The Reformation Scoop! April, 2015 Volume 8, Issue 4 Churc h Office Ho urs—9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p. m. Monday—Thursday 610-779-0534 Email: mail@ refor matio nlut Website: www.refor mationlut Reformation’s Staff Pastor: The Rev. Steven C. Claycomb [email protected] Sexton: Mike Schneeberger Housekeeper: Millie Castillo Secretary: Pam Schneeberger Treasurer: Rod Kline [email protected] Direct or of Christian Educati on and Youth: Kris Kerchner kker [email protected] Director of Music: Steph en Longenecker [email protected] Web Master: Sarah Hawk [email protected] Council Secretary: Melanie Bechtel [email protected] Congregation Council Members President: Melissa Howell-Clarke Vice President: Sarah Hawk Se cr etar y: M elan ie B ech tel Fin an cial Secr etar y: St eve Bar n ett Wendy Burnish Kath y Galbraith Chris Karasek Ginny Mengel Wendy Richards Andrew Dobr oskey Aaron Hinnershitz Carol Kohler Randy Miller Other Links: West Berks Mission District ww w. west ber k smis si on distr ict. or g NEPS Website: ELCA Website: www.elca. org Reading Berks Conference of Churches: 2 ww w. r eadin gber ks ch ur ch es. or g Journey with Jesus April 2nd -Maundy Thursday— 7:00 p.m. April 3rd —Good Friday—7:00 p.m. April 5th—An Easter Celebration!!! 8:00 a.m. and 10:45 a.m. 9:00 a.m. Easter Breakfast 10:00 a.m.—Easter Egg Hunt 3 Jazz Worship Page 4 EASTER BREAKFAST The youth and adults will be serving breakfast on Easter morning Sunday, April 5, from 9:00 a.m. to 9:45 a.m. Please sign up on the sign-up sheet on the kiosk in the narthex so we have an idea of how many to plan for. HABITAT FOR HUMANITY WORK DAY OPPORTUNITY April 11, 2015 On Saturday, April 11th from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Reformation has 10 slots reserved to work on Habitat’s latest home renovation. Anyone 16 or older may volunteer. No experience is necessary! We will meet at the church at 8:30 a.m. and carpool to their S.18th St offices for transport to the Lutheran project on S. 7th St. that they are hoping to complete by this summer. Please bring a lunch and wear sturdy, close-toed shoes, boots or sneakers Any congregation member who would like to participate or has any questions, contact Jeanne Gochnauer at 610-582 -1602 to reserve your spot and get the necessary paperwork. This is a great family activity for mothers/fathers with a son/daughter. Many times you will work alongside the future homeowner as they build sweat equity. 5 Annual Yard Sale April 25th 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Our 7th annual YARD Sale will be held rain or shine in the Fellowship Hall as we did last year. There are some important things that we will need: STUFF FOR SALE, VOLUNTEERS TO HELP COLLECT ITEMS BEFORE THE DAY OF THE SALE, VOLUNTEERS TO HELP THE DAY OF THE SALE STARTING AT 6:00 A.M. ITEMS FOR THE BAKE SALE. Please contact Candy Fantilli at 484-333-3313. We can start gathering items after Easter (April 6) in the back hallway, behind the Music Room. Graduates Reformation would like to say congratulations to all the high school and college graduates. If you will be graduating or know of someone who is, please call the church office with their name and the school they are graduating from (610-779-0534), thank you. 6 Reformation Lutheran Church Scholarship Application Deadline is April 30th. Did you know that Reformation gives a scholarship every year to one or more of our high school graduates? The scholarship is awarded to a Reformation member who is continuing their education after high school, has been active in the life of the church and has demonstrated need. The fund was established in 2005, by James Fegley in memory of his wife Pat. The fund provides a yearly reward(s). Net income from the fund is available for distribution. A committee oversees the selection of award recipients. Applications for the scholarship are available on