him. 39 Many of the Samaritans from that town believed in him because of the woman's testimony, "He told me everything I ever did." 40 So when the Samaritans came to him, they urged him to stay with them, and he stayed two days. 41 And because of his words many more became believers. 42 They said to the woman, "We no longer believe just because of what you said; now we have heard for ourselves, and we know that this man really is the Savior of the world." John 4:2830,39-42 NIV L: C: This is the Gospel of the Lord. Praise to You, O Christ. (*) RESPONSE VERSE (LSB 542, st. 2) For me You gave all Your love, for me You suffered pain; I find no words, nothing can Your selflessness explain. What kind of love is this? What kind of love is this? You showed Your love, Jesus, there to me on Calvary. What kind of love is this? What kind of love is this? You showed Your love, Jesus, there to me on Calvary. (Please be seated.) ALLELUIA SINGERS HYMN “Fingerprints of God” “Here I Am To Worship” “Love Divine, All Loves Excelling” ......................................................... LSB 700 PASTOR’S MESSAGE “Sharing His Story” - Acts 1:1-11 -4- Redeemer Lutheran Church 869 7th Avenue SE Rochester, MN 55904 We Respond To God’s Word GATHERING OF THE OFFERINGS (The pastor will collect any special prayer request cards during this time.) FRIENDSHIP REGISTRATION (Please fill in and pass the booklets in your row, if you have not already done so.) MUSICAL OFFERING “Alabaré-” – Chancel Chimes (When the offerings are brought forward, please stand to sing. . .) (*) OFFERTORY What love is this? Greater love No one has ever known. My life with God – this I owe to You, and You alone. What kind of love is this? What kind of love is this? You showed Your love, Jesus, there to me on Calvary. What kind of love is this? What kind of love is this? You showed Your love, Jesus, there to me on Calvary. (LSB 542, st.4) God Sends Us Forth to Serve and Proclaim (*) PRAYERS - Congregation's response: "Hear our prayer" (*) LORD'S PRAYER ALL: Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name, thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever and ever. Amen. (Please be seated.) HYMN-VERSE O sing to the Lord, O sing God a new song. O sing to the Lord, O sing God a new song. -5- (LSB 808, st. 1,2,5) Redeemer Lutheran Church 869 7th Avenue SE Rochester, MN 55904 O sing to the Lord, O sing God a new song. O sing to our God, O sing to our God. (continued) For God is the Lord! And God has done wonders. For God is the Lord! And God has done wonders. For God is the Lord! And God has done wonders. O sing to our God, O sing to our God. For Jesus is Lord! Amen! Alleluia! For Jesus is Lord! Amen! Alleluia! For Jesus is Lord! Amen! Alleluia! O sing to our God, O sing to our God. SOUNDS OF PRAISE “Be Ye Glad” “True Light” CLOSING COMBINED CHOIRS “The Lord Bless You” Stanzas 1 & 2 – Choirs Stanza 3 - congregation join in singing The Lord bless you and keep you, The Lord make his face to shine upon you And be gracious, gracious, gracious to you. The Lord lift up his countenance upon you And give you, give you, give you peace. CLOSING WORDS (*) BENEDICTION P: The Lord bless you and keep you. The Lord make His face shine on you and be gracious to you. The Lord look upon you with favor and give you peace. C: Amen. (*) HYMN “Christ The Eternal Lord” ......................................................................... LSB 829 POSTLUDE “Toccata Brevis” – Daniel Gawthrop -6- Redeemer Lutheran Church 869 7th Avenue SE Rochester, MN 55904 Music Participants 2014-2015 Cherub Choir (Director: April Beckman, DPM and Jan Dale) Caleb Harvey Cody Clark Gabriel Harvey Josiah Reese Chase Bruns Kyleigh DeGrand Trevor Strohschein Kaitlyn Hartson Olivia Grewe Angelic Chimes (Director: April Beckman, DPM and Todd Mueller) Ian Cunningham M.J. Harvey Lauren Poch Kaylee Mueller Ian Reese Jesina Reimers Melody Sorgatz