Mif ® Mifepristone 200mg tablet Presentation Mif: Each tablet contains Mifepristone 200mg Description Mifepristone is an antiprogestin; that is, it blocks the action of progesterone, a naturally produced hormone that prepares the inner lining of the uterus for implantation of a fertilized ovum and support of a growing embryo and placenta. The drug is taken orally in a prescribed dose during the first seven to nine weeks of pregnancy, and within two days the uterine lining begins to deteriorate, usually causing bleeding similar to that experienced during normal menstruation. The Mifepristone is then followed up by a dose (taken orally or as a vaginal suppository) of the synthetic prostaglandin Misoprostol, which stimulates the uterus to undergo contractions. The embryo and other uterine contents are expelled in a process very similar to spontaneous abortion or miscarriage. Indication and Usage As a medical alternative to surgical termination of intra-uterine pregnancy Softening and dilatation of the cervix uteri prior to surgical pregnancy termination Preparation for the action of prostaglandin analogues in the termination of pregnancy for medical reasons Labour induction for the expulsion of a dead fetus (fetal death in utero). Dosage and Administration There are no precautions for timing in relation to food. As a medical alternative to surgical termination of intra-uterine pregnancy in early pregnancy: 600 mg Mifepristone (3 tablets) in a single oral dose followed 36-48 hrs later, by the administration of a prostaglandin analogue Misoprostol 400 mcg orally (up to 49 days) or Gemeprost 1 mg vaginally (up to 63 days). Softening and dilatation of the cervix uteri prior to surgical pregnancy termination: 200 mg Mifepristone (one tablet), followed 36-48 hrs later (but not beyond) by a surgical termination of pregnancy. Preparation for the action of prostaglandin analogues in the termination of pregnancy for medical reasons (to reduce the doses of prostaglandin): 600 mg of Mifepristone (3 tablets) taken in a single oral dose, 36-48 hrs prior to scheduled prostaglandin administration which will be repeated as often as indicated. Labour induction for expulsion of a dead fetus (fetal death in utero): 600 mg of Mifepristone in a single oral daily dose for 2 consecutive days. Mifepristone alone leads to expulsion in about 60%. Labour should be induced by the usual methods if it has not started within 72 hrs following the first administration of Mifepristone. Side-effects It is very common for women to experience uterine contractions or cramping (10-45%) in the hours following prostaglandin intake. Bleeding increases with gestational age. Heavy bleeding occurs in about 5% of cases and from 0-1.4% may require haemostatic curettage. Uterine rupture, hypotension, skin rashes, urticaria, hot flashes and dizziness have been uncommonly reported. Contraindications Mifepristone must not be administered if there is doubt as to the existence or age of the pregnancy or if an extra-uterine pregnancy