the church website or from the church office. Worship & Volunteer Guide We will soon be producing the Worship Leadership & Church Volunteers Guide for the next six months. If you would like to be added to those who volunteer: greeters, ushers, acolyte, crucifer, reader, assisting minister, nursery, altar guild, please call the church office. Training in each of these areas will be shared. If you are currently on the list and would like to be removed, or change service times, please call the church office and let us know. As the ad in the GATHER magazine states, women read this ELCA magazine, “To pray, care and nourish our faith.” What do we Reformation women enjoy reading in this monthly magazine? Here is a small sampling: ~ "Bible Study" - The monthly Bible Study helps our understanding of Biblical passages and how our lives can be enriched and transformed through them. These studies are written by various authors; two of these authors were here at Reformation in recent years to kickoff their year-long Bible studies. ~ "Amen!" - Each month Catherine Malotky, an ELCA pastor serving at Luther Seminary as a philanthropic advisor, pens a letter to God relating to the theme/story of the month. ~"Grace Notes" - Linda Post Bushkofsky, Executive Director of Women of the ELCA, challenges readers each month to action in our community, country and world and keeps us informed about projects other women of the ELCA are doing across our country. ~ In addition to the three departments listed above, seven other regular monthly departments include the following sections: "Voices" - a message from the editor; "Family Matters"; "Earth Wise"; "Let Us Pray" and "Give Us This Day". In addition to these regular monthly features, other articles relating in some way to the month's theme can be found within the magazine's covers. Finally, a year's subscription for ten issues makes a great gift for a family member or a friend. With a paper subscription, one can also access the online magazine. A copy of GATHER can also be found in our church library. 8 WELCA EVENTS: April 6, 2015—6:30/7:00 p.m. Business Meeting and Bible Study entitled “Inspired by the Risen Lord”, led by Ruth Blatt April 14, 2015 —9:30 a.m. LWR Quilt Tying April 13, 2015—6:00 p.m. Page Turners April 13 & 27, 2015—6:00 p.m. Reformation Writers April 9 & 23, 2015—3:00 p.m. Wooly Knit-Wits May Newsletter The Deadline for articles is April 17th. Please use the green forms for newsletter and bulletin articles. They are available in the narthex and library or e-mail us: [email protected]. Articles received after the due date will not be able to be included in that newsletter. Thank you for your help in this matter. Deadline for bulletin announcements is Tuesdays at 12:00 noon. Deadline for Council reports is Wednesday, April 15th. WBMD Ascension Day Service at the Highlands Save the Date! Thursday, May 14th at 7:00 PM This service is being hosted by the Highlands in Wyomissing. The Rev. John Richter, our WBMD Associate to the Bishop, will share the message. Representatives from our Mission District will take part in the service. All are welcome! 9 Exeter Area Food Pantry News After 4 ½ years of pantry distributions, we had our first snowy pantry day this past month. Thanks to the dedication of our volunteers, the pantry still served 173 grateful families. The clothing bank was open as well, distributing a few more winter clothes, as well as some spring things. The next pantry date is Friday, April 17th from 2:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. Clients are asked to pre-register by Sunday, April 12th by calling 610-572-2344. Reformation has been asked to donate juice (non-refrigerated)—each month. A collection bin is in the hallway by the coat racks. This is a small but important way to support this ministry! Other food donations can be dropped off at church Thursday evening before the pantry