St. Melʼs iPad upgrade instructions:

Feb 2012
St. Melʼs iPad upgrade instructions:
If you are a parent who has for some reason already updated your child’s iPad
to iOS5, you may ignore these instructions. If however you have an iPad that
has not been updated since you received it last year, please follow the simple
instructions on the following pages to update your child’s device to iOS5.
The entire process should only take about an hour, and much of that time will
not require your attention while the device downloads, installs and then
restores data to the iPad. During this time the computer should not be allowed
to go to sleep, or be turned off, and the iOS device should not be disconnected
from the computer.
These are the knowledge base article instructions from Apple’s website.
As part of the update and restore process, iTunes will (in order):
Back up key elements of your device, such as settings, Contacts,
Calendars, Notes, and your Camera Roll1. iTunes will not, however, back
up media content from your iOS device, such as music, apps, books,
movies, and TV shows.
Update your device to iOS 5.
Restore your device from your most recent backup.
Restart your device.
Sync back media content from your iTunes Library to your device2.
Feb 2012
Updating your iOS device
Time to finish: about an hour
iTunes can update your device to the latest available iOS software. An update doesn't
affect your user content or settings. iTunes creates a backup of your iOS device and
then performs the update, but we are going to be extra careful and do a transfer and
backup of our own. Follow these steps to
update your device:
Verify that you are using the latest
version of iTunes before attempting to
update by selecting Check for Updates.
Connect your iOS device to your
computer using the white USB connector
that came with the device, or another if
you have replaced it.
Select your iOS
device when it appears in iTunes under Devices.
Right click on the
device you wish to
update and select
Transfer Purchases
from “Your device
name” then follow the
onscreen prompts until
that process is done.
Right click on your device again and this time
from the same menu select “Back Up”. Wait for
the backup to complete. If iTunes asks you to
provide a password, please make note of the
backup password you use so you can use it
again to restore your iPad later.
Feb 2012
Select the Summary tab as shown above.
In the area below
where it says
click "Check for
Update" from within
the Summary tab.
Follow the On-Screen prompts that will lead you through the acceptance of the new
software. If you see prompts for a password at any point in this process simply enter the
password you used for the device backup mentioned in the previous page.
iTunes will update your iPad and eventually will tell you that your iOS device was
restored successfully and there are just a few more steps until you are done.
Pick up your iPad and follow the setup steps. Your choices at this stage are important
so please look at the following screen shots, and read the instructions carefully.
Feb 2012
Once your iPad is finished loading iOS5 you will see this screen. Slide the slider at the
bottom to set up the device.
Feb 2012
Click Continue
Feb 2012
Enable Location Services on the device
Feb 2012
Sign in with the AppleID you use to purchase Apps for your student
Feb 2012
Read and agree to the Terms and Conditions statement.
Feb 2012
Wait for Apple to confirm your AppleID
Feb 2012
You have the option here of backing up to iCloud or backing up to your
computer. We recommend that you continue to backup to your computer. To
do that, select Don’t Use iCloud at this prompt.
Feb 2012
Choose Back Up to My Computer at this option (please note the graphic
changes if you select Back Up to iCloud)
Feb 2012
Select to Use Find My iPad. It will be associated with the AppleID you
entered several pages ago.
Feb 2012
You may choose to send diagnostic information to Apple or not based on
your personal preference. Your choice on this item will not affect the device
for the schools purposes.
Feb 2012
You are done!
At this point, you have successfully completed the update to iOS5. If you have any
problems at all, or want to ask for assistance please let us know. We want you to have
the best experience possible with your new device and hope these instructions will
make every step along the path an easy one.