THE PASSPORT APPLICATION SYSTEM IS CHANGING. Passport Interviews 7HYAREPASSPORTSCHANGING 7HODOESTHISAFFECT In order to help stop fraudulent passport applications, The Identity and Passport Service (IPS) is introducing significant changes to the passport application process for first-time adult passport customers. All adults applying for a passport for the first time. This also applies to customers whose names were included in a parent’s passport. This new process does not apply to people who held their own passport as a child or those wanting to renew their passport. The benefits of these changes will be to: s s s Help fight passport fraud Help protect the UK public from identity theft Ensure the British passport stays one of the most secure and respected in the world 7HATlSCHANGING All adult customers (16 and over) applying for a passport for the first time must attend an interview with IPS in person to confirm their identity. 7ILLTHISNEWPROCESSAFFECTHOWLONGITTAKESTOGETA NEWPASSPORT Yes. First-time adult customers should allow 6 weeks from the date of application to obtain their passport and should not book any travel arrangements until the new passport is received. Because first-time adult customers now need to attend an interview, it is no longer possible for IPS to provide a Fast Track service for first-time customers. .OTE0ASSPORTRENEWALCUSTOMERSDONlTREQUIREANINTERVIEWANDCANSTILLUSETHE&AST4RACKSERVICE 7HEREWILLTHEINTERVIEWSBEHELD By early 2008 there will be 69 passport application offices in operation, holding around 600,000 interviews a year. Over 95% of the population will live within an hour’s travelling time of an interview office, from either their home or workplace. 7HATIFACUSTOMERLIVESFURTHERTHANHOURlSTRAVELLINGTIME FROMTHEIRNEARESTINTERVIEWOFüCE In some remote locations, if a customer lives more than one hour from an interview office they will be able to take advantage of secure videoconferencing facilities, where customers are interviewed by visiting a partner organisation, such as local council premises. (OWLONGWILLTHEINTERVIEWSTAKEANDWHATSORTOFQUESTIONSWILL BEASKED The whole process will take 30 minutes, including an interview of 10-20 minutes. At the interview customers will be asked basic – not deeply private – information about themselves that can be checked to confirm that they are who they say they are. (OWWILLCUSTOMERSKNOWWHETHERTHEYlREREQUIREDFOR ANINTERVIEW If customers are called to attend an interview, it is compulsory and customers will receive a letter from the IPS asking them to book an appointment. If customers do not receive a letter, they are not required to attend an interview. #ANüRSTTIMEADULTCUSTOMERSHAVETHEIRAPPLICATION FASTTRACKED No. As first time adult customers need to attend an interview, it will no longer be possible for the IPS to provide them with a fast-track service. 7ILLPEOPLESTILLBEABLETOAPPLYFORAPASSPORTATA0OST/FüCE ASTHEYDONOW Yes. First time adult customers will be able to make a passport application using the standard application form. Applications can be sent directly by post or by using the Check & Send service available at selected branches of the Post Office and Worldchoice travel agents. 7HATlSTHEPROCESS 7HATIFCUSTOMERSHAVEASPECIALREQUIREMENT A regional IPS office receives a passport application and carries out the initial identity verification process. Once identity has been verified, a letter will be sent to the customer inviting them to telephone IPS to arrange an interview. Customers who have particular requirements will be able to make this known when arranging their appointment. Examples include customers requiring language support, or customers who need to be accompanied by a helper or an interpreter (which will be provided at IPS expense) or, in the case of 16 and 17 year olds, a parent or guardian. The customer will attend the interview at the arranged location and time. (Once all the interview offices are operational, customers will be given a choice of locations at which to attend the interview, subject to availability of appointments). The interview offices have also been designed to take into account customer requirements for accessibility. Decoration incorporates high contrast to aid those with visual impairments and offices are equipped with facilities for those with hearing difficulties. IPS will then process and despatch new passports to 99.5% of first time adult customers within 15 days. This does not include the time between IPS sending an invitation to attend interview and the customer attending, as customers make their appointment booking at a time and date of their choosing. (OWCANCUSTOMERSüNDOUTMOREINFORMATION Please go to the IPS website HTTPWWWPASSPORTGOVUK or 4EXTPASSPORTtofor free.
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