from 6:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. or Friday morning from 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. The clothing bank will not be open in April. If you would like to volunteer or have any questions, please contact Melissa Howell-Clarke at 610-779-7999. God’s Work. . . Our Hands 10 Sunday School Help Needed We are in need of Sunday School teachers. You only need to volunteer for three weeks and all the preparation is done for you. Plus, you can pick what you would like to teach. The end of the year is coming quickly, so please lend a hand. There is an art-n-crafts’ room, and all the materials are provided; a drama room, where the skit is all written out; and a movie room where the Sunday school can watch a video on the current Bible lesson. You would be teaching the same thing for three weeks, having different age groups each week. If you are interested, please call Kris Kerchner at 610-370-9101, or the church office at 610-779-0534. First Communion First Communion Classes are starting Sunday, April 12th for second graders on up. Their first Communion will be on May 10th. If your child would like to attend the First Communion classes, please contact Kris Kerchner at 610-370-9101 or the church office at 610-7790534. Youth Meetings/Events Confirmation Retreat for Years 1 and 2 will be on April 19th at 5:00 p.m. This retreat will cover the sacraments, ELCA and Reformation. Youth Group will be meeting on April 12th and 26th at 6:00 p.m. 11 April 2015 Sun 5 Easter Mon 6 Tue Wed Thu Fri 1 2 Maundy Thursday 3 Good Friday 11:30 am Bible Study 1:15 pm Overeaters A. 7:00 pm Reformation Singers 7:00 pm Reunion Group 7:00 pm Scout Committee Mtg. 6:00 pm Reunion Group 7:00 pm Service 7:00 pm Service 7:00 pm Iglesia de Dios 7 8 9 10 1:00 pm GriefShare 3:00 pm Wooly Knit-Wits 6:00 pm Reunion Group 6:00 pm Daisy’s 6:30 pm Sr. Scouts 7:00 pm GriefShare 7:00 pm Social Ministry 7:00 pm Youth/Ed Mtg. 7:00 pm Iglesia de Dios Sat 4 11 8:00 am Worship 9:00 am Breakfast 9:15 am Egg Hunt 10:45 am Worship 1:00 pm Overcomers Service 2:00 pm Iglesia de Dios 6:30 pm WELCA 6:30 pm Tech. Committee 7:00 pm Igelsia de Dios 1:00 pm Gospel Study 6:30 pm Ringers 6:30 pm Property 7:00 pm Scouts 7:00 pm Exeter Band 11:30 am Bible Study 1:15 pm Overeaters A. 7:00 pm Reformation Singers 7:00 pm Reunion Group 7:00 pm Crestwood Condo’s 7:30 pm Compassionate Friends 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 8:00 am Worship 9:15 am Sunday School 9:15 am Health Minisrty 9:30 am First Communion 10:45 am Worship 12:30 pm Worship Planning 1:00 pm Overcomers Service 2:00 pm Iglesia de Dios 6:00 pm Youth Meeting 6:00 pm Reformation Writers 6:30 pm Jr. Scouts 7:00 pm Page Turners 7:00 pm Finance 7:00 pm Igelsia de Dios 9:30 am LWR Quilt Tying 1:00 pm Gospel Study 6:30 pm Ringers 7:00 pm Scouts 7:00 pm Exeter Band 11:30 am Bible Study 1:15 pm Overeaters A. 7:00 pm Reformation Singers 7:00 pm Reunion Group 1:00 pm GriefShare 2:00 pm Prepare Meal 5:00 pm Berks Probation 6:00 pm Reunion Group 6:30 pm Serve Meal 7:00 pm GriefShare 7:00 pm Food Pantry Mtg. 2:00 pm Food Pantry 6:30 pm Movie Night “Rosalie” 7:00 pm Iglesia de Dios 3:00 pm Klines Reception 19 Jazz Worship 20 21 22 23 24 25 8:00 am Worship 9:15 am Sunday School 9:30 am First Communion 10:45 am Worship 1:00 pm Overcomers Service 2:00 pm Iglesia de Dios 5:00 pm Confirmation 1 & 2 6:30 pm Berks Senior Singles 7:00 pm Igelsia de Dios 1:00 pm Gospel Study 6:15 pm Ringers 7:00 pm Scouts 7:00 pm Exeter Band 7:00 pm Council 11:30 am Bible Study 1:15 pm Overeaters A. 7:00 pm Reformation Singers 7:00 pm Reunion Group 1:00 pm GriefShare 3:00 pm Wooly Knit-Wits 6:00 pm Reunion Group 6:00 pm Daisy’s 6:30 pm Sr. Scouts 7:00 pm GriefShare 7:00 pm Iglesia de Dios 8:00 am Yard Sale 26 27 28 29 30 8:00 am Worship 9:15 am Sunday School 9:30 am First Communion 10:45 am Worship Healing Services 1:00 pm Overcomers