is suspected. An ultrasound scan and/or measurement of Beta-hCG must be performed before administration. For first trimester abortions, Mifepristone is contraindicated if the pregnancy is beyond 49 days of amenorrhoea when used with Misoprostol, or beyond 63 days of amenorrhoea when used with Gemeprost. Mifepristone should never be prescribed in patients with chronic adrenal failure, known allergy to Mifepristone or to any component of the product, severe asthma uncontrolled by corticosteroid therapy, porphyrias and renal failure, liver failure or malnutrition, or during breast feeding. Mifepristone is a lipophilic compound and may theoretically be excreted in the mother's breast milk, however no data is available. Precautions Mifepristone is available only in single dose packaging. Administration must be under the supervision of a qualified physician.There are no data on the safety and efficacy of Mifepristone in women with chronic medical conditions such as cardiovascular, hypertensive, hepatic, respiratory or renal disease; insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus; severe anemia or heavy smoking. Women who are more than 35 years of age and who also smoke 10 or more cigarettes per day should be treated with caution because such patients were generally excluded from clinical trials of Mifepristone. Kol ® KoPlKk´PˆJj 200Ko.V´J. aqJmPua Ck˙Jkj Kol® : Kol® Fr k´KfKa aqJmPua F rP~PZ KoPlKk´PˆJj 200 Ko.VsJ.Ç Use in Pregnancy and Lactation Pregnancy: Mifepristone is indicated for use in the termination of pregnancy (through 49 days' pregnancy) and has no other approved indication for use during pregnancy. metjJ: KoPlKk´PˆJj FTKa FK≤Pk´JP\Kˆj, AyJ ßk´JP\Pˆrj (FTKa k´JTíKfTnJPm ‰fKr yrPoJj pJ KjKwÜ KcÍJeM ZzJPjJr \jq \rJ~Mr KnfPr xÄPpJV ‰fKr TPr FmÄ Ã∆e S IorJr mOK≠Pf xyJ~fJ TPr) Fr TJ\PT mÅJiJ ßh~Ç SwMiKa KjPhtKvf oJ©J IjMpJ~L VntiJrPer 79 x¬JPyr oPiq ßUPf y~ FmÄ 2 KhPjr oPiq \rJ~Mr xÄPpJPVr Im~ Êr∆ y~, xJiJref ˝JnJKmT oJKxPTr of rÜãre y~Ç fJrkr KoPlKk´PˆJjPT KxjPgKaT ßk´JˆJVäJK¥j KoPxJPk´JÓu Fr KjPhtKvf oJ©J KhP~ IjMxre TrJ y~ pJ \rJ~MPT xÄPTJKYf yPf C¨L¬ TPrÇ Ã∆e FmÄ \rJ~Mr Kmw~m˜áPT ˝f°áft VntkJPfr oJiqPo mJAPr ßmr TPr ßh~Ç Lactation: It is not known whether Mifepristone is excreted in human milk. Many hormones with a similar chemical structure, however, are excreted in breast milk. Since the effects of Mifepristone on infants are unknown, breast-feeding women should consult with their health care provider to decide if they should discard their breast milk for a few days following administration of the medications. KjPhtvjJ \rJ~M˙ VntJm˙J KjotNPu vuqKYKT&xJr KmT· KYKT&xJvJ˘L~ k≠Kf vuqKYKT&xJr oJiqPo VnJtm˙J KjotNPur kNPmt \rJ~Mr xJrKné Fr jroTrj S k´xJrPe vuqKYKT&xJr oJiqPo VnJtm˙J KjotNPu ßk´JˆJVäJK¥j FjJuPVr Kâ~Jr \jq k´˜áKfPf oOf Ã∆Per mJAPr KjVtoPjr \jq k´xPmr xNYjJTP· Use in children Safety and effectiveness in pediatric patients have not been established. oJ©J S mqmyJrKmKi UJmJPrr xJPg xfTtfJoNuT ßTJj xŒTt ßjAÇ k´JgKoT VntJm˙J~ \rJ~M˙ VnJtm˙J KjoNtPu