Brandon Mueller Chantel VanGuilder Rebecca Applen Lily Harvey Abigail Hendrickson Isabella Grewe Shelby Leitz Bryce Grewe Kylee Hartson Katie Morello Rayn Bruns Lily-Rose Decker Tori Honecker Meredith Schulz Jessica Strohschein Samuel Decker Lauren Schulz Gracie Decker Youth Chimes (Director: April Beckman, DPM, and Tanja Morella and Ginger Lagergren ) Sam Hildestad Jaqson Reimers Addie Harvey Sarah Ernst Thomas Hildestad Lauren Horstmann Olivia Rossman Joel Mueller Aaron Mueller Kaitelyn Schulz Bethany Mennecke Mark Law Men’s Choir (Director: April Beckman, DPM) Harlan Peterson Paul Lewis Kurt Rump Bruce Struve Herb Mueller Doug Koepsell Bob Jenkins Bryce Beckman Bernie Nesler George Poch Jim Naessens Joel Dubbels Instruments of Praise (Directors: Bob Rosin and April Beckman, DPM) Beth Hanson Jay Kurtz Sandy Severson Kelsey Okuno Scott Okuno Brian Weyers Allison Hanley Madison Okuno Mary Jo Rosin Virginia Miller Carolyn Mennecke Matt Saxman Emily Applen Matt Hanley Rebecca Mennecke Bethany Menencke Cheri Struve Kathy Zarling Ken Ikier Jeff Sorgatz -7- Redeemer Lutheran Church 869 7th Avenue SE Rochester, MN 55904 Sounds of Praise (Directors: April Beckman, DPM and Carol Sonnabend; Accompanists, Carol Sonnabend, Kathy Zarling, Ginger Lagergren) George Poch Tanja Morello Kay Fockler Anita Werle Gerhardt Poch Tifani Flieth Lois Kuntz Betty Mueller Bruce Struve Kathy Zarling Lori Lewis Carol Sonnabend Dave Wood Joel Dubbels Lynora Miller Dawn Radtke Jane Quaintance Mike Hanley Marcia Cochran Dawn Shelstad Jan Dale Andy Hanson Mary Hanley Deb Law Lowell Dale Bob Jenkins Pat Fitch Gail Wood Will Mundell Mark Law Renee Brandt Ginger Lagergren Paul Lewis Rosie Peterson Jolene Heining Herb Mueller Ruth Vrieze June Storma Harlan Peterson Shari Kmett Kathy Hildestad Celebration Team Melissa Montgomery Michelle Braem Katia Burdick Jean Michaelis Michael Harvey Wendy Hickey Kevin Peterson Jeff Schoppers Chancel Chimes (Director: Herb Mueller) Mary Hanley Bruce Struve Carol Sonnabend Cheri Struve Lynette Miller Gloria Poch Lynora Miller Julie Gehrking April Beckman Beth Harwood Emily Applen Ardis Jenkins Arnie Kuntz Andrew Werle Connor Wondrasch Roger Applen Becky Decker Kaitelyn Schultz Kathy Hildestad Lois Kuntz Joel Mueller Todd Mueller Kathy Williams Sara Lassila Ginger Lagergren Tanja Morello Brooke Stene Lisa Martinson Jane Quaintance Alleluia Singers (Directors: Lynette and Lynora Miller) Hailey Bruns Bryce Grewe Abigail Hendrickson Ian Cunningham Isabella Grewe Shelby Leitz Gracie Decker Kylee Hartson Katie Morello Samuel Decker Lily Harvey Kaylee Mueller Redeemer Brass (Director: Bob Rosin) Mary Jo Rosin Kathy Zarling Mary Hepinstall Ken Ikier Jeff Sorgatz -8- Ian Reese Melody Sorgatz Jessica Strohschein Chantel VanGuilder Redeemer Lutheran Church Weekly Announcements and Highlights Week of 5‐10‐2015 Special Prayer Opportunities: Health Concerns: Elizabeth Horstmann, Lorna Sloan, Isaac Koglin, Sharron Smith Guidance: For our DCE Call Committee Guidance for our state and national leaders Give Thanks: With Tammy Konicek upon the birth of her first grandchild, Alexandra Reese, born April 30, 2015. Great grandparents are Bob and Bonnie Hoenk For faithful mothers everywhere For the faithful nurses that serve in our congregation during Nurses Week, May 6-12 Grieving: Mary Swenson and family upon the recent death of her daughter, Lorraine. Courage: For those affected by the earthquake in Nepal. Faith: For mothers who have lost children, or are struggling with aspects of parenting PRAYER CHAIN – If you have a prayer request, call Gail Sim (289-2087) or the church office (289-5147). E-MAIL PRAYER CHAIN - To request a prayer or join the chain, send an email to Lori Hameister at [email protected]. PRAYER CARDS - Take a look in your pew rack and you’ll see our prayer request cards! These cards will be collected by one of the pastors during the offering time. MOTHER’S DAY