Service 2:00 pm Iglesia de Dios 6:00 pm Youth Group 6:00 pm Reformation Writers 6:30 pm Jr. Scouts 6:30 pm Dinner Out 7:00 pm Igelsia de Dios 1:00 pm Gospel Study 6:30 pm Ringers 7:00 pm Scouts 7:00 pm Exeter Band 11:30 am Bible Study 1:15 pm Overeaters A. 7:00 pm Reformation Singers 7:00 pm Reunion Group 1:00 pm GriefShare 6:00 pm Reunion Group 6:30 pm Sr. Scouts 7:00 pm GriefShare Thrivent Choice Are you a Thrivent Member? Have you received a letter talking to you about your Thrivent Choice contribution selection? Thrivent Choice is a program established to allow members to designate contributions from Thrivent to charitable organizations. Please consider designating Reformation to receive the contributions associated with your Thrivent accounts. This is a way to provide contributions to Reformation’s ministries from Thrivent. There are several ways to enroll in the program: * Contact your Thrivent representative; * Visit the Thrivent website at thriventchoice/ * Contact the Church Treasurer for assistance. Aaron’s Acres April 12th, 9:30 a.m. Executive Director, Risa Paskoff ,will be here to talk with us about the programs at Aaron’s Acres. Risa will be in the Parish hall Sunday, April 12th at 9:30 a.m. between services. Aaron’s Acres is a organization that provides yearround social and recreational programs to children and young adults who have special needs. During summer, campers have the opportunity to participate in swimming, music therapy, horseback riding, arts and crafts, and group games. 14 March 2015 Council Highlights The spring meetings for our greater church are upcoming. The West Berks Mission District Spring Assembly will be held May 7 at Hope Lutheran Church and the Northeastern Pennsylvania Synod Assembly will be held May 29-30 at the Santander Arena in Reading. The NEPS assembly will offer ways to serve and participate for all. Reformation will need delegates for both of these meetings. We will be advertising for our part-time organist/ accompanist position through the synod, colleges, and the American Guild of Organists. The council is already talking about our block party in September! Kauffman’s Chicken BBQ has been reserved, and Bishop Zeiser has accepted an invitation to be here for our God’s Work . . Our Hands Day of Service and Celebration! Mark your calendar for September 13! The technology committee continues to work to increase our Wi-fi access in our facility. The website has 79 members registered for the membersonly section. The annual church picnic at Exeter Community Park will be held Sunday, June 14. Reformation will host an ice-breaker event for WBMD youth who are attending the National Youth Gathering at the park later that same day. 15 Gospel Study Group A new Bible study on the Gospel lessons are on will Tuesdays, at 1:00 p.m. This new group will meet in room 5 by the office. All are welcome to come, listen and participate. Movie & Lunch Bunch Join us every Wednesday at 11:30 a.m. for a movie and brief Biblical reflection. The discussion then continues at lunch along with fellowship if you wish to come to lunch with us. Bring a friend! Movie Night April’s Movie: Rosalie 6:30 p.m. on the 17th of March in room 5. Rosalie has comedy, intrigue and romance. A West Point cadet falls in love with a girl who turns out to be a princess from a European kingdom, starring Nelson Eddy, Eleanor Powell, Frank Morgan and Ray Bolger. In Harm’s Way, April’s movie will be rescheduled on another evening. 