vuqKYKT&xJr KmT· KYKT&xJvJ˘L~ k≠KfPf : 600 Ko.V´J. KoPlKk´PˆJj (3 Ka aqJmPua) FTT oJ©J~ ßUPf yPm pJ 3648 W≤J kr ßk´JˆJVäJK¥j FjJuV KoPxJPk´JÓu 400 oJAPâJV´Jo oMPU (49 Khj kpt∂) IgmJ 1 Ko.V´J. K\PoPk´JÓ ßpJKj kPg (63 Khj kpt∂) mqmyJr ÆJrJ IjMxOf yPmÇ vuqKYKT&xJr oJPiqPo VntJm˙J KjoNtPur kNPmt \rJ~Mr xJrJKné Fr jroTrj S k´xJrPe : 200Ko.V´J. KoPlKk´PˆJj (1 Ka aqJmPua) UJS~Jr 3648 W≤J kr vuqKYKT&xJr oJiqPo VnJtm˙J KjoNtu k´Kâ~J IjMxre TrJ yPmÇ vuqKYKT&xJr oJiqPo VntJm˙J KjotNPu ßk´JˆJVäJK¥j FjJuPVr Kâ~Jr \jq k´˜áKfPf (ßk´JˆJVäJK¥j Fr oJ©J ToJPf): KjitJKrf ßk´JˆJVäJK¥j ßxmPjr 3648 W≤J kNPmt KjPhtvjJ IjMpJ~L kMjrJ~ 600 Ko.V´J. KoPlKk´PˆJj (3Ka aqJmPua) FTT oJ©J~ ßUPf yPm pJ KjPhtvjJ IjMpJ~L kMjrJmOK• yPf kJPrÇ k´xPmr xNYjJTP· oOf Ã∆Per mJAPr KjVtoPjr \jq: 600 Ko.V´J, KoPlKk´PˆJj (3Ka aqJmPua) FTT oJ©J~ kr kr 2 Khj PUPf yPmÇ KoPlKk´PˆJj FTJA k´J~ 60% KjVtoj TPrÇ ˝JnJKmT k≠KfPfA k´xPmr xNYjJ yS~J CKYf fPm pKh 72 W≤Jr oPiq Êr∆ jJ y~ fJyPu KoPlKk´PˆJPjr k´go ßxmjoJ©J IjMxOf yPmÇ Although there is no clinical evidence, the effectiveness of Mifepristone may be lower if Misoprostol is administered more than two days after Mifepristone administration. Drug interactions No interaction studies have been performed. On the basis of this drug's metabolism by CYP3A4, it is possible that ketoconazole, itraconazole, erythromycin and grapefruit juice may inhibit its metabolism (increasing serum levels of mifepristone). Furthermore, rifampicin, dexamethasone, St John's Wort and certain anticonvulsants (phenytoin, phenobarbital, carbamazepine) may induce mifepristone metabolism (lowering serum levels of Mifepristone). Based on invitro inhibition information, co-administration of mifepristone may lead to an increase in serum levels of drugs that are CYP3A4 substrates. Limited evidence suggests that co-administration of NSAIDs on the day of prostaglandin administration does not adversely influence the effects of Mifepristone or the prostaglandin on cervical ripening or uterine contractility and does not reduce the clinical efficacy of medical termination of pregnancy. Overdosage Single doses of Mifepristone up to 2G caused no unwanted reaction. In the event of massive ingestion, signs of adrenal failure might occur. Acute intoxication may require admission to hospital and if relevant treatment with dexamethasone. Storage Store in a cool and dry place, away from light & children. Commercial Pack Mif® : Each box contains 1 x 3’s tablets in Alu-Alu blister strips. ® Trade Mark Renata Limited Mirpur, Dhaka, Bangladesh kJvõtk´KfKâ~J Pk´JˆJVäJK¥j ßxmPjr xoP~ oKyuJPhr \rJ~Mr xÄPTJYj IgmJ KUÅYáKj yS~J UMmA ˝JnJKmTÇ VntTJu mOK≠r xJPg xJPg rÜãre mJPzÇ 5% ßãP© k´Yár rÜãre y~ FmÄ 01.4% ßãP© ßyPoJˆqJKaT KTCPrPa\ Fr k´P~J\j kPzÇ \rJ~Mr KZhs yS~J, Kjoú rÜYJk, IJKatTqJKr~J, ArJAPgsJcJroJ, ArJAPgoJ jcáxJo xYrJYr CPuäKUf j~Ç k´KfKjPhtvjJ KoPlKk´PˆJj ImvqA ßxmj TrJ pJPm jJ pKh VntiJrPer xo~TJu KjP~ xPªy IgmJ \rJ~M IKfKrÜ VntiJre yP~PZ iJreJ TrJ y~Ç ßxmj TrJr kNPmt ImvqA FTKa IJæsJxJC¥ ÛqJj FmÄ / IgmJ KmaJ FAY Kx K\ TrPf yPmÇ 1o K©oJPx VntkJPfr \jq, KoPxJPk´JÓu Fr xJPg mqmyJr Fr PãP© KoPlKk´PˆJj k´KfKjPhtvT pKh oJKxT mº 49 KhPjr ßmKv xo~ IJPV yP~ gJPT IgmJ K\PoPk´JÓ Fr xJPg mqmyJPrr PãP© S k´KfKjPhtvT pKh oJKxT mº 63 KhPjr ßmKv xo~ IJPV y~Ç âKjT FPcsjJu PlAuMqr, KoPlKk´PˆJj mJ Fr ßTJj CkJhJPjr ksKf FuJK\t, TKatTPˆrP~c ÆJrJ IKj~Kπf fLms võJx TÓ, kr'lJAKr~Jx FmÄ oN©v~ KmTu, pTíf KmTu IgmJ IkMKÓ IgmJ ˜jqhJjTJrL ßrJVLPhr ßãP© KoPlKk´PˆJj TUPjJA ßxmj TrJ pJPm jJÇ KoPlKksPˆJj KuPkJKlKuT CkJhJj FmÄ f•ôL~nJPm oJP~r hMPi KjÎxOf yPf kJPr, pKhS ßTJj cJaJ kJS~J pJ~KjÇ xfTtfJ KoPlKk´PˆJj ÊiMoJ© FTT oJ©Jr kqJPTa F kJS~J pJ~Ç ImvqA FT\j CkpMÜ KYKT&xT Fr f•ôJmiJPj ßxmj TrPf yPmÇ Pp xTu oKyuJ hLWt Khj iPr KYKT&xJvJ˘L~ Im˙J ßpoj TJKctSnJxTáuJr, CóYrÜYJk, pTíf, võJxk´võJx IgmJ oN©JvP~r ßrJV: AjxMKuj Kjntr cJ~JPmKax, fLms rÜvNjqfJ S IKiT iNokJjTJrLPhr ßãP© KoPlKk´PˆJPjr ßTJj KjrJkh mJ TJptTrL cJaJ ßjAÇ ßp xTu oKyuJr m~x 35 Fr ßmKv FmÄ KhPj 10 mJ fJr IKiT KxVJPra iNokJj TPr fJPhr ßãP© xfTtfJr xJPg KYKT&xJ KhPf yPm TJre ßxA irPjr ßrJVLPhr KoPlKk´PˆJj Fr KTîKjTqJu asJ~Ju ßgPT mJh ßh~J yP~KZuÇ pKhS ßTJj KTîKjTqJu k´oJe ßjA, fPm KoPlKksPˆJj Fr TJptTJrLfJ TPo ßpPf kJPr pKh KoPlKk´PˆJj ßxmj Fr 2 KhPjr ßmKv xo~ kr KoPxJPk´JÓu ßxmj TrJ y~Ç VntJm˙J~ S ˜jqhJjTJPu mqmyJr VntJm˙J~ KoPlKk´PˆJj VntJm˙J (49 KhPjr oPiq) KjotNPur \jq KjPhtKvf FmÄ VntJm˙J~ IjqPTJj KjPhtvjJ~ mqmyJr IjMPoJKhf j~Ç ˜jqhJjTJPu: KoPlKksPˆJj oJP~r mMPTr hMPi KjÎxOf y~ KTjJ \JjJ pJ~ KjÇ KT∂á FTA rJxJ~KjT VbPjr IPjT yrPoJj oJP~r hMPi KjÎxOf y~Ç ßpPyfá mJóYJPhr ßãP© KoPlKk´PˆJj Fr k´nJm \JjJ pJ~ Kj, ßxPyfá ˜jqhJjTJrL oJP~Phr CKYf KYKT&xPTr xJPg krJovt TPr SwMi ßxmPjr KTZáKhj ˜jqhJj ßgPT Kmrf gJTJÇ KvÊPhr ßãP© KvÊPhr ßãP© KoPlKk´PˆJPjr KjrJk•J S TJptTJrLfJ k´KfKÔf y~KjÇ csJV A≤JrqJTvj ßTJj A≤JrqJTvj ˆJKc TrJ y~ KjÇ csJV ßoaJmKu\o KnK• IjMpJ~L CYP3A4 Fr oJiqPo ßoaJmKu\o y~, fJA KTPaJPTJjJ\u, AasJPTJjJ\u, ArJAPgsJoJAKxj FmÄ IJñMPrr rx SwMiKar ßoJaJmKu\Po mJiJ KhPf kJPr (rÜrPx KoPlKk´PˆJj Fr WjoJ©J mJzPf gJPT) Ç fJZJzJ KrlJKŒKxj, ßcéJKogJPxJj, Fx Ka \'j Sat FmÄ KjKhtÓ KUYáKjPrJiL (ßlKjaAj, ßlPjJmJKmtaJu, TJmtJoJP\Kkj) SwMi KoPlKk´PˆJPjr ßoaJmKu\o xNYjJ TrPf kJPr (rÜrPx KoPlKksPˆJj Fr WjoJ©J ToPf gJPT)Ç Phy Inq∂rLj fPgqr Ckr KnK• TPr, CYP3A4 Fr xJmPˆsa Fr xJPg KoPlKk´PˆJPjr xyPpJVL ßxmPj rÜrPx SwMièPuJr kKroJe mOK≠ TPr xLKof k´oJe k´˜Jm TPr ßp ßk´JˆJVäJK¥j ßxmPjr KhPj FjFxFIJAKc Fr xyPpJVL ßxmPj KoPlKk´PˆJj Fr Kâ~J~ ßTJj ãKfTJrT k´nJm kPz jJ IgmJ xJrnJATJu rJAPkKjÄ IgmJ \rJ~Mr xÄPTJYPj ßk´JˆJVäJK¥j Fr mqmyJPr KYKT&xJvJ˘L~ VntJm˙J KjotNPu KTîKjTqJu TJptTJrLfJ TPo jJÇ oJ©JKiTq FTT oJ©J~ 2 V´Jo kpt∂ KoPlKk´PˆJj ßTJj Ik´fqJKvf k´nJm ßlPujJÇ IKfoJ©J~ ßxmPj FPcsjJu TPaté ßlAuMqr Fr uãe ßhUJ pJPmÇ fLms ßxmPj yJxkJPu nKftr k´P~J\j yPf kJPr FmÄ ßcéJKogJPxJPjr xJPg IJjMwKñT KYKT&xJ KhPf yPf kJPrÇ xÄrãe IJPuJ ßgPT hNPr, ÊÏ S bJ¥J ˙JPj rJUMjÇ KvÊPhr jJVJPur mJKyPr rJUMjÇ mJKjK\qT ßoJzT Kol® : k´KfKa mJPé rP~PZ 3Ka aqJmPua Fr 1Ka IqJuMIqJuM KmäˆJr ˆsLkÇ ® Trademark k´˜áfTJrT„ ßrjJaJ KuKoPac KorkMr, dJTJ, mJÄuJPhv
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