CARNATIONS Are being provided this weekend by the Redeemer Lutheran Church Women. They are for all who have given birth, adopted a child, or have served as guardian or foster mother. FLOWERS ON THE ALTAR are in honor of : Donna Schwerman’s 81st birthday on May 12. Dennis Burdick’s 69th birthday on May 13. Eldora Krueger’s 99th birthday on May 14. SPRING VOTERS’ ASSEMBLY Is next weekend, Sunday, May 17, at 12:30 pm. At 11:45 am our youth will provide a lunch of Chili dogs/hot dogs. On the agenda are election of officers, and an update on the DCE call process, and plans for updating our office to provide room for this staff person. All Redeemer members, 18 and over, are voting members and are encouraged to participate. NOW AVAILABLE The newest edition of the Lutheran Witness is available for pick-up on the counter in the narthex. Note the article by Danelle Putnam, who we are supporting in the Dominican Republic. The June-August edition of “My Devotions” — devotional booklets for families with children, are now available on the counter in the narthex. Week of 5-10-2015 Adult Bible Classes SUMMER REFRESHMENTS SUNDAYS at 9:20 am NEW TESTAMENT APOSTLES On Mother’s Day, May 10, we will be looking at the Virgin Mary and several other important women in the New Testament. Pastor Heining leads this class in the South Fellowship Hall. CHRIST IS RISEN INDEED! SO WHAT? Pastor Koglin facilitates the discussion following each video in the North Fellowship Hall. ADULT CATECHISM: DCE Intern, Brian Weyers, leads this Bible study in the Choir Room/Room 203. THURSDAY WORSHIP SERVICES Are now held each Thursday at 6 pm in the Chapel. It is the first service of the weekend. We again look forward to groups or families or individuals hosting our refreshments between Sunday services beginning Memorial Day weekend. (May 23/24). Please call the church office to select a date! “FOOTSTEPS OF PAUL” PRESENTATION Marilyn Poppe has recently returned from Greece, having seen the places we will visit on our congregational pilgrimage in September. She will be sharing about those sites on Thursday, May 28, at 7 pm in the South Fellowship Hall. While this will be of particular interest for those planning to go on the trip (or considering it) all others are welcome as well. CONFIRMATION PICTURES There is a DVD for each confirmation family at the Welcome Center. Did you know that Redeemer has a Facebook page? Find us and “Like” us for all the latest news! GRADUATE RECOGNITION Save the date! Redeemer’s High School graduates will be recognized at the 9:30 am service on Sunday, May 31. 2 NEPAL RELIEF - LCMS Disaster Response has already pledged $235,000 to help earthquake victims. Additional gifts may be made for this purpose by using the “special” category on your offering envelopes. Week of 5-10-2015 ATTENTION SARAH CIRCLE CAN YOU HELP? Plan to attend our monthly meeting on Thursday, May 14, at 9 am, in the Fellowship Hall. Our devotion will be “Imitating God,” from the Spring 2015 LWML Quarterly. Any questions, please contact Jan Walters. From our friends at POBLO in Rochester . . . We are in a bit of a pinch right now. We currently have 6 full classes and are unable to register some new students because we do not have classes for them to attend. We are looking for at least 4 new teachers ASAP. This semester runs until May 29. We need a person to teach the following classes: Beginning Conversation (students with little English), Intermediate Conversation, Advanced Conversation, and Ventures level 4 (a higher level class - this one includes a book that is very easy to follow). We do have some books for the conversation classes, but most teachers choose not to use them. They prefer to come with their own topics/materials. If you know of anyone who might be willing to help out for the next 4 weeks, please send them our way. Please call the POBLO office at 2584144 if you are willing to help. TUESDAY