16 Grief Share Grief Share will NOT meet on Maundy Thursday, April 2 nd. We will resume on April 9th. Topics for April are: Guilt and Anger (cancelled in March by weather) Complicating Factors (cancelled in March by weather) Stuck in Grief? Lessons of Grief Not sure if Grief Share is for you? I invite you to come and sit in. You are more than welcome to try it out! Serving Jesus, Judy Plica Health Ministry Something your Health Ministry Team would like to bring to your attention appeared in the latest (March/April 2015) of the AAA On the Go Magazine. If you are on prescription medication, you may wish to consider a new program available through PA DOT. It is called “Yellow Dot.” The decal is placed in your vehicle’s lower left corner of the rear windshield. The decal alerts first responders to look for the folder that has your medical information recorded in it which you will have filled out in detail and placed in your glove box in case of emergency. AAA Reading-Berks has a limited supply of the yellow dot packets. They can be requested through the PA DOT website, or you can also visit your local DMV office. 17 From My Heart to Yours Reformation’s Health Ministry Team invites you to our next Healing Service opportunity. The date is Sunday, April 26th and follows both worship services. We ask that you remain seated for the Postlude and then move to the front of the Sanctuary. This service is rather brief (10-15 minutes) and follows the postlude as quickly as possible. You may be asking what happens or why would you want to come-----The service includes some Scripture readings as well as time for prayer and meditation. We gather at the altar, and each individual receives a blessing and anointing w/oil by Pastor Steve. An invitation is extended for individual prayer with or without a Health Ministry Team member following the time of blessing at the altar. The Bible encourages us to pray at all times and in every situation. You may come to receive a blessing for healing, not only for health concerns, but for any other life situation that is burdening you. You can also use this experience for a time of praise and Thanksgiving. The setting is personal, intimate and confidential. Come! Experience this precious Gift of the Holy Spirit. Serving Jesus, Judy Plica Philippians 4:6-7 18 Prayer List for April Please keep the following in your prayers for the coming month. If you would like to place a name on the prayer list, please call the information to Pam Schneeberger or e-mail her at [email protected]. To place someone’s name on the list, please be sure you have their permission to do so. We will keep their name on the list for three months. If the name needs to remain on the list, just call Pam with an update. Reformation Family: Patti Kline, Marion Henne, Genevie Cloak, Joyce Yerger, Bob Schaefer, Gene Osborne, Melba Stamm, Barb Regar, Minnie Kemp, Andrew Barnett, Jean Lombardi, Shannon March, Ralph DiGuardi, Bob Galbraith and Judy Dorner, George Gerhart and Linda Moyer Friends of Reformation: Ann Schaeffer, Michael Yerger, Matthew Tobias, Bob Korn, Andrea Bolger, Nancy McDermott, Karen Slyman, Brian and Judi Stufflet, Clarke Larson, Ann & Eric, Alyssa Bray, Judy Walger, Pok Strause, Joan Hinkle, Sandy Eschelbach, Cook Schrafer, Mary Tagger, Lynn Weis, Alexis Collins, Paul Lewis, Erika Wattrich, John Link, Tami Lewis, Claire Queen, Eric Kowalski, R.R.J., Mary Kreischer, James, Chris, Adam Hartswick, Suzanne Dietz, Rusty Berger, David Cappuccio, Jeff Aulenbach, Bill Jaeger, Josi Grove, Bernie Richards, The Ehrlich Family, Gloria Stricker, Hazel Aulenbach, Renee Tobias, Christopher Raybuck, Brayden, Joyce Shober, David Bowers, Nancy Hoban, Diane Stroll, Jeannie Plica, Diane Becker, Chelsee Uhrich, Adam Miller, Chris & Kelly Miller, Sarah Witney, Carter Haag, John and Dave Daniels and Jackie The Prayer List Coordinator is Pam Schneeberger. Please call the church office at 610-779-0534 or Pam at 610-370 -0790 for prayer requests. 19 Opportunity House—April 16, 2015 Food Preparers: Please meet at the church by 2:00 pm - JoAnn Smith, Bonnie Claycomb, Sue Kern and Linda Centofanti Substitute: Joanne Reinhart Servers: Please meet 6:30 p.m. at church or 6:45 p.m. at the shelterJerry Centofanti, Cathy Sarra, Doris Murray, Don Smith and Sally Rohrbach Substitute: Teri Stoddard Bakers: Nadine Blackburn, Gerry Wegman, Judy Plica and Cindy Shirey Substitute: Sara Lambert BAKERS -- Please bake any flavor box cake in a disposable 9” x 13: pan. Use icing or dust with 10x sugar. New or Updated Addresses Edwin & Margaret Kleinsmith—The Heritage Apt. L311 300 Tranquilty Lane, Reading, PA 19607 484-855-3278 George & Gloria Gerhart—Florida Address is 1212 Johnston Place The Villages, FL 32162 Sally Rohrbach— 111 E. Vine St., Fleetwood, PA 19522 484-575-8519 Keith Orth— 1205 Carsonia Ave, Reading, PA 19606 20 Maundy Thursday April 2 7:00 p.m. Greeters: Bob & Kathy Galbraith Narthex Greeter: Steve Barnett Ushers: Jerry Centofanti, Teri Stoddard Acolyte: Den Fantilli Reader: Greg Stoddard Assisting Minister: Carole Miller Nursery: Elina Fantilli Good Friday April 3 7:00 p.m. Greeters: Dale & Carole Miller Narthex Greeter: Ruth Blatt Acolyte: Elina Fantilli Ushers: Pam Schneeberger, Rich Hawk Readers: Need Volunteers Nursery: Chrystal Fost 21 APRIL SERVICE PARTICIPANTS Altar Guild 8:00 a.m. Pam Schneeberger Kathy Miller 10:45 a.m. Judy Plica Bonnie Claycomb Counters: Russ Clauser, Cal Booser and Kathy Miller Bulletin Helpers the week of: April 5 April 12 Richard & Dolores Noble April 19 Ruth Blatt April 26 Doris Murray May 3 Darlene Francis (Thursday, April 9) (Thursday, April 16) (Thursday, April 23) (Thursday, April 30) (Thursday, May 7) Greeters: 8:00 a.m. April 5 Mickey & Becky Schaeffer April 12 Diane Helm, Greeter Needed April 19 Sally Rohrbach, One More Needed April 26 Jeff & Lynn DeAcosta May 3 Mike & Sue Kern 10:45 a.m Fantilli Family J. Gochnauer, J. Reinhart Randy & Elyse Miller Rich & Patty Matijasich T. Trumbauer, N. Koesterer Narthex Greeters: 8:00 a.m. April 5 Heather McHale April 12 Melissa Howell-Clarke April 19 Jane Hinkle April 26 Judy Dorner May 3 Chip Popovici 10:45 a.m. Bonnie Claycomb Lisa Sokoloff Judy Plica Carole Miller Rich Hawk Ushers 8:00 a.m. April 5 Bryan Reichelt, Rod Kline April 12 Pat & Kathy Austin April 19 Melanie Bechtel, Usher Needed April 26 B. Rutherford, B. Seiz May 3 Jen & Charles Weaver 10:45 a.m. Tom & Beth Brezek Bob & Kathy Galbraith Chrystal Fost, Nina Koesterer S. Harner, J. Scattergood Alan & Nadine Blackburn 22 Acolyte: April 5 April 12 April 19 April 26 May 3 8:00 a.m. Cade DiGuardi Luke Hoffman Cade DiGuardi Den Fantilli Kolby Haag 10:45 a.m. Nick DeRenzi Brandon Moser Katrina Robbins Damian Clarke Owen Richards Crucifer: 8:00 a.m. 10:45 a.m. April 5 April 12 April 19 April 26 May 3 Kyle Helm - - - Nathan Rawson Elina Fantilli - - - - Angelina DeRenzi Chad Raser - - - - - - Tessa Reinhart Torch Bearers 8:00 a.m. April 5 K. & M. Kerchner Reader April 5 April 12 April 19 April 26 May 3 10:45 a.m. Todd Fiucci, Anthony Neal 8:00 a.m. Rich Hawk Pam Schneeberger Linda Centofanti Elisha Barnett Kathy Austin 10:45 a.m. Harriet Clauser Kathy Galbraith Becky Cherry Alan Blackburn Bonnie Claycomb Assisting Minister 8:00 a.m. April 5 M. Bechtel, A. DiGuardi April 12 Nursery Needed April 19 Kathy Miller April 26 Teri Stoddard May 3 Brenda Haag 10:45 a.m. J. Gochnauer, K. Killoran Maddie Miller Kathy Galbraith Alan Blackburn Emily Moser Nursery April 5 April 12 April 19 April 26 May 3 10:45 a.m. Sara Lambert Chris & Wendy Richards Robyn Shaffer Tammy Moser 23 Patty Matijasich 8:00 a.m. Kira Shultz Diane & Kierstin Helm Need Nursery Nastya Fantilli Elina Fantilli April 5, 2015—Easter Services at 8:00 & 10:45 a.m. Easter Breakfast at 9:00 a.m. Easter Egg Hunt at 10:00 a.m. April 2, 2015, Good Friday Service at 7:00 p.m. April 2, 2015, Maundy Thursday Service at 7:00 p.m. Worship Services at 8:00 a.m. and 10:45 a.m. Sunday School at 9:15 a.m. Service Schedule ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED Reformation Evangelical Lutheran Church 3670 Perkiomen Avenue Reading, PA 19606 PERMIT #478 READING, PA PAID U. S. POSTAGE Nonprofit Organization
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