MORNING WOMEN’S BIBLE STUDY Reminder that we will be meeting at 10 am on Tuesday, May 19. We will have our Bible Study and then go out for lunch at Old Country Buffet. Anyone (men included) is invited to join us! Any questions, please contact Jan Walters. STEPHEN MINISTRY It will be 10 years this year since I’ve lost my mother. There are so many days and nights I’ve wanted to call and talk with her. Mother’s Day is one of the hardest — besides her birthday and major holidays. Mother’s Day is especially hard because you hear all the ads on the TV or radio or people talking about what they got their mom or where they were going to lunch, etc. If anyone is hurting or in the same place as I am/was, please consider a Stephen Minister. They are here to help you through these difficult times. They stay by your side. They are there to listen, pray for you, have devotions with you. If you are in need or hurting this Mother’s Day, please talk to Pastor Koglin about Stephen Ministry. INTERESTED IN VOLUNTEERING AT CHANNEL ONE? Come join us on Monday, May 18, from 6:00—8:00 pm in the Channel One clean room helping sort and repackage! It’s fun and rewarding giving to the community. Call Ellen Blanco at 281-1624 for information or to sign up. Collecting Portals of Prayers Devotions Don't throw away your devotional booklets -instead bring them to church and place them in a collection box on the long counter in the narthex. The booklets will be redistributed as part of a missional outreach program. 3 Week of 5-10-2015 COOKIES, COOKIES The Rochester Servant Event, June 7-10, is in need of cookie donations for lunches. We are planning on 100 workers for three days of lunches. Each person gets two cookies a day in their lunch. This means we need 60 dozen or 720 cookies! We are hoping that you can help us with cookie donations! The cookies can be homemade or purchased. Because of allergies, we ask for no cookies with peanut butter or nuts. There will be a sign-up sheet at the Welcome Center. Please sign up and indicate how many dozen you are willing to donate. Please plan to bring them to the church kitchen by Sunday, June 7. Your help is greatly appreciated! Thank you! Don’t miss out on this exciting opportunity! Sign-up for your time slot on the sheets in the narthex! OUR RESPONSE TO GOD LAST WEEK: WEEKEND WORSHIP ATTENDANCE: 496 (50+99+144+203) Guests: 41 SUNDAY SCHOOL/BIBLE CLASSES 203 (75+128) LIFE THOUGHTS. . . NEXT WEEKEND’S READINGS Acts 1:22-26; 1 John 5:9-15; John 17:11b-19 It is easy to become discouraged in a world that constantly turns to death as a friend to rescue Theme: “God’s Word Is The Greatest Story” us from our problems. But we live in this world by faith in the victory of Christ who has overcome the world (1 John 5:4-5). We have a true friend in Jesus (John 15:15). Jesus, encourage me as I live in Y our victory. A men Blessed to Serve Today Message .................................................. Pastor Heining Liturgist ...................................................... Pastor Koglin Pianist (Thurs) ............................................... Kathy Zarling Organist (Sat & Sun) ......................................... Jeff Daehn Acolytes 8:00 am .....................Austin Manuell / Ethan Manuell 10:40 am ...................Kailyn Manthei / Emma Proback Lectors 5:30 pm ................................................ Lindsay Smith 8:00 am ............................................... Rich Gommels 10:40 am ...................................................... Jess Ihrke Elders 6:00 pm .................................................... Bob Dubke 5:30 pm .................................................. Scott Feeder 8:00 am ...................................... James Weispfenning 10:40 am ............................................... Andy Hanson Greeters 5:30 pm ................................. Sue Kazos / Gary & Sue Tollers 8:00 am .......................................................... Ernst Family 10:40 am ................... Darlene Thompson / Caroline Ferdig Worship Recording ........................................... Royce Ernst Blood Pressures .................................................................. Nursery 9:20 am ............................. Anna Koglin / Erin Harvey 10:40 am ............... Sue Bonnes / Marrissa Van Guilder Altar Guild Chair: Caroline Ferdig Saturday......................... Vicky Ward, Donna Mundell Sunday ................................ Sue Blood, Rosie Petersen Welcome Center 5:30 pm .................................................... Kim Jensen 8:00 am ................................ Terry and Sharon Muller 10:40 am.................................... Dan and Terri Zemke Usher Coordinator …………………………...Roger Toomey Ushers 5:30 pm ......................................... Lyle Voight, Rich Ward 8:00 am .. Ed Feeder, Harold Jenkins, Andrew Fockler, Jeff Lee, Sam Gehrking, Kelly Anderson 10:40 am.. Willis Fitting, Joel Pralle, Gary Seering, Christian Nisbit, Jacob Pralle, Madyson Pralle 4 Week of 5-10-2015 Youth Highlights! Youth SoŌball! Two Games – May 13, 7:00 and 8:00 pm – All games are at Sla erly Park! Please turn in your Rochester Servant Event REGISTRATIONS!!! – We want most of them in by May 13 so we can have a strong count for ordering T‐shirts! Ignite –May 17 is the last Ignite of the school year! Come join us for a me of fellowship, learning, food, and games. If you haven’t tried Ignite I think it is me you did! P.Y.R.O.S.—PYROS is planning on heading to the park! Join us on May 9 as we go to a park and invite others to have some fun with us. Pray for beau ful weather and lots of people to join us. PANDORA’S MOON – Come join us for a me of adventure and challenge. We will be journeying to the third moon of Pandora to gather together to face the imminent threat that has developed there. Gather your strength and courage to face the dangers that all heroes must face. This event is an evening event star ng with food and snacks. Then the group will face a series of challenges and obstacles as their own designed characters to eventually reach the end. May 16 starƟng at 4:00 this adventure will begin. Any ques ons feel free to contact Brian. Pizza Ranch: The next Pizza Ranch is May 19! This Pizza Ranch is going to benefit the Rochester Servant Event. It is also the last Pizza Ranch before summer. We are taking June, July, and August off! Psalm 37:4 Scholarship: This scholarship, formed in memory of Josh Evers, is available to all youth! Its purpose is to allow youth to a end youth events that they are unable to afford otherwise. If you would like more informa on please talk to Michael Harvey. If you have ques ons about any of these events contact: Michael Harvey 319‐4929, [email protected] or Brian Weyers 808‐2001, [email protected] Follow them to Redeemer Lutheran July 14 to find out! Whose tracks ARE these? RADA - Last week to buy your Rada cutlery, etc. Order will go in next Monday. Forms are on the Welcome Center or see Lynora Miller. 5 Week of 5-10-2015 Lupus Awareness Month Lupus is a chronic inflammatory disease that occurs when your body’s immune system attacks your own tissue and organs. The inflammation can affect many different body systems, including your joints, skin, kidneys, blood cells, brain, heart, and lungs. Lupus can difficult to diagnose because its signs and symptoms often mimic those of other ailments. The most distinctive sign of lupus is a facial rash that resembles the wings of a butterfly across both cheeks and the bridge of the nose that occurs in many, but not all cases of lupus. Other common signs and symptoms of lupus are: Fatigue and fever Dry eyes Shortness of breath Joint pain, stiffness and swelling Chest pain Headaches, confusion and memory loss Skin lesions that appear or worsen with sun exposure (photosensitivity) Fingers and toes that turn white or blue when exposed to cold or during stressful periods No two cases of lupus are exactly alike. Signs and symptoms may come on suddenly or develop slowly, may be mild or severe, and may be temporary or permanent. Most people with lupus have mild disease characterized by episodes called flares, when signs and symptoms get worse for a while, then improve or even disappear completely for a time. Lupus is more common in women; it affects people of all ages, but most often is diagnosed between the ages of 15 and 40. It is more common in African-Americans, Hispanics and Asians. The above information was taken from the Mayo Clinic website. For more information on lupus, such as causes, complications, and lifestyle and home remedies, visit Mayo Clinic’s website and search “lupus.” PRACTICAL–SIMPLE–OUTREACH Be Prepared: 2 Timothy 4:2 "Preach the word. Be prepared in season and out of season..." Here is a prayer to pray this week as you interact with many and work to "Be prepared." Lord, help me be prepared to speak your truth and good news to those you put in my life. Remind me that when I am not prepared you are and you are with me. Thank you that your Holy Spirit is in me and speaks through me." Then go out prepared in Christ through prayer to "Preach the word"! Live your normal everyday lives with Gospel intentionality – Outreach made simply practical! The G.T.O Team 6 Week of 5-10-2015 The Week at a Glance SATURDAY, MAY 9 WEDNESDAY, MAY 13 CPR Training—RM 102—9 am Sisters in Christ CC—Upper Rm—9 am PYROS Day at the Park - 2 pm WORSHIP - 5:30 pm RSE Planning Meeting—6:30 pm POBLO Sewing - NFH - 10 am Men’s Bible Study - Upper Rm - 6 pm Alleluia Singers - Rm L-3 - 6 pm Cherub Choir - Rm 101 - 6:05 pm Angelic Chimes (2-6) - Sanctuary - 6:30 pm Youth Softball - Slatterly - 7 pm Rebecca Circle—NFH—7:30 pm Youth Softball - Slatterly - 8 pm SUNDAY, MAY 10 MUSIC SERVICES WORSHIP - 8 am Blood Pressure - Nurse’s Office—9 am Sunday School/Bible Class - 9:20 am Sunday School opening—Sanct.– 9;20 am WORSHIP - 10:40 am Agape CC—Upper Room—6:30 pm THURSDAY, MAY 14 Faithfully Fit Forever - Rm L-3 - 8:15 am Sarah Circle—SFH—9 am Circuit Conference—Mt. Moriah—9 am Adjustment to Blindness—Rm 102—10 am MONDAY, MAY 11 WORSHIP - 6:00 pm Chancel Chimes—7 pm Quilters - 8 am - SFH Story Time w/Kristin - Narthex - 10:15 am FRIDAY, MAY 15 FCCI set-up/banquet—FH—2:30-9:00 pm Library Committee - 9:30 am Meals in Crisis Mtg—Rm 102—10:30 am Emmanuel CC - Upper Rm - 6:30 pm Call Committee—Rm 102—7 pm Adult Softball - Slatterly - 9 pm Girl Scouts—Rm L-2—4 pm SATURDAY, MAY 16 TUESDAY, MAY 12 God’s Grace—Rm 102—8:30 am New Member Class - 9:45 am - Rm 102 Pandora’s Moon - 4 pm - NFH Blood Pressures - 5 pm HOLY COMMUNION - 5:30 pm Men’s Bible Study - Rm 102 - 9 am Ladies’ Bible Study - NFH - 9 am FFF - Rm L-3 - 10:30 am RLCW Exec Bd - SFH - 6 pm GTO Team - Library—6:15 pm Trustees—Rm 201— 6:30 pm Youth Board - Youth Rm - 6:30 pm Fund Development—Rm L-4—7 pm SUNDAY, MAY 17 HOLY COMMUNION - 8 and 10:40 am New Member Welcome - 8 am Blood Pressures - 9 am Sunday School/Bible Class - 9:20 am Voters’ Meeting—12:30 pm Compassionate Friends—NFH Church Council - Rm 102 - 7:30 pm Japanese Fellowship—Chapel/NFH—3 pm IGNITE - 6 pm - Youth Rm Partners in Christ CC—UR—6:30 pm 7 Week of 5-10-2015 Take it Home “Making Him Known” But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth." Acts 1:8 The Woman at the Well: Making Him Known by Sharing Our Story “A Simple Way To Witness” I. Their Story II. Their Story My Story God’s Story III. IV. ? Their Story My Story This week is a very busy week here at Redeemer. This Sunday we have Music Sunday, Mother’s Day, and remembering Christ’s ascension to Heaven. There is quite a lot going on that some things can slip through the cracks. Today I would especially like to speak about mothers. Mothers (fathers get Father’s Day, not excluding them) spend a lot of me and effort caring for their children. Especially when we are younger we rely upon them for nearly everything in our lives. As we grow older we slowly have more things that we do for ourselves un l we finally move on with our life, family, career, etc. However through it all mothers con nue to care for us and support us in what we are doing. As we grow older and look back we see all that our mothers sacrificed for us. It is now me for us to care for them in special ways. On Mother’s Day make sure you thank your mother for all they have done, and con nue to do for you. A story from Jesus comes to mind when I think of Mother’s Day. While on the cross Jesus takes me to set up care for His mother by pu ng her and John together. We read a small passage saying that John took her into his house and cared for her. Remember on this special day to both thank your mother and look for ways in which you can care for her. Redeemer Lutheran Church 869 7th Avenue SE -- Rochester MN 55904 Phone - (507) 289-5147 Fax - (507) 289-7887 E-mail: [email protected] Web site: WELCOME VISITORS WORSHIP SCHEDULE HOLY COMMUNION CHILDREN WORSHIP TAPES TRANSPORTATION SPECIAL NEEDS OFFICE HOURS Whether looking for a church home or just here for the day, we are glad to have you as our guests. Please sign the red Friendship Registration pad in your pew and pick up a visitor packet in the Narthex. Remember that you are our guests; the offering is for our members who support the work of the church through their voluntary gifts. Thursday 6:00 PM Saturday 5:30 pm Sunday 8 and 10:40 am is celebrated in each service the weekends of the 1st, 3rd, and 5th Sundays of the month. We invite those who acknowledge their sinfulness, recognize that Christ’s body and blood are truly present for our forgiveness, and are willing to give witness to the unity of their faith with this community, to join with us in receiving the sacrament. For those who for health or conscience reasons are not able to receive wine, please note that there is a cup of white grape juice in the middle of each tray. Gluten-free wafers are available in the middle of the bread tray for those with that allergy. are always welcome at Redeemer. Parents should note that according to your needs and preferences, 1) children’s bulletins and “color bags” are available in the narthex; 2) our nursery is staffed each Sunday morning during the 9:20 am Education Hour and the 10:40 am service. The Nursery is located just off the Narthex -- look for our sign! are available in the rack by the elevator. Listen and bring it back or contribute one dollar if you wish to keep the tape. is available each Sunday morning. Please call the church office (289-5147) by Noon on Thursday. Large print bulletins and personal hearing devices are available in the Narthex from an Usher or at the Welcome Center. Monday through Friday 7:30 am - 4:00 pm STAFF Pastor, James W. Heining [email protected] (office) 507-289-5147 (residence) 507-282-6955 (cell) 507-202-2546 Pastor, Adam B. Koglin [email protected] (office) 507-289-5147 (cell) 507-316-8181 Director of Christian Education, Michael J. Harvey [email protected] (office) 507-289-5147 (residence) 507-529-5463 DCE Intern, Brian Weyers [email protected] (cell) 715-808-2001 Director of Parish Music, April Beckman [email protected] (office) 507-289-5147 (cell) 651-338-0354 Administrative Secretary, Christina Tjosaas [email protected] (office) 507-289-5147 (residence) 507-634-7094 Custodian, Randy Kautz [email protected] (office) 507-289-5147 (residence) 507-843-3144 Parish Nurse, Jan Dicke [email protected] (residence) 507-288-6405 Parish Nurse, Iva Kietzmann [email protected] (residence) 507-273-3809 Youth Coordinator, Lynora Miller [email protected] (residence) 507-288-7219 Nursery Coordinator, Anna Koglin [email protected] (cell) 507-316-8177
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